133>what does Taeny means

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"when did she kissed Jessi, yul" Tiffany manage to ask in between her sobs.
But when Yuri didn't answer her, she pulls away from the hug, pushing Yuri away by the chest away from her. Yuri stumble backwards, ended up, sitting on her butt.
"look fany, I believe it was nothing-"
"I know, but I want to know why they kiss" Tiffany snaps back.
Yuri shrugs her shoulders, "the two of them has been changing topics or running away whenever I bring this up. I want to know why too" she sighs.
Tiffany giggles pathetically.
"Fany ah, you're scaring me...jinja...why are you laughing?"
Tiffany shakes her head, "we're worrying as though they are cheating on us"
Yuri has a small smile appear on her face, agreeing with Tiffany on how ridiculous their conversation were about Taengsic, "yeah"

Sunny hears loud noises coming from the kitchen, as she walks to where the sound comes from.
All she sees is Taeyeon, looking through in the fridge, throwing stuffs into the bin.
Sunny slowly creep closer to see what Taeyeon is busy packing out from the fridge, throwing it away, "YAH" Sunny gasp loudly as she watch Taeyeon throws a newly bought Orange Juice bottle into the bin, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" she picked it out from the bin, showing it at Taeyeon's face, who is glaring at her, "is still new...."
"I know"
Taeyeon grab the bottle back from Sunny and threw it into the bin.
"then why are you throwing it away"
"because I bought it" Taeyeon answers as she turns away from Sunny, but abruptly stop by Sunny who is holding onto her wrist tightly right now.
"what is going on, you seldom acts that way"
Taeyeon yank her wrist away strongly, "nothing"
Sunny cant do anything to go against her leader, so she stood behind and watches quietly.
But suddenly, Taeyeon got down on her knees, her arms covering her face.
"he's coming back for her....."
"he's coming back for her, sunny ah"
Taeyeon stops hiding her face, to reveal her red eyes to Sunny now.
"who is?" Sunny kneels down in front of her leader, holding Taeyeon's shoulders up, so they would look at each other in the eyes, "who, tae"
"Donghae oppa? What did you hear...?"
"from Kangin oppa..he said Donghae will be going after Tiffany once their single is successful and he got the free time...he'll...come after Tiffany...." Taeyeon leans forward and hugs Sunny.
Sunny shakes her head, "you're just worrying too much"
"I am..." Taeyeon's voice crack, "because...we cant predict what the future are like...what if...what if...Tiffany change her mind...someday..."
Sunny shakes her head furiously.
"how can you be so silly, pabo tae tae"
"im....im...i-insecure, Sunny ah"
"about the love you and Tiffany has?"
Taeyeon unwillingly, slowly nods her head.

"whenever she gets upset, I would be there to cheer her, do anything for her...but when I gets frustrated about things, like rumors about her being on WGM, she would just shove things aside like I never feel bothered about it...I don't know how to explain, Sunny..is like, she gets so fed up whenever I get frustrated about her rumors, why cant she just....cheer me, make me feel better...she does makes me feel better, but not like I thought it would...i-"

"you know she loves you tae"

"I know...but I am just afraid to lose her"
Sunny smiles apologetically, she then hugs Taeyeon.

"gee you two! Get a grip! It was just a sister thank you kiss alright"
Jessica rolls her eyes as she throws her high heels back into the closet, walking pass Tiffany and Yuri who is sitting on her bed, the two had just question her about the kiss, not long ago.
"then is it okay if I kiss Tiffany!" Yuri hiss.
Jessica walks to the two of them, crossing her arms, her icy glares actually make the two feel like hiding right now, "alright. Kiss"
Tiffany and Yuri looks at each other, with shock, Tiffany was slightly shaking her head as Yuri didn't take her eyes away from her, the two slowly look back at the angry blonde in front of them.
"quick" Jessica orders them to.
Yuri look at Tiffany again, but seems like Tiffany was hesitating about this idea. Because, she really don't feels like too. They don't even kiss each other even when they were best friends.
Except small congratulating kiss at the side of the cheeks, but that's it.
And now, to kiss each other just to see how it will makes Jessica and Taeyeon feels.
Tiffany doesn't feel right with it.

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