183>MrMr by SNSD

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They were all gathered in the meeting room, they knew it is regarding about their next Korean Album and they were all excited about it. Tiffany was the first to arrive while the rest was taking their sweet time, walking slowly. Personally, Tiffany has a lot role of leadership in herself. Sitting herself at the first corner of the chair, the rest start coming in one by one, yawning. Yuri plop herself to the seat right next to Tiffany.
Taeyeon walks in and gives Tiffany a gloomy expression which made her girlfriend chuckles seeing that, pouting and bloating her cheeks up, she made her way to the other end, far from her girlfriend.
Their manager oppa came in 5 minutes later, seemingly busy and in a hurry as usual. But he gives his best smile to the girls anyway.
"Good morning, girls" he cheers.
But they waves back lazily or coolly, or well, as for Jessica who just stares at him.
"Good news, a new concept, one that will make your fans go 'WOW!' something that is different" he said.
"Sexy concept?" Yuri asked, half smirking.
"Erm...not so..."
"OHMYGOD!! KISSING YOU ERA???" Hyoyeon has a horror look on her face, followed by Tiffany and Sooyoung, making the same expression then laughing to themselves at their silliness.
"Not that" he stated.
"Then?" Taeyeon ask in a serious voice, she is always pretty self composed in front of her manager oppa.
"You're going to have man in the music video...not only that, on dance stage as well, men" he stated proudly, like he is already earning millions in pocket just thinking about it, "Something very different right?"
Some members were already discussing to themselves about it. Taeyeon on the other hand was nodding her head, thinking it might be a great comeback concept to surprise Sones, she was smiling a bit until she hears clapping and familiar giggles coming from the other end, her very own girlfriend, was happily chatting with Yuri about how good looking the male dancers can look, the smile on Taeyeon's face started to fade.
"I disagree" says Taeyeon.
The room immediately fell silence. Looking at Taeyeon's direction.
"Mwo" she rolls her eyes, she thinks it's ridiculous for getting such response from her members, "Our fans won't like it-"
"Well, you won't be kissing any man in the process, so I don't think is a huge matter" said manager oppa, "Besides, fans get over with it soon, they need to accept it even if they like it or not"
"Eyyy....we can always wow our fans in all kind of ways, male dancers are not necessary" she continues to debate, "Right guys?"
"I think is a brilliant idea" said Sooyoung, blinking her eyes cutely.
"Do you think he will think the same as you?" Taeyeon ask in return.
Sooyoung knew Taeyeon was talking about her boyfriend, she pretend to sulk in her seat. Losing to Taeyeon.
"What do you think, Fany-ahh?" she looks at Tiffany, her eyes were like daggers, shooting at Tiffany.
"I...." Tiffany looks nervous, "I think is....great idea" Taeyeon face fall when she hears the last sentence.
Losing hope, she turns to the most reliable person in the group, "Maknae ahh, eottoke?"
"It's a fresh concept unnie"
Taeyeon pretended she fall off from her chair, causing laughter in the meeting room.
"Alright, dance practice later..." he looks at his watch, "...in 2 more hours, then music video shooting on next week"
"T-that fa-fast???" Jessica sighs, throwing her head backwards, sighing.
"Thank you girls" he then left them for their own discussion.
"I saw that" Tiffany grabs Yuri's arm, pulling her best friend close to her.
"Stop pretending..." Tiffany sticks her tongue out, "Stop looking at Jessi with hopes" she teases.
Taeyeon walks to her side and taps her shoulder, "Music room?"
"Wae?" Tiffany looks up, at Taeyeon.
"Wow, it's a rare occasion, looking upwards at Taeyeon" Yuri chuckles at her naughty remark.
"Yeah, cos normally she will be under me, while I am on top" Taeyeon hiss to Yuri, causing Tiffany to hit her a few times at the arm. Yuri gulps shyly. "Palli, Fany-ahhh"
"Waeyo" Tiffany groans.
"I wanna talk to you" she said shortly.
"Talk then"
"Not here" Taeyeon crosses her arms.
Tiffany rolls her eyes, but she got up from her seat and follow Taeyeon anyway.
The music room was one of the most, private, quiet, darkest room in the whole SME company. Tiffany climbs onto the couch lazily, she lays there, feeling slightly sleepy in such situation. Taeyeon slowly climbs herself onto Tiffany, causing a scare for the girl. Tiffany tries to sit up, but being push back by Taeyeon when she tries to.
"Kim Tae Yeon, not here" she warns through her gritting teeth.
"I know" said Taeyeon, placing a finger in front of Tiffany's lip, "I won't...but I feel like kissing you" she leans downwards, her lips against Tiffany's.
Instantly, Tiffany almost automatically moans into Taeyeon's kiss, the other smirk at how Tiffany responded, slowly, Tiffany's head is resting on the couch again.
Taeyeon's hands begins to feel around, she felt her way upwards and cupping Tiffany's breast in her right hand, causing Tiffany no choice but to break the kiss and stops the girl to do any further, "No" she sat up, pushing Taeyeon aside, "You'll get my shirt wrinkle at that part" she scolds, looking down at her own chest.
"I have an idea"
"What" Tiffany looks at Taeyeon.
"Take off your shirt" Taeyeon smirks sheepishly.
"KIM TAE YEON!" Tiffany scolds, "and to gamble someone to walk in on us, what happen next then?"
Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders, "Why are you so keen on having male dancers?"
Tiffany really wonders how good Taeyeon is at jumping one topic to another in a second, "I wasn't keen, I just think it was something brilliant and fresh, something that Sones doesn't expect..."
"It will surprise Sones even more if we were the males" Taeyeon mumbles as she sulks, one, because her girlfriend is keen on having male dancers and secondly, she didn't get to grope Tiffany for as long as she had secretly planned in her mind.
"THAT IS SMART!!" Tiffany suddenly squeals, clapping her hands.
Taeyeon looks at her with her big round eyes.
Tiffany pulled Taeyeon to their manager room, after making Taeyeon telling her manager about the idea of another side of them in the music video, portrays and playing as a male side, even their manager thinks it was a great idea, something different and so fresh, something that will definitely surprise and make their fans goes wild, especially the girls fan this time. Their manager promise to start a new discussion later on with the producer and usher them to go for the dance practice first.
As they walk into the dancing studio, which they haven't been in for quite some time, Jessica squeals and pull Tiffany to her, "ohmo, they are so good looking" she stated cheekily.
"Our dancers!!" Jessica cheers, making Tiffany squeal along with her. They start going in circles, turning each other round and round.
Taeyeon and Yuri watch, Yuri had her jaw drop open seeing such childish moment, but she was snapped off from the moment when she felt something poked her at the side of her waist, "Mworago?"
"Promise me one thing" said Taeyeon, her eyes not taking off Tiffany and Jessica who is still fangirling, "Get Jessica back"
Yuri rolls her eyes, "If this is about the male dancers, don't need to worry, Tiffany love you too much to betray your love for the dancers"
Taeyeon snorts, "Is your Jessica I am worried about, you know her, softie, a little sweet words from one of the good looking tall male dancers, he will sweep her feet off before you does" that shuts Yuri up, "I'll be back" Taeyeon left the studio room and found her way up again to her manager's room.
"Hi again" she greets, her head pop in between the open door.
"Oh? Taeyeon ahh...yes, what is it? Another great idea?" he smiles, the producer is already at the other end of the table, Taeyeon believe they were in the midst of discussing about a whole new changes for the Music Video.
"More like a request actually" said Taeyeon.
"Oh? What is it, Taeyeon ahh" he ask softly.
"Male dancers, when you said dancers, it means each for everyone of us?"
He nods his head.
"That is not necessary....can you make it not possible for me and Tiffany?"
"Why is that?"
"Erm....she doesn't feels good about it..."
Fany is going to kill me – Taeyeon.
Taeyeon nod her head quietly while her mind keeps telling her that Tiffany will kill her for this lie.
The producer in his chair turns around, smiling to Taeyeon.
"Won't that be too obvious? If it's just you and Tiffany?" he ask, making Taeyeon blush, "Well...since you were the one who came up with the GirlsGeneration being male concept, I think for once, she has the right to make a decision of her suggestion for this concept, besides..." he turns back around to look at the manager, "She is the leader of Girls Generation...and too many male dancers, might not be good, 18 people dancing on stage, can't be a good idea either..."
"You have your point there" the manager nods his head as he starts thinking further, "Okay, we'll have it plan, for sure you and Tiffany won't be having any male dance partners, are you sure, Taeyeon?"
"Yes...I'm sure fans want it that way as well" Taeyeon smiles in assurance.

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