160>Uh-Oh, here comes TROUBLE(?)

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Taeyeon felt her fingers gripping tightly against the white sheet underneath her, her jaw clenching so tight that she believe if she don't say anything soon, she'll go berserk. Her eyes not leaving Tiffany's alluring one, with one huge deep breathe, Taeyeon break the intense eyes contact, sliding her body down as she covers the sheet up to her shoulders, facing her back against Tiffany.
After that, Taeyeon earn a big slap on her butt coming from behind, she gritted her teeth, hissing at the sudden slap, the burning pain she gets from her butt now, but she decide to ignore it.
Taeyeon rolls her eyes at how her girlfriend is now complaining, but she has a small smile on her face when she knows she manage to piss Tiffany off. Cos every time if they ever had small bickering, Tiffany would always use sex as their great escape and this time Taeyeon doesn't wants to give in, she doesn't wants Tiffany to have the thought that sex is everything in between them. Sex doesn't solve every problem that involves them.
Taeyeon felt a hard strong tug coming from beside her, the comforter is totally remove off from her. Not wanting to respond to it as Taeyeon knows is another tactic of Tiffany to get attention and response from her, Taeyeon herself gets into a spooning position.

Slightly shivering from the coldness, Taeyeon sits up, rubbing both her arms up and down furiously. She looks at her side, her peaceful sleeping girlfriend is facing her side. Remembering what they bickered about, Taeyeon shakes her head. She picks up the remote control of the aircond, adjusting the temperature to a less cold air temperature.
Hearing the beeping sound, Tiffany moved a little before opening her eyes. They look at each other. But none said a word. Tiffany scowl a little before pouting but then, she pulls the extra comforter that were wrap around her, leaving the extra comforter for Taeyeon. Tiffany turns her back to face Taeyeon as she continues her sleep.
Taeyeon had a heavy sighs watching her girlfriend.

I am acting like a kid – Taeyeon.

Taeyeon get underneath the comforter, she then scoots close to Tiffany, hugging the latter from the back, kissing Tiffany's shoulders twice, "Sorry, cupcake" kissing Tiffany's head, "night"
Finally sleeping back on her side, it only took a sec for Tiffany to cling close against Taeyeon's body, her head buried into Taeyeon's chest.


Tiffany sees Yuri sitting at the dining table, eating a bowl of cereal, reading some magazine, she smiles seeing Yuri is back to her usual self but still, she has to know what is going on, what made her best friend so emotional that she has to drink.
"Hey" she greets.
Yuri's head perks up from reading the magazine, from there, Tiffany sees a forceful smile coming from the latter, "Okay...what was it that you were going to tell me" Tiffany's voice trails as she walks into the kitchen to grab herself a box of orange juice, she then makes her way back to the table, sitting opposite of where Yuri is facing.

"Guess you wont put it down don't you?" Yuri smirks a little bit.

"Look, I am just concern about you" Tiffany felt a little offended that her care for Yuri was being tested.

Yuri sighs out loud, "I don't know how to-" she lets out another sigh, "...I don't know where to start?"

"from the start then" Tiffany looks at Yuri with full of concern.
"Jessica...a part of her heart, is having a crush on someone else"
Yuri watches as how Tiffany's mouth slowly prides open, in shock perhaps, it took Tiffany a minute to snap out of it.
"Is true, she cant answer me when I asked her this question"
"what question?"
"was I the one and only in her heart"
"she said yes but...she also admit, there is someone in there, in her heart, that she cant completely removes"

Yuri shakes her head, "I tried, Tiff...I tried to not let it bother me, but...well...I guess I cant"
"why cant she let go of that person? In fact, who is it??"

"Someone whom she adores a lot and hoped to be with..." Yuri answers.

"make her forget that person Yul!"

"is not as easy as you said, Tiff!" Yuri sighs again, "this person is no joke"
"you know who it is?"
"I guess" Yuri hung her head low.
Yuri nods her head.


Yuri and Tiffany look at Taeyeon walks out from the room, smiling to them before walking into the kitchen to prepare something, just as Tiffany leans close enough to the table to continue the conversation with Yuri, she felt two hands on each side of her shoulders, pulling her back to her seat.

Tiffany tilt her head upwards, she looks at Taeyeon who is looking back at her.
"I see you haven't got any food on the table, want some French toast?"
"yes" Tiffany smiles, nodding her head, "peanut spread, taetae"
"Hmmm. Okay" Taeyeon smiles for a sec, kissing Tiffany's forehead before leaving to the kitchen.

Tiffany look at how Yuri looks at Taeyeon, her eyes then trail back to Tiffany, those deep intense stare piercing right into Tiffany's, as if to say something through the eyes contact.
"what's the matter, Yul...?"
Yuri gets up and cleans the table of her side, "like I said-"

Yuri looks at Tiffany, "that person is not just anyone" she had a sorry smile on her face before leaving the table.

Tiffany stayed quiet, trying to think of the things Yuri said, trying to fix and fit everything into one piece to reach for the answer she is searching for. Didn't took too long for Taeyeon to place a plate of French toast right in front of Tiffany.
Taeyeon starts cutting her bacon into pieces, but she stop the moment she sees Tiffany dazing out, putting her table knife down, she lets her hand reaches out to stroke the side of Tiffany's cheek, "hey, your toast is going to get cold" that did the trick, it snaps Tiffany out from her spacing space.

When Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, she sees a small smile coming from the older girl who then continues eating her bacon.
"....it's you"
Taeyeon chews her bacon, looking at how her girlfriend's expression is changing into a worried one right now, "yes, fany?"
Tiffany shakes her head as though she is answering the questions in her mind, "no"
"No??" Taeyeon looks at Tiffany, she pulls her seat closer to Tiffany, "what's going on, baby?"
Seeing how Taeyeon has a worried look on her face, Tiffany shakes her head, faking a smile on her face, "nothing..."

"You're scaring me...."

Tiffany shakes her head harder than before, kissing Taeyeon on the lips, slightly nibbling Taeyeon's bottom lips before pulling away, "don't be...is nothing"


"Hey, Jess"
Tiffany joins Jessica at the balcony's porch, who seems to be enjoying the night, "why aren't you in the room with your seobang?"

Jessica laughs with a sniff coming out from her nostril, "we're not like you and your taeyeon"
"Don't be jealous of us" Tiffany teases back as she joins Jessica at the small couch.

"okay....then why are you not with your taeyeon?"

"she's busy with her iPad"

"choosing a device over you? that is quite saddening isnt it"

Tiffany and Jessica both giggles out loudly, "here" Tiffany pulls out a dozen cans of beer.
Jessica looks at Tiffany curiously, "what the hell?"
"just enjoy the night and drink up" Tiffany stated, pulling a can out and hand it to Jessica.

Sorry....i just have to know....the truth – Tiffany.

Because Tiffany's tolerance was higher for alcohol, when Jessica was on her 3rd can, she was already blur and drunk. Giggling occasionally for no reason, Tiffany knew, Jessica is drunk enough to blabber nothing but the truth from the inside of her heart.

"Yul seems to be bothered by the person you seems to have crush with..."
"the one you mentioned that still stays in your heart"
"mmmm....silly yul"
"I know you love yul very much, you wont hurt her...."
".....mmmm, I wont!"
"then..forget about that crush of yours"
"I cant"

Jessica giggles as she leans away from laying her head on Tiffany's shoulder from the side.
She looks at Tiffany, continuing to giggle in her own world, her eyes were barely open at this moment, but she manages to place a finger on Tiffany's lip.

"you...cant?" Tiffany cock her eyebrows in a small frustration.

"mmmm" Jessica giggles again, "she is not just...anyone..."

"who is she, jess"

Jessica starts having hiccups, giggling again.

"who is she..." Tiffany pressed and repeated on her question again to Jessica.

"If it wasn't you....i would not have step away"
"I didn't choose it, love chooses me..."
"love....i love yuri...but...I still have a crush on her too...."

Tiffany felt her heart starting to beat unevenly.
"who. Jess"

"Fany ahhhhh....would you still love Taeyeon if the dream guy of yours come after you?? Do you really...willing to give taeyeon your future? The truth......the fact.....you still has feelings for guys don't you....? Fany ah??? You are...bisexual..."

Tiffany's eyes widen, although her heart was guessing it already this morning after Yuri's hint, but never has she thought that she'll get a confirmation from Jessica herself. Yes, although the girl was drunk, but Jessica was well known among the members who wont keep a secret whenever she is drunk and also, she will tell nothing but the truth about things she knows.
But the sound of another breathing, not from Jessica herself, comes from behind Tiffany, only makes Tiffany more nervous. But surprisingly, the person behind her now, is as surprise as she is right now.
Tiffany quickly gets up onto her feet, she almost tramples against her own feet when she hurriedly pushes Taeyeon into the living room from going out to the balcony.

"what was that" Taeyeon pointed at the balcony, "why is Jessica drunk?"
But even before Tiffany could continue, Yuri came out, slightly pushing her and Taeyeon aside as she made her way to the balcony.

"Seriously.." Yuri looks at Tiffany in disbelief, "you make her drunk for all these??"
"she's in love with the person I am with! What do you expect yul???"
"I expect a little respect, I told you things to share my emotion with you, not to let you drunk her up and test her...this is too much tiff!!"
"Yul, i-"

Yuri shakes her head, she ignores what Tiffany is about to say by carrying Jessica up, walking pass the couple in the living room.
"I trusted you" and that was the last thing Yuri said before walking into her room with Jessica laying unconscious in her arms.
Tiffany looks at how Taeyeon is looking back at her.

"are you...bisexual fany?"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, she cant really make notice that Taeyeon is either angry or upset right now, but she wouldn't want to lies either, not especially if that person is Taeyeon.
"truth? I never think of that...I only know I'm all yours"
"I'll be in the room"


After done packing the empty cans of beer, Tiffany takes a deep breath before going into her room, when she did, Taeyeon quickly wipes her face, which caught Tiffany's attention. Quickly, Tiffany slides her feet across the room, going onto the bed, kneeling in front of Taeyeon.
Who obviously had just cried! Her eyes were red and her eye bags were pinkish puffy!
Tiffany grabs both of Taeyeon's hands in hers.
With no hesitation and also an action to make Tiffany feel relief that Taeyeon pulls Tiffany into a hug, she sniffs a little since she has just finish crying.

"is not you...is me, so don't blame yourself..."
"I love you so much, that I cant bring myself to think of anything about losing you"
"how can you blame yourself-"
"bisexual or not, is not the main concern for me...I just know I cant lose you"

Tiffany could only hugs Taeyeon even tighter, kissing Taeyeon's neck twice before hugging Taeyeon again.

"once I've met you tiffany...there is one purpose in my life, that has become important for me...that is"

Taeyeon breaks the hug, pinching the bottom of Tiffany's chin in between her thumb and index finger, "to put a smile on this face" it made Tiffany smiles shyly.

"there is no book that teaches me to do so, is like I was born to do it, gifted to have you, lucky to have be able to love you" Taeyeon continues, "and so, I'll accept whatever it is that being thrown at me, for as long as I can have you as mine, I'll fight through it"


Jessica wakes up, rubbing her eyes, finally opening them, she sees another beauty sitting on the bed, watching her.
"morning beautiful" Yuri greets back.
"my head...ugh" Jessica rubs her own forehead.
"you remember anything?"
Not even wanting to think or try to remember what happened last night, Jessica just shakes her head, she's too tired or well, let's cut it short, Jessica is lazy enough to even care. But seeing how Yuri didn't look so happy with her response, she decide to kick it in.
"something you want to tell me?"
Yuri shakes her head.
Jessica gets up, she closes herself to Yuri, "I don't like to see your upset face, it hurts"

Jessica starts to kiss around of Yuri's neck, she stops some way in the middle of the neck, Yuri felt something weird is going on, for a sec, Jessica is quiet, the next, she started giggling and then she keeps repeating this action until Yuri looks at Jessica.
"what are you doing?"
"I was trying to do a love bite" Jessica giggles again.
"and...what's so funny about that?"
"...I'm no good in that" Jessica winks cutely while she cringe her nose.

Yuri pushes Jessica back onto laying on the bed, she sits on top of Jessica's waist.
"I'll make you forget your crush. She will just be your ex-crush"

Jessica is my cute princess – Yuri.


Jessica calls out as she sees Taeyeon, "is Tiff with you?"
Taeyeon nods her head, "she's in the room, taking her nap, wae?"

Taeyeon finds herself staring at Jessica, just standing there, staring at Jessica. Weird.
"...c-care if I join you?"
Jessica looks at the leader of her group, "if you're acting all weird, NO"
Taeyeon rolls her eyes, but she plops herself on the same sofa with Jessica anyway.

Jessica glares right back at Taeyeon, who is just staring at her with no words coming out, it made Taeyeon gulps and look away.
"I am dumb, Taengoo...I'll forget about my crush on you"
Taeyeon looks at Jessica with surprise, "you...knew..."
"if you were saying or asking, that Yuri said or asked anything, no...she didn't...but her expression betrays her"

Jessica's glare slowly turns into a soft gaze, "I've never seen her this way before...she has never failed to hide her emotions, but lately, when I told her about my crush...the pain on her face, hurts me....I know I love her"

But you, Taengoo....were just too special to let go so easily....time is what I need most now – Jessica.

"well...I'm glad you think that way.." Taeyeon smiles a little bit.

"beside, seobang is more manly, if being compared with you" Jessica smiles, "taller"
"hey hey hey! What is with the comparison" Taeyeon crosses her arms.

"Truthfully...if your girlfriend wasn't Tiffany, I'd go after you...But Tiff is like a sister to me, I wont bear to hurt her"

Taeyeon smiles in relief, she gets up from the sofa, "cool"
"You want to ask, if I was single and you were too, would i....." Taeyeon's voice trails off, but she pointed back and forth between her and Jessica.
Until she gets confirmation of her guesses from Jessica who nods her head, Taeyeon smiles.
"yes, I would"
The two friends / members, could only exchange a shy but relief smile for each other.

Ready to wake her girlfriend up, Taeyeon gets into the room, but didn't see it coming, her back was slam hard against the close door behind her, groaned in pain, but the groan was quickly replaced by a gasp, Taeyeon looks below her, Tiffany is kneeling on her knees, her short pants were being pulled down until it was left dangling around her feet, she looks at Tiffany, bewildered.

"I heard everything....."

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon.

"Tiff-let me---UGHHHH!OWWWWWWW"

Tiffany has both her hands on each side of Taeyeon's inner thighs, her fingernails piercing quite deep into the inner thigh of her skin before she scratch them downwards, leaving a trail of red fingernails marks. Taeyeon slammed her head back, groaning and sort of moaning for the pain she is enduring right now.

Tiffany starts from the knee, she licks her way up, till she reaches some middle point of Taeyeon's heating part, she naughtily let the tip of her tongue flick in the middle of the underwear, a smirk was then place on her face.

Tiffany pretended to wipe the corner of her lips as if to wipe some invisible stain, she stands up, pulling the pants back up for Taeyeon, "I believe you can hold onto it...just like...last night"
She shrugs her shoulders, winking as she walks away from Taeyeon.
Leaving Taeyeon, speechless once again.

Fuck the seduction and hold onto my ego....or fuck that girl right there!!?!?!?!?! – Taeyeon.

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