155>YulSic Valentine's Day 2013

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Yuri and Jessica walked to the parking lot, as Jessica passes her car keys to Yuri, the two get in the car, "where shall we head to?" Yuri asked as she starts the car engine. Jessica pulls her phone out from her handbag.
"There is something that I want us to talk about, Seobang"
Jessica looks at Yuri in a serious matter, "you don't need to sell your car" she said shortly.

Jessica leans back to her seat, "I don't know, I just don't find it fair enough...you've drove the car for so long...and...you're right, a past is always the past...so- yeah"
Yuri reaches out to hold Jessica's hand in hers, "you know I'll do anything to keep you with me, Sica"

"yes, I know" Jessica smiles, looking back at Yuri, giving their hands a squeeze, "and you know I love you too, seobang...and I wont let a car ruin us"

"Is just a car, Jess...I can always buy another one-"
"doesn't matter, silly" Jessica cups Yuri's face and give a peck by the cheek, "let's plan-"

"Should we take it to the next level?" Yuri looks at Jessica.

"we've done all the level kwon yuri" Jessica wriggles her eyebrows as she laughs out loud in a high pitch.
While Yuri sighs as she flexes her clenching jaw, "that's not what I meant sica..."
"I think....we should tell our parents"
Jessica and Yuri both look at one another.

"I want my family to know you, Sica...I want them to know you are my girlfriend.."  Yuri sighs, "you think your parents will like me? will they even accept me???" Yuri leans her forehead against the steering wheel.
Jessica reaches out to stroke the back of Yuri's hair, letting the hair tangle in between her fingers.
"my parents always give me whatever I want...and I want you kwon yuri"
Yuri looks at Jessica, smiling back, "tonight, we should both ask each of our parents out..have a dinner together"

"that fast??"

"you don't want to?" Yuri ask in return.

"anniyo, I don't mind..whatever you want seobang" Jessica smiles sweetly.

And they did, Yuri called her parents, but seems like her dad is busy for extra work that night, so its only her mum coming for dinner at the Jung's residence, when Yuri parked her car in the garage, she gripped the steering wheel tightly, she can even feel her palm sweating.
"worry much, seobang?" Jessica has a grin on her face, seeing how anticipated Yuri is acting right now, nervous mostly.

"I need this" Yuri answers firmly, "I am serious with you, Sica"

Jessica reaches out to cup Yuri's chin, pulling the tan girl closer to her as she sneaks a kiss, "mmmh~" Jessica sighs longingly when the lips she quickly misses after leaving a sec, her eyelids flutters open as she looks back into Yuri's dark brown pupils.
"let's go in" Jessica smiles encouragingly.


Yuri can now not only feel her palm being sweaty, but she believe her forehead is soon to have sweat trickles down, she swallow the saliva contains in her mouth constantly but when Jessica hook her arm with hers, she felt so much better, calmer.

"mum. Dad" Jessica calls out once she steps into her parents house, one of the maid carried a pair of pink fluffy slippers and place it in front of Jessica. Yuri watch as Jessica kick her sneakers off and change it into the slippers being prepared for her, "IM HOME~~~" her voice echoes up like the spiral stairs.

"Ms. Sooyeon"

Jessica jumps a little when she heard her name suddenly being call out, coming out from the small library her dad made in the house, is their house butler, who has been working for the Jungs for a few years already.

"Mr. James" Jessica greets back with the sweetest voice ever, it seems like she is really happy to see him again.

"you've grown prettier than the last time I saw you"
"the last time you've seen me is just a week ago, James...stop being mushy" Jessica chuckles.
Yuri smiles at the situation.

"Mr and Mrs Jung has informed me about your arrival with a friend of yours" he bows his head to Yuri's direction, the young girl was well mannered enough to return one back, "The mrs has already informed the chef for tonight's menu. Will be done in an hour, by the time, your parents will be home"

Jessica nods her head, but Yuri can see how Jessica is slightly disappointed, knowing how much her girlfriend hates waiting as she has no patience in doing so, she even stated she would rather sleep if she has the extra time, not wasting it by waiting for someone.

"I'll be up in my room then" Jessica then cheerfully grabs Yuri by the arm and drags the tall girl.


"sorry" Jessica whines as she lets Yuri closes the door as she enters into her room, plopping herself lazily onto bed.

"why are you apologizing?"

"I didn't know my parents will be out" she answers.

"aigoo, gwenchana" Yuri approaches Jessica who is laying on the bed, she sits near the edge of the bed, which is quite a distant from where Jessica is laying down at.

"Yuri" when Yuri looks at Jessica, the blonde girl has a naughty grin on, she smacks her hand against the vacant space of the other side of the bed next to here, "come join me"
But disappointingly, Yuri shakes her head, rejecting the offer that Jessica gave, she looks around and she sees a magazine on the ground close to her, she pick it up, English magazine but that will do to distract her from going crazy after Jessica and her plan. Yuri can feel that Jessica is being naughty again. Jessica pouts, seeing how Yuri picks the magazine up to her eye level, trying to block Jessica out of her view.

No one rejects me...none – Jessica.

Jessica straddles herself against Yuri's legs, sitting on top of her knees, Yuri gulp hard when she felt her knee being in between of Jessica, "yuri ahh"

There she goes again with the seductive voice.....no no no no! you need to be a good example for your in laws! Don't....dont let them hear you eating their daughter out! – Yuri.

"please baby" Yuri pleaded, putting the magazine away and she swear that was one of her biggest mistake, wrong move, seeing how Jessica has her eyes shuts, how she begins to move back and forth, how her mouth slowly drop opens, letting out a few moans, Yuri held onto Jessica's waist to support the movement while her girlfriend is totally pleasing herself.
Jessica stops herself, as she slowly opens her eyelids, looking back at Yuri, "baby don't leave me hanging" she half moan pleadingly but Yuri stubbornly shakes her head.

"who knows, your parents can be home anytime...when we go home araso?" Yuri rubs the side of Jessica's shoulders.

"we can get a quickie" Jessica giggles in her high pitch voice, she does that whenever she is excited on something.


"is either now or no sex for a week" Jessica smirks.
Yuri with no hesitation charge after Jessica, pushing the blonde girl to be underneath her when she starts kissing her passionately even how rough it is, Jessica loves it, deepening their kiss when Yuri decide to stuff her tongue into Jessica's mouth, while the other one is trying to rip her blouse, Jessica breaks the kiss, smirking at the latter who groans angrily.
"someone is being impatient" Jessica sits up as she takes her blouse off.
Yuri groans again, before diving her face in between Jessica's well shaped bust.
"ah~yul~~" Jessica threw her head backwards.

Jessica pushes Yuri away once her door suddenly flung open, they swear they could feel their heart bursting into pieces, but thankfully, is just another ice princess, the younger one.
"you could've lock the door first" she looks at them with no interest at all, looking bored as hell, "mum and dad is home" she said with a dull tone, she looks at Jessica, "make sure you put some clothes on horny sis" rolling her eyes and with that she leaves.

"you forgotten about the door" Jessica rolls her eyes, taking her blouse that were laying beside them, she wears it back, "as always"

"I didn't know you would do....you know" Yuri points below them, "this"


Things were kind of relief that the two families are getting along, they were talking about how the debut of their daughters were like, laughing their way through the conversation of how determine and how much Jessica and Yuri complains when they were younger.
"you know, if it wasn't for Krystal's exam, she would've make it for the Girls Generation debut...but we had to pull her back, needed her to concentrates more on her exam" Mrs. Jung smiles apologetically to Krystal, who just gives a small smile.

"you meant she was supposed to be in the debut of Girls Generation as well?" Mrs. Kwon ask.
Mrs. Jung nods her head, "yes, she has her name signed up for it along with Jessica...gotten choose, but....exams were close ahead, she would've need to choose in between exam or singing....not a good idea to put her in making choices at such age"

Jessica stomp her feet onto Yuri's hard, "owww" Yuri glares at Jessica, but all eyes were on Yuri instead, "m-mianhae....i accidentally chewed on the inside of my lips"

When the two mothers continue their talk again, Yuri sees how Jessica is sending her eye signals, nodding her head towards their parents' direction.
Yuri clears her throat, "urm...mum...mr. and mrs. Jung....i have something to tell you guys"
Krystal hides her smirks, taking another bite of her salad.
"Yes?" Yuri's mum looks at her daughter.

Suddenly, Yuri finds out her voice is lost, she don't know how to bring it out, her mind is nervous and she keeps thinking to herself of what her mum and Jessica's parents would react and that made her lost her voice.
"we're together" Jessica had enough of the delay from Yuri, "as in being in a relationship"

Yuri looks at how their parents are looking at the two of them.
"since when?" Mrs. Kwon looks at Yuri, still surprise at the confession they made.
"it's been quite awhile" Yuri added, seeing how Jessica nods her head, she nods as well, "and i..." Yuri looks at The Jungs, "I love her very much...Jessica meant a lot for me"

It was all awkward, seems like both sides of their parents were shocked as hell, they remain silence, until Mrs. Kwon decides to take the first steps to break the silent code, she picks the napkin up from the table, wiping her mouth.
"it's a delicious meal, thank you" she smiles to the Jungs kindly, although it is obviously a forceful one, "Yuri, send me home"
"but mum-"
"please, yuri" her mother stern voice showing her that it is not the time to argue and she is serious about it. Having no choice, Yuri gets up after her mum and so does Jessica.

"Sit..Down, Jessi" Mrs.Jung finally speaks, her voice is stern as well.

"I want to go with her, mum" Jessica stated, half stern half pleading.
"No, we need to talk as well" Mrs. Jung stated, "I believe you are going to have a talk with your daughter as well, Mrs. Kwon?" she looks at Yuri's mum, who slowly nods her head painfully.
Yuri could only sighs at the atmosphere but she made her way to Jessica, holding the girl by the shoulders as she felt Jessica is about to erupt into tears anytime soon, when Jessica gets mad, she cries as well, only to things she loves.
"everything will be fine, Sica ahh" Yuri assures the soon to cry latter, holding her chin up, she smiles to her when their eyes met, "I'll sort it out"

"promise you wont leave" Jessica looks at Yuri pleadingly, begging through her eyes to take her with her.

"yes, promise" Yuri promises with a light kiss on the forehead, "see you later"


"Mum, you don't understand-"
"My only daughter is in a relationship with a girl, which part should I understand??"
Yuri drives even quicker, "I love her, mum"

"you are too immature to love, kwon yuri"

"I am 24 if you have forgotten" Yuri sighs, she didn't want to argue with her mum.
"how much do you love her?"
"as much as I love being in So Nyuh Shi Dae" Yuri answers firmly, she lets out another sigh, "nothing can make me give up on her..."

Yuri pulls the handbrake of her car when she reaches her parents place, she looks at her mum in the eye, "I am sorry if I have disappoint you, but I choose to love her and I love you too, ma...Mianhae..." her eyes gets teary.

Mrs.Kwon's heart soften at the point seeing her daughter crying, she cups her younger daughter face in both her hands, "love was never meant to have to say you were sorry..."

Jessica screams the moment her mum is trying to talk her out on breaking up with Yuri, she has reaches her limits, "DON'T....TRY AND STOP ME!!!"
"...the reason you two are together is because you've been living in the dorm together for too long, I think is time for you to come back and live with us..."
"DAD!!! SAY SOMETHING!!!" Jessica looks at her dad who is standing by the door, leaning against the door frame, he hadn't say a word ever since dinner, but he look calmer than Mrs. Jung though.

"Honey, we should let Sooyeon have a time of her own...is enough for tonight" Mr. Jung walks to his wife, holding her up and away from sitting at Jessica's bed, "talk tomorrow Jessica...you need to calm down..is no point if we continue the conversation if both sides were heated"

Yuri : Sica...
Jessica : SEOBANGGGG *sobs*
Yuri : SICA!! Please don't cry....please...you're hurting me...
Jessica : Seobang.....*sobs*.....seobang
Yuri : I'll come get you-
Jessica : No....not now....my parents will only be more mad at you if you does...

Jessica uses the sleeve of her tee to wipe her wet face that was wetted by the tears.

Yuri : but...I want to see you...Jess....
Jessica : I cant...talk much...I'll call you tomorrow.
Yuri : Je-

But the line has already ended. The reason Jessica ended the call so abruptly is because she cant hold it any longer, she needs to let it out, bawling her eyes out.


Taeyeon wraps her arms around Tiffany's waist from the back, giving kisses on the side of the girl's neck, distracting Tiffany pretty much.

"Babyeon, you know if you keeps doing that, I wont be able to the dishes" Tiffany said moaning half way, "mmmh~~"

"Then don't do the dishes, let me do you"
Tiffany could feel the smirk from her girlfriend form on the side of her neck, "not tonight, I have 90210 movie marathon tonight and also....the dishes are pile up..." Tiffany sighs.

"fuck 90210"
"you know, the girls in there are pretty hot" Tiffany giggles.
Taeyeon groans, "I find you hotter" she growls at the side of Tiffany's ear.

"I'm on my period" Tiffany sighs, turning the tap water off, turning around to face Taeyeon also another way to stop the girl from violating her, turning her on.

Taeyeon rolls her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest, "right.period.such good timing"
"YAH! Kim Tae Yeon!"
"pull your pants down, prove it"
She made Tiffany jaw drops open, shaking her head, she turns around to continue doing the dishes, "please, I am five minutes late for the start of the movie" she sighs, hoping Taeyeon would let her off the hook this time.

Taeyeon reach over and turns the tap water off when Tiffany turn it on.
Taeyeon kisses Tiffany on the lips, "Go" she said when their lips depart.

"go...you're five minutes late isnt it?" Taeyeon helps Tiffany to take the apron off.
"but..." she watch as Taeyeon put the apron on herself right now.
"I'll do the dishes, you go watch your movie"
"but...is my turn to wash the dishes this week, babyeon" Tiffany smiles sweetly, knowing what Taeyeon meant.

"I'd do the dishes for the entire of my life if its for you" Taeyeon wriggles her eyebrows, earning a big smack of kiss on the cheek from Tiffany, it made Taeyeon chuckles happily.

"I love you!" Tiffany squeals happily as she leaves the wet kitchen.

"you know I love you more" Taeyeon mumbles, turning the tap water on again.


Yuri has knocked herself out with some beer in the fridge, she hugs Jessica's pillow close to her body as she cries herself to sleep. Hearing her phone vibrating on the bed, she slowly opens her eyes, looking at the big alarm clock that sits beside her lamp showing that it's 4am.
Feeling around where the vibration is, she finally blindly picks her phone up in the dark room.
Taking chances just by simply sliding the screen of her phone, she places the phone at her ears.
With no interest in talking at all.

Jessica : y-yurii...?

Yuri immediately jolted up on, sitting on her bed, pressing the phone closer to her ear.

Jessica : Y-yyu-yuri....are you there....

From the voice, Yuri knows Jessica hasn't stop crying at all and she curse herself mentally for even being able to fall asleep when her poor girlfriend has been crying the entire night.

Yuri : yes, I'm here sica...
Jessica : i...I want to see you....
Yuri : I'll be there! Give me 20minutes-
Jessica : please...don't hang up on me!!!!

Yuri can feel her own heart throb hearing how her girlfriend is being so fragile right now.

Yuri : don't worry, I wont....

Yuri jumps off from the bed, she grabs the Bluetooth on her desk, using it as she place her phone on the bed right now, grabbing her denim jeans on the floor, putting them on.

Jessica : did I just hear your belt hit against the floor, kwon yuri?
Yuri : *giggles* come on...you still have time for that?
Jessica : I told you not to leave your jeans around! It's messy.
Yuri : Hello, Ms. Jung, half off the shirts and shorts in our room on the ground, are yours.

Yuri picks her phone up, taking her car key, she headed out.

Yuri : why are you not talking anymore, baby?
Jessica : I miss you, seobang...
Yuri : *smiles* I miss you as well.
Jessica : come quickly.

Yuri gets in the car, starting the car, driving out from the parking lot basement.

Yuri : remember the time I flew all the way to LA, just to find you? The start of our relationship.
Jessica : always.
Yuri : Im glad I didn't make any stupid mistake by taking the flight off.
Jessica : Seobang.
Yuri : ne?
Jessica : I'm very....in love with you.

A tear trickles down Yuri's cheek, she wipes it away, smiling. Didn't care about her safety and the speeding limit, she only took about 15 minutes or lesser to arrive at Jessica's house. Her heart only breaks into thousands of pieces when she finds the girl of her life, sitting alone at the front porch in the cold morning. The moment she gets off from the car, the blonde is already dashing towards the tan girl, jumping into the tall girl arms.
Yuri immediately carries Jessica up, "silly girl, you should've waited for me inside...your cheeks are freezing cold" but Jessica shakes her head stubbornly.
Thankfully, the taller girl has been going to gym quite consistently, with the blonde wrapping her legs around the tan girl's waist tightly, Yuri looks at Jessica's face, which were slightly wet, she uses her nose to wipe some part of Jessica's face, where she can reaches, it made Jessica giggle a little bit, "don't cry" Yuri smiles tenderly, kissing both of Jessica's eyelids.
"did I woke you up? It's like 4am-" Jessica's voice cracks since she cried too much.

"doesn't matter, Jessica...anytime, anywhere, no matter what, if you need me, I'll be there"

"Yuri-ahh" Jessica hugs Yuri by the neck.

When Yuri looks at the Jung's residence, she sees on the second floor, someone is standing by the big glass window, soon, she realizes it was Mrs.Jung, watching them. But a sight of relief, when Mrs. Jung smiles and nods her head slowly, which made Yuri felt somehow relief and feel like Mrs. Jung is starting to accept them.


Taeyeon walks to the couch, only to see Tiffany has already fallen asleep on the couch, taeyeon could only smile at the sight as she walks closer to her sleeping girlfriend, taking the remote control off from her hand, switching the television off, she places the remote on the coffee table.
"Fany ahhh" she whispers first before trying to carry her girlfriend into their room, but it looks like the latter is deep into her slumber land.
Taeyeon threw both of Tiffany's arms around her neck and as for Tiffany's habit, she always hug whatever it is that comes into her arms, when Taeyeon felt Tiffany hugs tightly against her neck, just as she was about to carry Tiffany, she hears annoying growls coming from Tiffany.
"MMMHHH" with the whole strength, Taeyeon was being pull back by the neck from sleeping Tiffany and it aint easy to carry someone who is sleeping, not supporting their own weight.
Taeyeon sits her butt on the ground while her head resting on Tiffany's chest where the girl lay on top of the couch, not wanting to disturb Tiffany's sleep, Taeyeon decided to stay this way for the night.

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