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She can feel herself dying from boredom, her finger clicking the button of the remote control, switching channels after another, she has been going through so many countless of Chinese programmes on the television, the reason she was bored is because those programmes are in Chinese with English subtitles and on the other hand, her girlfriend was sleeping soundly in bed, right next to her.
Totally out of surprise, she was being hugged around the neck from the back, Taeyeon grins happily knowing who did so, since its only possible for one person to do so, automatically her right hand held those hands that were around her neck, "Fany"
"Hi baby" Tiffany said sexily, her bedroom voice was one of the sound that Taeyeon was most comfortable with, "Miss me?" she ask, her voice teasing while her teeth nibbles Taeyeon's earlobe.
"All the time" Taeyeon smiles in return.
Tiffany leans her whole weight forward, depending it on the body in front of hers, Taeyeon's back. Enjoying the warmth coming from Taeyeon's back, "I've thought of buying some ginseng for your parents"
"You know they don't need that, they are already happy enough with the daughter in law they are having right now" said Taeyeon.
"Oh, really?" Tiffany voice being back to seductive all over again, as she uses her strength to pull Taeyeon goes backwards, the two ended up lying on bed, with Taeyeon slipping right next to Tiffany, but the younger girl still doesn't want to let go of the neck, "Then let me complete being the best daughter in law"
"Oh?" Taeyeon imitates Tiffany's voice, "How"
"Let's start by making some 'babies'~" her voice slowly faded off as she pulls the blanket over their heads.


Taeyeon greeted her tallest member as she steps into the kitchen, scratching the back of her hair, leaving it all tangled and messy, not that she cares.
"Tsk tsk" Sooyoung shakes her head disapprovingly, while her thumb and index finger rubs the chin in between the two fingers as if she was trying to solve a hard case she is on. Ignoring her member, Taeyeon just pour herself some drinks from the bar.
"Ready to go back Seoul?"
Sooyoung shakes her head again.
"Yahhh...what are you up to?" Taeyeon makes her way to where Sooyoung is at and she almost spit the drink in her mouth but manages to quickly forcefully gulp down the liquid in her mouth, "Stalker?"
Sooyoung was scrolling through Taeyeon's instagram on her laptop, "You..." she pointed the laptop screen while saying so and Taeyeon know this will lead to no good but endless teasing coming from the giraffe, "are being too obvious!"
Sooyoung rolls her eyes. Taeyeon places her cup down right beside of the laptop, "Tiffany..tiffany, tiffany, tiffany oh and look, WHO IS THAT!? Tiffany" Sooyoung claps her own hands sarcastically.
"So? I've posted other pictures with other members as well"
"Yes, but you've posted MOST of the pictures with Miyoung" Sooyoung corrected Taeyeon bitterly.
Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders coolly, "You know some pictures are posted by her" she pick her cup up again.
Sooyoung just rolls her eyes and continue to scroll through Taeyeon's instagram.
"Is just weird to see my own member looking at my own profile" Taeyeon chuckles dorkily. Putting her cup back down, she leans forward with the help of her hands pushing against the bar table, holding her weight up, is her first time seeing her own instagram with a laptop, since she just scrolls them through once in awhile with her iphone. One of the tabs caught her eyes, her expression becomes dark as her lips close into a thin line, she pointed at the tab that she hates to see and before Sooyoung can do anything like closing the tab off, Taeyeon swiftly snatches the mouse away from Sooyoung, "What the heck"
"Relax will you" Sooyoung sighs.
"Relax?? You know I don't like it, you know what it did to me and Tiffany!" Taeyeon scolds.
"Chill!! It was the past isn't it? I thought you both have already settled it"
"It still matters to me, it still affects me because she is mine, Choi Sooyoung, why are you looking browsing such useless stuffs????"
"Geeez, as useless as it is, I was just google-ing it! This is a thread, an almost dead thread created by those who...." Sooyoung looks at Taeyeon carefully, "shipped them"
"Fuck that"
"No, is not useless Tae, I have come to find out an interesting thing"
"And I am not even slightly interested in it, that fandom is DEAD for me and for her!"
Sooyoung watch how Taeyeon was gripping the edge of the table tightly, "Oh trust me, you'll be surprise what is in store and how many Locksmiths has missed this obvious clue out!"
Taeyeon eyed Sooyoung suspiciously, "Will this make me be emotional and not talk to Tiffany?"
"I don't think so" Sooyoung shakes her head, but hesitated the moment she did.
"Alright. Spill it"
"Forget it" Sooyoung close her laptop, pushing the lid down.
"DAMN IT! First you lure me and now just leave me all hook up!?"
"TELL! Or I'll...."
"You'll what?"
"Tell manager oppa not to let you buy all those snacks anymore because you are putting on some weight!"
Sooyoung smacks her own forehead and chuckle, "First..I think you've been reading too much fanfic about me, awww- but no, I am not a desperate shikshin who will betray anything for food, I am not that crazy, but that doesn't means I don't love you..." she turn her head to the other side of the laptop where a bag of potato chips were lying down there, she strokes it tenderly with love and care shinning in her eyes, causing Taeyeon to almost choke her at that point, "secondly, oppa will be very happy to hear that I finally put on SOME weight but you and I both should know very well, I am born skinny-"
"and flat"
Taeyeon rolls her eyes instead this time, playfully and Sooyoung felt relief that the midget has still had the sense of humour.
"I was just browsing and seemingly, everything is almost the same"
"Be more precise on the meaning of your 'everything'" Taeyeon pulls a stool out from under the bar, so she can sit facing Sooyoung.
"The clues and proof those shippers said about KhunFff...Khun and Tiffany"
"For example. Like when Tiffany did the ad for Yakult which says 'Look At Me' and then next thing we can find is Khun is tweeting 'I look to you by whitney houston' that causes the shippers to think he was talking about her, because when she sang Teenage Dream, he tweet about the song as well. And when Tiffany was photographed holding a book, Pretty Little Liars and again, he tweeted he is going to watch or read it just because he wants so, with all this tweets of his, people assumes they are an item....WHICH WE BOTH KNOW THEY ARE NOT" Sooyoung can see that Taeyeon is burning on the seat, but she tries her best to keep a calm face on.
"He kept pursuing after her for what it seems to me, tweeting stuffs like this, trying to mislead the poor fans out there, causing such an uproar to Locksmiths" Sooyoung giggled, btu she stop when Taeyeon did not give any reaction, "I'm serious, every single time when Tiffany is involve with something, he will tweets something...have he still yet to let her go?"
"Well, he's just too much!" Sooyoung stated, nodding her head all by herself.
Taeyeon stays quiet.
"But...you and Tiffany are obvious-"
Taeyeon's sighs made Sooyoung unable to complete her sentence, "Are you...angry?"
Taeyeon shakes her head, getting off from the stool, "I'm mad"
Sooyoung gulps. She knows who will kill her next, Tiffany.
Taeyeon takes a few deep breaths as she stood in front of their hotel room, she just knows she needs to control herself and her emotions right now, she knows clear enough that Sooyoung has a good point there and she shouldn't be mad towards Tiffany but at the same time, she knows her mood is unpredictable and she always says things she might regret later on after when she cools down.
Thinking that she's ready, Taeyeon enters the room.
Tiffany is sitting on the long lazy couch, with just a white long sleeve shirt on, no pants, and that view is really sexy, even if her hair was left uncombed. She's resting her head with her right palm while her left scrolls through Taeyeon's mini ipad. The sound of the door opening and closing causes the younger girl to look up.
"TaeTae" she calls out cutely.
Taeyeon could feel her heart flutters against the call, no matter how many times she was called that way, Tiffany still got its way to make her heart goes all fluttering or shivers. Seeing Taeyeon did not reply her nor smiling, Tiffany got on to her feet and left the ipad mini on the couch as she makes her way to where Taeyeon is at. It hurts her enough when Taeyeon avoided her by heading to the bathroom.
"What is wrong?" Tiffany ask softly, staying at where Taeyeon left her, looking at her with curiosity.
Taeyeon sighs inwardly, "Nothing. Just don't talk to me at the moment...I don't want to hurt you" she said bitterly but in her soft voice as she enters the bathroom quickly. Tiffany frowns. Inside of the bathroom, Taeyeon felt like screaming her feelings out, she knows it is stupid to feel upset about it, since she knows he longer have any chance with her, she smacks her palms against the sink counter top a few times to let out her frustration.
The door clicks open.
"Why can't you understand what I said?" she growl angrily, looking at Tiffany through the mirrors.
Tiffany shakes her head, but instead of forcing Taeyeon to say what the reason is for her anger which will eventually fuelled up Taeyeon's angry mode and lead to an argument, she knew she have to find some other way to cool off her angry girlfriend.
She took Taeyeon by surprise when she back hugged her from behind, giving a small smile to Taeyeon through the mirror as she knew her leader was watching her every move from the mirror in front of them, "I understand us.." she said softly.
When she enters the bathroom, she remembers how angry those eyes were, piercing gaze at her through the mirror, but now, after what she did and said, those pupils were softening causing her to smile even more seeing how cute her Taeyeon is when she reacts that way.
"Tiff...you don't understand...I don't want to hurt you with my words..." Taeyeon sighs.
"Nobody knows you any better than I and you do...Then you should know I rather you hurt me with words than you keeping those thoughts that can harm your heart and mind"
"You want to tell me what's going on?"
Taeyeon shakes her head.
"That bad huh?" Tiffany pouts and Taeyeon held her hands, pulling Tiffany around so they are facing each other, this time, Taeyeon nods her head.
"Why don't....you kiss me, to let me know how bad it is?"
With no hesitation, Taeyeon pulls Tiffany hard against her, their lips smashes so hard that Tiffany almost stop the kiss as she felt her lips hitting the bottom rows of Taeyeon's teeth as their lips crashes, their face was literally pressing up against each other, Tiffany can even hear how intense Taeyeon's breathing were through her nostrils. But Taeyeon pulled away finally, blinking her eyes innocently.
"That bad huh?" Tiffany jokes, Taeyeon shows her puppy eyes, "Name?"
"Choi Sooyoung" Taeyeon said out, almost like a kid does in a way.


Tiffany enters Sooyoung's shared hotel room, the girl is still by the bar, surfing the internet with her free time, she smiles back instead of worrying, "Wipe that smile off your face, what did you do choi sooyoung? She was having a great morning until she came in here!"
"Oh please, with your 'oh, hngghh~ mmh..please~~' anyone can know Taeyeon had a splendid morning"
Tiffany felt her whole face turning into her favourite color, PINK and it's the first time she dare say she don't like it in this situation.
"Any dent at the wall near the bedpost?" Sooyoung continues her cheeky tease.
"what did you told her sooyoung!"
"Told her that she shouldn't have keep your orgasm for so long..."
"SOOYOUNG!!! I'm serious here" she can't keep herself from blushing and if Sooyoung decide to tease her furthermore, she will not hesitate to duck tape the girl's mouth, "She's all upset! Even towards me.." Tiffany frowns. Back there she has been trying to keep a strong happy face for Taeyeon, she knows if she shows the girl she was hurt by the actions she was given, Taeyeon will be twice more regretting when she finally gets better from her emotions.
"She caught me browsing threads about you and Khun"
"...why would you-"
"Hey, don't forget I am one of the Locksmiths" Sooyoung smiles prettily, "Besides, I hate it too when people goes around saying this and that when it wasn't, you know how I am.."
"and what made you browse such threads?"
"Some people out there still tries to provoke our anger..." Sooyoung pouts.
"You know the only way to this matter is ignore it-"
"Is not easy to do as it was said" Sooyoung looks at Tiffany, "Fany-ahh, did you know half the things he tweeted...?"
Tiffany sits on the stool that Taeyeon previously sat at, "Yes" she licks her bottom lips and watch as Sooyoung's eyes grew bigger, "Is not like I can't stop him or what, Taec oppa stills tells me that Khun has feelings on me after the break up..."
"Taeyeon loves you...she just loves you too much that she cares every little things"
"I know"
"I'm sorry..." Sooyoung frowns as well, "But I only told her how I found out he would tweet stuffs.."
"For Taeyeon, Nichkhun is the guy once dated me, no couples will be happy with their exes past..especially Taeyeon, she is very protective and quiet about things...but we all know her well enough to know how it goes"
"So...what are you going to do to cheer that girl up? Need my help?"
"I want you to believe in us, me and Taeyeon and not surf for those things anymore on the internet, you've seen us, the things that happened, said and done...all those aren't enough?"
Sooyoung laughs a little bit, nodding her head as she do, "True"


Getting out from the van, Jessica stood there hesitantly, remember what happened the last time when she walks in there recently. As Yuri and Tiffany walks pass her, already entering the airport, Jessica's hopes were crushed, she thought at least she could have Yuri by her side due to the past, Yuri used to protect her in the airport at times or she could just hold the hem of her shirt, following behind like a puppy.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt someone bump against her from the back, looking through her glasses, she sees a taller girl standing right beside her, smiling brightly.
"Come unnie, I'll be beside you" she offers companionship, Jessica felt lucky and thank God to hear her silent prayers, nodding her head, the two enters the airport together.
Fans were closing in when the two of them enters, guards were surrounding them, so does their manager oppa, her heart was beating slower and slower, she felt like the fans were crowding in too fast and she is afraid of the same happening going to happen again today.
Is as though her worries were heard by the member beside her, she gasp in surprise as a pair of long thin arms, wrapped around her body from the back, "Don't worry" Yoona whispers closely to Jessica's ears, "Nothing is going to happen today" her voice promising.
Her worries were all gone.

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