Chapter 122

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Alexander POV

When I woke up, I found myself in a bright room, and the intense pain I felt was no longer there. I raised my head and saw a beautiful view from the windows.

Where am I...

I thought, feeling my ears perk up and my nose twitch at the heavenly smell.

And I saw an extraordinarily gorgeous female with a big stomach. When I locked eyes with her, I noticed her eyes flashed with purple Flecks, causing my eyes to widen.

She was stunning.

"You woke up," she said, looking at my face. I started feeling uncomfortable, wanting only to hide my ears as proof that I am an incomplete beast.

"Who are you?" I spoke, feeling my throat hurt and my voice hoarse.

"I'm Fiorella, and I'll call Arnold. He'll speak with you," she replied, her gaze fixed on me as she left.


I leaned back as I waited.

"Alexander, you woke up!" Arnold rushed towards me, hugging me tightly.

I smiled.

"So, you won. It seems like everything is back to normal," I said, relieved.

And he told me everything...

How he and Cub reached Fiorella...

How they fought...

Their planning...

And the last war...

"So many things happened, and I was in a coma," I spoke in disbelief.

"Yeah," he replied.

"How are Leo and Leon?" I asked again.

"They are fine! They miss you and come to talk to you daily," he replied.

"I miss them too."

My eyes widened when I heard her screaming.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I quickly climbed down from the bed, almost falling off.

Arnold and I quickly ran.

Oh my goodness, what kind of house cave was this?

I quickly walked down and saw her holding her stomach.

"My water broke," she spoke, shivering.

"Arnold, go quickly and call everyone and the old belle," She spoke shivering, Arnold nodded his head and ran off.

And I picked her up in my arms bridal style. "Which cave?" I asked, and she pointed at a room. I quickly took her there, feeling worried as I watched her face sweating and her eyes closed with fear.

"Shh... calm down," I spoke as I laid her in a very furry bed.

"Where is she?" many beautiful beau, each one more gorgeous than the last, entered the house with Arnold.

"Where is the goddess?" three old Belle asked. I pointed at the bed, and they gestured for all of us to get out.

She was having cubs.

I had never seen newborn cubs, as no Belles let me get close to see them.

Even if I caught a glimpse of little lives, I would die happily.

Time passed without my knowing.

I felt tension around me, seeing those gorgeous faces covered with tense expressions.

If I were them, I would also feel the same if their mate was going to give birth.


We heard a scream...

And after a long time, the scream stopped, and the door opened.

"Congratulations!" One of old Belle said, with a smile on her face.

"It was two sons," she spoke again, and her mates, though their faces looked like they were about to cry.

What's up with them? They are not happy about having cubs... I would die to have one.

"And one daughter," an old belle spoke, her wrinkled face turning into a smile.

"Wahhhhhhhhh," those guys screamed in happiness, causing birds to fly away from the trees.


And I was also hugged.

What happened?

"Can we meet her?" spoke a beautiful beau with bluish-grey eyes and white hair.

The old belles nodded their heads.

Everyone walked inside, and I saw the gorgeous belle smiling as she held three cubs.

"Oh my god," a beautiful beau with pink eyes exclaimed.

"Why are we standing? Let's meet our son and daughter," the belle said as she leaned back with a smile.

So, the newborn belle was a jaguar.

And the two sons are foxes.

those cubs are so cute.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," I heard another scream from the jaguar beast. I think he was the father of the newborn baby belle.

The fox beau walked towards her and hugged her, kissing her forehead. "Thank you for your hard work."

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