Chapter 66

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Luca POV

I felt jealous-very jealous. God, the way she was touching him made me want to replace him. I need to be patient, yeah.

I looked again. I also wanted to join them. How would she react when I tell her that I like her?

Most of the belles are after my beauty and sea supply; however, I don't pay attention to them.

"Flo," I spoke, then I looked at them.

"Oh my god... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you guys. I'm so sorry," I spoke without thinking. When I looked into her dark black eyes, clouded with lust, she was taking a breath because she was wearing a fur skirt and her chest was visible to me. I felt my cheeks grow hot.

Suddenly, I remembered the visual photos I had seen. I don't know why, but I understood what was written. I was so excited at the time. It was a love story about a mermaid and a prince. How she saved him and then romance started on an island where the prince was lost. Then I blushed, realizing how clearly the mating process was shown.

"You go now. I'll come with Charles," she spoke, looking away from me. I left the scene.

I walked toward Sebastian, who was roasting meat with some leaves wrapped around it. He was using different kinds of plants.

I looked curiously as Flo and Charles also came back.

"What is that?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"It's a spicy plant." I picked it up, and while Sebastian was busy cooking, I thought about tasting it. I put it in my mouth and started chewing.

"Ahhaahhh!" I felt my throat burning. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, hands grabbed my chin i opened my mouth, and I felt water. I drank it.

I looked up and saw it was Flo. Seeing her close to me, I felt something in my stomach. It was a great feeling.

But my throat was still burning, although I felt a little bit more comfortable after drinking some water.

"I'll look around for a water source," I spoke in a hoarse voice.

"I will come with you," Flo spoke.

"Come back early," worried Sebastian spoke. "And Charles, help me find some more dry sticks."

"Okay and Luca, take care," Charles spoke, and I nodded my head.


I found a river nearby and quickly jumped into the water, taking off my fur skirt.

My tail immediately appeared. I breathed a sigh of relief. It felt cold and nice as I swam around.

I looked at the shore, and Flo was looking at me with her hands on her cheeks.

Hesitating, I swam toward her and extended my webbed claws. "Do you want to swim with me?" In my hands, a blue little stone appeared.

"What is this?" She looked curious.

"When you eat this thing You can breathe in water." I spoke. She took the stone from my hands and ate it. Her eyes showed an amazed expression as she ate.

She didn't know that many belles were after this thing, which could only be found on a few mermen and made them beautiful and young. I knew she wasn't like those belles. She was naturally beautiful. It was the kind of thing only we mermen got after our first heat.

My face flushed when she took off her fur skirt. What was she wearing under it? I looked at her tempting figure, and she jumped into the water, swimming around.

"You know how to swim?" I spoke, splashing my tail in the water.

"Of course," she spoke. "Wanna swim with me?" She spoke again, looking at me with a smile and stretching her hand toward me.

I remembered asking her the same thing when we first met, but she rejected me.

I nodded my head and took her soft hands in my webbed claws. We swam around at the same speed, and I was amazed at her swimming skills.

I laughed and hummed as we sat on a stone in the middle of the river.

I stopped when I felt her looking at me in shock.

"Your voice... I can't believe it's so magical and ethereal," I blushed.

"Can you sing for me? I've heard that mermaid voices are so good." I nodded and hummed a soft tune for her, which was famous in the sea. She looked intoxicated.

I hoped that my voice would make me her mate...

I thought.

10 December 2023

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