26> If only You knew.

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Tiffany pass the studio.. she stops in her tracks at the door.

She heard lips smacking from the inside..

(I thought Taeyeon were the only in there?)

As Tiffany turns the doorknob, opening the door.

There she saw, Taeyeon leaning slightly sitting on the desk..

Her hands all over Ji Eun's ass.

The both of them were so busy making out that they didn't even realize there is another presence in the room.


"you fucking liar!!"

They stop kissing, a petrified look on Taeyeon's face..

That she is caught red handed.

"unnie unnie!"

Tiffany felt someone shaking her by the shoulder, she open her eyes.

"unnie.. waeyo? You alright?" seohyun is sitting on Tiffany's bed.

"ah.. joohyun" Tiffany sits up, "bad dream again"

Seohyun grab the glass of water at the table and pass it to Tiffany.

The both of them heard running foot step and burst came in Taeyeon.

Tiffany and Seohyun look at the breathless Taeyeon.

"I heard a scream"

"yeah, tiffany unnie has a nightmare"

Tiffany put the glass down as she finish the last bit of the water.

"you want some more unnie?" seohyun ask politely.

Tiffany shakes her head.

"I have an early class today, im going.. you go back to sleep unnie, since your schedule didn't start until 10am later"

Seohyun leaves Tiffany's bed.

She walks over to her bed and pick up her bag.

"see you later, unnies..."

Taeyeon still stay quiet at where she was.

"are you okay?"

Tiffany nod her head..

Somehow is awkwardness arousing this two.

"Taeyeon, do you mind to do something for me?"

Tiffany voice came out as though she is a small mouse that just squeak.

Taeyeon cant help but to let out a small dorky smile, "ne?"

"go over to my drawer and grab me a t-shirt"

Taeyeon walk in and close the door, she make her way to Tiffany's drawer.

She pull out a totoro t-shirt.

She was about to pass it to Tiffany but she pulls it back.

"wait. Why?"

"argh! Just give me my shirt"

Taeyeon close her eyes and pouts and shakes her head.

"no.. tell me why"

"fine.be that way. And I wonder who said she was willing to change the habit in order to save the relationship"

"ah! Araso araso! I was just teasing..." taeyeon hand the shirt to Tiffany.

As Tiffany lean over and take the shirt with her left hand.

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