80>and so it starts~

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Roy smacks the baseball bat on his palm,
"STAY. AWAY. FROM TIFFANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
With that last word, he smashes the bat directly into taeyeon's face.


Tiffany jump up in awake, finding herself dripping in cold sweat.
Few secs later,
Taeyeon is already rushing to the bed.
Sitting herself next to Tiffany as she lets the latter who was awaken by a bad dream
To cuddle close into her arms.

"wae? Bad dream?"

Taeyeon ask as she slowly stroke the back of Tiffany's hair.
Tiffany nods her head,
She use her fingers to wipe the tears that were streaming down her face.
Taeyeon kiss the crown of Tiffany's head.
"gwenchanayo~ is just a dream"

Tiffany snobs a few times, nodding her head.
Still shaken from the nightmare.


Taeyeon try stroking Tiffany's back, comforting her in any kind of ways.
"wanna tell me what you dreamed?"

This time,
Tiffany pulls her face away from hiding at Taeyeon's chest,
Looking at her lover, shaking her head.
Taeyeon giggles when she sees how reddish Tiffany's nose is.
She let her fingers pinch the reddish nose gently.

"tae tae" Tiffany says cutely, making a cute sucking sound from the nose.

"kiss" Tiffany pucker up her lips towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon shakes her head before diving her tongue into Tiffany's mouth,
Clashing it right through in between the lips.
But Tiffany quickly accepts it, playing with it.
Tiffany pulls her lips away, letting Taeyeon's tongue slip out.

"since when we're in the room?? I thought we're in the living room??"
Tiffany realizes.

"because the couch is too small"
Taeyeon explains.

"what are you doing not sleeping?" Tiffany ask as she now remembers when she woke up from the nightmare, Taeyeon came running to her, instead of waking up beside her.


Tiffany looks at Taeyeon whose face has pink tint on each side of the cheeks.

(oh! Fishy~~~)(tiff)


Tiffany realize one thing that the room is dark, but there is a brightness coming from a certain area of the room.
She sees the computer being left switch on.
"you're on the internet?"



"you know, just looking around"

"not at Sica's picture again right?!" Tiffany pouts.

Taeyeon shot both her hands up in defense, "no! nothing about her"

"hahaha! Dae" Tiffany kisses Taeyeon on the lips, "continuing my sleep though, switch it off? Come with me to sleep?"


"I want your arms..."

Taeyeon smiles, "okay!"


"I wanna dance right now~"

The soshi's starts singing along with the background music as they practice the dance movements.

( I have to do something about it...soon, I want to end it soon, the nightmares have been haunting me these few nights and it's literally killing me! What if it really happens?? NO!!! I have to do something soon.....)(tiff)

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, dancing with the serious face on.

(stay strong for me Taeyeon...)(tiff)

Tiffany sighs at her thoughts.
And it caught Taeyeon's attention.
Taeyeon walks to Tiffany, squatting in front of her.

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon then quietly shakes her head.

"waeyo" Taeyeon frowns a little.

Tiffany smile a little, hoping it would at least assures Taeyeon that she's alright.
But then, she sees a familiar face looking through the window at the door.
It's their manager oppa, Roy.
But he didn't realize that Tiffany has seen him looking at them.
When Taeyeon reach out her hand to touch Tiffany.
Tiffany dodge away.
Taeyeon's eyes widen.


Tiffany stand up, "I need to freshen up"
With that, she walks away, leaving taeyeon staring at her wonderingly at what happen.

Just as Tiffany walks out from the studio she sees Roy standing outside there, of course.
"oh! Oppa~"
She speaks as though she has just bump into him.

Roy smiles and bow his head a little.
"going some where?"

"just taking a walk"

"mind if I come along?" he ask.

Tiffany shrug her shoulders, "not a problem"


They end their walk at a corner of an empty space of the building,
Where it looks like no one would go there.

"so, don't mind me, but it seems like- you and Taeyeon..."

"oppa, don't tell anyone this..but, yeah, she has a crush on me..." Tiffany frowns.

Roy's eyes widen at what he heard from Tiffany,

Tiffany nods her head, "I only love her as nothing more than a sister, but she mistook it and..yes, she's going after me"

"and? You accept her?"

"of course not" Tiffany sighs, "im only interested in guys"

(I have to lie.....please buy my lies..please)(tiff)

Tiffany caught Roy smiling in relief.


"oppa, promise not to tell anyone?"

Roy nods his head,  "have you tell her, about your feelings?"

"no...I wouldn't want to hurt her..."

"you have to tell her so she would stop bothering you"

"but, it'll be so hard for her.. I mean, we are working as a team" Tiffany sighs as if she is feeling annoyed by it.

Tiffany looks at Roy who seems to be planning on something.
He suddenly looks at Tiffany.

"if you are to be dating someone, she will probably stops what she's doing"
Roy suggest.

(bingo! Plan 1 success)(tiff)

Tiffany nods her head quietly, "well.hopefully"


When they are walking their way back to the studio,
The door went open and is Taeyeon who walks out.
Tiffany reacted quickly by linking arm with Roy's.

(the second person who needs to buy into the scheme)(tiff)

Taeyeon look up, but her eyes were quickly caught at the linking arms.
A frown appears on her face.
She always does gets jealous easily anyway, she shrug her shoulders,
Knowing that she just loves tiffany and that Tiffany loves her very much too.

Tiffany remove her arms, looking at Roy, as if she was embarrass that they were being caught in a scene which wasn't suppose to happen.

"umm, t-taeyeon" Tiffany pretend to be surprise.

"hey, tippani.. annyeong haseyo, manager oppa" Taeyeon bows.

"hi, taeyeon" Roy answers in a cool way.

"i- I'll see you later, oppa" Tiffany waves goodbye ending it with a polite bow, walking by pass Taeyeon and into the studio room.


The class ended, they started to pack to leave.
Taeyeon walks to her lover who is busy packing her bag at the corner.

Tiffany jumps up a little, looking back.

"why did you...link your arms with roy oppa?"

"is-is nothing"


(hmmmm~ why did she stammers when she answer me)(tae)

"anything happen that I should know?"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon for a sec before shaking her head, "no"

"hmmm, okay.. you done packing? The girls left" Taeyeon smiles, trying to put the topic to rest.


"come on, let's go" taeyeon grab Tiffany's hand.

Taeyeon started walking, but Tiffany stay at where she was and even pull her hand away from taeyeon.

"mwo?" Taeyeon ask, surprise at what happen.

"just don't..hold my hand.."

Taeyeon jaw literally drop open, "mwo??"

"I said" tiffany sighs in frustration, "don't just grab or hold my hand"
With that she starts walking pass taeyeon, heading to the door.

(what just happened?! We were alright all this while! And I always hold her hand whenever we leaves)(tae)

to be continue....

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