194>Jessica Jung

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Hearing some clicking noise coming from the outside of the room, Taeyeon's eyes pops open, she gaze at the gap that the floor and the door and sees light coming from outside being switched on and closed, she groans a bit as whoever who is outside right now has just actually wake her up, looking over at the side table by the bed, the table clock shows that is 1am, looking over on her right side, she sees Tiffany fast asleep, she don't remember since when she had her right arm offering being a pillow to Tiffany the night they went to bed, but seeing that quiet and calm sleeping beauty, it made Taeyeon smile even though she is being woke up at this hour.
Carefully, Taeyeon retreat her arm away from Tiffany's head and assure that Tiffany's head is now laying on a pillow instead of her arm, sitting upwards, Taeyeon gather more comforter to wrap around Tiffany's body, the latter was stir a bit, Taeyeon felt her own breath hitch as she really do not hope to disturb Tiffany's sleep as in a few more hours of time, they'll be leaving to Incheon airport for their fan meeting event in China later today.
Taeyeon smile as she look at Tiffany, and until today, the fact that she still give me the feeling of first love, I'm darn thankful to have this girl till this day. Can't help it any longer, going against what her heart told her of being careful and not to wake the sleeping latter up, Taeyeon lean over, trying all her best to not move too much on the bed, she lightly peck on Tiffany's head before carefully getting off the bed, tip toeing her way to the door.
Walking into the living room, the balcony, she sees a tall figure standing against the railing of the balcony, staring out into the night. Judging from the back, she knows who it is and she can see that the person is having some problem that caused her to not being able to catch a sleep and instead, taking a drink out of the beer bottle.
Her footsteps when walking over to the balcony area was heard by that member she is about to have a small discussion with and hopefully, she could helped her out in any ways she could offer to make the girl less free, "Sorry" Yuri looks at Taeyeon who is smiling a bit as a sign of it is 'okay' and that she did not mind even if she literally did interrupt her sleep, Yuri turn back to gaze slowly into the dark skies above her, she sighs.
"You want to talk about it?" Taeyeon ask as she sits on the hammock hanged around the corner of the balcony.
Taeyeon watch Yuri as the tan latter think for a moment, a thoughtful one. Judging from her expression, Taeyeon knew the problems may much more difficult to resolve than she thought she could help, but she knows a stressful person sometimes just need someone there to listen to their rants and after spilling all out, having a talk, it could help ease the stress the person has been keeping in their mind and heart.
"What is there to talk about" Yuri finally said after giving a long deep sigh.
Their fan meeting event in China is tomorrow and they all have been scheduled for an early flight, so all the members think it will be better to just gather together back in their dorm for the easier and convenient on travelling wise to the airport later, they even decide to call a small meeting like they have been doing all these years.
Everyone was here.
Everyone except-
"Jessica?" Taeyeon takes the obvious guess.
Yuri has a disappointed smile plays across her face, she took a sip of the beer.
"What is happening with the both of you? He's just her...best friend right?" Taeyeon continues to look at Yuri, she wants an answer and she's determine to at least get some answer through Yuri's expression if the girl decides not to tell any. Yuri shrugs her shoulders instead of replying.
Taeyeon was taken aback by that reaction, all these while she thought Jessica IS with Yuri and that Tyler was just a fling of nothing more than love relationship but all just based on working ethnics when rumours had it that the two is being together, in a secret hidden relationship caught by paparazzi, but come to think of it, she don't remember exactly when she sees Yuri and Jessica being together hence she trust is not anywhere close to being recently if not, she would've remember so.
Quietly scolding herself mentally on the inside, for not paying much attention to her members which she thinks she should as she was being labelled in the fans eyes of being the leader of Girls Generation when really- she is not. But anyhow, being the eldest among the 8, it still gives her some sort of vibes to be responsible when it comes to her group.
"We were never really back together"
Taeyeon looks at Yuri slowly when she finally hears a reply, not a good one and Yuri is making a direct eye contact with her too she realized.
"There's something in between us, like a gap, even when...we decide to just try and be together again...maybe, we were on and off too much, leaving a gap, that could never have an answer to it or reason to solve that gap..." Yuri chuckle bitterly, "Heck, we don't even know what the gap is..."
"Where is she?"
"L-like now??? Right now??" Taeyeon tries to search for a clock to check on the time, she don't remember how long it has been that they have been talking.
"She'll be back before we take off from Incheon, she'll make it back to the dorm before dawn" said Yuri to answer Taeyeon's worries in the mind. Yuri looks at Taeyeon who is in utter silence, but she could see there are so many questions that Taeyeon is trying to gather in her mind to ask her.
"Her business of course really meant something to her, she pours out so much on it...judging from the way she tells me about it-" Yuri return her gaze back to the skies as she reminisce the last deep conversation she had with Jessica...

"10?? Sica, that's too quick don't you think? Why don't you start with one first? Look at the marketing wise-" Yuri's voice filled with concern and a little bit determine.
"Why can't you just support me?" Jessica looks at Yuri.
"I am supporting you in any ways that you want me to, I'm just saying, 10 branches in a nearing dates, is not a brilliant idea-"
"Not a brilliant idea, and this is coming from a mouth of someone who has never start a business yet?" Jessica snorts, crossing her arms as she leans on the couch, showing signs that Yuri's comment is not valid to her.
"So" Yuri licks her own lips, "Comments coming from someone who is being called a CEO is legit and valid no matter how shitty it turns out to be?"
Two pair of eyes, fuelled with anger, locked at each other.
"What are you, thinking like what the paparazzi does too now?" Jessica ask, bitterness is obvious in her voice.
"How could I not" she answers short and sharply.
"And, this is why...I said why we're not meant to be, why we're not supposed to be more than just friends or members-" Jessica said so, but deep down on the inside of her heart, all she wish is just supports coming from the person she has been longing to be together for a long long time of period and she hopes Yuri would actually give in to her in this argument- saying that she'll support her no matter.
Sometimes, things just don't always go your way, no matter how much you prayed for it.
"You're right"
The little prayers in Jessica's heart were crushed after hearing Yuri's short and determined voice in the reply. She looks at Yuri in deep glare.
"No matter how many times we tried to mend back together, but there's a gap there that we can never mend it...and we always ended up falling apart"
Yuri's agreement explanation is only breaking Jessica much more deeper as she continues.
"I am not a business person, So Nyuh Shi Dae is like a business to me, but, I genuinely care about you...and I just want you to be careful in the process to the steps of your success, if greed is in the steps of your way, make sure you skip that step and take a longer path instead...the faster you want to reach your goal in any ways and not realize what is revolving around you, the faster you fall..."
"Well. Thank you. I'll keep that in mind"
Jessica bites her lower lips in order to control the tears gathering in her eyes.
Because of pride and her ego, she force herself to put a strong game play face on as she sees how Yuri is being right now, not affected by the situation right now, and that is- how Jessica sees from her view, what she missed out is, the inside of Yuri's heart, is shattering as well.
"I'll still care about you, even if you push me away"
With her final words, Yuri stood up and left the couch, only to hurriedly leave Jessica so the girl did not have any chance to see the tear that happens to slide down to her cheek.

After a quick flashback, Yuri looks at Taeyeon, "Go back to sleep, you'll need it-" but Taeyeon shakes her head.
"I can sleep when I'm on the plane" she answers quickly, "I didn't really look into this, but how is her business doing?"
Yuri snorts in clear disappointment, "How great can it be? She hardly make any incomes on the profit she earns, the bills she needs to cover on the shop and on the working staff- AND, you're not selling merchandises that all Sones can afford, not everyone is into sunglasses, not everyone, can afford a 250 dollars minimum for a sunglass"
Taeyeon swallow hard after hearing Yuri's brief explanation, she believe the business is probably going slow.
"From someone who is being quoted as a businessman and CEO, he's really something to actually get her into believing the quick steps into success are by opening so many branches in within half a year...who does think he is?" Yuri stated out in frustration, "How well does he even know about our fans? How much does he know that he think that this is a way to get income from the fans?"
Taeyeon remains quiet.
"And...what did he do to make her trust him more than....me?"
"What's going on?"
That new addition voice joining in, the two at the balcony turn around to only find Tiffany walking towards them while rubbing her sleep eyes in her pink pajamas. Not realizing Yuri is watching her, Taeyeon let out a small smile while looking at Tiffany.
Automatically, Tiffany climbs onto the hammock, cradling herself in Taeyeon's arms, "What's going on" she ask in her obvious sleepy voice.
Yuri looks at Taeyeon as she ponders to share their conversation with Tiffany, Taeyeon mouthed 'no' out from Tiffany's sight, the least she could do now is making another person not being able to sleep and endure the worries with them.
Finally done rubbing her eyes, her eyes has finally adjust to the surroundings, she looks at Yuri, "Wae"
"Just can't sleep" Yuri answers.
"Jinja?" Tiffany turns her head around to look at Taeyeon, who nodded her head silently.
"You two should go back to bed and catch a few hours of sleeps while you can before we leave" Yuri suggested, her eyes telling Taeyeon that she'll be okay and hoping Taeyeon gets the message.
"But what about you? Aren't you going to sleep too?" Tiffany ask, "And you're drinking...you shouldn't...you know how concern fans can be, and they spot out in any possible they can"
"A bottle can't make me drunk, Manager Hwang" Yuri tease, but when she looks at the beautiful pair in front of her right now, she smiled a bit, feeling genuinely happy that at least this two still hangs on onto each other despite all the shits they might be going through now after the dating confirmation, "Besides, I might as well just catch some sleep now after a bottle"
Tiffany nods her head, giving in, as she really just wants to be in bed now and steal a few more hours of sleep, she really needs one.
"Promise?" she offers her left side of the pinkie finger to Yuri.
Yuri and Taeyeon both laugh a bit at the same time in the situation, but anyhow, Yuri hook her pinkie finger with Tiffany's anyway.
"Dae" Yuri answers, she looks at Taeyeon again briefly, not too long as she knows Tiffany will just begin to be in the suspecting mode again if she does.
Tiffany gets off the hammock and pulled Taeyeon hand to come with her, getting off as well, Taeyeon reaches out with her left hand when her right was being pulled, she gives a light and quick squeeze on Yuri's shoulder, who nods to reply that she got the message with a smile.

"Uhhh" Tiffany groans at the feeling she feels when her body touches the comfy bed, she sprawl on her front, about to get back to dreamland almost instantly, not until she felt an additional weight added on her back, she smile knowing who it is.
"You're not really light for a size of a person like you" she said in the dark, she hears a disagreeing annoyed groan coming from Taeyeon who is lying on top of her back, "You're not going to do what I'm thinking right?" she ask in suspicion of where this is leading too.
"No" a reply coming from an insulted tone, Taeyeon lays on her side of the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.
Tiffany climbs herself to slightly rest half of upper body on Taeyeon body, she rest her chin on Taeyeon chest as she watch the girl closely, "Are you mad?"
Taeyeon chuckle, she wraps an arm around Tiffany's body, "Why did you wake up anyway?" that question made Tiffany pouted.
"I was trying to hug you, turns out my arm was hitting the empty spot instead, that's why" she explain and yet still continue pouting.
"Aww" Taeyeon chuckles happily, she jutted her lips and Tiffany happily leans up to kiss it, the two snickers at their cheesiness, "Now can you go back to sleep? Since I'm back..." she looks at the clock, it's barely 2am.
"What did you guys talk about anyway?" Tiffany suddenly ask, remembering the reason why she woke up and her wonders of to why they were at the balcony and Yuri was actually drinking on the night they were going to leave in the morning, airport, filled with fans capturing their arrival.
Taeyeon shakes her head.
"I- ah UGRHHHHHH" Taeyeon shouted in her deep voice as she moves her shoulder a bit in reflex as Tiffany has just bite her hard.
"Don't you dare try to hide anything from me" Tiffany scolds.
Taeyeon stick her tongue out at Tiffany as she felt the wetness coming from Tiffany's saliva on the part she bites, it was so hard that Taeyeon swear she can feel the teeth marks on her shoulder, Taeyeon pretends to continue sulking.
Tiffany tried to soothe Taeyeon by softly biting the earlobe, but Taeyeon moved away, causing Tiffany a fright that she might've actually accidentally pissed Taeyeon off.
"Don't do that" Taeyeon warns, "I may...not be able to control myself" she admits softly. In which to made Tiffany laugh. Taeyeon continues sulking again.
Tiffany reaches out to poke the tip of Taeyeon nose with her index finger, "I could not possibly even imagine myself being with someone other than you" she admits shyly as well.
Taeyeon looks directly straight into Tiffany's eyes.
"Then don't, if you ever do...tell me"
"So I can do something to make you love me even more"
"Like that's ever possible" Tiffany snorts with a laugh after that.
"You" her index finger points and stay poking at the tip of Taeyeon's nose, "You are main reason why I love you...nothing else can make me love you more than you yourself"
"Complicated" Taeyeon smirks, "But I think that sounds good"
They smiled and shared another brief kiss and make sure that they did not kiss any further just in case and decide to called it in.

Something does not felt right, the travelling was way too quiet today compared to any days when they used to travel.
"Oppa" Yoona's voice is being heard from the front, "Are we meeting Jessica unnie at the airport?"
The question made the girls in the van raise their heads up and awaiting the answer to that question from their manager who is sitting at the passenger seat at front.
Tiffany and Taeyeon looks at each other briefly.
"She's not joining us today" Yoona's manager answers from the front.
"Why" Yoona reaches out to take her phone out.
Her manager at the front turn around to look at the girls behind of his seat, "You won't want to do that" he looks at Yoona and the phone in her hand.
"Mworago?" Yoona ask in wonder, why, and what does it mean.
"She's...not joining us just today oppa?" the youngest member sitting beside Yoona finally joins in the conversation, as they all actually had an odd feeling when their managers gather them to leave from the dorm and Sunny whom actually ask what about Jessica who is not with them yet, Seohyun caught how her own manager's face changes when Sunny ask so.
But she hope she has interpreted the expression wrongly based on her guessing, but finally in this situation, she learn that her guesses may not be wrong after all though she prays hard that she is wrong in this situation.
"Lee Oppa" Yoona's voice raise a bit as she was out of patience in this intense situation.
"The CEO will have a talk with her later..." Yoona's manager answer in all honesty, "I am not sure of the situation as well"
Yoona looks at her phone and the signal is not that good, but she promised herself that once its stable, she'll ask Jessica on the answer to this situation.
But they all knows, something is off, so they stayed quiet not wanting to make further guesses to worsen the situation now.

The managers tried their hardest to calm the girls as they were all in disbelief, standing in the hotel room, shocked of what they were being informed.
Jessica is no longer a member of their group. Anymore.
"I tried to deny the fact of what is going on on Twitter, that fans is just being way off and that Jess's SNS is really hacked and you told us to switch our phones off cos we're getting on plane, oppa!! THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH!" Sunny said in her almost screaming voice.
"We demand to see Kim Young Min ahjussi!" shouted Sooyoung at their managers.
"You know is not possible, Sooyoung-sshi, can we all just do well with the fan meet event first and have it talked out when we are back in Korea?" answered Yuri's manager.
"Do well??? How do you expect for us to pretend that it is okay for us when Jessica is being kicked out from our group for no reason all of a sudden" Tiffany scolded, Taeyeon stood by her side, rubbing her shoulders to calm the girl down from shaking from being so anger by the news.
"You don't need to pretend, the decision has yet to be discuss-" Yoona's manager explain.
"Explain her SNS" demand Sooyoung.
"She was being told to not need to join the event, I'm sure she's really upset and it made her post something like that..." Yoona's manager continues to explain in his calmest voice.
"Stop lying-"
"Our managers are not lying to us" Yuri who is standing at the back finally said, causing her members to turn around to look at her, "Jessica text me when she arrived from NYC, an hour later, she told me she was being pulled out from this event today and was told to stay in Korea until further discussion with Kim Young Min later when he's back from overseas...she was told to be pulled out from the event, not Girls Generation...yet..."
"Unnie" Seohyun looks at Yuri.
"She posted that she was informed that she was no longer a member to our group by the company and us...did anyone of you said so to her?" Yuri looks back at her manager and all her members, none said a word.
"Lets just do it well, guys...and we'll talk about it after the event, its our job anyway" said Taeyeon, "We are professional entertainers, we can't act unprofessional...I'm not saying you have to pretend that everything is alright, but right now, the truth is, we still have yet the answer to this...just like our fans, we are confused...So, I say we do what we are supposed to, as Girls Generation"
After hearing so, the members sort of have to agree with Taeyeon said, it was true anyway. Taeyeon has the members to get themselves prepared, as she ushered them out of the two combined hotel room, even Tiffany as well as she announce she wants to have a small talk with Yuri alone.
"Do you know anything that we may not?" Taeyeon looks at Yuri.
"I've looked at her weibo too" said Yuri, "And I am sure she did not type that herself..."
"You're saying it's hacked?"
Yuri shook her head, "He was with her" her expression changing into a fierce one in merely a second, "He not only manipulates her but he manipulates our fans minds with that message..."
"You mean he posted that message?"
Yuri nods her head softly, "It's not Sica, I'm sure..."
"Even if she's blindly in love with him, I don't know, but, the Jessica I know for so long, can do anything, anything but hurting members of Girls Generation" Yuri said in her trembling voice.
"I trust you. I trust Jessica too"
"Right now, is too early to conclude what is really going on"
Taeyeon nod her head, agreeing too.

Soon after the fan event was over, as the girl exiting the stage, Seohyun finally collapsed, she could only find herself no longer being able to control the tears that she has been holding in from the time they sang Complete and Forever.
Throughout the entire songs, the part where Jessica was supposed to sing, when the person is no longer there to sing it and only the background of the music with Jessica's recorded voice was playing, it was actually itching everyone's heart.
"Seohyun-aaa" Taeyeon held the left side of Seohyun's shoulder, wanting to hold the girl up but maknae shook her head instead as more tears fell onto her lap, her actions causing all the members to start tearing up at the sight.
"Tell me everything's going to be alright-"
"Everything is going to be alright" Taeyeon said, but she paused, "Just...with what we are now..."
"Jessica unnie?"
Taeyeon jaw clenches tightly, she refuse to answer the obvious truth neither does she wants to consult maknae with doubtful answers.
"I just want everything to be like the day when we stand on stage for the first time, performing Into The New World, unnie" Seohyun cried even more, "What is Complete and Forever if we are being torn apart this way"
"You're wrong maknae, if you think we're torn apart..." Yuri voice out softly, watching carefully at the girl who is in the worst situation among them right now, crying so hard, "We are not, the 9 of us are still together, just...not working together anymore..." she answer in all honesty.
The fact that they all knew something was not right when the managers suddenly pulled Jessica out and for Jessica to actually posted that message on SNS, is like a challenge made to her company instead therefore somehow, they were all prepared in the heart for the worst decision for this situation.
"Is not like as if Jessica is out of our life if she's not in SNSD anymore, maknae-ah" Yuri continues, "The 8 of us are still here and in this together, we have to be strong, we still have million of sones out there, who still loves us, if we give up, if we break down on them...they'll be lead into the lost even further.."
Tiffany took a step forward, reaching out to hold Taeyeon shoulder as she sees the girl hung her head down and her whole body starts shaking.
"I'm sorry..." her voice cracks, as she finally cries too, "For I did not realize the error earlier before it is damage to such stage...I am sorry"
Tiffany shakes her head, "Is not your fault, we all should've seen this coming..."
"No one can foreseen the future or what is ahead, no one should be blame...now, is all up to Jessica, oppa has given her a choice that she has to make..." said Sooyoung as she too, is hoping for the best for their group.

Yuri made her final decision, with one big deep breath, she calls Jessica on the phone, she can feel her own heart pounding against her chest real hard with every beeping tone the call is trying to connect to Jessica.
With a click.
Yuri's breath hitched a second there.
Jess: Hello, Yuri-ahh~~
It was way too obvious for anyone to know, that voice, is telling that Jessica has just finish crying or probably still is.
Yuri: Have you made up your mind?
Her voice soft, but determine to have an answer to that question that all her members were wondering.
Jess: How can anyone make me choose in between a business, my dream and then you guys?? Is just not fair.
Yuri: Unfair? Is not just you being put in such situation, we all are. Going through the same pain as you are right now.
Jess: You won't know how it feels like to be said that you are not allowed to join the event after rushing back from NYC, you don't know how hurt it feels like...to be in the situation I have just been in.
Yuri: Where were you when we need to come together as a group? Meetings..practice..
Jess: Don't talk as if I've skipped all, yesterday was because I felt like we won't be having anything important to say in our dorm, we just usually chit chats, that-
Yuri: That you find it not necessary to join because we are ultra boring people and not some business man or woman that can actually help grow your business? That you need to go on a trip to NYC with him???
Yuri shakes her head in disbelief of the conversation she is having now.
Jess: I did not say that! Don't put words into my mouth Kwon Yuri. I went to NYC to study more about fashion like I said, he was just being there to accompany me.
Yuri: That's it..he was there..
Jess: Can we not talk about him? This is about us, our group...
Yuri: There won't be a problem if you could just choose-
Jess: In between my future and job??????
Yuri: Yes and in between me and him. I may not be a business person, neither anything that I may know more than him, but what I know is, at least, the 8 of us, knows you more personally than he is, at least the 8 of us loves you genuinely with no motives behind the love we are giving to you.
Jess: Can't you see...we can never be together, even in the future...we'll still be known as Girl Generation even when we stop promoting...what would people say if we come out announcing we are together in a relationship? Have you think of the effect that will affect-
Yuri: Affect your business you mean?
Jessica stays silent.
Yuri: Is just 3 more years, and you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Jess: Ask the fucking management! They are making me choose!!
Yuri: The fact that you are actually hesitating which to choose it hurt us all! 3 more years, 36 months, for us to stand on stage together, to perform for the people who has truly loves us even when we do not know them, how is that hard to choose? Won't you miss all that feelings thereafter??
Jess: You're making it seems like I'm the bad one here, Kwon Yul! I'm also the victim here! I can't choose my future and job, I want both, can't I???
Yuri: You wanted marriage too...
Jess: .....
Yuri: Right?
Jess: Not so soon-
Yuri: A person should not be greedy yet selfish at the same time, is just hard...
Jess: Yuri please...
Yuri: What do you want! What can I do??? It's already in such stage of damage-
Jess: I just wish I can be in your arms right now, I just wish I could hug you guys right now...
Yuri can hear the other end that Jessica is starting to cry all over again, her voice cracking, she can hear sobs too, it aches Yuri's heart even further.
Yuri: Just remember, no matter what, soshi and sone will still love you...no matter what...
Jess: Yul...
Yuri: We'll all talk, when we're back okay? Please don't disturb the others, they may not handle it that well...he's there right? ...good luck.
Yuri end the call, she threw her phone to another side as she covers her face in her palms, letting the tears all out at last. She stops awhile the moment she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her neck from the back of the couch.
"It's okay to cry"
She hears Tiffany's voice whispering from behind her.

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