Chapter 111

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Luciano POV

"It's not safe for our baby," I expressed my concern, regretting bringing her along to save Arnold's friend. Now that she's pregnant, I'm extremely worried.

I recall the times She was intimate with Charles and Sebastian... and with me.I can't risk anything happening to her.

"No, Luciano. I want to save him," She insisted firmly, making my heart sink.

"No," I said, noticing his eyes welling up with tears. I sighed, relenting, and replied, "Okay."

"You told me to participate in Belle activities, so what should I do for the ceremony?" Rosa asked, pouting as he lazily leaned against Aurora.

"Do what you're best at," Aurora suggested.

"Haha! What's he best at? If you ask him to dance, he'd be a boneless flower, and if you ask him to sing, he'd be a withered flower without water," Caelum chimed in, entering with a bunch of mangoes.

"Peacock Bitch!" Rosa shot Caelum a glare, his expression sour.

"Where are Arnold and Sirius?" Caelum inquired, scanning the room.

"They went outside," I responded.

"Caelum!" Rosa called out again.

"Just call me Kai. We need to be on guard," Caelum said, taking out a knife and beginning to slice the mangoes.

"I need to wash these," he muttered.


"She's pregnant!" Rosa shouted once more.

"Who?" Caelum still didn't pay attention.

Their interactions were always amusing to watch.

"Bitch, who else? Your mate," Rosa exclaimed again.

"My mate... Oh—wait, my wife!" Suddenly, Caelum shouted, accidentally cutting his finger with the knife.

"Careful!" Rosa rushed to Caelum's side, sucking on his injured finger as they locked eyes.

I glanced at Aurora, who stood awkwardly by. Gesturing for her to sit beside me, I couldn't help but enjoy her fragrance and the softness of her skin against mine.

"That's enough of your romance," I interjected lazily.

"No way!" they both exclaimed simultaneously, shooting each other glares.

"Romance with Rosa? Eww! Eww!" Caelum made a disgusted face.

Rosa rolled his eyes. "Not someone who was saying 'my rose' all the time outside," he mocked Caelum's previous words.

"It's just acting... and who am I even talking to? A flower who doesn't understand anything," Caelum retorted, earning a push from Rosa.

"Enough, guys. You're not cubs," I reprimanded.

Both turned away from each other, mumbling insults.

"Peacock Bitch."

"Boneless flower."

"Are you really pregnant?" Caelum's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Aurora's expression softened as she looked at Caelum and nodded.




Cheers erupted, and I watched Caelum speed around the cave, his wings spread wide. His excitement was infectious.

"Oh my Beast god!, you're amazing!" he exclaimed, turning human again and pulling her close, showering her with kisses.

"Eww... Caelum, at least wear something," Rosa protested, covering his eyes.

"We all have the same body. What do you have to be ashamed of?" Caelum rolled his eyes.

After meeting Rosa, he seemed to have developed a habit of rolling his eyes.

"Just cover up," Rosa insisted. "How would you feel if your mate walked around naked and other beasts saw him?"


"Don't even talk about that," Caelum and I said simultaneously.

Rosa shrunk back in fear. "I'm just saying, if we were naked and other Belles saw our bodies, how would our wife feel?"

Silence fell over us.

"It's not like we roam around naked outside," Caelum said, wrapping himself in an animal skirt.

"I need to tell Sebby, Ethan, Luca, and Charles about this news, but I can't do anything," Caelum sighed.

"Give me my mangoes," Aurora requested.

"Of course, here you go," Caelum handed her the mangoes.

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