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Taeyeon let herself snuggling closer right behind Tiffany, pressing her nose into the beautiful brown locks in front of her, Taeyeon just loves the scent coming from Tiffany's hair.

My girl.... – Taeyeon

Taeyeon leans up from her laying position, leaning sideways, kissing the side of Tiffany's neck.
Tiffany moves a little from the disturbance, Taeyeon smiles, kissing the same spot of the neck again, slightly nibbling it this time, making Tiffany shrugs her shoulders, as if she's trying to push the disturbance away, this made Taeyeon giggles silently.

You're mine.... – Taeyeon

Taeyeon let her left hand run down to the beautiful shaped thighs below her, touching the soft skin against her warm palm, her movement made Tiffany moans a little, but not enough to wake the latter up. Naughtily, Taeyeon let her hand slip in between the thighs that were clasp close together, Taeyeon gives a gentle squeeze, nothing painful, more of a molesting kind of squeeze.

"mmmmm~~~" Tiffany sighs.
Taeyeon is surprise to see the latter she is abusing sexually right now, thrusting her hips a little bit, Taeyeon unconsciously lick her lips with anticipation, now rubbing her hand a little more on the inner thighs.

Enjoying her assault, Tiffany all of a sudden use her butt to bump hard against Taeyeon's front.
Taeyeon jumps up in shock, "fany???"
Tiffany turns her head around, sticking her tongue out with her beautiful smile for Taeyeon in the morning, "you pervert"
Taeyeon snickers, leaning herself down forward to Tiffany, while Tiffany automatically wraps her arms around Taeyeon's neck, "morning my pervert hubby"

Taeyeon lets herself climbs right on top of Tiffany, straddling on Tiffany's waist.
"you're so beautiful, fany ahh" Taeyeon exclaim happily.
Tiffany just simply nods her head as she yawns, her mouth opens widely, making Taeyeon smiles.
"you're the cutest thing ever" Tiffany stated.
"than Romeo?" Taeyeon naughtily ask.
"after Romeo" Tiffany answers back sarcastically, earning constant tickling from Taeyeon.
Tiffany struggles to break free, squirming around on bed. Taeyeon stops.

"we should get ready, we're going to the studio for Flower Power practice, Fany" Taeyeon gets off from the bed.

Tiffany sits up, watching Taeyeon walks to the cupboard, taking out a pair of shirt and pants for her and Tiffany to wear, she smiles because this is one of the reasons why she loves Taeyeon.
Taeyeon is like the everything of hers, she always cook for her even in the middle of the night of waking up feeling hungry, Taeyeon is already sleeping like a dead person but still, willing to wake up without any complaints.
Taeyeon turns around, looking at Tiffany, "euh?? Go brush your teeth"
Tiffany shakes her head stubbornly.
"wae?" Taeyeon ask wonderingly.
Tiffany lifts both her arms up, opening wide. Taeyeon shakes her head, smiling, as she walks to the bed, carrying Tiffany up.

Carrying Tiffany in her arms, is a normal daily do's for Taeyeon, even though is a nearby one, which some people might think Taeyeon is spoiling Tiffany, but is not, the two love their close skinship, Tiffany finds it cute, Taeyeon finds it happy for the two of them.
Taeyeon place Tiffany down by the door to the bathroom, receiving a smile from Tiffany.
Tiffany is about to enter the bathroom but Taeyeon pull on her wrist.
"Yes?" Tiffany smiles at Taeyeon.
Taeyeon turns her head sideways, her index finger pointing at her cheek, Tiffany giggles and plant a kiss on Taeyeon's cheek, Taeyeon let her go after that, smiling happily.


"do you wanna be my lover~~~"
Jessica laughs out as she was messing up her rapping, sticking her tongue out, she shakes her head for her own mistakes. Where else the rest of the members stop practicing also.

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