Chapter 85

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Luciano POV

⚠️ 18+

Finally, when everyone had fallen into slumber, I cradled Freya in my arms, carrying her towards my room. "Where are you taking me, Mr. Panther?" she whispered, nestling her head against my chest.

"To heaven," I replied, my hunger for her already consuming me.

Her delicate fingers began undoing the buttons of my shirt. I gazed down at her, and in her eyes, clouded with desire, I saw my own reflection. Her hands wandered across my chiseled chest, igniting a fire within me.

With a forceful push, I swung the door open and swiftly set her down, closing it behind us. Against the wall, I pressed her body, using my sharp nails to shred her dress, which cascaded to the ground in a graceful heap.

Overwhelmed by desire, my thoughts escaped me. Without hesitation, I pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Her lips were soft, and as I ravished them, my eyes traced the contours of her clothing, her towering Big breasts and further down, her inviting thighs. I cupped her p**y with my hands, eliciting a pleasurable moan from her. Silencing her with another kiss, I explored every inch of her being.

"Do you remember the moment I first laid eyes on you? I want to fuck you hard until you beg for mercy" I whispered into her ear, as she removed my shirt. Her hands roamed over my sculpted abs and traveled down to my V-line.

I halted her hands, drawing myself closer to her face, our breaths mingling. The distance between us vanished, leaving no room for air to pass. I breathed heavily, feeling the softness of her body against mine, her petite form nestled against my towering stature.

"Do not provoke the beast if you cannot handle it," I spoke softly, scrutinizing her features—her long eyelashes, the beads of sweat forming on her forehead, and her delicate lips.

"I can handle any beast," she retorted, biting her lip, her hands persistently caressing my abs.

"Is that so?" I nibbled on her earlobe, causing her to shiver. "My beast is very strong and big. A fragile beauty like you will tremble in its presence."

"Then show me your beast, and I shall decide whether I should fear it or not," she challenged, her cheeks blushing, her lips still slightly parted from her teeth.

"Do not bite them. They are mine to savor" I growled, forcefully releasing her lips from her teeth. Her body quivered as she felt my beast pressing against her abdomen.

Lifting her effortlessly, I placed her on the bed. As she lay there, her gaze fixed upon me, she questioned, "What are you doing, Mr. Panther?"

"I am showing you my beast" I smirked, watching her eyes widen as I removed my pants.

"Are you scared now, my dear?" I spoke huskily, stroking my hungry beast, which eagerly drooled at the sight of her enticing figure.

"There is nothing I fear," she licked her lips, crawling towards me with an overwhelming desire, She definitely desire to die brutally underneath my huge body.

I, too, was on the brink of agonizing frustration as I witnessed her crawl to the edge of the bed. She pulled me towards her, positioning my beast before her face. Confusion furrowed my brow, I could not understand her intentions.

"F--k," I exclaimed, groaning as she sucked my d**k with her mouth, sucking hungrily. Gazing downward, I saw her raise her head, winking at me.

I pushed her head further, causing her to gag. Closing my eyes, a wave of indescribable pleasure surged through my body, rendering me numb. Never had I witnessed a belle pleasuring her beau with such fervor.

And there she was, worshipping me with her tongue.

Unable to contain myself, I released inside her mouth, her tear-filled eyes meeting mine. Without hesitation, I tore away her undergarments, for in this moment, I could no longer restrain my primal instincts. I ravaged her relentlessly, again and again, until she begged for mercy.

The more she cried out, the more I devoured her.

Her moans.

Her screams of my name.

Her hands gripping my body.

Her supple form writhing beneath me.

Our bodies entwined.

Our lips hungrily seeking one another.

I was utterly addicted.

"Ah, Luciano," she moaned as I kissed her neck, my lips descending to feast upon my favorite assets- breasts. My hands, too, were not idle, kneading her ass not so gently.

Not a single inch of her body was left untouched by my ravishing.

For a long time panting, with the resounding echoes of slapping skin, moans, groans, and cries permeating the air.

1 January 2024

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