Chapter 38

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Sebastian POV

When I woke up, I didn't felt Pain as I imagined of bone crushing. Suddenly I remember we fought...and Charles..and Freya...

"CHARLES...FREYA" As I slowly regained consciousness, my bleary eyes scanned the surroundings it's was my tribe's healer cave. To my surprise, I saw Ethan, Charles, and Caelum lying nearby.

Hearing my voice Charles woke up, with tears tears brimming in his eyes, I rushed to him and held him close in my arms, letting him know he was not alone.

"Let's go to find Freya..." When Charles whispered I nodd my head, We have find freya I don't know What happened we're fighting with den devil and suddenly when his foot about to crush us I don't remember anything afterwards.

Hearing our voice Ethan and Caelum also wakeup, I also hugged them one by one.

Without caring how we Healed, We ran outside cave to find Freya in our Beast form I don't know what happened to her we have to find her quickly.

"Where are you going" Stopped by Panther I Growled Angrily I told him In Beast language 'We have to find freya don't waste our time'

"No..She killed dendevil" Panther spoke his voice is very clam, I was shocked Freya had killed dendevil.

"How is it possible" Caelum Spoke his face was very tense.

"It is possible" Charles spoke slowly.

"Yeah..I think another side of her..." Ethan comes to conclusion, we all looked at eachother.

"But we still have to find her quickly.." I spoke as We ran towards direction where last time we fought. this time panther also followed.



This forest was very dense, but better than hot weather and bloody grey sky of apocalypse, using my Earth ability I cut vines that comes on my way, I have been walking from seems like hours, I can't even drive my RV here.

As the evening crept in, I realized that spending the night in this forest could be a risky proposition. I felt a sense of urgency to find my way out and seek refuge somewhere safer.

As the darkness enveloped me, I quickly reached for my torch, scanning the surroundings. I actually want to sleep but I couldn't afford to become too complacent and sleep here with my concious on my comfortable Space, as there was always the possibility of being devoured by ravenous animals.

As I went on my way, my senses suddenly heightened and I became aware of a presence nearby. My eyes instinctively narrowed as I slowly walked ahead, trying to remain inconspicuous. At the corner of my vision, I could still spot a pair of many crimson eyes glaring hungrily at me, eagerly awaiting the chance to make me their prey.

Still walking Ahed no paying attention to wolf group

As I gazed upon the completed Forest and the now exposed cliffs, I couldn't help but notice the faint glow of the moon that still managed to penetrate the darkness. A sly smirk crawled across my face as I realized that the Wolf group was now fully prepared to pounce on me.






As the fierce wolves suddenly lunged at me, I swiftly sidestepped their attack with a quick dodge. With a blur of movement, I kicked one of them back with my leg whilst simultaneously unleashing a sharp counterattack on the other with my elbow. These were not ordinary wolves; they were Wild Wolves.

With my powerful light ability at my fingertips, I conjure a devastating shock wave that sends the opposing group reeling. Their wide-eyed expressions only make me feel happy, huh! never expected prey can attack. summoning vines to ensnare them and throw them mercilessly into the forest. They're very smaller than Beastman I saw in memory so they're not Beastman.

Rubbing over My mate's mark I looked up in moon, I walked towards cliff and sat on edge, in down there was Ocean Waves are looked extremely clam.

I gently ran my fingers over my mate's mark, feeling the connection between us. As I gazed up at the moon in the sky, I made my way towards the cliff's edge, taking a seat and gazing down at the ocean below. The waves were now calm.

As I gazed up at the starry sky, I couldn't help but be captivated by the moon's glow illuminating the vast ocean beneath. The water looked so deep and beautiful that I couldn't help but be in awe. Despite the cold and refreshing winds, I felt comfortable and refreshed different from the the chaotic nature of my everyday life in apocalypse.

The endless expanse of the ocean and the sparkling allure of the stars above created a breathtaking scene.

Sebastian POV

Abruptly, my steps came to a halt as I felt the magnetic pull of my mate.

My voice was barely audible as I uttered, "I can feel her..." The silence was palpable as everyone halted in their footsteps, waiting for me to continue.

"Yeah I also feel it" Charles smiled After long time, It had been a while since our tireless efforts to locate her began, venturing in multiple directions, and now it was a moment of relief that we finally rendezvoused at the designated spot.

Caelum's words exuded an electrifying energy as he declared, "She's safe! I can sense her mood." His eyes lit up with enthusiasm as he continued, "What's more, we can track her too!"

Ethan sat calmly on the soft ground, cradling his cherished gift - a glimmering red ring and stuffed bear - in the palm of his hand. Tears of joy glistened in his eyes.

I don't why Both of them Got mate gift until now.

Sunday, 28may 2023

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