82>it all begins

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She splashes the water on her face to get rid of the soap.
After a few times, she finally manage to have a clean face,
Looking herself through the mirror, she frown,
Remembering the past.


"aigoo, fany ah~"
She heard her lover complaining as she walks into the same bathroom with her.
Taeyeon touches her face gently and kisses her by the cheek,
"first, good morning and secondly..."
Taeyeon let her hand gets into the pocket and pull out a small hairclip.
"you once again forget to pin up your fringe, aren't you complaining the last time, that your fringe is always wet and how much you hated it?"

Before Tiffany can answer,
The girl in front of her already proceed into clipping her fringe up,
Pushing it on top of her head, clipping it up and tidy in one place.
"there you"
Taeyeon tip toe a little and she kisses Tiffany by the forehead, "much better isnt it?"

Tiffany smiles widely, nodding her head,
Inside her, she felt like the luckiest person ever.


Tiffany let out a sigh, looking at the mirror,
As if the flashback were replaying in the mirror.

Stop it would you? we're on a mission ! to get that asshole into jail soon! No matter what it takes, im going to prove it out that he's the culprit behind all this.

Tiffany nods her head, encouraging herself with her inner thoughts.
She grab the towel and wipes her face to dry.
Throwing it into the laundry bag and proceed into leaving,
Just as soon as she opens the door,
She finds Taeyeon already sitting on her bed, waiting for her.

Why does she have to be so cute!!

Tiffany didn't say anything and pretends she didn't feel anything at all when she sees her lover.

"morning!" Taeyeon greeted, taking the first step.

Tiffany nods her head.

(why is she still treating me so cold)(tae)

"fany ah~"
Taeyeon gets off from the bed.

Don't you dare come any nearer!!!

Taeyeon stands beside her, staring at her, wonderingly.
"what happened, why am I treated that way.....?"

*sigh* I love you so much....so damn much!

"well" Tiffany sigh before continuing, "I find out something"

"find out about what?"

Think of something fast Stephanie hwang! Think!!

"that i.... im interested in guys" Tiffany lied.


Taeyeon has a bad feeling that this wont be going well.

"and-" Tiffany continues, "i...."

"tiffany...but we're together"

Taeyeon's facial expression soon becomes sad, "I mean, we love each other tiff"

She looks at Tiffany who is keeping quiet.
"don't we? Anymore....?"

Tiffany drop her gaze, hung her head low.

"tiffany....what did I do???" Taeyeon holds Tiffany's hands.

You did nothing, but I must revenge for you, bad guys must go to jail for the bad things they have done.

"nothing" Tiffany pulls her hands away.

Is just that, I cant tell you about it....this have to be a secret for my own, so that it will be success..sorry, taeyeon..

"is it something else? Tell me, tiff.... This is killing me, please" Taeyeon's voice begging.

"I told you, is not your problem- it's me...I'm into...guys..." Tiffany's voice crook.

I am only into you, kim tae yeon, my one and only...

"w-what d-do you mean by....t-that?" Taeyeon somehow feeling bad, when she knew what tiff might most probably says.
Tiffany sighs.
"I think we should take a break.."

"what.....why....tiff...if im bothering you, please, I'll stop annoying you lesser, I promise...I wont force you to tell, but please...please, tiff... don't break up on me..." Taeyeon's eyes were starting to redden.

"I told you, is not about you, it's me" Tiffany has her index finger poking at her own chest.

"I'll change anything, to make you feel comfortable, but just don't break up on me, please"

This is not only hurting you alone, but me too.

"taeyeon, please don't force me"

"is it because manager oppa said something???"

"don't simply guess or judge!"

"because you have only been acting that way, is ever since yesterday, before this, we were fine! Totally fine!"

"that's because!!"
Tiffany tries to thinking something quickly, before Taeyeon get into any suspicion.

"because I realize my feelings for you were getting lesser!" and the biggest lies, that would hurt her too.

Taeyeon's jaw drop agape.

"I tried, tried to love you back- but... I just cant" Tiffany shakes her head.

God, forgive me, forgive me for doing the biggest sin in my life!!!

Tiffany tries her best not to look at the person she love most,
Who were about to lose control any secs soon.

"this is not real~ not at all" Taeyeon shakes her head, "is not, you're lying right?? You're trying to prank me don't you!"

Taeyeon self giggle at her own sympathy, shaking her head continuously, cant believe what she has heard from the person she love most.

"tiff, you're pranking on me aren't you" taeyeon laughs, "right???" she holds Tiffany by the arms, but Tiffany pull her arms away, shaking her head.

"I am- not. April is far away, Taeyeon, is only December now" Tiffany lied even more although deep down, she is fighting for her tears to be spill out.

"you- you know I love you, I really do!"

"im sorry Taeyeon"

"please tiff i-"

But before she can continue anything, there was a knock on the door,
Right after that, the door is open and peek in between was Seohyun.

"unnie" Seohyun smiles brightly, "we are about to leave for the recording for our Christmas song"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon who stays unanswered.
"dae" Tiffany smiles back, "we're about to be ready"

Seohyun nods her head.
"pallli~~~" and the maknae left.

Tiffany returns her gaze back to Taeyeon.
"please...don't act that way, you'll find a better one"

Taeyeon didn't answer, but just stand there, lifelessly.
Tiffany sighs, she walks over to her cupboard, taking out her winter coat.
"we're late"
She walks to the door, about to leave.

"I know I can only-"

The dork suddenly spoke in a serious tone.
Which made Tiffany stops in her way.
Waiting to hear her end the speech.

"love you and no one else, Tiffany"

The last sentence, breaks Tiffany's heart into a million of pieces.
She can literally hears the shattering glasses of her heart.
Tiffany licks her dry lips, bring her head up a little.
"well, im sorry for you"
And she left.



They sat in the different van, as Taeyeon got on to the van, which happens to be the same from Tiffany,
Tiffany went down from the other door and gets into another van, practically avoiding Taeyeon.

During the car ride,
Taeyeon keeps staring out of the window, wondering so hard, what she did wrong.


A hand from the back gently push Taeyeon by the shoulder.
Taeyeon turn around only to see Yoona looking at her, nodding in her direction.

Taeyeon stares at Yoona for awhile.

I wish I could tell you why too... but even I, myself is clueless about what is happening.

"yahhh~ unnie, wae??" Yoona ask again.

Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders, shaking her head.
She then return position back to before Yoona called her.

A pair of arms wrap from behind and to around Taeyeon's neck.
"cheer up, I don't like seeing you like that~"

Taeyeon has one of her hands hold on to one of Yoona's hand, "thanks..."



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