58>short but sweet one.

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Taeyeon enters the quiet dorm as she has just finish her late show for KBS.
It's almost 2am already.
She walks into her room,
Carefully not to wake Sunny up, but she doubted she will,
Since she can hear light snoring from the bunny.

Taeyeon grabs her towel and pajamas.
She then has the crave to see her girlfriend, before she takes a bath.

Taeyeon tip toe to Tiffany's room.
Open the door knob with a slow gentle twist,
Hoping it didn't create any unwanted sound.

Right there, the moment she opens the door,
She can have a view of Tiffany's bed.
And can see her girlfriend's body lying on the bed,
With blanket over her body.

Taeyeon take a sneak peek at her girlfriend's roommate,
Which makes her wonder where Seohyun is,
Because her bed was empty.

(probably sleeping with Yoona or Sooyoung)(tae)

Taeyeon walks into the room quietly.
She slides into Tiffany's bed.
Giggles silently at her own victory of not making obvious sounds that can wake the latter up.

Taeyeon purposely brush her own nose lightly at Tiffany's.
Tiffany rubs her nose with her index finger, brushing away whatever it is that was disturbing her, her eyebrows frowns for a second when she did so.
Taeyeon smiles at the cutes sights.

"why do you have to be such gorgeous creation?" Taeyeon whisper those words softly.

Cant control herself any longer,
Taeyeon let her fingers stroke the light pinkish cheeks of Tiffany.
Feeling her rather cold cheeks with her warm fingers.

"is undeniable, you are jjang"

Taeyeon look closely at the sleeping angel right in front of her.
"and you're mine"
Taeyeon smile at her own words.

Taeyeon reach out and touch the brown locks of Tiffany's hair.
Cant stand it anymore longer,
She gives a very quick and light peck right onto the luscious pink lips.

Taeyeon pulls away quickly,
Is not that she didn't want to kiss the latter,
But is because she knew firstly, she can maybe never get to control herself and secondly because Tiffany is sleeping,
And if she continues to do all this kind of stuffs,
Molestation is what we called.

Taeyeon decide is time for her to get some bath,
Because it wouldn't be any good if she takes a bath in the middle of midnight.
Taeyeon sits up quietly,
And kisses Tiffany on the forehead, "night"

Taeyeon then slowly climbs off from the bed,
Heading for the door.

"where do you think you are going?"

Taeyeon stay frozen at where she stops.

"kissing me and then just leaving"

The husky voice continues to tease from behind Taeyeon.

"that's call taking advantages"

Taeyeon turn around,
No longer she sees her girlfriend sleeping,
But awake, lying side ways,
Staring back at her.
Although the room might not have light switch on.
But the street lamp did a great job on brightening the room.

"hi, tae" Tiffany smiles shyly.

But is the opposite for Taeyeon,
She felt embarrass that she was caught red handed.

Tiffany tap the empty side of her bed,
Signaling for the dork to joins her.
But Taeyeon didn't make any move, it seems like both her feet were glued on the floor.

"come here, taetae?" Tiffany was actually demanding, but she ask it in a cute way which turns out like as though she was pleading for it.

But Taeyeon stay the same position, not moving an inch.

"I say come here!"
This time, no aegyo, but a strong determination and fire flares in Tiffany's eyes.

Taeyeon quickly climbs back into the bed.
Looking at Tiffany shyly.

Tiffany moves herself closer to Taeyeon,
Hugging her waist close to hers.
"how's work?"

"ahhh. It's good" Taeyeon smiles nervously.

"what's with the sneaky kiss?" Tiffany gets to the point.

"well.... I-"
Taeyeon stammers.

Tiffany has one of her eyebrow lift up.

"you're irresistible fany ah~ cant blame me alright"

"whoa. So you're blaming me now?"

"sort of?"

Tiffany slips her arms off Taeyeon's waist,
But before she can let it slips any further,
Taeyeon has her hands holding onto it.
"yah yah yah~ im just kidding, but you are, really irresistible"

Tiffany smiles, "kiss me again?"

And Taeyeon did.
Their kiss deepens, but as Taeyeon's hands slides lower,
Tiffany breaks the kiss.

"cant..." tiffany sigh.

"why not?"

"im on my period"

Taeyeon roll her eyes, "out of all time? It's been two week since we last had it, fany ah!"

Tiffany laughs at Taeyeon's complains.
"do you think I plan it? Is not like I can control when to have it"

Taeyeon sighs, "okay then, just take off your clothes and let me touch you"

Tiffany's eyes widen.

"at least... let me be satisfy" Taeyeon shows her tongue with the perverted smile on her face.

Tiffany shakes her head in disbelief.
Taeyeon laughs.
"kidding baby, I need to take a bath anyway..."
Taeyeon gets off from the bed,
Tiffany looks at her girlfriend, "come back and join me?"

Taeyeon nods her head.


to be continue..... real soon (;

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