Chapter 92

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Sebastian POV:


I gazed at Snake who slipped from Stairs, and looking at me with a dark expression. Who can understand his emotions better than me? I chuckled, and sure enough, his expression became even worse.

"Sirius, right!" I spoke, feeling his dark gaze toward me.

"Thank you for saving my mate" I provocatively said, watching him clench his fist.

"No need to thank me... It's my pleasure to save a beautiful belle" he forced a smile.

"So, do you need anything? Why are you here?" I questioned, pretending, "Are you already leaving? Sure enough, you're a powerful snake beast."

It's funny to see how he shouldn't speak back to me, but what beau can refuse the fact that he is powerful? He was about to reply, but our conversation was cut short when Relly came down.

"What happened?" she asked, seeing us together.

"Nothing, just Sirius wants to leave as he's already healed, right Sirius?" I gave him a smile as I spoke.

"Thank you again. I was already healed. If you need anything, you can call me anytime," he looked at Relly with a soft gaze. "Anyway, my nest is nearby, under the lake."


I watched expressionlessly as Relly spoke, "If you want to go, then I won't say anything, but meet Luca before leaving, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to come here."

"I will meet him later," he spoke, and she gave him a smile.

That smile could make any beast do anything for her. Her green eyes were calm and beautiful. When she smiled, it seemed like her eyes were also smiling with a light in them.

Sirius POV:




Fuck those beasts. I won't let any beast come near her.

She is mine.


Sure enough, this fox is sneaky and cunning. Foxes are always known for their cleverness and seducing belles, especially red foxes. I don't know much about this white fox, but he's also very smart. I have heard that white foxes are very affectionate, kind, and loyal to their mates. They can do anything for their mates.

I looked at Sebastian, he smirked at me. I also looked at Charles, who was looking at me while sitting.

What's up with him?

"I'll see you off," Relly spoke softly as she walked with me.

She is different.

That's why I love her.

I looked at every feature of hers and turned into a snake, sliding forward with my body. I went inside the lake; there was my burrow. I slid inside; I made it very deep, so I slid further until I saw a suspicious space. This burrow is one of my nests; I have dozens of nests in many areas in case I am traveling.

I didn't feel very hungry as I slept on. I felt comfortable; it was so cool and wet. I hissed as I thought about the approaching heating days. I don't like the hot days; my skin feels like it's burning and itchy.

During the third stage of the hot days, I don't go outside. I always hide in my underwater nests. It's only during that time that I eat cooling plants for to relive heat. And I only love the rainy season and Sparky season.

But Sparky season is very short. There's only one stage of the season, and it's almost about to end.

After thinking a lot, I started considering what I should do to make her like me.

Author POV:

On the other side, in the North Beast City, inside a huge cave, there was a throne made of white marble stone. Sitting on the throne was an old man, but he looked extraordinary and vicious. He was Tiger Beast, Jordan, the king of the North Beast City. Behind him stood two huge T-rexes, their eyes filled with killing intent.

"What brings you here, Cockroach King?" he smiled as he looked at a tall man who was the Cockroach King, Anther.

"Tiger King, I have some news for you," he pretended to worry as he spoke.

Tiger King Jordan frowned. "Tell me."

"Actually... there's a belle who can destroy our plans" Anther spoke, watching Tiger King Jordan's eyes darken.

"Tell me in detail," he spoke, and as Anther finished speaking, Tiger King looked furious.

"We need to get rid of her."

9 January 2023

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