Chapter 108

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Aurora POV

Aurora was my original name, but to the outside world, I was known as Aiden, the emperor of the Nine Kingdoms. Since birth, I didn't have the right to do anything on my own. I wasn't raised as a woman but as a man who was destined to rule the kingdom.

As the heir, I ascended awaited the throne. I had more than twenty women in my harem, but as a woman myself, I couldn't truly love them since I was straight and desired men.

There was a general who caught my attention. He was powerful and understanding, the kind of man I desired. However, there was a twist: he liked Stella, one of the women in my harem, who was madly in love with me.

I was touched by Stella's love for me. She would personally make me breakfast in the morning and always managed to bring a smile to my face. I loved her as my best friend. It pained me to see her sad smile when I rejected her touches and hints.

Amidst my heavy responsibilities, my enemies started setting traps for me. There was a mole among us, but I couldn't find them. The stress weighed heavily on me, and I turned to alcohol. It was during this time that Stella tried to touch me. I don't know what I was thinking, but I couldn't resist her when she kissed me. We made out, but we didn't go any further.

Unbeknownst to me, the mole I was trying to find was enjoying my tenderness. I was devastated when I discovered that Stella was the real mole. There was another woman, Arabella, who had been protecting me all along. She was an innocent girl who died saving me.

I started losing my sanity as the women in my harem fought over me, almost poisoning each other. In the end, it was revealed that Stella truly loved me, but my enemy had kidnapped her brother, she begged me to save her brother who was her only family member, and I finally saved her only family member.

I set Stella free from the harem, providing her with a house and money to live an ordinary life. Eventually, she fell in love with the general. However, I still hadn't found the main mole, and my stress continued to increase. My temper rose as courtiers sent me marriage proposals one after another.

It was especially hard to handle during my periods, as my identity as a woman was hidden. I couldn't let anyone know that I used female things. I felt overwhelmed and crazy, especially when women tried to seduce me. All I wanted was to marry a man, but it seemed impossible in my life.

Despite not doing anything, the women in my harem were deeply in love with me or my position. I managed the situation as best as I could and finally discovered that the mole was one of the women who was madly in love with me. When I didn't return her love, she became a psychopath. She believed the enemies' words and helped them in hopes of removing me, thinking that she would be the only one left for me to love.

I truly lost my sanity. My temper was always high, and I couldn't tolerate any mistakes. However, I knew that there was no woman who could resist my charm—I have silly brown hair, bluish-grey eyes, a chiseled face, and a body like a man with abs.

But the truth cannot remain hidden forever. It eventually comes out. On a special day when many important figures from another kingdom were gathered for a celebration, my period unexpectedly arrived. I was unprepared and was discovered by the princess from a neighboring kingdom, who was known for spreading gossip. Everyone thought I was injured when they saw the bloodstains on my clothes.

In the end, my identity as a woman was exposed by a medical expert. It was a shock to everyone, but no one dared to go against me due to my power and connections. Finally, I had to get rid of the women in my harem. I provided them with pensions, houses, and compensation.

Marriage proposals started pouring in again, but this time they were from princes. I accepted one proposal, and no man had ever seen me as a woman before. I started wearing women's clothing and was surprised to see that I looked good in them, although I still didn't look good in feminine clothes.

I married Prince Alessandro, a charming and attractive man who had everything I desired. Despite being powerful on the outside, there was still a little girl hidden in my heart.

Little did I know, I fell into his love trap. He took control of my kingdoms without my knowledge. Behind his charming face was a cunning and deceitful person. He had women behind me and planned to kill me with poison. I ended up killing him.

Then war broke out, and I fought until my last breath. I was helpless, with multiple wounds on my body, but I managed to kill my opponents. I took my last breath feeling depressed and lonely.

5 February 2024

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