Chapter 100

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Author POV

In the far distance, a sharp voice spoke, "So this is the house of that belle."

"Yes! I've seen her. She has brown hair and a fair complexion," another creature added.

"What should we do next, Leader?" asked the tiger beast, addressing their leader buffalo.

"Let's attack openly. Kill her mates and capture Belle alive. We can have some fun with her," said Buffalo, the strong leader. His muscles bulged, and his eyes revealed his hidden desire.

"Okay," replied the Tiger Beast. "But I've heard her mates are also very strong. I heard that the peacock is the prince of the peacock tribe, and the fox and bear are the most powerful beast in their tribe. And that panther is also very powerful..."

"Forget about her mates, but Belle herself is the most powerful. Did you know she killed our most powerful T-rexes without blinking her Eyes?" another tiger Beast spoke, fear evident in his voice.

"I'm scared..."

"Leader, we can't defeat them," Tiger spoke.

"That's why I brought the Indominus rex and..." Leader 0Buffalo smirked as he looked at the wooden house.

"Eagle, cover the sky. Tigers, block the roads. I-Rex and that creature, start invading their house."

"Yes, leader."







"We need to leave immediately!" shouted Luciano, but it was too late.

From the balcony, a green-skinned creature with big, round eyes looked at them. His eyes flashed with a desire to kill.

His large mouth opened, revealing a mouth watering with saliva and yellow-black teeth.

"Run!" shouted Sebastian as he carried Ren, and everyone rushed outside. Luciano took Lily with him.


The creature's enormous paws landed on the roof, causing it to break. Stunned, everyone ran down the stairs.

While running, Rosa fell to the ground. Caelum immediately helped him up and ran alongside him.

As they reached the door, the large wooden house shattered behind them.


Thump... thump...

The green monster roared loudly. The entire sky was filled with large eagles, and they were surrounded by groups of tigers.

"Hahaha! Where will you run now?" suddenly, laughter echoed.

"Who are you?" Sebastian asked "And why are you after us?"

Upon hearing Sebastian, everyone burst into laughter.

Sebastian's face turned cold. They were shocked (her mates). but they didn't notice that Lily's expression had turned icy behind them.

"Hahaha!" the large monster laughed behind them, his voice shaking the ground.

Sebastian noticed Ren trembling in his arms and patted his back, his expression devoid of emotion.

Luciano was not afraid for himself, but for his family. He didn't want to lose anyone.

Caelum stood by Rosa's side, and Ethan's warm expression turned cold with a strong desire to kill.

Luca's face was also cold, and his hair had grown slightly, which suited him.

The monster crushed their house with its large paws, not only destroying their home but also breaking their hearts.

But suddenly, Lily, who had been silent from the beginning, raised her head. Her hazel eyes grew even darker.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" the big monster growled miserably, leaving everyone stunned.

And Lily was lifted into the air by a tornado. Everything around them started to shake. Witnessing her power, everyone was shocked.

And as Flo had mentioned, the four personalities were not as simple as they seemed. Each one was more dangerous than the other.

22 January 2024

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