Chapter 99

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Alexander POV:

My head hung low as I felt a tight slap on my face.

"Tell me where Arnold is," the Cockroach King asked in a cold, monotonous voice. Blood flowed from my mouth as I looked at him with emotionless eyes.

"Daddy... I'm afraid this bastard was seduced by that bitch. That's why he wasn't saying anything," Lisa spoke angrily. I mockingly looked at her.

"Looks like you're right, little one!" the Cockroach King angrily spoke as he slapped me again and ordered, "Break his legs."

I gritted my teeth as three big, disgusting, dark reddish-brown cockroaches started crawling toward me. I roared in pain, but it was in vain. I felt a tight grip on my legs.

"Haha... You know, little one, cursed beastmen are destined to die brutally," the Cockroach King spoke as he smoothed his daughter's back.

They were a disgusting father and daughter pair of cockroaches.

Tears welled up in my eyes as one of my legs broke. Now I was limp, lying lifelessly on the smelly floor. I didn't have any goals or reasons to live anymore.

"Stay alive," Arnold's words suddenly came to my mind, along with the cute little cubs' faces.

I coughed up blood as everything became blurry around me. Darkness surrounded me, and I felt heavy and numb.

"Disgusting beast," Lisa spat on me. I didn't have the strength to do anything as I lay there.

Sirius POV:

I lay in my nest without moving, not wanting to budge even a little bit. For food, I had been eating fish, and now my mouth smelled like fish too.

I thought it was disgusting, but I didn't know how to remove the smell. I remembered an encounter after I woke up from my hibernation.


I was frantic when I woke up and didn't find Luca and my love. I looked around everywhere and found some clues where the dead bodies of T-rexes were.

I knew her scent, so I followed it in that direction. I encountered various tribes along the way and was almost beaten by their beasts, but I didn't care. I was worried about their safety.

"Hey," I asked someone when I came across the Fox tribe.

She was a fat Cockroach belle and looked at me as if I were crazy, wondering where her mates were.

"Do you know a beautiful belle with brown, long hair?" I asked coldly.

She pointed her finger, and I raised my eyebrows as she started giggling.

I gritted my teeth and asked, "Do you know her?"

"Gaggaaa gu geee... Heeehhehehh," she started babbling, and her fat body began bouncing.

"What...?" This belle was crazy. I almost wanted to run, but she grabbed my arms. I pushed her, and she fell on her ass.

"Guuuuuuuuu gaaaaaaaaaaa... Hahahahahah," she crazily looked at me and giggled.

"Leave me alone," I spoke, wanting to run. However, she started running after me.

I was going crazy.

"Fuuu... Ggagavagg... Hheee," and I ran. When I looked back, that crazy female was grabbed by an angry beast who slapped her face.

I was stunned. Could any beau beat their own belle?

But I didn't care anyway.

And when I went to another tribe to inquire if they had seen any mermen and a beautiful belle... but they said they didn't know.

Finally, I had a clue when I smelled Luca's scent in a nearby area. I followed the smell.

It was Sparky season, and I looked for the source of the loud voices. And there, I saw Luca and my belle together.

At that moment, my blood was boiling.

*Flashback ends*

I never wanted to encounter that crazy belle again. I think I should leave my nest. However, when I heard loud thumping on the ground in the distance, my eyes turned cold.

Why were so many beasts coming in the direction of this house?

20 January 2024

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