109>Michelle Unnie is here for a visit, means no Naughty XD

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Tiffany suddenly calls out, making Taeyeon's eyes widens in shock, staring back at her girlfriend.

"come out quick, I'll be outside waiting for you, I have something to tell you"

"d-dae" Tiffany answer back nervously.

Then they both hears, footsteps leaving the bathroom, "you think they know-"

"yeah, I know you're in there, Taengoo, you two better be quick"

The voice was recognize as Sunny, with that, they heard the bathroom door being close,
Tiffany poke her head through a small opening over at the shower drapes.
"the coast is clear~"

"who's that?"

"Its Michelle"

"your sister??"

Tiffany nods her head, "of course, I wonder why she's here..."
"quick tae, we'll have to be quick" Tiffany quickly washes her body.


Tiffany decide to leave the bathroom, thinking it wont be a good idea to leave together or walk into the living room with Taeyeon.
Tiffany runs towards where her sister is at, Michelle make an effort by standing up, with her arms open wide enough to welcome her younger sister into her arms, they hugged tightly.
"unnie! How come you're here!!" Tiffany squeal in happiness.
"I miss my lil sister" Michelle smiles, stroking lovingly the back of Tiffany's hair.
"I MISS YOU TOO!!!" Tiffany breaks the hug and look at her sister, not able to stop smiling.

"how's daddy and leo?" Tiffany ask.

"they're doing good, but Leo is busy with his final and dad is busy with his new work and project, like the usual, you know~~"

Tiffany nods her head, "glad you're here mich! But- how come?"

Michelle smile, looking at her cute younger sister who cant stop smiling.
She then reach over to pinch her younger sister's cheek, "I have taken a week of annual leave from my work, so~ I decide to come here"
"ahhhh" Tiffany smiles, "want me to introduce my members to you?"
Michelle shook her head, "you all are so famous in the states now and its impossible to not know all of you, I think..... one is missing right?"
Tiffany look around and realize what her sister means.
"oh yes, one more is missing, she's inside-"
Tiffany walks to the door, "Taeng~~~~"

"ah dae?" Taeyeon walks out from her room.
"come here, my unnie wants to meet you all" Tiffany waves her hand for Taeyeon to come to her.
Taeyeon walks, a little shy to meet Michelle, because in the back of her mind, she has the thoughts of the session with Tiffany in the bathroom not long ago.
"hello" Taeyeon greeted dorkily.
"ah, annyeong~ I have always get fond of your voice"
Taeyeon bows politely, "ah, gomawo~"

That day was a little hard for Taeyeon, she cant be all lovey dovey towards Tiffany and most of the time, Tiffany just hangs around her sister.

(you cant be jealous at that pabo! That's her sister, your future sister-in-law)(tae)

"you think I can sleep with you in the same room tonight?" Michelle ask her sister.
"of course! Come!" Tiffany stands up, wanting to show Michelle the way to her room, but she felt a tug on the hem of her shirt, as she turn around to only find Taeyeon sitting on the couch, looking back up at her, with a slight curve downwards lip, "it's the one at the end, I'll be there in a minute unnie"

"araso" Michelle has already make her way, searching for her younger sister's room.

Tiffany makes sure that her sister is out of sight before she turns back around to hold Taeyeon's hand in hers, "wae~~~~" she beam a small smile at her cute girlfriend.
"am I sleeping alone tonight.....?" Taeyeon frowns.
"mmmmm" Tiffany hesitantly nods her head, making Taeyeon opens her mouth to be even more disappointed, "is just for a week, darling"
"a week"

"bear with it" tiffany cupped Taeyeon's face.

Taeyeon shakes her head, "I cant"

"you haven't try..."

"I don't need to try to know that I will miss you"

Tiffany starts a small swinging from their hands that were holding together, "be a good girl and you'll be rewarded"

"but, im going to miss you badly~" Taeyeon starts whining.

And fyi, taeyeon doesn't whines, unless, is something that she really wants.
Tiffany leans down to give a quick peck on Taeyeon's lip, "talk later"

"yahhhh~ fany ahhh" Taeyeon calls out at Tiffany who is already making her way to her own room, Tiffany turns around, beaming a small smile and a wink at Taeyeon before walking into her room.

Knowing nothing is going to work and the only way for her to do is to survive through the week.
Taeyeon slams her back onto the couch, she sighs.
Yuri who walk pass behind her, gives a knock on Taeyeon's head.

"ayyy" Taeyeon touch her head where she's hit, she looks up to glare at Yuri.

"bored eh?"

"what are you talking about" Taeyeon grumbles and hug a pillow tighter to her chest.

"I can read it all over your face" Yuri rolls her eyes and sit herself next to Taeyeon, she smacks Taeyeon by the thigh, "is just a week"

"sometimes, I really wonder, if we ever to have a chance to open up about our relationship" Taeyeon sighs, "or will we have to be all secretive for the rest of our life"

"as long as you're happy, what matters isnt it?" Yuri smiles.

Taeyeon looks at Yuri, "I want people to know she's mine"

Yuri's eyes widen, "that serious?"

Taeyeon not ashamed nods her head.

"pabo, what country are we living in....this wont be acceptable"

"that's not the problem, I want her..... I want her to be mine....."

"she is yours"

"and only a few of us knows about that"

"that's not the case-"

"yul~" Taeyeon looks at her, "she means a lot to me"

Yuri slowly smiles, "no matter what, I will support you~"


Its one hour pass since Taeyeon rolls in her bed, she cant seems to sleep comfortably.
She look over at Sunny's bed, sunny is already sound asleep.
Taeyeon's eyes darted at the door, that slowly opens, letting a small light running into her room,
She can only see a dark figure, waving for her to come.
Taeyeon slides out from her bed and skips her way to the figure.
Tiffany pressed her index finger against Taeyeon's lips, not letting her to say any further.
She then slips the finger off the lip and gently intertwines her fingers with Taeyeon as they held hands, Tiffany then pulls Taeyeon into the kitchen, switching the lights on and close the door.
"fany~~" Taeyeon was all smiling, looking at Tiffany who walks over to the fridge.

Taeyeon look at Tiffany who seems to be busy, ransacking through the kitchen.
"fany ah~ wae??"

"why aren't you sleeping" Tiffany ask as she takes a pot out and put it on the stove, turning the gas on, "huh, tae tae?" Tiffany looks at her lover for awhile, before she twist the milk bottle cap and pour some milk into the pot.

"I cant sleep without you in my arms" Taeyeon admits cutely, like a child.

Tiffany beam a sexy frown as she gives one stare at Taeyeon and walks to the fridge to keep the milk, she then walks to Taeyeon and pinches Taeyeon's nose.

"you can sleep?" Taeyeon ask.


An answer that made Taeyeon frown, Tiffany giggles but she leans down and kisses Taeyeon quickly, "but I miss your arms around my body"

"you missed my hands all over your body eh" Taeyeon smirk.

"naughty" Tiffany walks to the stove and starts stirring the milk, earning a pair of arms hugging around her waist, "I love you tae"

"and I love you more" Taeyeon kisses Tiffany by the neck.

"I love you most" Tiffany smiles, feeling lucky to have Taeyeon.

"let's" Taeyeon nibbles the skin of Tiffany's neck, "have a small session"

Tiffany bite her bottom lips to block any moans coming out, "we cant tae.... Not with my sister being here"

"why" Taeyeon starts licking up and down the neck, making Tiffany shiver against the tongue that skillfully brush against her neck.

"be good" Tiffany turns the stove off, walking away, making Taeyeon have no choice but to let go of her girlfriend, Tiffany walks over to the cupboard to grab a mug, she watch as Taeyeon crosses her arms, "don't be such a baby, I should be that role"

"I be anything just to have you"

Tiffany giggles, while carefully pouring the fresh hot milk into the mug, she shakes her head.

"fany, jebal~" Taeyeon looks at her lover, hoping for hope.

"here" Tiffany passes the mug to Taeyeon, "drink it up, it'll help in order for you to sleep"
Taeyeon shakes her head, Taeyeon puts the mug down on the kitchen bar.
Tiffany rolls her eyes at her girlfriend complains, she puts the pot in the sink and walks back to Taeyeon, "are you going to waste it? Look at the time, its almost 1am and I woke up to make some for you"

"I want milk"

"good" Tiffany brings the mug up, "there"

"no" Taeyeon shakes her head, "I want milk from you"

With that, Taeyeon lowers her head down so quickly, she sucks through the shirt of where Tiffany's breast are.

"yyyyahhhhhhh!" Tiffany step back quickly, earning Taeyeon who is tugging the shirt with her teeth, but Taeyeon let go at last, "taeyeon"

Taeyeon didn't want to make her lover angry grab the mug, but still frowning, "araso"
Tiffany frowns back, looking at her shirt where Taeyeon suck, clearly a stain of wet saliva.

Tiffany walks to the kitchen door, "go to sleep, so the days pass faster"

Taeyeon watches her girlfriend walking out from the kitchen, she looks at the mug in her hands, she felt love, she felt like Tiffany was her wife already, who would willing to make milk in the middle of the night so she could sleep well, "sleep early, taeyeon ahh, so time pass quicker"
She smiles and start gulping the milk down.

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