Chapter 31

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Ethan POV

"Our world is called Beast World; we can transform from Beastman to Beast, and we have four seasons.

Heating days bring scorching temperatures, rainy days offer heavy rain, snowy days bring heavy snowfall, and sparky days have no sun and instead all plants glow at night. We have three stages to the season: first, second, and third.

Due to various factors, including the harsh seasonal conditions and natural disasters, the number of Belles is limited. Therefore, a Belle can have multiple mates and bond through various methods, such as vows to the Beast God, mating, and mate rituals.

When a pair bonds, the Beast God grants them gifts such as strength stripes, which enhance their abilities, though some may not receive any gifts." Her eyes looked so serious and curious, listening to every detail I was telling her about Beastworld. Knowing that she hailed from another world, I couldn't bear the thought of others finding out and risking any harm coming her way.

Freya leaned forward and asked, "Could you tell me about ritual ceremonies? I find them really interesting and want to learn more about them." Her eyes sparkled with intrigue as she eagerly awaited the explanation. Rubbing her head, I smiled at her before continuing again.

"After the rainy days, the tribe members come together to hold a ritual ceremony to seek the blessing of the Beast God. With the help of this ceremony, the tribe hopes to receive good fortune and prosperity in every aspect of their lives.

The ritual is one of the largest of the year. They recite prayers and perform religious acts that allow them to connect with their ancestors and the divine Beast God.

After the ceremony, the atmosphere becomes lively as the belles of the tribe show off their talents. They showcase their singing and dancing skills to attract a potential mate. If a Belle catches a Beau's attention while performing, he can challenge her mate to a duel to win her right to become his mate."

"That sounds amazing!" Her eyes sparkled with interest.

"Do you want to show your talent? Absolutely, you should because you dance greatly." Suddenly, Caelum asked excitedly, sitting next to Freya. She looked hesitant hearing this.

Trembling with uncertainty, her delicate voice quivered as she voiced her fears: "I don't know, Caelum. I'm not sure... I don't want another mate right now, or even more, they duel with you all... I can't even begin to imagine it." Her gaze shifted towards us, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, and my own heart swelled with emotion as I felt tears prick my own eyes.

"You don't have to think of us, Freya. You have the power to choose, to reject, or to accept as you please. And do not fear for my strength, for it is not frail. My heart is steadfast and unwavering, and I will always stand beside you. So let the radiance of your passion for dance shine through, my love." Sebastian whispered these words tenderly, his arms encircling Freya in a warm embrace that left her smiling and nodding in agreement.

"Okay! That's final!" Charles excitedly exclaimed. My eyes softened when I looked at them. Freya had already installed a big bed to sleep in together, and Charles jumped in bed after Freya and Caelum laid the bedsheet.

We haven't lit this cave, and it was already very dark after Sebastian put the fire down. I don't know what happened when someone knew we were using fire.

As I lay there in bed Next to Sebastian.

Listening, the night seemed to come alive with the sounds of the forest. Crickets chirped, leaves rustled, and strange creatures scurried about. The wind whispered through the trees.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I sat upright on my bed and stretched my limbs. My eyes wandered around the room until I caught sight of Caelum, sitting on the edge of the bed, skillfully braiding Freya's hair into a beautiful hairstyle. She sat patiently on the ground, evidently enjoying the attention and care from Caelum. The sight was both heartwarming and endearing, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such wonderful people in my life.

Mastering essential skills like hairstyling, sewing, cooking, and hunting is vital to becoming an ideal partner. However, my early years were focused solely on nurturing Sebastian, leaving me with limited opportunities to acquire various abilities. Unfortunately, my lack of knowledge in areas other than hunting made me feel inferior, amplifying my insecurities.

"Good morning, Ethan." Freya's charming voice greeted me.

"Morning, my sweet." I spoke in a tone that was as tender as Sebastian's with her. Her flushed cheeks made it evident that I had an effect on her, and my heart swelled with happiness.

Caelum smiled and nodded at me. This family was unlike Sandra's, where many men vied for her attention and seduced her daily, causing constant drama. Here, everything felt peaceful.

I was happy to have my brother and this family.

"Good morning, brother," Sebastian greeted me. "Why don't you freshen up and grab a bite to eat before we head out?" I nodded in agreement and replied with a gentle "Morning." After twisting the doorknob and stepping outside, I noticed a tranquil lake nestled behind the trees, just a short distance away.

With swift and eager steps, I headed towards the serene lake, and my eyes were immediately drawn to a beastman gracefully swimming in its cool, refreshing waters. As I drew closer, I noticed Charles indulging in the playful activity of swimming, with his smooth and flawless skin glistening in the sparkling sunlight that danced on the surface of the water. Rather than simply performing the mundane task of bathing, he appeared to be embracing the thrill and joy of the moment, relishing every drop of water that engulfed him.

I eagerly plunged into the cool, inviting waters of the lake. The refreshing sensation enveloped my whole being, invigorating me from head to toe.

As I swam around the lake, I noticed Charles looking happier than ever, his radiant smile glimmering beneath the radiant sun. Together, we dove and splashed.

After wiping the droplets of water from my face, I turned towards Charles and remarked, "Freya was truly a sight to behold, wasn't she?"

He quizzically looked back at me and retorted, "Yeah, she is! But I'm not really sure what you're getting at, Ethan, bro."

I continued to explain my thoughts: "Well, undeniably, Freya's beauty could attract all kinds of unmated beaus, and we need to be prepared for any eventuality. So will you also accept all challenges from them?"

With unwavering confidence, he patted his chest and said, "I will! I understand your point now, Ethan. I'm ready to accept any challenges that come." His golden eyes sparkled. His wet face seemed to glow with determination, and his lips curled in a mischievous smile.

As I watched him, I couldn't help but feel concerned. He was always treated like a cub with us, and I didn't want him to get hurt. It was difficult for me to accept that he may be in danger, but I knew I had to support him no matter what.

Friday, 26may 2023

I finally have wrote Description for my story 😃😃 and Four more chapters are coming to celebrate happiness of 8k reads 🥰🥰

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