110>to LA

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Tiffany felt someone fixing her bangs, she lets out a giggle, still with her eyes close,


Tiffany's eyes shot open, looking at Michelle who is looking at her.

"tae? As in Taeyeon-sshi?" Michelle ask.

(fuck! *facepalm* I forgotten!!!)(tiffany)

"ahhh~" Tiffany looks at her sister nervously.

"guess you must have been really close with her" Michelle continues to play with her little sister's hair.

"er....yes we are...actually unnie-"

They both hears phone ringing, Tiffany just stay quiet looking at her sister who search for the phone and answer it.


"is he alright, dad??"

"okay, I'll try and get a flight home by today"
"alright, see ya, bye"

Tiffany looks at her sister, "what's wrong?"

"it's leo~ he got into an accident not long ago" Michelle sighs.
Tiffany immediately sits up, "WHAT!!!!!!"
"cool it, he's fine....still alive....that kid, I told him so many times not to go mountain biking ever again" Michelle sits up next to Tiffany.

"well, looks like we have to wait for another time to actually meet again, I need to go back to LA"

"no no, im following you" Tiffany gets up and go to her cupboard, pulling on of her small pink luggage out.

"baby t, you sure about this?"

"of course, sis, help me pack, I need to let my members know about me going to LA"
Tiffany make her way out, she sighs as she brings her fist up to knock on Taeyeon's door.

(she's going to kill me)(tiff)

But still, she have to.
When she walks in, Taeyeon is already sitting on her bed, reading the comic book she bought not long ago, "tae" Tiffany walks to Taeyeon and sits on Taeyeon's lap, "tae mianhae"
"wae?" Taeyeon starts wondering why.

"I need to go back to LA for a few days, my brother, Leo.... He's in the hospital right now, he met an accident not long ago" Tiffany looks at Taeyeon.

"hmmmm, come, I'll help you pack your luggage"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, wondering why Taeyeon isnt whining now like yesterday.
Taeyeon saw how Tiffany was staring at her, "waekeuro"
"you're.....alright with it?"
Taeyeon touches Tiffany's chin, "of course.....there comes to time when I need to be mature about things and you know, you're so used to me packing your bag"

Tiffany pounce onto Taeyeon, making Taeyeon fall on her back, making both latter giggles.
Tiffany went straight into kissing Taeyeon lovingly, her tongue licking Taeyeon's lips.
"I love you baby" Tiffany breaks the kiss, earning a big smile from Taeyeon.
"I know, cos I love you too" Taeyeon touches Tiffany's face.

They both sits up, "be careful when you're there, I heard its cold season in LA isnt it? Wear more thick clothes, and bring more jacket, those thick ones. Long jeans and-"
Tiffany kisses at her caring girlfriend attitude, "what a caring hubby"
"I just love my wife"
"I love you hubby taeng"
"I love you more"

Their nose touches one another, looking at each other straight in the eyes,

"we love each other most"
They giggles at their dorky lovey talk.


Taeyeon move her computer mouse around, scrolling the pages up, looking for Tiffany's pictures through Google, at times, she giggle like a fool in front of the screen with some cute and funny pictures of Tiffany, Taeyeon then look to her side, Romeo, sitting on the bed, somehow, looking back at her.

"omma" Taeyeon points to the computer screen, earning a small whimper from Romeo.

"you miss her too eh?" Taeyeon touches Romeo on the head.

Taeyeon carries Romeo and let him has his head, lay against her chest, his watery eyes looking at Taeyeon, "I miss her too" Taeyeon kisses Romeo on his wet nose, he licked his nose after that.
"want to go visit omma's room?"
Taeyeon smile when Romeo starts shaking his tail, "come!" Taeyeon smiles, carrying Romeo up in her arms, getting out from the room.

Taeyeon then puts Romeo down when she opens the door, Romeo dash into the room, sniffing around. Taeyeon then saw something laying on the bed, "what the-" she walks to the bed and bring the pink jacket up, "aish~!!!" Romeo walks to Taeyeon's side, wagging his tail.
Taeyeon bends down and patted Romeo on the head.

"your omma is a pabo"

Romeo barks a few times.

"jinja, you see" taeyeon hold the jacket up, "I should've pack it for her... see what she left"

Romeo sits on the ground.

"Romeo ah~ I really miss your omma, do you think I should go find her?"

Romeo wag his tail even faster.

"I should bring omma back soon, right?"

Romeo bring his paw up to touch Taeyeon's knee.


Taeyeon stands the airport exit, looking at the paper that Jessica roughly jotted down on about Tiffany's house address.
"aish~~ that yul's pabo..... how can she have written all this in English with no translation"
Taeyeon mumbles to herself.

"err-" Taeyeon speaks to a lady beside her.

"hi, yes?"

[[please take note that Taeyeon here, will be trying to speak in english....even though I am writing in english.....but you get what im trying to tell you eh? Its all for the beat of fun]]



"yes...I need....sexy"

The lady stares at Taeyeon one of a kind.

"here- here" Taeyeon shows the white paper which was scribble by Jessica, "I need sexy to...go here"

"oh, taxi you mean?"

Taeyeon nods her head, "thank you"


"ahh~ jinja! Pabo yah~"
Tiffany gently smacks Leo who is laying in the patient bed.
"owh" Leo tries to avoid it, "hey, im still injured you know"
Tiffany stuck her tongue out, "you deserve to be hit, why didn't you listen to unnie's advice"
Leo looks at Michelle, who is frowning angrily at him, "mianhae"

He then hold both his sisters hands together in his right hand, "I love you two, mianhae araso? It wont happen again, where's daddy by the way?"

"he went home to get you the soup he boiled the whole morning" Michelle answers.

"it's been so long that we last since gather together, have a family meal or something" Leo smiles.

"but im not happy with the reason of why I am here now, you know I can always come back whenever there's a holiday...." Tiffany answers.

"hmmmm, dae" Leo smiles, "you don't know how many guys in my school are actually going crazy for you, sis, especially in The Boys"


"don't tell me about that" Leo smirks, "you don't know how awkward it is for me to hear all that"


Taeyeon pay the cab driver and gets out, she looks the house she is standing in front of.
With Tiffany's pink jacket in her arms.
She rings the door bell but none answer.

(hmmmm, guess no one is home.....)(tae)

Taeyeon sits by the gate where there's bench there.
A man with a familiar face structure walks towards Taeyeon, he too, is looking at Taeyeon, wondering why there's a girl sitting in front of his house.
Taeyeon stands up and bows a little to welcome the man who is walking to her direction.

"dae" he smiles back, "taeyeon-sshi"

"ah?" Taeyeon eyes widens.

"how could I not know my daughter own members of the group" he chuckles.

"mr hwang!" Taeyeon smiles.

"come inside, its cold outside" he welcomes Taeyeon.

In the house, Mr Hwang poured two cups of hot tea and serve it to Taeyeon, who constantly bows her head.
"what brings you here?" Mr Hwang ask.

"ah" Taeyeon touches Tiffany's pink jacket that were laying on the ground by her side, "she forgot to bring this...."

"you came all the way to LA, just to bring a jacket for her?"

"she'll catch a cold"

"ahhhh" Mr Hwang looks at Taeyeon, "thank you.... for taking good care of my daughter.... You know, she's always a little clumsy...."
Taeyeon giggles, agreeing.

"mr hwang...."

"yes, taeyeon-sshi?"

"I think, there is something that I would like to tell you..." Taeyeon becomes all serious.
She takes a deep breath.
Mr Hwang remain quiet, to let Taeyeon continue.

"im in love"

Mr Hwang smiles, "that's really good-"

"with your daughter"


"uhhhhh~ it's been so long since I last step into my room" Tiffany stretch her arms as wide as possible when she walks into her house, with her dad and sister.

"tiffany....can I talk to you?" Mr Hwang ask.

"er, yeah, sure daddy" Tiffany smiles.

They settle themselves down in the living room's couch.
"what is it daddy?"

"when are you going to step into a relationship?" he ask all of a sudden.

"ah? Wae appa?" Tiffany gets a little startle.

"don't you feel lonely?"

Tiffany shakes her head, "if you have forgotten appa, I have 8 sisters.... How can I ever be lonely"

"still, you need a special one...."

"my sisters are special enough for me"

"still, darling, you're my youngest daughter....i still want someone to look after you"

"I have 8 people looking after me, appa" Tiffany answers nervously.

"you know what I exactly mean, stephanie~"

"daddy, is just that...im really busy now.... And with-"

"busy? Or you're already in a relationship?"

Tiffany eyes widens.


Mr Hwang cant believe of what he heard from Taeyeon, a member, a leader of her daughter's group.

"sorry, but I beg your pardon.....did I misheard you?"

Taeyeon shakes her head, "no....is true, I am in love with your daughter...."

"is my daughter oblivious of your feelings?"

"we're together for some time.... Please don't be mad at her Mr Hwang.... Is maybe, because, I have love her too much, I mean, literally, she is my life"

Mr Hwang looks at Taeyeon in disbelief.

"my parents know about this, I had to tell them, in order for them to accept the fact that is, no matter what, they'll have to accept the fact that Tiffany is my life...and that is why she is in my life...."

"how can that be?" he ask, still in a warm gentle voice.

"because it's her....Tiffany Hwang. There are no necessary reason that were needed, for me to fall for her, I know, is hard, for you, Mr Hwang, to hear all these from me, a girl... but I can protect her..."

"you're as weak as her, as fragile as her...."

"don't look down on me, just because im the same gender as Tiffany.... Even if it meant for me to dodge a bullet for her, I will"

"and my daughter....she feels the same?"

Taeyeon looks at Mr Hwang, "maybe it was partly because we are always close together, but yes, she does feels the same.."

"have you have the thoughts, perhaps she loves you was because of her time, mingling around with boys are lesser than the time she spend with Girls Generation?" Mr Hwang ask.

"maybe" Taeyeon answers, "but I really love her mr Hwang"


"anything can be possible" Taeyeon quickly answers, "maybe, in the future, like you said, the time she mingles with boys are less, she might find a guy that she loves, she'll be with him-"

"and you're okay with that?"

Taeyeon nods her head, "although I know I'll probably die mentally, but, if its what she wants..."

"you'll let her go?" he finish her sentence, she nods her head, "why?"

"Mr Hwang.... You know how people always said, 'I am with the most beautiful person in my life' ??" Taeyeon ask, earning a small few nods by Mr Hwang.

"right now, I am with the person who made my world becomes beautiful"


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