197>MAMA 2014 & Tokyo Dome & then there's TaeNy (:

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Taeyeon calmly took a sip from her glass of milk before coolly placing it back in front of her on the table. She tries her best not expose her inner feelings out to the girl who is sitting on her left, eyeing her almost the entire hour already and also, the maybe unaware of the situation member sitting right next to her girlfriend, taking bites of the kimchi that Taeyeon's mother had sent over the weekends.
While on the other hand, Tiffany had been keeping an eye on her girlfriend, who is obviously for her, trying to play it cool and make it seems okay. No one knows Taeyeon more well than Tiffany, if she continues to play it cool and none of them say a word about it, at the end of the day, Tiffany have to wait for Taeyeon to finally burst and when she does, the situation will be worse since Taeyeon had been keeping it bottle up inside of her for too long.
"This is awfully quiet of you two" finally, the member who had sat with them through the entire silence of an hour at the dining table speaks up, Sunny looks at Taeyeon then briefly look at the girl beside her, who seems a bit flustered and frustrated.
"Or am I being the wall here making it hard for you guys to talk it out?"
"Is not you, is her" Tiffany hissed, she glare a bit at Taeyeon.
Taeyeon feeling all eyes on her, place her fork down in the bowl and look at Tiffany's direction, heck, she is not even by one bit intimidated by that glare that is burning into her soul right now, "Its me?" Taeyeon snorts.
"Who else?" Tiffany snorts out even more sarcastically then Taeyeon just did.
"How was I the problem? Am I suddenly the person who is involved in between that love relationship between you and him?" Taeyeon rolls her eyes and quickly divert her attention back to her bowl since she knows she had crossed the borderline of testing Tiffany's patience. At any time now, Taeyeon now they might just get into a big argument.
Sunny awkwardly took her spoon and kept eating, hopefully she doesn't choke as she stuffed those rice down her throat quickly so she could excuse herself from the table and flee from the about to be brutal scene at the dining table.
Tiffany points at Taeyeon direction, "This is absurd, how many times do we have to go through this again and again??"
"Until the day you finally call it official to the world that you two have broken up!" Taeyeon spat.
"Kim Tae Yeon!! How unfair! We have talked through this! So you meant I have to bear through your bad attitude until that news came up?!"
"Was your call ever fair to me? All of a sudden, you are his girlfriend-"
"Don't say that! You know you do!"
"So now is all blame on me??" Tiffany looks at Taeyeon in disbelief.
For the first time ever since that relationship news with him, this was probably one of their biggest fight.
"I thought you will be the person I can count on to understand me...so after all these while, you have been bottling up your real inner feelings...and finally today, you decide to lash it out on me?"
Taeyeon scowl at Tiffany's scolding, but she decides to just maintain cool and quiet right now.
"GOOD! THANK YOU! DEFINITELY THE SUPPORT I NEEDED!!" Tiffany throws her chopstick onto the table harshly before getting up furiously and left the table, coming shortly after that, the two in the dining area hears a loud slam from the bedroom door.
Sunny watch as Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders and continued eating.
"Taengoo. That's not cool" Sunny sighs.
"Taengoo, could you just stop it! Stop trying to be so bitchy, you're hurt on the inside, I know alright because it was obvious!"
"I'm done" Taeyeon picks her bowl up and collect her utensil up with her and goes into the kitchen.
Something is definitely going to happen during MAMA, I'm sure of that, the plans they had upon just calling Tiffany herself alone to attend MAMA on solo, it's so darn bloody obvious. I'm not stupid! I hope our fans are smart enough to see this..how long do I need to go through these...I love her, but my heart is cracking...
Without realizing, her eyes were red and teary, a tissue suddenly appeared in front of her.
Accidentally as a reflex, Taeyeon turn around but to only see Sunny stood beside her, offering her the tissue. Taeyeon sniffs loudly.
"I'm not going to cry" she said, turning the tap water on as she rinse the dirty bowl she just used.
"Crying out physically is better than having your heart crying on the inside"
Taeyeon sighs, she thought for a moment there before switching the tap off, "Don't expect me to apologize towards something that hurts me for real"
"I'm not asking you to apologize for telling the truth, but you could've done it in a much more pleasant way...not by ignoring her, sneering when you think about stuffs in your mind, it really hurts her a lot to see you acting that way..."
"So I should hide my feelings?"
Sunny crunch the tissue with her palm and threw it into the sink, clearly showing her frustration through that action she just did, "I SO WANT TO KILL YOU" she said through her gritted teeth.
"Kill me. I rather so" Taeyeon reply bluntly.
"Taengoo!" Sunny scolds, "No, you should not hide your feelings, is good you are being honest to her with your feelings but the way you portrayed it, its definitely in the most least likeable ways!"
"No matter what way we choose, we would still ended up arguing because the fact that I can't bottle the fire in me...I didn't mean to scold her about this, damn, I did not even...but she felt like it...so...I can't do much"
"He shouldn't be the cause of the argument between you two, let it be your argument is because you want a green Christmas tree or a white one, argument or bicker on things that worth it at the end of the day in your life. Rather than arguing and hurting each other for some worthless insect"
Taeyeon accidentally let out a small grin when she hears the end of Sunny's sentence.
Sunny squeezes Taeyeon's cheeks in between both her palms, "You choose her, so choose to walk with her no matter how hard the road gets...you told me before, even if the world has come to an end, you'd be holding her hand and end those days together with her, till the end comes and today is not the end of the world."
Taeyeon genuinely nods her head softly after giving a thought about it.
"Think you two can be good once I come home the day after tomorrow-"
"Where are you going?? Don't leave me here alone...she'd be away too, to Hong Kong two days later" Taeyeon pouts.
"Roommate babo, I'll try to make it home earlier, so you won't be alone, but right now, is the right time for you two to talk about it, discuss how you're going to face and bear through it until MAMA ends"
"Just 'k', oh wow, you like that initial?"
"Don't make me murder you and slice your meat for pizza"
Sunny chuckles.
"But...just between you and me, I'm going to stand firm on my ground this time, I'm not going to do the begging this time"
"You and your ego" Sunny rolls her eyes.
"She's cute when she's all begging you know" Taeyeon smiled just by the thoughts of it.
"Disturbing enough" she circle around Taeyeon's face with her index finger, "See you"


Tiffany spent the next 5 hours being in the room by conditioning her hair, washing it, doing some mask, reading some magazine, looking through the internet, all but nothing can actually stops her from glancing at the door, hoping to see Taeyeon coming in to find her and sort things out.
Alright fine, Kim Tae Yeon, have it your way! Tiffany lays her head on the pillow and continues flipping through the magazine that she lifts above her face.
What if she really decides not to talk to me until MAMA is over, then we'll be in Japan busy with our practice, definitely not the greatest idea...Tiffany throws the magazine to the side of Taeyeon's bed.
"Fany-ahh, do you know how a relationship between two people can last long? One of the both sides must know how to tolerate the other half no matter how wrong they can be in any situation, if both are being stubborn and apology is not an option, then the relationship will end very quickly...if ever in the future, I dare hurt you, I'm sorry, I may not say it when we argue, in the future of course...due to my ego and pride, but do know, no matter how wrong you are and can be, I'd still forgives you at the end of the day.."
Hesitating to be the first one to take the initiative, Tiffany knows, if none of them makes the first move, this argument will not solve on its own magically and it will only leads to further disaster. Taking a deep breath, Tiffany exits her room, like finally. She took a deep breath again and walk to the living room where she believe she could find Taeyeon.
Taeyeon briefly look at her direction a bit before focusing back on the tv.
Bravely, with guts, she walks to the couch and sat right next to Taeyeon, "Are you going to keep acting like a jerk?" she said it out loud, enough to cause Taeyeon to flinch a bit from hearing so, but Taeyeon continue to ignore her presence.
"That's it" Tiffany leans forward to grab the tv controller on the coffee table just to switch the tv off by pressing the red button.
"Excuse me" Taeyeon look at Tiffany with a displeased facial expression.
"Stop acting like a brat"
"Stop acting as though nothing happened..everyone is expecting you to say something, you do know that don't you? What if really, someday, we found out that not everyone is going to accept us, are you going to have to force fake marriage with him??"
"I'm hurt enough already, Taeyeon..."
Taeyeon snorts, you're hurt? Then it must be death for me..
Tiffany's sob caught Taeyeon's attention, immediately, the sense of being a cocky jerk or bitch she was being, Taeyeon hearts clenches, seeing Tiffany starting to get teary.
"I'm hurt that my decision has hurt you so much and the effect on you was no joke...you're practically unhappy ever since the announcement of the relationship...I saw it, you're different, you used to smile confidently when we joke around, but now...you smiled too, but your eyes were telling likewise, you're afraid...you don't know what else could happen in the future..."
Licking her lips when she stops, Tiffany wipes the tears from around the corner of her eyes off before continuing.
"I've did and said everything I hope it can, works...and Tae, I'm so afraid that one day, I'm going to be tired of trying to convince you to believe in us, in our love...and if both of us gives up..." her voice trails off, "It hurts to see the fact that I am the reason of your pain behind your smiles, it hurts even more to know that whatever I say or do, does not convinces you"
"...you're...giving up on me?" Taeyeon ask quietly, finally, no cocky bratty attitude.
Taeyeon is in a bit relief when Tiffany shook her head, wiping her tears again.
"Sometimes, when I was in your arms, I wished my last breath happens, so I could leave knowing I am happy and I am with you" Tiffany said and she finally gives up trying to wipe and stop the tears, she let it all out and rest/hide her face on her crossed arms being on top of Taeyeon's thighs.
Taeyeon on the other hand was shock of what she just heard from Tiffany, it's the first time ever that Tiffany ever confesses in this way. She never knew Tiffany have thoughts like that.
"You can't leave me first remember" Taeyeon runs her fingers down on Tiffany's hair on the back, "I will have to leave first, so I could be a ghost and look after you"
"You idiot" Tiffany chuckles and sobs at the same time as she lifts her head up, finally, the two exchanges smiles to one another.
Taeyeon pulls Tiffany up so she could cradle the girl in her arms, "I cannot predict what are the future like for us, or how my emotions will be. Look at us right now, we're fine, but I can't promise you, that I will feel fine on the day you leave for MAMA in Hongkong...and then there's him...but the bunny is right, if he's the reason of the cause of our argument, is definitely not worth it, who is he to create such pain to us and our fans..."
"Fine. But be fair. You can be jealous, but not to the extent where you totally ignore me..." Tiffany pouts.
"Arasooo~" Taeyeon simply answers.
"Yahh! Answer it honestly with your heart"
The two exchange a brief kiss.
"Then promise me that you will handle the jealous me" said Taeyeon.
"I can live with that"
Tiffany offered her hand for a handshake, but Taeyeon shook her head.
"Seal the deal with a kiss" Taeyeon winks, Tiffany giggles, the two shares another yet beautiful kiss again.


[Already arrived in Hong Kong, I'm going to check in into the hotel, get my make up done and head straight to the event][Tiff > Tae]
Things were pretty darn obvious that her company and 2PM's company has something up their sleeves, TaeTiSeo all trios were schedule free and yet, they have only choose her to attend the ceremony. But on the other hand, she's just excited to meet John Legend later today. Her manager climbed into the back seat with her in the van, she was about to asked what was the plan for all these, but she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket.
[How's the weather?][Tae > Tiff]
[Not as cold your reply~~][Tiff > Tae]
[ >.> ][Tae > Tiff]
"Oppa" she looks at her manager, "What do you want me to do later in the event?"
Her manager looks at her, wondering what she meant, "Hosting one part-"
"No oppa, what do you want me to do? Act? Or say? During the event that can make people think that I am talking about him?" she asked directly.
[I'm not going to be a baby and say that I miss you...I'm fine being alone here in Korea, Sunny said she'll make it to watch the event live with me][Tae > Tiff]
Tiffany smiled but quickly composed back to her neutral expression as she realized her manager is right by her side, "Hold on" she said to her manager.
[Well, in less than 24 hours, I'll be in your arms again ^-^ Cool, at least someone is there to watch you for me~ kkkkk~~!!][Tiff > Tae]
[I know...I've been saying this a lot when we're together...but I love you..ok...and so I misses you...but is just silly cos we are only apart for like what? 4 or 5 hours?? LOL!!][Tae > Tiff]
[Tokyo Dome soon baby!!][Tiff > Tae]
[I'll see you later~][Tae > Tiff]
[You're coming to Hong Kong? *0*][Tiff > Tae]
Taeyeon chuckles at the emoticon that Tiffany sent to her through kakaotalk.
[I would if I could..][Tae > Tiff]
[I know ):][Tiff > Tae]
[ ):][Tae > Tiff]
[:D smile for me, I'll text you when I check in...][Tiff > Tae]
[I'm stalking on your ig~~][Tae > Tiff]
[Tsk tsk~~kkk! Love you!][Tiff > Tae]
Tiffany slides her phone back into her pocket, "Is there a deal?" she looks at her manager with a serious expression, no jokes, strictly business.
He sighs, "You don't have to say or do anything on your side, but if there were questions asked about him to you, just...go with the flow"
"What flow? There's no flow in between me and him"
"Tiffany-sshi...you're a smart girl...I trust I don't have to place everything out on the table..."
Tiffany crossed her arms and look out of the window, when will this end.

Right after she posted on her ig, she receive an incoming message. She smiled seeing who it is.
[Have a good rest!][Tae > Tiff]
[Oh hey stalker...miss me?][Tiff > Tae]
[I've packed our bags for Tokyo][Tae > Tiff]
[Mmm. Ignoring my question )': araso~ Thanks][Tiff > Tae]

Who knows what is going on later during MAMA...Taeyeon places her phone on the coffee table in front of her. Taeyeon had her cheeks resting on her palms.
"You're over thinking again~"
Taeyeon finally snaps herself off from thinking what would happen later as she looks at Sunny who joined her at the couch with a bowl of popcorn and two cans of beer, "And you're bringing me beer" Taeyeon smirks.
"Nothing wrong with beer, one can can't do anything to you" she shoves one open can to Taeyeon.
Taeyeon smile a bit before taking the can in her hand, she took one big gulp.
"You're thinking what could happened..."
Taeyeon was trying to not think about it, but her mind doesn't cooperates with her, she looks at the alcohol label on the can, as though she suddenly has interest of whatsoever is in the can.
"You know its staged..."
"I know"
"You won't understand" Taeyeon takes another sip, she finally look at Sunny, "Yes, I know its fake, but the world doesn't...and they rub things in our face with stupid comments...like it was real...like they look good together!"
Taeyeon takes another big sip.
"Whoaa..slow it down..I just brought out a can...the way you drink, I need to bring the dozen of the carton out" Sunny grins.
"Do you think I'm obsessed with her, SoonKyu?"
Sunny looks at Taeyeon with widened eyes, "Are you drunk?" Taeyeon rolls her eyes.
[How is my baby doing?][Tiff > Sunny]
Sunny rolled her eyes, she quickly look at Taeyeon side, relief that the girl is not even paying attention at her but then again, looking at the ingredients on the can.
[You meant Taeyeon or Prince?][Sunny > Tiff]
[Tae][Tiff > Sunny]
[Disgusting][Sunny > Tiff]
[You've seen way more][Tiff > Sunny]
[Don't remind me something that makes me want to wash my eyes with bleach][Sunny > Tiff]
[:p][Tiff > Sunny]
[We're talking about you. Surprise?][Sunny > Tiff]
[About?][Tiff > Sunny]
[Just random topics, you know your baby is always being a baby when it comes to you][Sunny > Tiff]
[She's not replying me anymore][Tiff > Sunny]
[Don't worry, I bet she just wants you to focus and rest more for the upcoming event later...she seems fine...not mad...not pissed...just Taeyeon...calm like her name..][Sunny > Tiff]
[LMAO~ You know her, she may look like her name...but on the inside, is the other way][Tiff > Sunny]
[You know her better :p just go get ready already and worry later, see you in Japan][Sunny > Tiff]
"So, have you talked to her today?" Sunny ask, pretending, she just wants to see Taeyeon's reaction by mentioning about Tiffany.
Taeyeon nods her head, "Yeap"
"And things are...fine?"
"Yeah...why?" Taeyeon look at Sunny, "Shouldn't it be that way?"
"Yes...but if you're mad, just be mad...don't hide your inner feelings..."
"I am not"
MAMA 2014 started and Sunny could see that Taeyeon is just eager to just watch Tiffany, most of the time she's just sulking when the programme has nothing to do with Tiff. Just when Girls Day starts performing in the beginning.
Taeyeon's expression change, her mouth was slowly open a bit, her eyes were widen and she did not blink, not until when Sunny slap her on the thigh.
"Yyyahhhh!!" Taeyeon scold, rubbing her thigh where it has a faded tinted pink hand shape that belongs to Sunny.
"I'm going to tell Tiffany that you are perverting on other girls~~~"
"You literally drool when Girls Day are performing"
Taeyeon rolls her eyes but kept quiet as she finds no reason to bicker on this issue with Sunny.
Just then, finally of all the wait, Tiffany begin to start hosting the show a bit to do the introduction for John Legend.
Sunny watch as Taeyeon was watching the TV silently...her eyes were looking at Tiffany in admiration, love, adoration. She quietly took her phone out and took a picture of Taeyeon face from the side, snickering without any noise, she pressed the send button to the chatroom in between her and Tiffany, with the caption "Your baby watching you on tv right now kkkkkkkkk".
"Her dress is really pretty" said Taeyeon, her eyes still looking at the tv.
"She's really pretty" added Sunny, she smiles when she sees Taeyeon nodding her head really slowly, like she was trying to capture all the moments of Tiffany being on camera.
"It compliments her body"
"Urm, Taengoo"
"What" she finally looks at Sunny.
"Wet spot"
Sunny naughtily pointed with her index finger at the direction of Taeyeon's folded leg, Taeyeon smacks her finger away.
"Lee Soon Kyu!!"
Sunny really felt happy that she has made it home instead of being somewhere else, she likes it how she can actually see Taeyeon expression changes accordingly to what the tv shows. There's the falling in love Taeyeon when it comes to Tiffany in the camera view and then there's the eww-why-him when Nichkhun is being filmed a bit.
"Well..at least they didn't seat next to one another" said Taeyeon to herself, smiling gleefully.
Just when TTS was awarded and Tiffany stood up to collect it on behalf of their group, Sunny jaw drop opens on how the camera was consistently shooting at Nichkhun instead of the winner who is making her way to the centre stage to collect the award. Her eyes quickly shot at Taeyeon direction, who obviously, feels the same way as her.
It is... Sunny agreed, "Game play, remember?"
"But this is not necessary though, film him once or twice, enough, the winner is TTS, Tiffany is receiving the award, not him, this is stupid, its uncalled, its unprofessional" claims Taeyeon.
[The camera keeps filming that camera, uh-oh...but Taeyeon seems to be just blabbering instead of pissed...][Sunny > Tiff]
Taeyeon finally switched the TV off, even without watching Tiffany finishes her speech.
"Yah, she's not done yet" Sunny pouts.
"So? They are just going to keep filming him" Taeyeon crossed her arms. She picks her phone up and select a picture of TTS, then she smirks cunningly and edit the picture with an icon she finds it really suitable to speak for her feelings.
"Why are you smirking...that's creepy"
Taeyeon posted it onto her ig account.
"What" she looks at Sunny.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah" Taeyeon replies bluntly.
Sunny look at Taeyeon, who does not have very much anger on her face, maybe even none. Seems like the girl feels more disturbed by MAMA's unprofessional doings rather than being pissed.
"Is not her fault anyway, she's not the cameraman. She's not dumb to let him interfere her moments on MAMA, did you see, she didn't even care to look or glance at him upon being called to receive the award...she literally didn't do anything...so...yeah"
[You win! MAMA lost a fan though...hahaha!][Sunny > Tiff]
"Well, my job is done here, you're fine, I'm going to start packing alright?"
Taeyeon nods her head.
Sunny got up from the couch, she watch as Taeyeon starts playing on one of the game on ipad and the expressions were calm, naturally calm for real.
[I think things are good, she's being a really good girl][Sunny > Tiff]
[ XD haha!! Really? I'm relief then..thank you for babysitting Tae][Tiff > Sunny]
[O_O you're done??][Sunny > Tiff]
[So done, I'm on my way back though...waiting for oppa to instruct our HongKong assistant to bring the car over...][Tiff > Sunny]
[You're not staying till the event ends?][Sunny > Tiff]
[Nope. Its pretty boring][Tiff > Sunny]
Tiffany smiled when she sees the LINE emoticon at the top corner on the left picture that Taeyeon posted on her ig. Cute.
She turns around only to find Nichkhun standing behind her, "Hi" nevertheless she still needs to greet him. Then she realize the back of the fire exit is really quiet, no one else but just them.
"Leaving?" he ask, she nods her head, "Well...me too...how are you?"
"Good" she replied, "You're having a tour too right?"
He nods his head, "Look, I'm sorry for being the only one who tries the best to keep this relationship looks real" he sighs.
Oh...here we go on again.
"You can say something that makes it seems real instead of picking on my fan" she argued in a nice way, keeping her tone calm, her face smiling, her composure fixed.
"But what your fan said was really rude"
"And you decide to be immature and ruder by replying to the tweet?" Tiffany smile, "Is that a way of a guy who claimed himself to be a grown man way to handle a situation from an unharmed fan?"
"They should respect-"
"You should do something respectable if you wants one, respect is to be earned, not to be force given"
"Okay. If you think is my fault on that, my apology-"
"Is okay, it already happened, besides, I am not the person you needs to apologize to" said Tiffany.
"I'm hurt" he said with a deep sigh, as though he was hoping for some pity.
"She's hurt by her very own fans too, with words that are cutting and stabbing her in the heart, but yet, she did not say something that is rude or can offend a person's feeling, heck, she even went around to apologise for the things she had did...even...when is not real"
"She choose to do that, besides..I could do that too, is all just an act...I was being real, being who I really am"
"And that is why we broke up, you think you're great" Tiffany smiles bitterly.
"And you think she's great" he smirks, shaking his head in disbelief.
"I don't think so. But I know she's the greatest I have met, oppa, this argument is stupid. I thought I could at least still let us remained in a friend relationship...but it looks like...you've proof me wrong, so thank you...being an eye opener"

[noh ss!w !][Tae > Tiff]
[Tae...did your pocket just text messaging me again? Lol][Tiff > Tae]
[Read it upside down, Tippachan :P see you soon in Japan][Tae > Tiff]

She arrived Japan a little bit later than her group, she walks into the hotel room with the helped of Yuri letting her in, "Tae?" she whispers. Yuri nods her head towards the door which were connected to another room, Tiffany mouthed thanks and make her way skipping to the other room, by the door, she could see her Taeyeon's back, up against the couch, totally unaware of her presence.
Tiffany quickly have the door closed. She tip toe her way to the back of the couch and lets her face goes closer to the side of Taeyeon's face.
Just then, she whispers softly, "Kim-"
Shock by the sudden sound coming from the side of her head, she turned around and their lips met. Smiling in relief whose lips she was kissing by accidental.
"Shading on him?" Tiffany jumps over to join Taeyeon on the couch, cuddling close to Taeyeon already.
"That LINE cartoon" Tiffany pulled Taeyeon's shirt, jerking it in all angles, this is typical of Tiffany being clingy around Taeyeon, doing and acting on random stuffs, she lets the tip of her nose brushes against Taeyeon collarbones as she take a sniff from Taeyeon neck and giving it a peck, it made Taeyeon giggled.
"Did you-"
"I know. Sunny told me how much the camera was showing him instead..." Tiffany groans, she hates the fact that it was her time, but the cameraman decide to screw things further for her and just keeps on filming Nichkhun instead, since it already happened, nothing can change and nothing is changed, Tiffany decides to let this small issue off.
Wasting no time, Tiffany proceed to climb onto Taeyeon, straddling against her lap, wrapping her arms at Taeyeon neck, she smiles sexily, "I'm glad you could brush this off, instead of..you know.." she smirks, totally teasing Taeyeon on her jealously and anger issues.
"Don't be sarcastic" Taeyeon gave a light squeeze around Tiffany's waist.
"So what if I am" she leans her face closer to Taeyeon's then not being able to control herself, she starts nibbling Taeyeon cheek and the neck, she lets out a satisfying groan, the feeling of being able to bite Taeyeon.
And Taeyeon just sat there and let her girlfriend do whatever she wants. Enjoying.
"Lets go to Shibuya!" Tiffany suddenly suggested, causing Taeyeon to flinch by the loud voice.
"What for..."
Tiffany shrugs her shoulders, "Just shopping?"
"Whatever you want princess" said Taeyeon with a smile and there comes a happy Tippachan thereafter.


Their dream concert finally came to an end, the girls rushes off to their resting room to proceed into changing into their comfortable clothes before heading back to the hotel, since all their flights were different. Yuri decide to stay back in Japan for a bit.
Taeyeon reaches out to wrap an arm around Tiffany's exposed waist, pulling the girl who is standing next to where she sits, closer, "Happy?" asked Taeyeon with a smile. Tiffany nods her head, smiling happily.
"IT WAS THE GREATEST MOST BEAUTIFUL PINK OCEAN!!" she shriek, "glad that there's some fans who still stood by us after all the issues..." she said in a thankful tone.
Somehow, the midget leader was soon distracted by the fact that she was sitting and Tiffany is standing so the level of her waist was just right in front of Taeyeon's face and it takes a whole good strong prayers to hold herself through instead of giving the waist a bite or more.
"Omma said she would like us to spend a couple of days in JeonJu" said Taeyeon, her eyes and Tiffany's looking at each other intensely, like they always does, "What do you say?"
"Of course!"
"You have...no other planning?" Taeyeon ask carefully in a teasing voice, "I heard he's dropping by for the tour"
"I heard you're going to get a slap if you keeps on being sarcastic" Tiffany snaps back, "So, if you're not jealous, you tease with full sarcasm?"
"Hmm" Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders, "Which one do you prefer?" she smirks.
Tiffany reaches out to pinch Taeyeon's cheek, until the latter scream in pain.

Although it is against what their manager have proposed, Tiffany ignored the fact that just clearly knows she wants to spend time with no one other than Taeyeon herself and with the family she has been missing a lot. They took the unknown flight schedule, back to Korea.
Accidentally bumping into a person who happens to be from Taeyeon's website.
"Hey, urm..can you not...take anymore pictures?" ask Taeyeon in a polite tone, she looks at the fan whose face is surprise and shock that the idol she is shipping and a bias on her list, speaking to her comfortably, "I'm with my family...and I really wish to keep everything private and confidential, the first few of my pictures you taken, I don't mind you post that on the sns...but the rest-"
"I understand.." the fansite owner smiles.
"I trust you though" said Taeyeon with a wink and finally left to search for her parents vellfire.

"You talked to the photographer?" asked Tiffany who is in the car already, whom in the beginning met Jiwoong right immediately as her flight arrive in the airport, he was already standing by the coffee bar awaiting for Tiffany, like how they planned on the night before.
Jiwoong would have to walk out with Tiffany and head for their car, with hopes no one catches her appearance, but right as they exited, they saw the fan managed to snapped a picture of Tiffany with Jiwoong by her side, the two know they can't do much but to head straight to the car even quicker where Mr. Kim has been driving round and round the airport so that their car won't catch and get further attention.
Right in the car, Jiwoong text his sister about what happened and that is why and how Taeyeon decides to talk and hopefully her fan will understand and with all due of respect, not post a single picture of Jiwoong being with Tiffany.
"Yeap" Taeyeon answers shortly and starts to buckle herself up with the seatbelt, "Thanks appa, oppa"
Jiwoong who is at the front shows a thumb up.
"Did you helped me to pick him up?" ask Taeyeon.
"Yes, he's home with omma and ginger"
Tiffany look at Taeyeon curiously, wondering whom they are talking about but Taeyeon purposely avoid the eagerness of wanting to know coming from the person beside her.
Once they arrived at the Kim's residence in JeonJu, a resident that locates in a quiet and private place, Mr. Kim parked his car in the garage and helped the girls with son on their luggage, "Gomawo" said Tiffany shyly.
"Glad to see you again, Tippani-sshi" he wraps an arm around Tiffany's shoulders, made her felt the immediate warmth welcome, so she hugged him tightly in return, Taeyeon at the back, smile at the sight, "Be sure to eat more when you're here, I could feel your shoulder bones already"
"I bet you didn't felt mine, cos you forget about my presence" said Taeyeon, waving from the back, pretending that she was trying to get the attention back from her dad, but she's actually happy that not only her family accepts her sexual preference, but they too, are in love with Tiffany's existence.
"I care" said Jiwoong who locks the car and swings the back pack around and carried it on his shoulder as he dashes to Taeyeon's side to wrap an arm around his sister's shoulders, "Is good to finally have you back home" he whispers and smile.
"So that you can order me around"
"Mmm, you sure do understand your brother well enough" he smirks.
Tiffany was greeted with a big tight hug coming from Taeyeon's mum, a kiss on the forehead and lots of complementary along with it, but Mrs. Kim would never forget her very own beautiful daughter too whom she hugs tightly and eyes were teary to just see her daughter.
The two proceed to carry their own bags to Taeyeon's room despite that Mr. Kim had offered to lend a hand, but Taeyeon decline it by saying they will be staying up there in the room till dinner is ready for the night, as they want to take some nap. Once opening the door, they were greeted by another two fellas who seems really happy by their presence.
"YAH!! Prince!! Ginger-ah!!" Tiffany goes on her knees to hug the two over active dogs jumping onto her, licking her face.
"First it's the family, and now the dogs" Taeyeon pretend to sulk as she helps to carry in Tiffany's luggage too. Shaking her head with every steps she is taking.
Tiffany smirks on got onto her feet.
Taeyeon rubs her face with her palm, sighing as she felt a bit tired for real.
"Go take a bath first before you go to bed" Tiffany pats Taeyeon at the butt as she passes by.
"Says the person who is the cleanest in SNSD?"
Tiffany rolls her eyes, she took a picture of where Prince is resting at, Hmmm, no place like home, with the family and the person I love...amazing ways to spend my holidays through... she think to herself.
Dinner was good, they were exchanging their memories of their days, laughing and giggling all the way.
Good time passes by quickly, they were their own rooms already, calling it the night.
Taeyeon had her back against Tiffany, just then
"Yah! Kim Tae Yeon! Not here" Tiffany scolds.
Taeyeon switch the table lamp on and turn around to look at Tiffany, "I did nothing"
"Ahh" Tiffany moves her legs around underneath the blanket until Taeyeon pulls it off her to find Ginger poking his nose around at Tiffany's centre.
"YAH" Taeyeon scolds, she was trying to push him away but he came back harder to sniff.
Tiffany blushes as she sat up straight on her bed, crossing her legs, while Taeyeon carried Ginger up in her arms, walking pass Prince's sleeping basket at the corner, who looks up and clearly still in his sleepy zone at his masters.
Opening the door, Taeyeon place Ginger outside of her room and close the door. They could hear Ginger whimpering outside and scratching against the door, asking for its permission to let him in. Prince got out of his basket and sniffs at the open gap in between the door and the floor.
"Go back to bed, Prince" said Taeyeon with a yawn as she climbs back to bed, smirking at Tiffany for what happened.
"TaeTae, let him in...he sounds sad..." Tiffany sighs.
Taeyeon sat closer to the end of the bed, "Ginger!! SHHHH!!" she hush loudly, enough to stop the dog from scratching against the door. Then they heard the sound of the small bell around Ginger's neck, ringing further away, "There"
"I feel bad though, he got kicked out"
"Just don't spread your legs wide open next time" said Taeyeon.
"WHAT!?" Tiffany quickly covers her mouth, remembering that she is in Taeyeon's parents house.
"I did not" she claims.
"Then explain why he only sniffs you and not me?"
"Maybe he was imitating what his owner does"
"Explain why Prince never do so"
"Yet...he's younger than Ginger...just you wait and see"
"Don't jinx it"
Taeyeon sticks her tongue out.
"Go back to sleep" said Taeyeon as she climbs back to her side of the bed.

Waking up by Tiffany shaking her from the side, Taeyeon groans.
"RISE AND SHINE" said Tiffany loudly as she pulls the curtain open, allowing the morning sun shines on Taeyeon's face which made the latter groan even louder than before.
Tiffany made her way back to the bed, crawling to Taeyeon's side, "TaeTae, mum made breakfast"
Taeyeon smiled because it felt homey just to hear what Tiffany calls her mum as. With her eyes close, she felt around and pull Tiffany by the wrist back crashing onto bed on her front, Taeyeon drape a leg around Tiffany's waist.
"Morning" she kisses Tiffany wherever her lips touches, Tiffany shoulder blade in this case, with her eyes closed.
"Morning..now get up...mum is ready...don't let the good food gets cold"
"Mmm" Taeyeon nods her head.
"Come on TaeTae"
"Did you lock the door?"
"Yeah, why?"
Taeyeon grins, "Because" she opens her eyes, "Imma do something to you"
Tiffany chuckles and chuckles, trying her best to escape from the awaken monster who is tickling her nonstop right at this moment.
After awhile, and that Tiffany was begging for Taeyeon to stop, it did the trick.
Taeyeon continues to just lay still on top of Tiffany, her arms around the girl's waist, her face leaning sideways on top of the chest that goes up and down with every breathe she takes.
"You know..." Taeyeon begins, "The time when we first stay together in the dorm as a trainee?"
"I knew there was something about you that I needed...turns out it wasn't something about you...it was just you...Tiffany Hwang that I need"
Taeyeon lift her head up to look at Tiffany.
"I really don't care anymore how hard being together is, Fany-ahh~ Being nothing is worse than being apart...I want to be someone you fall hopelessly in love with like I do for you..." Taeyeon confesses, "Hold on" Taeyeon jumps out from bed.
She hurriedly walk over to her dressing table, she has a bouquet of roses in her hands. 7 in precise. Taeyeon climbs back onto bed and hands it to Tiffany, "For you"
Tiffany smiles happily, tilted her head as she took the gift, "Thank you, and may I ask since when did you get this?"
"Got Jiwoong's help"
Tiffany realizes there's two alphabet on each roses. One on the top in the heart shaped, and the other also in the heart shape underneath the top one. She undo the ribbon that ties the roses up together and lay them on the bed, so she could see what does the words spells out.
The first one has got a 'T' above and 'F' underneath it, it didn't need to take much longer for Tiffany to actually arranging them to form two words out, 'Tiffany Forever' she smiles to Taeyeon.
"Sweet..." she giggles shyly.
"I promise, I will love you until the last rose dies..." Taeyeon points to the last rose that has the alphabet 'Y' on top and 'R' underneath it.
Tiffany picked it up, she wonders why Taeyeon would say so, since flowers dies pretty quickly...not until she took the last one in her hand, she realize it was different than the 6 roses, the one in her hand was a fake rose.
"Forever" Tiffany whispers with tears in her eyes, "You're my best friend, my lover, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, I love that you're my one and only..."
"Your everything?" asked Taeyeon in a hopeful face.
Tiffany smiles widely and nods her head.
Taeyeon leans across the bed to hug Tiffany in her arms, "You deserve a whole lot more, you even deserve the world...I can't give you that, maybe I can't even fulfil that..So, I'll give you something else..."
"You are already the best for me TaeTae"
"I'll give you my world, Tiffany~~"
Tiffany hugs Taeyeon even tighter after hearing so.
"I'm going to tell the world...that I love you"
"What?? Tae...manager-"
Tiffany felt Taeyeon shaking her head, so she stops talking.
"I love you" Taeyeon whispers to Tiffany, "There, I've said it to the world...you're my world Tiffany"

Tiffany is blushing like mad right now, and Taeyeon's smile seems to be teasing her further in the situation.
"I got you something too!" Tiffany announces as she leaps off from the bed and unzips her luggage bag, pulling a brown paper bag out. She hands it over to Taeyeon.
"During the shopping in Shibuya..."
Taeyeon pulls a box out, "Nano Blocks" its something like a lego, just in smaller pieces, she chuckles, grinning cutely like a happy kid, "Nice!! I always wanted to try building a house with theseeee"
"You kid" Tiffany smiles in satisfaction.
"Is there going to be a sweet line to come with the gift" Taeyeon giggles.
"I'm not you...I don't have the brightest idea when it comes to cheesy lines..."
Taeyeon snickers, "Doesn't matter, that's why I love you!"
"You're too perfect for words anyway, TaeTae" said Tiffany softly, enough to catch Taeyeon's attention away from the nano blocks in her hands, "from now on, I'm just going to love you, because you are Kim Tae Yeon, with no other reason...if there's a reason to love you, then there'll be a reason to leave you...with no reason...I have no reason to leave you..."
"I can't hold it anymoreeeeeeeeeee" Taeyeon roars and jumps towards Tiffany, "IMMA EAT YOU NOM NOM NOM~~!!"
Tiffany chuckles once again, happy for the moment that she is sharing with Taeyeon, while the girl was tickling her by pretending to bite parts of her neck.
"Yahhh! Omma is waiting" she giggles.
"Araso Araso...two words for you"
"What? Aren't there going to be three words instead?"
"Love is one word, You and I is one word too"
Tiffany smiles at Taeyeon's cheekiness and witty words.
"I love you too TaeTae" Tiffany leans in to kiss Taeyeon another time before dragging her girl off bed and off for breakfast with the family.

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