129>we are FOREVER

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Taeyeon came out from the stall, just as she did so, someone familiar is looking back at her from the mirror.

"ah" IU turns around, giving one full respectful bow towards Taeyeon, "annyeong haseyo, unnie"
Taeyeon smiles awkwardly seeing the situation, she walks to the sink next to IU.
"hey, IU...done with your practice?"
IU nods her head, cant stop smiling looking at Taeyeon.
It was an event day where few of the kpop artists were to perform and IU with Girls Generation happens to be on the list too. As for that, IU has been telling, ever since she debuted.
That Taeyeon was one of the reasons that inspired her to become a singer.
Now, seeing her very own idol so close to her, still makes her nervous, although they had meet several times before.

Taeyeon watches as IU grip her own hands, to stop it from shaking, but is not helping.
"are you alright?" Taeyeon ask in concern.
"Taeyeon unnie...I know...I know this might sound silly, as I said it before, but I really really like you! I look up to you so much~ everytime when I got on stage and gotten nervous before performing, an image of you singing so beautifully came into my mind and it helps soothe me in a lot of ways...Unnie, I always respect the way you sang on live stage..so soulful...if only I could have half of the talent you have...wow..." IU smiles just by imagining.
Taeyeon smiles shyly, "you're so cute...and thank you"

"you wanna know something?"
"what is it Taeyeon unnie"
"I admire your voice and your songs too" Taeyeon smirks, "and I even have a few of your songs in my ipod"

IU keep bowing several times, feeling happy "thank you unnie...thank you~~~"

Taeyeon left the ladies, walking towards her, seems more like rushing to somewhere, was Tiffany, who almost walk pass her without noticing, it seems like Tiffany was looking for someone.
"yah" Taeyeon sees as Tiffany was about to pass her by, she puts one arm out, and wrap it around Tiffany from letting her go any further.
Tiffany was shock at the sudden grip around her waist, she looks to her side, smiling.
Taeyeon cant help but to quickly leans forward and peck on Tiffany's lip quickly.
"yahhh~" Tiffany whines a little, but with her eye smile on at Taeyeon.

"people might catch us" Tiffany warns, as Taeyeon looks around.
The coast is clear.
"catch then, I'll just tell them that I love you" Taeyeon chuckles.
It made Tiffany smiles again, "dork" she gently knock Taeyeon with her knuckles on the forehead, "where were you" her eye smile faded, pouting this time.
"I left for the ladies...I told Jessica"
"for the ladies!?" Tiffany gasp, playing around as Taeyeon knew what she's up to either.

Tiffany pouted even more, "am I not enough for kim tae yeon?" she jokes.
Taeyeon pretended to think, "I heard from kim tae yeon, that Tiffany Hwang was her everything"
"jinja?" Tiffany is smiling all over again, cutely.
"neee" Taeyeon winks, they link their arms together, like the rest of their members would do too, so no one would actually suspects them, "who or what were you looking for just now..."
Tiffany nods her head, "who else"
"but you barely notice me and almost pass by me, if I didn't stop you" Taeyeon added.
"is time for us to go back on stage for the rehearsal for the standing"
"where we should stand on stage with all the artists, so we can know our spot" Tiffany explain.
"and....?" Taeyeon still didn't get it.
"and I want to stand right next to you when we does" Tiffany explains.

When the artists get on stage, standing on their placing, IU's name is call. She got on stage and happens to be place next to the So Nyuh Shi Dae girls. Coincidence, right next to IU's left side is Taeyeon, they smile to each other.
The rest of the 20 minutes when the coordinator gets the rest of the artists to get on stage,
Taeyeon looks around, at the huge audience, as she looks to her side, she sees IU who is next to her, face all pale looking, hands shaking and trembling again.
Taeyeon reach out and hold both of IU's shoulders, gently squeezing it.
"relax" Taeyeon smiles to IU, who is smiling back at her happily, nodding her head.
"thanks" IU whispers back.
The two never realize, Tiffany, who is looking at them.

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