Chapter 78. Past, present and future

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NOTES: I'm mixing two prompts + a small twist on the second one J

Prompt 1 by Dragoncoat117: Idea for a chapter.
Kara Barry and Oliver are hanging out when nyssa arrives for Olivers help calling him husband. Kara acts all jealous. (Kara and Oliver could be dating or have been flirting with each other)

Prompt 2 by neeny123: What if mon-el was gone for seven months and in Kara's timeframe it was seven years and mon-el walked in on Kara and Oliver married with kids

This is a really long chapter, like really long lol. It has a light M rating and extremely romantic / fluff stuff (as u guys know, I like writing the characters in a realistic way, so based on how both of them behaved in relationships on their shows and also what we know about Kryptonians in comic canon...yeah, you know)




Kara stood in the second floor of the the cool Central City bar that Barry closed to celebrate his engagement with his friends and family, drinking the champagne she had on her hands, wishing it could actually have some effect on her. She saw all her friends happy, laughing, celebrating Sara and Barry. Kara came to Earth 1 with her sister in the last minute so they could both enjoy some time off, get to meet cool people that were also heroes, in Alex case and forget a bit about their pain. Alex ended her engagement because she wanted to have kids and her ex didn't. Kara felt sad because she had to send Mon El away to save his life, she felt bad about it, thinking she sent him to his death, and now she were at that phase where you're in the middle: you're not totally depressed but also not that happy. She still hoped she could find out if he was ok at least. She took a deep breath, knowing she would never have what her friends had: that kind of happiness. She noticed someone approaching her, and turned to her side only to see Barry Allen staring at her with worry in his eyes.

- Hey...

- Hey – She said, trying to smile – This is nice... I'm really happy for you and Sara. – She looked around, impressed – How did you get the place just for us tonight?

- Thanks. Oliver helped me with his connections... He has a lot, I was surprised. – He smiled, looking down the first floor – I can see Alex is having fun

Kara stared down and saw Alex with Mick, Caitlin and Ray, drinking and laughing.

- I'm glad she's having a good time – Kara smiled, taking another sip of her drink.

- And you? I've noticed Mon El didn't come along... What happened?

Kara took a deep breath, thinking about what to say. She knew Barry had an equally complicated life, so he would understand without getting into many details.

- A lot had happened. I had to send him away to save his life. It was hard the first three months, Alex thinks I was depressed... And I think I was but now... Well, I feel a bit better, it hurts less...

- I'm sorry you had to go through that.

- I mean... Is my fault. – Kara said finishing her drink. – Let's go downstairs... This doesn't have any effect on me, but I still need another drink – She joked.

They went downstairs and reached for the bar. Kara poured more champagne on her glass and stared at Barry.

- What do you mean is your fault? – Barry asked, confused.

- I need to remind myself that my life should be all about Supergirl.

- Kara, I just told Oliver he needs to still believe in love and not give up, do I need to give you the same pep talk?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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