165>Maybe not?

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Taeyeon wakes up from the movements on the bed, she turns her head a little bit to the back as far as she can, only to see small vibration coming from under the covers from the girl beside her.
Turning her body towards Tiffany, going closer to her girlfriend whom she believes, is crying. Using one arm to wrap around Tiffany's waist, she pulls Tiffany closer to her chest, "hey~"
Tiffany sob once before turning her body over, cuddling close to Taeyeon, "sorry"
"hmmm?" Taeyeon eyes slowly adjust to the dimmed room, although without the lights on, the moon it's doing a great job lighting up the room a little bit. Tiffany watch as Taeyeon concentrates on what she is doing, how Taeyeon has her fingers tracing the beauty features she is worshiping in front of her right now and never once she made Tiffany feel so loved.

"waking you up"
Tiffany's voice always crooks or cracks at the end every single time after she cries, is like, she finds it hard to even control her sobs now, sniffing now and then. Taeyeon looks at Tiffany for a moment before letting out a chuckle she has been holding not long ago.
Tiffany ask as she looks at Taeyeon with her swollen red eyes, wondering why Taeyeon suddenly chuckles.

"nothing" Taeyeon shakes her head, "I haven't tell you yet"
Tiffany felt Taeyeon's finger now brushing the tip of her nose and slowly reaches out to trace the shape of her eyebrows, "you're so beautiful..."
"you tell me that everyday~"
"I haven't now, at this moment" Taeyeon smiles.

"Tae.....eottoke....what I caused-"

"it is not your fault, those two has been having problem...so...don't blame yourself" Taeyeon leans down and kisses Tiffany on the nose, "You've been crying the whole day"
"No...you don't have to be sorry" Taeyeon pulls Tiffany closer enough to kiss her forehead and then her lips.

Before she can know what happen next, she felt asleep in Taeyeon's arms.


Yuri has been waiting the whole morning at the living room, she know Jessica didn't go home last night since she just called Krystal last night, she waits for Jessica to come out from one of the room in the dorm.
A few can of drinks really didn't help her with the sleepless night that she has endured last night.
The alcohol only gives her severe head pain, scratching the back of her head with her left hand while her right hand rubs the side of her temple, she tries to relax, until the sound of the door creak open, it made her eyes pop open wide, praying that it's Jessica.
It's Yoona, giggling cutely, her hand one behind her which made Yuri wonders what makes her so happy early in the morning, but it didn't need to take too long for her to see the reason why.
Yoona's hand were intertwined with Jessica, as she pulls the girl along behind her but the two stop when they sees a pair of eyes staring at them. Yuri stands up from the couch, closing up to the two person, it only made the tan latter more angry when she sees Yoona took a step forward in between her and Jessica, as if she is ready to protect the girl anytime. But that is HER job not Yoona's, that is what she had in mind.

"Sica...we need a talk" Yuri stated firmly, her eyes glaring at Yoona a moment before turning soft when it looks at Jessica.

Yuri have no idea why she is acting that way but she felt like Yoona is up to no good from the way she acted right now, as if Jessica was her girlfriend.

"Yuri unni-"
"this has no concern with you" Yuri spat.
Yoona sends death glares towards Yuri.

"Yoong....i have to talk with her" Jessica finally said something, although she has been hiding and avoiding gazes from Yuri.
Yoona nods her head, she turns around to look at Jessica, "I'll be waiting in my room"
Jessica nods her head as a reply.

The two walks to the balcony, sitting at the couch, alongside with one another.
"why were you sleeping in Yoona's room last night?"

"that cant be the topic in between us right now"

"You have a room-"

"Kwon Yuri, when will you stop and actually start listening to people around you? You are always so full of yourself"

Yuri stays quiet, what Jessica said, hurts her a little bit.

"Do you think....i do not know that you were a flirty in the mouth, causing the ladies in SME corps to actually drowning for you? at first, I told myself to be proud to have you as mine, that ladies around you falls for you because you were good looking, have a gorgeous smile and all but....when I found out, how...you've been talking to them...saying sweet stuffs to make them goes head over heels for you, how do you think, me as your girlfriend, should feel?"

Yuri looks at Jessica.

"how should I feel, to learn to know from someone else, that my couple, is the most flirtatious person in SME?" Jessica looks right back at Yuri, the pain she is feeling, all literally spilling out through her tears. When Yuri reaches out, wanting to help Jessica wiping it away, the girl could only avoid it.

"You know I only love you" Yuri answers sincerely.

"Is just the same...you still cant control and accept the fact that in the past, I had a crush on Taengoo, is just the same as how I cant accept how flirtatious you are to every girls"
"I was nearly 19 when I had the small feeling inside of me for her! Now here I am, being with you, given my all to you, yet you still----"

Jessica covers her face immediately, the pain she felt last night, comes back again, hot tears spilling out.

"I'm sorry, Sica" Yuri sits closer to Jessica so she could hug the crying latter.
Jessica shakes her head, it took her awhile to gather her momentum up before facing Yuri face to face, no matter how ugly she may look with tears still pouring out.
"A sorry? Yuri...you cant expect one sorry and let everything fall back into place"

"w-what do you mean.....si-sica??" Yuri ask worriedly.

"I cant just ignore and pretend nothing happ-"

"I never want you to pretend nothing happened, just let m-"

"then give us both the space and time we needed at the moment" Jessica answers.

"......Jessica, no....i wont allow that to happen" Yuri looks at Jessica, wanting to reach out for the girl but the Jessica quickly stands up, away from where Yuri can reaches for her.

"I still love Yulsic....but if you keep on being so full of yourself or-or a control freak...I'm afraid I cant continue on with that name" Jessica walks away.

Jessica quickly enters the room before any tears can escape, slamming the door close behind her, she was only curious why her luggage was on Yoona's bed and the latter was unpacking her stuffs, hanging Jessica's clothes into her cupboard.
"Yoona.....what are you doing?"
Yoona turns around to smile at the girl who looks surprise, "I guess you'll be sleeping in my room for awhile from now onwards"

"I wont let you go home, to someone and somewhere where you'll just be crying alone, be here, with me, cry all you want, at least I can be that someone to wipe those tears away" Yoona offers.

"Yoona...." Jessica looks at Yoona.

"not what you're thinking..." Yoona walks to Jessica, hugging the girl by the neck, "buddy"
It made Jessica felt relieve, relief she is just thinking too much, she hugs Yoona back.

Sunny brought home some takeaway fried chicken as for their dinner, things were still kind of heavy for Yuri, she looks solemn, Tiffany looks not-so-cheerful like her usual self where else, Yoona had sneak out to grab a few pieces of fried chickens with a bottle of pepsi and then sneaking back into her room quickly, without letting a single change of any members to ask her why she is not joining them at the table instead.
"Ok-" Sunny had enough of the atmosphere, "what is going on??"
Hyoyeon and maknae exchange, the two shrugs their shoulders, showing they have certainly got zero ideas of what is going on. On the other hand, they was wondering if Sooyoung was even with them at the table, sure her body is there, she is eating, but it seems like she didn't notice that all eyes were on her. Finally, given up on the rest, Sunny turns her head towards Taeyeon.
The exchange eyes contact.
Taeyeon just shakes her head.
"So. After getting out from this dorm, shifting to our own place, our bond is somewhat broken?" Sunny ask sarcastically and she receives an immediate glare from Taeyeon.

"Don't glare at me, danshin...I freaking know something happened!"
"Nothing? there we have, talkative Yuri, suddenly so quiet and Tiffany, her eyes were more swollen then Sooyoung's after spicy lips!" Sunny flings both her arms in the air.

"hey~" Sooyoung looks at Sunny, but when she was finally snaps out of her eating zone, her eyes quickly diverted to Tiffany and Yuri who has just been judged by Sunny, "true" she nods her head.

"Jessica asked for a break" Yuri finally said in defeat.
"GAH! FINALLY!!!" Sooyoung cheers, which receive weird looks from Tiffany and Taeyeon and also Yuri herself, "...what....we all need one"

"a break. From me" Yuri said in further details.

The atmosphere is once again becoming quiet. But no one is eating right now, the rest of the members who wasn't there during the fight at the studio, were left surprise by the news.
"But I'll have her back again as mine" Yuri said confidently in her most saddest voice, her head hanging low, "I will" she mumbles, loud enough for everyone to hear clearly.
"You know you will-" Taeyeon stated, wanted to cheer her buddy.
"If you stay out of it" Yuri snaps back.
Making curiosity arouse from the other members, who wonders why is Yuri being so mean.

"Is not Taeyeon's fault-"
Taeyeon had an arm wrap around Tiffany's shoulder as she pulls the girl back to leans against the chair, in a way, to calm the girl down from pouncing onto Yuri any seconds now. Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, one of her hand automatically find its way to hold onto Taeyeon's hand that was hanging over her shoulder, "...." Taeyeon shakes her head.
Sunny shakes her head, "I better be going" taking her plate up with her as she gets off from the chair, followed by maknae and Hyoyeon. Sooyoung took the last bite of her drumstick, she drops the bone back onto her paper plate.
"See you guys when we go Taiwan" she added.
Tiffany look at her members leaving the table, one by one, helplessly, "Tae...." She looks at Taeyeon, seeking for help and her girlfriend gets the hint through her eyes, she nods her head and gets off from the chair as well.

"Soon Kyu"
Taeyeon calls out as she gets to the door of exit, "yah........"
"it's fine. I underst-"
"no, you don't...but I will tell you about it, I promise...just not today....please" Taeyeon sighs, her shoulders slums to the front, as if her body just suddenly weights more and caused her not to be able to stand up straight.

"Unnie~~" Seohyun softly held Taeyeon's shoulder cap, "gwenchana.....tell us when you can..." when Taeyeon looks at the youngest, she smiles, seeing how sincere Seohyun is caring about her. But her eyes worriedly darts back to Sunny's.

"Please?" she pleaded.
"Ugh! I hate your puppy eyes, Kim Tae Yeon" Sunny crosses her arms, pouting. Her anger is defeated.



"I am so sorry"

Yuri look at how Tiffany don't even dare to look at her right now, "is not your fault, is Taeng's fault"

"Yah! Kwon Yuri!! Don't be so judging on this happening, she didn't to a single wrong on this case-"
"she kissed sica" Yuri cut in.
Yuri sighs.
"they were just kids back then..."
"Yuri ah~"

Yuri look away, but when she sees who is walking back to join them, without hesitation, she grabs the face in front of her in both her hands, hard, she pressed her lips against the shocking latter who is kicking and fumbling around to break the sudden kiss. It didn't took long for Yuri to feel a hit on the corner of her lips, instantly tasting something weird in her mouth with her tongue, she knows, she bleed, she could only feel her upper body was being slightly lifted up, with Tiffany screaming and shouting for stop, until her body was slammed hard against the dining table. Another fist were held up high above her, Yuri closes her eyes, ready to accept the second one coming.

Tiffany quickly jumps up and grab Taeyeon's wrist, trying to stop the girl although she knows, if Taeyeon swings her fist directly at Yuri who is laying silently on the table, Taeyeon will still have the strength to injured the girl.
"NO TAEYEON!!" Tiffany warns.
Taeyeon glares right back at Tiffany with her fierce eyes, her eyes were burning as though they were on flames, she doesn't like how the scene of Yuri pulling Tiffany in a forceful sudden kiss keeps replaying in her mind right now, it causes her so much anger that her breathing is unstable and heavy right now. Tiffany lets go of Taeyeon's wrist that she is holding for a stop, but she hugs Taeyeon, her face planting into Taeyeon's chest, "tae....please" she plead, shaking her head slowly, begging Taeyeon not to.

Please don't fight! I am at fault, kim tae yeon ah....please.... – Tiffany.

Seems like Taeyeon knows what Tiffany really wants, the fist that is high in the air, drop back securely wrapping around Tiffany's waist.
The two hear a sad chuckle, Yuri sits up, her butt leaning against the side of the table, she wipes the corner of her lips, chuckling once more, "I needed that...." The couple looks at her.
"now is fair..." Yuri looks at Taeyeon.
Taeyeon had a small smirk on her face, she still have that girl she loves clinging onto her, she offers her right hand to Yuri as a shake as it leaves Tiffany's waist, "go for her pal, she loves you"

"I don't know about that...but I know I do" Yuri slaps Taeyeon's hand away, but she pulls the couple in for a hug, "sorry for the tantrum"
"well, I'm sorry too" Tiffany's voice squeak, making the other two laugh a little.

"oh wow" Yuri suddenly stated, "Tiffany, your butt is really firm as it looks"
Tiffany's eyes widens with the sudden remark, where else, she can see Taeyeon is already ready to launch herself again at Yuri. Quickly, Tiffany hold Taeyeon back, fast enough for Yuri to take a few steps back away, chuckling.
"DAMN YOU KWON!! That's MINE!!" Taeyeon hissed.
"no no no! Tae! She was just teasing you!!!! she did not....touch me" Tiffany finds it weird to even said so.


It's almost 4 in the morning, yet, still in her bed, she cant sleep, her body might be screaming to rest, but she knows she cant. Yuri cant take Jessica off her mind, she tried, she thought she maybe can, but it only proofs, she loves Jessica Jung more than she thought she does. Giving in finally, she jumps off from her bed, getting out from her room, she finds herself quietly making her way to where Jessica is currently sleeping at.

Yuri silently pray in her heart as her hand twist the doorknob, her prayers were heard, it twist all the way, allowing the girl to look into the room, there she sees, a figure sitting with the back resting against the bedpost, she knows it has got to be Jessica, with the courage and determination she got, Yuri wave for the girl to come. Hesitation coming from the figure, it only confirms the younger girl, that the girl is definitely Jessica.

Stepping out from the room, Yuri closes the door behind Jessica, she pluck up all her courage to look at the girl in the eyes, but no longer sees love coming back from Jessica, she sighs, taking the girl's hand in hers, but she felt Jessica pulling her hand away.
"what do you want???"
"I'll tell you what I want...but first, I need you to hear me"
Jessica shakes her head, "I told you-"
"yes I know, I know you have told me what you want, cant you give me a chance to let me tell you what I want?" Yuri ask in return, her voice is demanding yet her eyes were pleading its way.
"please Jessica, just give me 5 minutes of your time, that is all I am ever asking for, this time"

The two headed into the room, with Jessica sitting on the other end of the bed, far from Yuri.
"Talk kwon, before Yoona wakes up and barge into your room"

"are you with her??"

"What do you take me as, Kwon Yuri?? A whore?? A cheap slut who just gets into a relationship with anyone?!?"
"NO! stop twisting the meaning of my words! You know I don't mean it that way!!"
"You see" Jessica stands up, "this is the reason why I don't want us to talk, look at where we ended up"

"Because I love you...I care" Yuri voice pleaded, but what made Jessica stops in her tracks wasn't the pleading, but the voice that cracks, when she turns around, she could only see Yuri's tears sliding down her cheeks, is the very first time, for her to see, Kwon Yuri, her girlfriend for more than 2 years, to be crying...

"I'm sorry okay, for the way I acted, I didn't know it will hurt you so much because you didn't say anything about it, I thought you were cool with it. I swear, Sica, those were just sweet empty words with no meaning behind it at all. But every single thing I say to you, it's from the heart"
Yuri wipes her tears away, but it wouldn't stop coming out.
"words that makes you love me and words that hurts you, those words, I wont deny or lie to you, comes from the heart"
Yuri now hangs her head low as she cries harder, she doesn't want Jessica to sees it.

"I know I hurt you...but those words I said is because I love you, if I don't love you, why do I care so much of who you loved before? Why should I mind so much of who you loved in the past? Why should I show the ugly hot headed side of mine? I cant control it, Sica, when it comes to you....I can get carry away from my ego, but I will never forget, what is mine and what I want as mine..."
Yuri sobs.
"I want you"
"When I open the door at the moment, I was praying so hard that you are not sleeping....you want to know why?"
"Because at such hour, you'll be sleeping, because you're tired, especially with the travelling we do nowadays..i told myself, if you were to sleep when I goes into that room, I shall force myself to give the space in between us two need like you said, although I know what I want already. Period. But I know, I will have a chance, that if you are still awake, is probably because this matter still troubles you, because you....maybe love me....i mean, still love me, a little bit...somewhere....you know....in your heart....."

"Just shut up"

Yuri looks at Jessica who sits on her lap right now, looking at the girl, "s-sica"
"here I am, at least trying to punish you a week, not talking to you, but here you go, blabbering like a kid who confess of the wrong doings, being all so cute and sweet..sheesh"
Yuri wraps her arms around Jessica's waist tightly, not allowing a little chance for the girl to leave, "a week!? Please...don't"
"what happened to your lips?" Jessica quickly trace the small visible cuts with her fingertips around Yuri's corner.

"Fuck that!" Yuri hugs Jessica, her face caressing Jessica's arm, "please just don't go...my life need you"

"Sheesh, nobody's life needs to be depend on someone else" Jessica stated coldly, although, she is blushing really hard.

"Make me as the one and only then, I am...I need you...I really need you and I am not saying it just because I am trying to make you feel all so sweet, I really need you, Jessica...."
"what is it kwon?"
"one more chance"
"one more chance to love you again and you to love me"

Jessica kisses Yuri's head, "araseo, seobang" she smiles, genuinely from the heart.


"I made coffee, want some?" Tiffany offers shyly when she sees Jessica walks into the kitchen, Jessica nods her head, slightly embarrassed too in the situation right now.
"do you....need any help?" Jessica ask in return.
"you can help me get some coffee beans and put in the machine...."

"Make me one!"

Taeyeon jumps onto one of the stool in a kid like way.

"Make that two then!"

Yuri joins Taeyeon at the stool, watching the two American girls.
"Did Yuri told you why there was a cut at the corner of her lips?" Taeyeon smirks, looking at Yuri is shaking her head desperately for a no, "I gave her that" Taeyeon said proudly.

"and why so?" Jessica looks at Taeyeon.
"she kissed my Tiffany" Taeyeon points at Yuri with a sulky face, Tiffany could only smile to herself contently at the situation.

"fuck you, kim tae yeon!" Yuri hissed, punching Taeyeon's arm.
"yuck! No thanks" Taeyeon pretend to barf.

"So...the two of you love going around and kiss anyone you want?" Jessica ask back.

"is that....a trick question? OF COURSE WE DON'T!!" Yuri stated, Taeyeon nodding her head in a fast motion, agreeing.

"Fany-ah" Jessica calls out, "come here a minute"
Tiffany did as she told, Jessica then leans in to whisper something into the other American girl's ear. Making the two pure Koreans wondering what is going on. When Tiffany nods her head, Jessica look at her smiling, before the two leans in for a kiss, no tongue involve, but a little bit of biting each other's bottom lips.

Yuri and Taeyeon had the same expression, watching with gawk eyes, gulping the lump of saliva that caught in the middle of their throat.
When the two kissing latter pulls away, they sees their real couple pouting, looking jealous.
Tiffany and Jessica high five each other, happy that they causes that, they then continue cooking and preparing the breakfast. When the two had their back faces against the other two who were sitting on the stool, Taeyeon leans down closer to Yuri.

"good idea on the pouty face"
"totally" Yuri smirks, "if we would've let them see our face that we find that hot, they will most probably not do it again" she whispers back.
"that was hot" Taeyeon added.
"totally" she said again, in a more victorious voice, "....you don't mind right, that they two...you know?"

"kisses are totally fine for me" Taeyeon winks, "BUT!" she points in between her and Yuri, back and forth, "just not us"
Yuri shows her palm to Taeyeon, "buddies?"
Taeyeon winks, slapping it lightly, "forever!"

"think they would ever pull a stunt like that ever again" Yuri snickers as she whispers cheekily but she stop snickering once she sees Taeyeon looking at her with a disapproval expression, "...or maybe not"

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