193>Whisper by TTS

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Taeyeon watch as Tiffany pick the 2 piece up and place it at the front of her own body while she look at herself at the mirror in front of her. The two were just spending their days together in Tiffany's own private property in Chino, Los Angeles.
"What do you think?" the girl smiled at the white and pink polka dots bikini she is holding at the front of her body.
"Not nice"
Taeyeon answers in her Korean English accent, causing Tiffany to actually chuckles at the reply, she turn her head around to only find Taeyeon lying on her queen size bed with her newly pink bed sheet which were given by her cousins as a house warming gift, "Not nice?" Tiffany snorts playfully.
"Andwaee~" Taeyeon whines a bit before she pulls her iPhone out and continues her Sims game play.
"Andwae?" Tiffany sat next to Taeyeon on the bed, "Wae andwae?" Not getting an answer, Tiffany lightly smacks Taeyeon on the stomach, causing the girl to grunt but laughed, "Yyahhh...is the game more important than me now?" this time, it's the younger girl's turn to pretend to whine in complaint.
Taeyeon sits up right away, she kisses Tiffany's shoulder lightly, "Of course not" enough to made Tiffany smile, "Please don't show too much to people" she mumbles before she gets carried away in the game again, "I get jealous fast, pani-ahh"
This made Tiffany face brightens up by hearing Taeyeon's cute confession, she knows they are both very sensitive when it comes to other people or boys, is just that, lately with their schedule and all the shitty rumours going on, the both of them has become a bit awkward with one another, though they swore their love did not change one bit, but Taeyeon has become a bit more quiet and reluctant to reveal her inner feelings.
It's typical of Taeyeon, when things happened, she just shuts herself down, even from Tiffany and her own family, she put a straight face on, but her expressions at times betrays her and reveals her messy clouded thoughts. Taeyeon likes keeping things to herself if she could, she is not those type to confront someone and pours her feelings out, she prefers to be a listener rather than the one doing the talking, she don't feel comfortable revealing how she feels truthfully on the inside, she's afraid that if she spills out too much, people would judge her and she don't like to be judged as someone she is not.
But when she begins to be in a relationship with Tiffany, she learns to express herself in many ways. Most of the times, Tiffany would have to provoke her to spill things out. But being a leader for so many years, being the dominant in their relationship, automatically, Taeyeon has put herself in a place where she would protect someone rather than being protected, she feel rather more comfortable if people could rely on her, therefore, she felt like there's a need to be more masculine than the rest.
Taeyeon snickers interrupted Tiffany's thought, she look over at the phone, seeing something happened in between the two Sims on bed, but it was censored most part of it, Tiffany brows furrows closely, "What is that?"
Taeyeon continues to snicker cunningly as she looks at Tiffany, "They are having sex"
"Ewwwwww! Taeyeonnnn~~" she smacks Taeyeon on the shoulder for her cheekiness, "That's the whole point of your interest in Sims? Cos the characters can have sex? Ughh"
"No, in my Sims town, we could have a house together, our members are our neighbours too...and, we could date freely in that world..." confessed the elder one as she continues to collect the coins in the game and make the Sims do their work so they could earn more.
Tiffany looks at Taeyeon for awhile, she watch how happy Taeyeon look when the girl is playing with the game in her iPhone, Taeyeon doesn't do that often in reality, especially with what is happening in their life this year, exo fans sending life threatening messages to her, every pulls her down, even when it's not real, even when manager oppa spread a rumour out that the two broke up, fans just decided that Taeyeon is the villain, saying she was just playing his feelings, they say things they thought they knew, but in fact, is just nonsense in within them..TaeTae, you have it hard... "I'm sorry"
"..." Taeyeon click on the home button and throws her phone to the other side of the bed, "What?"
Tiffany sighs a bit, her face becomes unhappy rather than the one few minutes ago, she shook her head, "Nothing...I'm just feeling sorry for what I have caused"
Taeyeon reaches out to hold Tiffany's hand that was on her lap, "Please don't feel that way...I've told you right? If you feel sorry for us, it means you feel sorry for the love...I don't feel sorry for anything, because, I choose to love you..." she looks at Tiffany, her brown pupils into Tiffany's brown ones, "Okay?"
Tiffany smile a bit and nodded her head, she leans forward to kiss Taeyeon the lips. That lips she has kisses so much that she knows the shaped of it, the softness of it against hers, the scent coming from Taeyeon's moisturizer inhaling into her nostrils, she love that soft scent, it portrays Taeyeon as the whole.
Something sweet, soft yet is something that can make people craves for more.
Just then, something interrupted their kissing session, the two breaks the kiss as they heard a ringing bell coming into the room, "Hi, Prince" Tiffany's voice changes, strangely, she speaks like a mom in front of Prince, something different from aegyo that she gives to Taeyeon, it always made Taeyeon grins secretly behind her whenever she does that.
Tiffany leans down on her chest pressing up on her knees to reach down to carry Prince up, she felt whole as she has Prince in her arms, while Taeyeon hand being behind her, tenderly stroking her palm up and down behind her back as she leans a bit closer to her, "Imagine if we could do this all day" she sighs hopefully while running her fingers through Prince's white coat. Just as her fingers accidentally brush across Prince's collar, she felt something cold, "Huh" she begins to spread Prince's coat to reveal what it is that she has felt, there, she saw a thin but nicely shined ring around Prince's collar, immediately, she has no need of guesses, she turn to look at the girl smiling by her side.
"Is not our anniversary...we did not argue..." Tiffany tilts her head as she undo Prince's collar to pull the ring out, she looks at Taeyeon who is grinning.
"Do I need reason to buy my girl gifts?"
"No, but there should be a reason of why you are suddenly buying this and with the girl I am with, she usually buy things with reasons behind it..." Tiffany shift herself into another position, she wraps her legs around Taeyeon's waist while the both of them sits on bed, "Spill it" not a demand but more like an excitement to know the reason behind the gift.
"Well, we're in your hometown" Taeyeon begins and Tiffany nods her head excitingly, "..and urm, this is your house...urm, I never propose to you before here in LA-" Taeyeon begin to think properly, "I think?" causing Tiffany to laugh.
"You've bought me so many rings, TaeTae, I can't wear all of them" she kisses the side of Taeyeon's lips, purposely avoiding the lips.
"Yeah, but you are all about fashion, with more rings, means you have more choices"
"So that's the reason?" Tiffany wraps her arms around Taeyeon's neck, "You haven't proposed to me in LA, that's why"
"And!" she points at Prince who is comfortably lying on the bed beside them, "I wanna be his dad"
"You are" Tiffany growls a bit as she said so, Taeyeon could feel her girlfriend pushing her hips forward to her waist a bit.
"No. You said Sunny was"
"It's the same" she rolls her eyes, trying to get Taeyeon in the mood, she just doesn't knows why exactly, but every time when Taeyeon is in her complaint mode, she finds it cute but sexy at the same time, she likes how her dominant girlfriend is being so mellow with her at times, it made her felt being in control.
"Is not" Taeyeon has both her palms pressing Tiffany's thigh back down.
"Oh~ So you're resisting~ Trying to play the hard to get game, huh?" Tiffany eyed Taeyeon suspiciously, smirking and wriggling her eyebrows childishly.
"No, Prince is supposed to be my child not Soonkyu, remember why we got Prince in the first place? It was because we said him and Ginger would be like yin and yang, couple dog for us two..so he is supposed to be mine"
"You're being crazy, Taeyeon~~" Tiffany chuckles.
"He's closer to Soonkyu-"
"You can't complaint on that" said Tiffany as she slides herself off from Taeyeon and back to carrying Prince on her lap.
"Why not?" Taeyeon watch as Tiffany starts to inhale Prince's coat since she bathed the dog not long ago.
"You practically shoved him out of the room whenever we're in the dorm"
"That's cos we're having sex"
"And that is why he prefers to be with Sunny"
"You can't have sex right in front of your own children, that's going to make them either dig their eyes out with fork or commit suicide, okay?"
Tiffany burst out laughing at Taeyeon's comment. The knock on the door made them quickly compose themselves, nothing skinship.
"Yeap? Come on in" said Tiffany with her loud voice, causing Prince to bark at his owner.
"Unnie" Seohyun steps in after opening the door, "Manager oppa said to be ready in 15 minutes, they'll start rolling.."
Tiffany nods her head, "You've already picked your swimwear?"
"I think I'll just go with a simple dress, what about you unnie?"
"Someone doesn't allow me to wear this" she hold the bikini up that she choose not long ago.
"Unnie...don't you think that is a bit, revealing?" Seohyun ask softly.
"Shut up you" Tiffany pretends to glare at Taeyeon, but she smiled when she did so.
"I'll leave you to choose unnie, but be quick, you too Taeyeon unnie" Seohyun bows a bit before leaving the two and close the door after her.
"Palli-ahh, Taeyeon unnie~" Tiffany said to Taeyeon playfully.
Nnghhh~Taeyeon~Unnie~~ Taeyeon's jaw slowly drops open as she was absorb into the world of imagination.
"Tae?" Tiffany snaps her fingers in front of the space out girl, "Are you froze up like an app?" she ask teasingly.
Taeyeon snapped out from her imagination, she look at Tiffany guiltily, gulping, trying to shake what she has just imagine on her mind off.
"What is it?" Tiffany ask suspiciously judging from Taeyeon's expression.
"What is that?"
"What is what?" Taeyeon tries to play dumb.
"Tell me or, no sex" she blackmails.
Taeyeon rubs the back of her neck, it indicates her feelings towards of feeling awkward, "It's sexy how you called me unnie, don't you think?"
"What?" Tiffany is confused.
"I had a bit of imagination, where you moan my name and unnie comes after that-"
Before she could finish her sentence, Tiffany is starting to attack her with soft slaps around her arms and shoulders, "Yah!! You dirty pervert" causing Taeyeon to chuckles, "Stop bedding the Sims" Tiffany warns as she climbs off bed.
But quickly in a swift, Taeyeon's arms were already wrapping around her waist, she pulled herself up and pressed Tiffany's back close to her front, tightly, "You make me wanna bed you"
Tiffany felt Taeyeon buck her hips forwards towards her own butt the moment Taeyeon said so, she grins but she proceed to peel Taeyeon's arms off from her waist, "Didn't you hear Seohyun? We've got only 15 minutes..we can't, not now"
"I can make you-"
Taeyeon was hush by Tiffany's finger pressing up against her lips, "I want more than 15 minutes of pleasure Tae~" she sighs, seeing how Taeyeon swallow her saliva in a big gulp, she smirks, knowing she handled it nicely enough.


"It's a wrap!" the Producer calls it a day of the shooting and signals the crew to turn the camera off, "Well done, girls" he said while shaking their hands, "Thank you"
While they were packing, Taeyeon stood at one corner of the bar to watch them, eyeing them, where else, maknae and Tiffany is sitting at bean bag couch in the living room, continue to look through the bags of the stuffs they have bought during the shooting today.
Tiffany took out the box of perfume that they bought with Taeyeon's spending today, she waves the box up in the air where Taeyeon could see it, "Thank you~~~" she said loudly, Taeyeon just smiles back as a reply to it. Maknae Seo did the same as she waves her car perfume in the air to Taeyeon.
"Unnie" Taeyeon whisper, so it could only just be in between her and her manager unnie standing beside her hears it, "Are they really going to take all cameras off? Nothing hidden?" she ask in concern.
"No hidden ones right? You know-"
"I know" said manager unnie as she looks at Taeyeon through her round glasses, "Don't worry, the three of you can be as comfortable as running around naked-" she looks at Taeyeon's distorted face, "Did I go too far?"
Taeyeon chuckles while nodding her head, "Yes, but since you said so, I'm in relief"
"They won't dare...OnStyle won't take such risk of getting a law suit filed against them...I'll have our staffs to double check again after they leave..." said manager unnie, patting Taeyeon on the shoulder, "Take some good rest"

After everyone but only TaeTiSeo left the penthouse, Taeyeon tiredly went to the beanbag couch and lazily sat on it, she groans as she lets her head falls back a bit, hanging her neck at the edge of it. What a day~ she thought to herself quietly.
"Unnie, I'll go get the bags in the car" said Seohyun as she walks to the main door.
"Dae. You need any help?" Taeyeon ask tiredly.
"Gwenchana" she bubbly replied and left before Taeyeon could insist on lending a hand.
Tiffany came out from the toilet and walks straight to the living room where she sees only Taeyeon is at. Making her way to the beanbag couch where Taeyeon is occupying, she climbs herself on it and straddles Taeyeon's waist, "Has everyone left?" she asked as her fingertips were drawing unknown circles on Taeyeon's chest, smiling.
Taeyeon catches Tiffany's hand that was teasing her in hers as she bring it up to her face to kiss it, "You'll be in big trouble missy if they have cameras hidden in this penthouse" said Taeyeon as she has her other arm covering half of her face, she lets out another tiring groan.
"Where's Seo?"
"Getting the lug-"
The door suddenly opens, not even giving enough time for the two to react, Tiffany wanted to leap off, but the moment the door opens, her left foot of the toes were just slightly touching the ground, Taeyeon look over at the door in panic, thankfully, is just their maknae, pulling two luggage bags behind her, with her jaw drop open a bit as she caught her two unnie in a scene where she hopes she didn't awkwardly interferes, "umm~"
Taeyeon could only chuckle out awkwardly and return into her previous position with the arm covering half her face, Tiffany slap Taeyeon on the chest playfully for isolating the awkward situation she has to face herself alone, quickly she gets off of Taeyeon and went over to help maknae with the bags, "Let me carry ours up..." she hurriedly drags the wheel of the bags across the floor to head to the stairs. Taeyeon finally jumps onto her feet and went over to Tiffany.
"I'll be back down to carry yours up, Seo" she said.
"Gwenchana unnie, there's a room here down here...I'll use that" she reply, "The room upstairs, the bed, I think it will not fit the three of us too"
"You sure?" Taeyeon ask, say yes, say yes!
"Yeah, I'm sure unnie" Seohyun starts going to the room at the ground floor below them, "Night unnie" she switches off the ground floor lights as she strode across the room.
"I saw that" Tiffany hissed at Taeyeon when she saw her girlfriend secretly grins.
Taeyeon sticks her tongue out but continue to carry their luggage bag up the stairs as Tiffany followed behind.
"This place is beautiful" said Tiffany as she walks around the room again, "Oh my gosh"
"What" Taeyeon starts unzipping their luggage bag.
Tiffany tip toes her way and kneel beside Taeyeon, "We can't have sex" she whispers. Taeyeon look at her in painful expression, as if it was Un-Beul-Li-Be-Ble. "Look" Tiffany points at the open balcony a few feet after where the bed is, "She could hear us if she's in the living room"
"But she's not"
"I'm not going to take such risk" said Tiffany, rolling her eyes, she gets up to leave but Taeyeon pounce on her, sending the two to plop on the bed.
"It's a chance and risk I would take" said Taeyeon as she looks at her girlfriend being underneath her.
"Tae..this room has no door, open concept, is embarrassing, what happened just now is already embarrassing enough for me...I don't want her to caught us doing further" she pleads.
"Ugh" Taeyeon roll off from Tiffany, knowing Tiffany has got her point there, she can't imagine letting their member, sister, maknae to see them in action on bed.
"I'm all sticky~ Let me have the bathroom first" Tiffany announce as she picks her towel and bathrobe up.
"Are you going to use the shower or bathtub?" ask Taeyeon, since Tiffany could actually take all the time in her world whenever she is occupying a bathtub, the worse was 2 hours as Taeyeon remembers, she watch as Tiffany clutch a novel in between her arm and her body, "Yah~ I have to take my bath too, you know"
"There's a pool up there" Tiffany points to the stairs where it leads them to the small Jacuzzi, she giggles when Taeyeon jaw drops open in disbelief to her suggestion, "You can take your shampoo and bath there"
Taeyeon snorted.

Tiffany enters the bathroom as she looks at the mirror and starts wiping her minimal makeup off her face with the cotton pad, once she's done, she picked the hairband up and tie her up in a bundle, exposing her neck, she pulls her shirt off and leave every pieces of clothing material drop on the bathroom tiles, carrying the novel with her as she makes her way to the bathtub, she place it at the corner of the bathtub top so she could pick up which bottle of essence to mix with the warm water.
Jasmine, Lavender, Camomile, Vanilla, Rose, Blueberry- Tiffany smiles herself, she picked the Vanilla scent bottle up, of course, she think to herself and twist the bottle cap as she pours it into the tub, once she pours enough of the scent, she places it on the countertop closes to her, she smirks when she hears the door click open, she smiles to herself and believe who has decided to join her, but to make sure, she turns around, smiling sly when she sees Taeyeon in her blue bathrobe.
"I thought I was too late to join" said Taeyeon cutely, she places the beats pill down on the countertop as she starts tying her hair up.
"Why bring the speaker in?"
"To light the mood up" said Taeyeon.
Tiffany rolls her eyes, "What if maknae-"
"Shhh~" Taeyeon pressed a finger up against Tiffany's lips, mimicking one of Tiffany's favourite moves, "She is smart enough to know what we are up to since the moment she offered to take the room downstairs"
Taeyeon hit the play button on the beats pill and the intro of the song surround the whole bathroom, Tiffany looks at Taeyeon in a bit of surprise, "But-"
The intro plays and Taeyeon turns Tiffany around, her chin resting Tiffany's shoulder from behind as she reaches out to untie the knot that was around Tiffany's bathrobe.
Ooooooooohh~ Yeah Yeah~
Their voices sync in the background to the beat of the music as it plays-
Oh Baby Jogeumssik Naege Wa..
No baby Neomu Ppareujin
Tiffany closes her eyes as she enjoys their song that they will be releasing during TTS second debut of mini album. Taeyeon starts by kissing every inches of Tiffany's exposed neck. Once she undo the knot, she lets them fall to the side, leaving Tiffany's middle of the bathrobe slides open.
The song and with Taeyeon's hand sliding up from her waist above to around her chest, Tiffany could only groans and let out her sigh of being pleasure into the kiss that Taeyeon starts.
Her knees goes weak when Taeyeon cups her soft breasts in her hands, when she begins to fondle them, she lets out more soft moans into the kissing, causing Taeyeon to growl at the reaction, she loves it when Tiffany is in her control, in within her control, every sighs, groans and moans all under her touches.
It's pretty hard to have the kiss to continue so she turned around to have better access for her tongue in Taeyeon's mouth.
Keeping her hands busy fondling either the breast or squeezing the side of Tiffany's waist to stir the atmosphere into a sexy one, she ignore the fact that Tiffany is reaching out for the knot of her bathrobe this time.
Taeyeon reaches up to slide the bathrobe off from Tiffany's shoulders.
Hearing the overflowing water splashes to the ground, Tiffany had no choice but to break the kiss, she wouldn't want to flood the penthouse or bathroom to begin with, "Wait" she said as she bends over the bathtub, one hand grabbing the side of the bathtub ceramic, the other reaches out for the tap to turn it off.
"Mmfff" she wants to curse so bad but it only came out as a moan when she inhaled deeply. Both her hands now clutching at the edge of the bathtub tightly while she steadies herself when she felt something is sliding up and around her thighs from her back, "TaeTae" she pleaded, biting the bottom of her lips, she don't want to sound like she's begging, but what Taeyeon is doing right now is definitely sending her to the opposite side of her feeling.
Taeyeon smirk but she choose to ignore her girlfriend's pleads as she continues to torture her real slowly by using her nose to rubs around Tiffany's thighs, she would teasingly slide her nose up to the inner side of her thighs, close to where Tiffany need her now but not too close to touch it.
Tiffany pleads through her gritted teeth.
And that moment, Taeyeon knew Tiffany is already at the edge, with any further delay, Tiffany's sexual hormones would actually turn into an anger instead if she continues to tease and not give the girl what she needs because of what she is doing right now.
Taeyeon smirk the moment she felt how Tiffany whole body tingles when her tongue brushes in between pussy lips as she tongue her from the back.
"Tae~ Wait" with all her strength, her left hand reaches around her back where Taeyeon's left was holding her butt, "Not here"
Taeyeon looks at Tiffany, "You're not seriously stopping me right? You need to be finished"
"Shut up, at this position, I might probably bruise myself from falling into the tub" Tiffany stands up straight and pulls Taeyeon up with her, "Bed?"
"I thought you said you didn't want maknae to hear us or catch us-"
"Well, screw it, at this point where your tongue has just went, screw that" she picks her towel up to simply wrap her body up and they walked out from the bathroom and into the dark room in tip toes.
When they were near the bed, Tiffany turn around, she could still see Taeyeon's face even though it's in the dark, "I almost forgot, maknae sleeps with earplugs on" she smirks.
"What if she didn't bring them today?" Taeyeon playfully challenge Tiffany as she knows how much Tiffany needs her right now.
"I'll be quiet-"
Taeyeon snorts loudly.
"Damn you" Tiffany scolds as she pulls Taeyeon down with her as she free fall backwards.
The two chuckles softly, making sure is just them, not too loud till they can be heard. Taeyeon pulls Tiffany's towel off and chuck it off bed, she begins to continue their kiss again.
Tonguing always lead the two into the mood.
When Taeyeon felt Tiffany's hand were palming her breast, she opens her eyes to look at the girl, their kiss slows down in pace, she groans.
For Taeyeon, she trust she could only have Tiffany touching her parts of the body and no one else, maybe the reason is because Tiffany is the first person who she allows to touch more private part of the body and also because Tiffany also happens to be the only person who does so.
"I like your body Tae" Tiffany sighs.
Taeyeon watch as Tiffany's face was turning into a sensual one, the one in the mood for sex.
"You hear that?" Taeyeon ask as she plant a kiss on Tiffany's nose.
"Hear what?" Tiffany looks at Taeyeon but her hand keep fondling with Taeyeon's asset, she somehow gets kind of disappointed that Taeyeon gives not much of a reaction to it, probably is like what she and Yuri had once discuss about it, is the dominant role, the dominant usually wants to do all the pleasuring instead of likewise and they love being in control, and being in control is better than them being pleasure. "Whisper?" since the only thing she could hear is their new music playing from the bathroom.
"No, your pussy screaming my name" Taeyeon snickers.
Somehow, when Taeyeon said so, Tiffany felt something tingling from the inside of her body down below her.
"I'm starting to like this song" said Taeyeon as helps Tiffany to sitting up position, allowing her back to rest against the wall behind her, "Is like what we're doing now, whispering and all~ It is so us" what's next made Tiffany felt anticipated, she watch as Taeyeon lowers herself downwards.
She still blushes whenever makes love with Taeyeon, still does but the feeling that comes during it makes her not give a damn, she's glad the lights are off and all she has to do now, is control her volume.
Biting her lips as she watch Taeyeon spread her thighs apart by bit, enough spacing for her head to be in between her legs.
"Hey" Taeyeon gives a light kiss to it.
Her hands doing the magically touches at the inner thighs while she reaches out and mouthed at Tiffany's centre, causing Tiffany to arch her back to the front at that feeling of Taeyeon's action.
"God" she bites her lips, refraining herself to moan any louder.
But the loud plopping sound that comes from Taeyeon's lips and her pussy lips is not helping her much to retain herself from moaning.
Every mmf that comes from Taeyeon after that is the plopping sound that comes from her lips.
The bed sheet in her grips, tighten when Taeyeon is making out with her centre.
Tiffany opens her mouth to exhale inaudible, she was half cursing herself for allowing herself to get all so turned on by Taeyeon, for allowing their making love session to actually happen when their maknae was in the room below their floor.
She cursed harder mentally for not being allowed to moan out how she actually wants to. Badly.
Her thighs are starting to cramp a bit but that feeling was waved off when Taeyeon plunged her tongue into her, with every pushes in Taeyeon made, the tip of her nose just pressed up against Tiffany's sensitive throbbing clit, causes the girl want to cry for being well pleasured.
Taeyeon's name came out like a breathless whisper.
Making her way up, she starts kissing Tiffany again and before the younger one realizes what's next, she is already lying on the bed with Taeyeon on top of her.
She felt Taeyeon's knee pushes the back of her thigh up, indicating that she wants that leg of Tiffany's to be wrapped around her waist and Tiffany did what was signalled.
Her mind is still fuzzy from the first cumming process.
Taeyeon reaches out to push her own bathrobe that is getting in the way and position herself properly.
Groans from Taeyeon.
Soft satisfying moans came from Tiffany, her hands were holding Taeyeon's back in place, the two look into each other eyes for a moment.
It begins with a gentle but deep push.
Just enough to spark what should be begin with.
Tiffany adjusted herself a bit by spreading her other thigh apart a bit to have a better access of her centre with Taeyeon's centre.
Taeyeon has her right thigh hooked with Tiffany's left to make sure their position won't run when she begins rubbing even faster.
"fuck" Tiffany accidentally cursed under her moans as Taeyeon begins to rub harder and faster, they could feel the sheet underneath them crumpling up with their movements.
Taeyeon watch Tiffany closely underneath her.
With every humps and rubs she does,
Tiffany's mouth would open to moan, but since she can't she had to refrain it, it's all just mouth opening, gasping and her expression was serious, her face was scrunching since she can't moan.
"Damn you're sexy this way pani-ahh~ pani ahh"
Taeyeon can't keep her voice steady as she continues to hump Tiffany when she is nearing her own climax.
"Ughh~ Taeyeonah~~" her fingers were pressing deeper into the skin of Taeyeon's back as she moans silently, her head going left and right as she don't think she can hold it any longer, "Tae-nghhhhhhh-" the rest was echoing inside of Taeyeon's mouth.

Taeyeon was staring at the tall ceiling above them as she breathes in and out, her other arm was rested with Tiffany's head on it who is also taking this chance to have her breathing pace back to normal, "TaeTae...lets go bath" suggested Tiffany, "It's like 2am and we are not clean yet...we need to catch our flight tomorrow"
Tiffany climbs up closer to Taeyeon, she has parted her naked body with Taeyeon's with the thin bed sheet that ended up crumpled up when they were having sex, she knows if her nudity gets in contact with any part of Taeyeon's body or skin, they would continue bedding each other till the next day. She watch as Taeyeon was breathing in and out hard, like they just finished whereby they have finished their session 20 minutes ago.
"Tae...are you okay?" she looks at Taeyeon who is staring blankly at the ceiling.
"I can't feel my thighs" Taeyeon admitted without blinking her eyes, still breathing hard.
"Who told you to go so hard and rough" Tiffany teases but relaxes herself close to Taeyeon, she starts biting the material of Taeyeon's bathrobe, catching Taeyeon's attention, eyes fixing on her doings instead.
"What are you doing?"
"Can't I bite?"
Taeyeon shakes her head, "Don't, is too cute, I might just start bedding you and not care if I be in a wheelchair tomorrow"
Tiffany chuckles in her deep voice.
"Don't, that's sexy too" complained Taeyeon.
Tiffany adjust herself so she's laying her head and resting on Taeyeon's shoulder, "You know" she looks at Taeyeon, "Whisper is not going to be the same for me anymore"
Taeyeon grins after hearing that, me too hwang...

Taeyeon felt all her tense muscles relaxes as she slides herself into the tub as Tiffany refilled the tub again with another round of warm water since the previous one has turned chill cold, she gets into the tub with Taeyeon, having her back rest against Taeyeon's front.
"Not too close" Taeyeon hissed as she rest her chin on Tiffany's shoulder when she back her hip up, just in case Tiffany backed up too close, she actually can't afford another round and felt like she has really aged a bit, she's too tired for that and they have filming tomorrow.
Tiffany smirks knowing what is running through Taeyeon's mind now, she just nod her head and play with the fingers in her hands, "love the warmth" she sighs out relaxingly, confessing her feelings where only the two of them could hear, Taeyeon smiles to herself after hearing it from Tiffany.
Taeyeon's left hand leaves Tiffany's hand as she reaches out for the bodywash sitting by the top by the bathtub, she kisses Tiffany's arm while her left thumb steadily pressed some bodywash liquid onto her palm.
Taeyeon's left hand starts rubbing the liquid around her body, she watch as Tiffany's innocent questioning eyes looking at hers, trying to find an answer to all of her moves right now, "You still trembles to my touches, Fany-ahh"
Before she knows what Taeyeon means, she felt Taeyeon's left hand running across her breast, rubbing the liquid around her breast, round and round before Taeyeon plays with her nub, which causes her to blushes, "You can't hide it, confess it~" Taeyeon continues.
Finally, Tiffany realizes Taeyeon is actually whispering their new song, Whisper's lyrics.
Tiffany intertwines her right hand with Taeyeon's right, while she writhes a bit with Taeyeon's left hand playing with her asset, she look at Taeyeon with the best innocence pleading eyes she could give, and she got what she wants.
Tiffany adjusted herself resting her back on Taeyeon bend up knee so they could have better access to make out, "Mmmf~~oh taeyeon~"
Taeyeon bites Tiffany's bottom lips while Tiffany slips her tongue into Taeyeon's mouth thereafter.
It didn't took long.
When Tiffany leads Taeyeon's right hand to cup her centre, feeling with her own hand against Taeyeon, Tiffany felt Taeyeon's two digits with her fingertips, with that, she pressed it harder against her own centre with Taeyeon's fingers.
Whisper replays on the speaker.
Enough to spice the situation, the night for the two.
Both knows they have a long night to go when Taeyeon slips her fingers into Tiffany's centre.
Ooooooooohh~ Yeah Yeah~
Both making the same noise right now as in how they sang their parts during the intro, just that is not singing right now for them.

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