4> A Start Of Something New

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(aish!where did this kid go!is like 11pm already...)

"i've to leave..." Kangin said while still having his arm wrap around Taeyeon's shoulder..

The other girls have already gone to bed..

Taeyeon nods her head and give a light smile..

Kangin goes nearer to Taeyeon but somehow, Taeyeon back her head a little..

He smile but clearly a little dissapointed by her actions, so he leans in to kiss her forehead.

(this is why i love him, for the fact he isnt pushy and force me to all things)

Taeyeon grab his muscular hand in hers.. "i'll follow you to the parking lot...send you home" taeyeon gives her ahjumma laugh.

He pats her head as though she's a 5year old.

They held hands together walking to his car.

"araso,go back to the lift...is dangerous for you to be out here alone..."

"dae...see you tomorrow oppa"

Just then, the sound of the growling motorbike makes the two of them jumps up in surprise.

Donghae pulls his helmet off and bows to greet the other couple.

"ah.hyung..didnt know you're here"

Kangin walks to them with Taeyeon following along.

Tiffany pulls of her helmet.


Tiffany bows too.

with the help of Donghae who literally carries her off from the bike.

(watch where you put your hands buddy...!)

As Donghae slowly slips his hands away from Tiffany's waist...

Tiffany bow as a courtesy of Thank You to Donghae.

"You two...?" Kangin look from Donghae to Tiffany back and forth and then snickers.

"is running rather late and you two have a recording tomorrow right? go on..we'll take our leave too"

Donghae nod his head a little and get back on his bike..

"fany ah...sleep well..."


[back at the park where Tiffany and Donghae are for the past one hour]

Still waiting for Tiffany's answer, he didnt even mind kneeling next to her for long.

He just knew he wants her.

Tiffany sigh and drop her head..she peeks at his worried expression.

She giggle cutely and nod her head.

Being over happy,he hugs her immediately.

"i promise to take real good care of you,tiffany....i promise."



[at the parking lot]

the guys being responsible watch their girlfriends take the lift back to their room.

"oi!" Kangin smacks Donghae's chest with a loud thud.

"OUCH!!! Hyung!!!" Donghae rubs the spot where he was hitted.

"you and fany...since when?"

Donghae roll his eyes..

Kangin raise his hand up again and Donghae quickly raise both his hand to ready to dodge another hit


"just now?"

Donghae nod his head...

"is great to see a player like you settle down with a girl at last" Kangin nod his head.

"hyung.fany.ah..she's amazing..have you seen those sexy thighs during genie,those shorts complimenting the lower part of her body.....kills me!"

Donghae smirks and his eyes start to wander around,imagining.

"oi..donghae...no matter what,she's a so nyuh...snsd...dont do anything stupid or you going to get it from the manager...and you're a suju.." Kangin said being concern.

"Dae dae dae...i love this chick..serious.."

Kangin nods his head and smile.

"may you be bless with happiness with her then"


[Tiffany's POV]

(wow...this lift seems like its taking forever)

Only in her shorts and rather short sleeve tee..

Tiffany hug her own body, trying not to shiver so much..

Taeyeon take off her own hoodie and wrap it around Tiffany.


"so how long...has it been....?" Taeyeon gulp as though she did something bad.

"huh?" being as blurr as always, tiffany hwang.

"..........*sigh*............your relationship with donghae......................."


The both of them not looking at each other.

"he just confess to me"

"and you just accept it?"



"no reason"

"no reason? not even a reason that you love him or not?"

"i do" "you do love him?"

"yes,taeyeon,i do"

Taeyeon only nods her head...

Just the right time, the lift stop at their floor..

Tiffany pass the hoodie back at Taeyeon.

"Thank you...."

Not looking at Tiffany she just take it back and nod her head slowly.

(what is wrong with her anyway....)(tiff)

To Be Continue...


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