Chapter 69

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Flo POV.

"Where is Luca?" I asked, unable to see him anywhere.

Suddenly, Luciano's expression changed, and he ran towards the old cave. We all followed him. My eyes widened when I saw a trail of blood leading into the cave.

Everyone's expression changed, and we all rushed inside the ruined cave. I heard a whimper.


"Luca!" Suddenly, all of the guys froze.

"Luca!" I shouted, but I didn't hear a voice. I pulled out a torchlight and looked around.

My whole body froze. Luca, the merman, had delicate arms that were injured, and the whole area was red. He looked like he was struggling to breathe. His vibrant blue and pinkish tail also looked dry, and his scales had fallen to the ground.

His eyes widened when he saw me. He tried to stand up but fell to the ground, whimpering.

"Luca," tears fell from one of my eyes. How did I not notice his disappearance?

I ran towards him, knelt beside him, and examined his wounds on his neck. I saw that he had slit his arms with his own hands as his Webbed Sharp claws are digging his skin.

"Why?" Before I pulled out some alcohol wipes, I examined the wounds on his arms. They weren't too deep.

"Don't worry, he was shedding his skin," Caelum spoke.

"But why did you have to harm yourself?" I asked. "Let's quickly take him to the water." Luciano put Luca on his back, and we took Luca to the familiar river.

Luca quickly jumped into the water and closed his eyes, leaning against the stones.

I looked at him with worry. I don't know why, but seeing him like this made my heart ache.

"Let me treat your injuries," I asked them. They nodded their heads and quickly turned into humans. All of them only had minor injuries.

Only Sebastian had long scratch marks. I pulled out bandages and alcohol wipes from my bag. I looked at his back with the long scratch mark and touched his silky silver hair, falling through my fingers. I quickly tied his hair into a bun, and he didn't even flinch when I applied the medicine.

"Thank you." In the end, he kissed my forehead. I looked up and saw that his face was very close to mine.

Then I treated Luciano, Caelum, and Ethan's injuries.

Charles, who was sitting on the ground, hugged me. He shook his head and pulled me beside him.

We couldn't stay in the wild for the night because many animals come to the river. I looked at Luca, who was closing his eyes, unable to say anything to him.

Luca whimpered.

"I want to stay with him."

"G-go back... I-i will be fine... I'll just go underwater," Luca spoke as he splashed his fishtail and went into the river.

"Flo, don't worry. You all go to a safe place. I will guard here," Ethan spoke, and Caelum looked at me and said, "Yeah, I'll stay too."

Finally, we all decided to rest. I didn't know much about shedding, but before I left, I made sure to use my earth ability to create a protective barrier around them.

Sebastian led us to the old cave, which looked very ancient with overgrown plants all over the place. We all cleaned up and fell asleep.

14 November 2023

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