Chapter 25

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Under the dim light, there was an extraordinary, handsome man lying on the sofa. His glistening, purplish-blue eyes were lifelessly staring at the roof of the cave without any emotion. His fist clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Caelum's eyes turned towards another side of the L-shaped sofa, where a petite figure was lying under an enormous white fox. Softening his gaze, he laughed until tears came out.

What's the use of living when he can't fly? Can any belle like him as a peacock without wings? He just woke up. While in peacock form, he was glad that he was alive, but soon it turned into a nightmare when he couldn't even flap his wings. He was just staring in one direction, lifelessly. What's the use of living when he can't even fly in the sky?

Turning in her direction, his eyes watered in gratitude. Silently enduring ache, he sat up from the sofa without making a sound and walked out of the cave, opening the door and gathering strength. Slowly, he didn't want to make noise.

Instantly, heavy rain and ice cubes hit his face, weakening his knees. He fell to the ground, enduring pain. His face was full of blood, but he still sat on the ground, wanting to die together in the rain.

Caelum raised his head and wanted to look at the sky, but all he got was a heavy hit from ice cubes.

In the third stage of the rainy season, it's always difficult, and many people die during this season because of heavy ice cubes and rain from the sky. Many people always prepare beforehand, collecting food that lasts until the season finishes.

Caelum POV:

My vision is getting blurred again, and I felt blood tickling my forehead.

I felt my head spinning, physical pain feeling like nothing compared to the pain in my heart for losing the most precious thing-my wings.

For others, I am the prince of the Peacock tribe, the most handsome beau sought after by belles, and I have everything that can be called a perfect life.

But no one knows that my life was not as perfect as it seems. In the last moment, my beast father's face and Freya's face appear in my mind, which makes me unconsciously smile.

In a sudden second, I was pulled inside the cave by strong arms, and the next second, I was slapped, feeling dizzy. I turned, and what I saw was a cold-gazing Sebastian and an angry her.

Feeling stunned, I gazed at her. In confusion, my cheeks are still stinging in pain, along with additional pain from being crushed by cubes.



"You're a coward." Her voice was not sharp or cold, but it carried pressure of its own.

"What do you think you're doing? I don't know what pain you're going through, but ending life was not an option. Do you think I saved you to see you die the next morning when I open my eyes?" Lowering my eyes, I stiffened, rooted on the spot, looking at her blankly.

"I wasn't--" I want to tell her I wasn't trying to end my life, but what should I do without my wings?

"Don't try to fool me; you wanted that ice cube to crush you to death; that's why you were smiling too." I clenched my fist.

"Sebastian, take him inside. I don't think he can even walk." Sebastian sneered at me, wanting to take me into his arms. "No, I can walk."

Again, I sat on the sofa. Gazing at her, who looked at me with calm green eyes, she wiped my face and treated my wounds. I didn't even hiss; if I even hissed, I would be doomed.

"What happened?" It was an unfamiliar man with brown eyes. Is he her new mate?

"He ran out of the cave and was crushed by ice cubes," Sebastian said, folding his arms.

"Why don't we give him animal skin rather than talk about it being inappropriate in front of her?" A brown-eyed man spoke, and I shot them a confused look.

Huh! Isn't her name Freya? Honestly, I was confused, but I didn't ask, as before, I didn't know them officially.

I saw Sebastian's face darken, and a brown-eyed man whose name was Ethan gave me animal clothes I quickly wrapped around, which I was glad because I really felt uncomfortable showing my wounds.

Sebastian went for dinner, and Ethan seemed to walk back to the other cave with Relly. I really felt uncomfortable right now, sitting alone in cloud-like material.

"You don't have to worry about your wings because Relly was a good healer. Have faith in her." I gazed at the incoming jaguar, and I knew his name was Charles. He talked to me in animal language.

I felt my eyes tear up hearing this; his tail was swapping on the ground. He raised his paws, jumping beside me, and circled my body with his tails, looking at me weirdly.

"Do you get candy from Relly?" I shot him a confused look.

"What's that-" Hearing this, he looked excited and jumped back and forth on the sofa.

He looked so smug. "I was definitely special to her. Let me tell you, the candy was so sweet that it melted in your mouth. Relly gave me candy daily, but I think she doesn't give it to you because you aren't special." So he was one of her beaus. I really didn't mind what he was saying because I felt he was acting like a child, and I definitely felt comfortable around him, even though I met him a few minutes ago.

I lowered my eyes and heard him say, "Hey, don't cry; I will give you candy." He walked towards the corner and dug down from the box, then walked towards me and gave me an orange-colored round thing.

He sat near me. His tail is standing upright. Excitedly, I put it in my mouth, and instantly, a sweet taste hit my mouth.

I amzad looked down at him, who looked at me excitedly and spoke, "You definitely liked it, and in the future you will help to ask Relly for new flavors." I nodded my head, and talking with him, I felt my depression fly away.

"What's your name? My name is Charles," he told me, sitting beside me.

"Caelum," I said, still sucking candy.

If I become Relly's mate, will they become my family after mating with her? Even though Sebastian seemed cold to me, but which beau can help other males in a world where strong is respected. Even though Ethan doesn't talk with me, I definitely felt he was caring. Seeing how I was uncomfortable showing wounds, he gave me animal clothes without others knowing. And Relly healed an unfamiliar beau, not caring if I were feral or not.

Tue, 16 may 2023

OMG! It's crazy 5k reads 🤯 Thank you so much for all votes and love 💕💕

OMG! It's crazy 5k reads 🤯 Thank you so much for all votes and love 💕💕

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