Chapter 3

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"Fiorella," he introduced himself with a charming smile on his lips, "my name is Sebastian, a member of the White Fox Tribe."

White Fox Tribe? What does that mean? And why is he not wearing any clothes?

"You... uh... why are you naked? Can you change your clothes.." I stuttered, avoiding direct eye contact with him.

I could hear some rustling sounds, and then he said, "Belle, you can look now." I turned my gaze and saw that he had wrapped some animal skin around his waist, but he still looked incredibly attractive.

He seemed confused by my reaction. I glanced at him and my surroundings before asking, "Sebastian, where did you find me?" His face lit up with a smile.

"I found you in the forest," he replied, gently guiding me to sit on the stone bed where I had been resting earlier. "You were all alone, so I brought you here."

But I wasn't in a forest but City. How did I end up here?

He continued to look at me expectantly, as if waiting for something.

What was he expecting from me?

"And what do you mean by being from the Fox tribe?" I asked, trying to make sense of his words. He looked at me with a confused expression, and I couldn't help but get lost in his captivating eyes.

"I am indeed from the Fox tribe," Sebastian reiterated before transforming into a majestic white fox right before my eyes.

I gasped in astonishment, feeling a mix of shock and curiosity. Instead of fear, I was drawn to this incredible transformation.

He changed back into his human form, now looking concerned. "What happened, Fiorella? Are you okay?" he asked, his gaze fixed on me.

I mustered a trembling voice and asked, "Can you please tell me where I am?"

"You're in the West Forest, part of the Fox Tribe's territory. However, I live alone in this forest," he explained.

So, when I passed out, I somehow ended up in a world where animals can transform.

"Are you separated from your own tribe, Fiorella?" he inquired. If I revealed my true origin, I wasn't sure if I would be treated like an alien.

"Yes, I am lost. My tribe was far away," I replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any idea about the location or the name of your tribe? Maybe I can help you find them," he offered. I Stiffened Hearing him.

"N-no, they are no longer alive," I said. He looked at me with sympathy and pulled me into a comforting hug. "Don't worry, Fiorella. I will take care of you," he assured me sincerely. I could feel his well-sculpted abs against me, and I couldn't help but blush as I gently pulled away from the embrace.

Fiore was the first nickname I had ever received from a fox-man I had just met.

I was relieved that he didn't press me for more details. Although I had no clue about the tribe he spoke of, it seemed like a city or village of some sort.

5 April 2023

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