Chapter 84

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Sebastian POV

I looked surprised as Charles and Ren beautifully decorated the backyard. They had placed light balls on every bush, and bright, colorful flowers adorned the area, glowing in different hues. They had also spread out mats on the ground and set up a bonfire. Everything looked so aesthetically pleasing and gorgeous.

"Wow" exclaimed Freya. She was wearing a gorgeous long black dress, her hair styled beautifully. Her violet eyes sparkled like gems, and her pink lips were dyed red.

The dress she wore made her cleavage more visible and prominent. My breath hitched when I saw her.

We were all wearing the dresses she had given us. It wasn't awkward for me anymore, as I had gotten used to it. She had provided me with different clothes from last time, and we were all wearing white shirts and black pants. She had also styled our hair.

We all sat around the spread-out mat.

"Let's start celebrating," Charles spoke as he stood on the wooden platform they had made. He was also wearing clothes similar to mine. He was tall, with short black hair, golden eyes, and a handsome face that revealed his dimples when he smiled.

He sure was cute.

Ren was dressed very cutely, wearing a white T-shirt and cute ripped pants. His fair, chubby skin and red hair made him even more adorable.

"First, we invite Caelum to show us his dance" Charles spoke as Freya whistled. We all smiled as Caelum stood up. Charles and Ren stepped aside, and Caelum smiled at us before starting to showcase his moves. Freya cheered and walked towards him, and Caelum laughed as he took her hand, they spun around, her dress twirling with them—a truly beautiful sight.

Freya laughed as Caelum lifted her effortlessly, his strong arms encircling her waist. They twirled around, and a smile adorned Freya's face as she planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.

When he set her down, he pulled her close, and together came down from the platform.

Her affection made us all more addicted to her. I glanced at Luciano, and it was evident that his gaze never left her figure. Desire and lust flickered in his eyes, and his well-toned physique made the white shirt he wore fit him perfectly. He looked like a walking hormones.

He didn't speak much, but I knew the quiet ones were not always quiet in their minds.

Most of the time, our conversations revolved around hunting and her safety. However, I was grateful for him because he had helped us find her. He was great.

I then looked at Luca, whose eyes sparkled with joy as he cheered. Every action of he made was breathtaking.

In the beginning, I was very afraid of what would happen if she saw someone from the mermaid tribes. What if she left the land because the mermaid tribe, I know they have something that made land belles made to breathe underwater, causing most belles to leave.

Now, however, my anxiety had subsided. Luca was unlike any other merman I had encountered. While most mermen were known for their arrogance, admired solely for their physical beauty by the belles, Luca possessed not only external beauty but a beautiful soul as well.
As for... my thoughts were cut off as Charles and Ren jumped onto the platform again.

"Wow... Wow... wow!" they exclaimed in unison, exchanging a high-five.

"Now let's invite Ethan and Sebastian to tell us stories about how they met our mate" Charles spoke cutely.

Ethan and I looked at each other, smiled, and walked together, I first started speaking.

"It was a rainy day... After hunting boar, I was making my way back to my cave... The rain poured heavily, and a thunderous lightning strike created a deep hole in the ground... That's where I discovered our treasure" I spoke, and everyone listened attentively. Even Freya looked at me intently.

"I had lost all hope... I was on the brink of death because of that monster... But she appeared like a guiding light, pulling me out of the darkness... I was eternally grateful to the Beast God for granting me a second chance at love..." Ethan's voice quivered with emotion as he spoke. I placed a comforting hand on his back, and he reciprocated with a warm smile.

I hoped he would always stay like this. When he mated with Sandra, I was worried about him. Every time I saw him broken and wounded, I felt like I had failed as a brother.

Now that we were living together again, I could take care of him once more. As for Sandra, I believed that even if Flo didn't kill her, one day she would die because of her stupidity.

"Great!" exclaimed Charles. "Let me tell you how she and I met... you don't know, but she was the first one who was scared of me... she gave me food, and I decided to follow her, who knows, Sebastian might have spotted me... even though I hid carefully... and Freya made me her mate" he excitedly told us, and everyone laughed at him.

He hid carefully, and I laughed at the memory. His huge body was literally visible from the weeds at that time, and he was looking sneakily like a cub.

"Oh, great. I wish I had also met my wife sooner" Rosa spoke quietly.

"Now let's invite Luca, Luciano, and our beautiful, gorgeous Freya to complete the mating ceremony," Charles spoke as Luca and Luciano held both of Freya's hands, walking onto the stage.

Luca gazed at her with affection, his voice filled with sincerity as he spoke, "The first time I laid eyes on you, it wasn't love at first sight. But with each passing moment, my feelings grew deeper and stronger. I fell in love with you more and more every day, and I soon realized that you are my destined mate. I love you—always and forever. I want nothing more than to be by your side."

Luciano, looking deeply into her eyes, took her other hand. His voice carried a husky tone as he confessed, "The moment I saw you, I knew you were the one I had been waiting for. From the very start, I felt an undeniable connection. As I witnessed the way you and your mates lived harmoniously, without fighting for favor or dominance, I knew you were different. And with each passing day, my love for you deepened. I love you, and I would do anything—even lay down my own life—for you." he spoke in a husky voice, and I felt goosebumps appear on my skin.

Freya's eyes were brimming with tears as she embraced both of them tightly. "I love you. I love all of you," she whispered, her voice filled with immense love and gratitude. "You are my strength, my pride, my everything. I wholeheartedly accept all of you as my mates." As she closed her eyes, a violet light enveloped us all.

When my eyes opened, I saw that Freya was gazing at her wrist, where the provocative panther mark entwined with the elegant merman mark. It looked like a delicate ornament in her hands.

"Let's click pictures" excitedly Freya Spoke.










"Betrayal" someone hissed.

31 December 2023

📚🗓️ Last Chapter 😊 of Last day 😄 of 2023. ❤️❤️

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