174>Some words should be left unsaid (Pt.1)

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Tiffany could feel Taeyeon's hot slow breathing on the back of her neck, while an arm drape across her waist and the other arm underneath her head, she hasn't been able to sleep ever since their mini party in the hotel ended. Her mind was fuzzy with the words she over heard what Jessica said to Taeyeon not long ago. Thinking she has finally manage to accept the fact that Jessica used to had crushed on Taeyeon and now knowing Jessica still does has feelings for Taeyeon, Tiffany knew she is not going to feel any better at any moment fast.

The thoughts of how Jessica could easy just say those words, made Tiffany crumple the hotel bed sheet in her tightening fist, tears of anger were filling inside of her eyes, she felt somewhat betrayed, she even think about Yuri right now, how that poor girl actually left Yoona for Jessica and now, in return, Jessica might've not have feelings, ever for Yuri. Her best and herself is being fooled. Tiffany has her thoughts thinking that way.

The arm around her waist slips away, causing Tiffany to turn around, she adjust her eyes to the darkness and realize that Taeyeon was just changing her sleeping position. She giggled quietly in the dark when she sees how Taeyeon's mouth was slightly open like a fish out of water, it was a cute sight but her thought was being pulled back to the moment where she asked her was Jessica drunk and Taeyeon, disappointingly said yes, lying in her face. The smile on her face disappears, Tiffany sight and turn back to face her back against Taeyeon. She just can't believe how her girlfriend lied to her.

Tiffany knew she can't go on pretending, she can only delay her outburst which is just sooner or later, she will confront the two.


Tiffany was called into her manager's office.

"Almost Is Never Enough" her manager oppa said, smiling brightly, "I've heard how you were singing it nowadays"

Tiffany's eyes widens, because when she heard Ariana singing it, she was literally in love with it, she felt like some part were just literally singing about her and Taeyeon. Loving the song so much, Tiffany even made- well, forced Taeyeon to accompany her by her side and listen to this song, causing the girl become an addict to it as well.

"What about we make a duet for SmTown in Japan next few days?" he suggested.

Tiffany points to herself, "I am one of the duet couple?" she ask.

"Of course! Your voice suits this! I've heard you and you are definitely ready!" he cheered, making her laugh a little bit at his childish sides, "The only problem is...I need to find someone who has a good voice to go along with yours"

TaeTae!!!! – Tiffany.

She opens her mouth, the name about to slip out from her mouth, but it stop at the tip of her tongue, she then remembered how she was being lied last night, it made her words stuck. She doesn't knows if she can sing a sweet romantic song, looking into that person's eyes, that person who lied to her in the face, the person she had been in a relationship with for years.

Tiffany sighs out loud just thinking of her thoughts, she hides her face behind her palm in frustration.

"No worries....Tiffany, I think I know who should be doing the duet with you" he smiles.


"Is either Kyuhyun or Henry"

"What about Henry oppa? He could play the piano" said Tiffany, who receives vigorous nodding coming from his manager oppa, agreeing with her.

"That's brilliant!" he did a thumb up.

Taeyeon's going to kill me once she finds out – Tiffany.

"Should we bring your pink tee or the white singlet?" Taeyeon ask as she starts folding the shirts on their bed and into their luggage bag.

Tiffany still haven't find the right time and chance to tell Taeyeon about her duet with Henry later tomorrow, "Mmm" she just gives a not-so-interested-sound to answer Taeyeon as she climbs onto bed, her knees close to her chest, she watch her dorky girlfriend fold and packs their shirt after shirt into the luggage bag, "Taeyeon"


"Did you lie to me?"

Taeyeon stops packing and look at Tiffany seriously, "Bout what?"

Tiffany shrugs her shoulders, she wants Taeyeon herself to admit about the lie, not her confronting about it, "I don't know, I'm asking you"

Taeyeon chuckles in relief, "No...of course not, you scare me there for a moment" she then continues to do the packing.

"So, no?"

"Yes, no" Taeyeon chuckle and looks at Tiffany, "Do you have anything to ask though?"

Tiffany climbs off from the bed, she knows her anger inside is boiling rapidly and if she continues to stay in one room with her girlfriend who was just given the second chance but yet still lie about it, she can't handle this situation any longer, she needs to escape.
"Where are you going??" Taeyeon ask innocently as she held Tiffany's hand.
"Just outside" Tiffany answers coolly.
"No reason, Tae...just let me go already" Tiffany tried to break free from Taeyeon's grip, but the other girl was as usual, stronger than her in any kind of way.

"You're acting so weird" said Taeyeon, "Ever since we came back from Beijing and till now, you are all moody...it can't be your period cos it's been only 2 weeks since your last, so what is it, Fany-ahh?"

"I suggest you let go off me and I'll come tell you when I calm down-"

"That will never happen, you'll never come down when you were trying to and thinking about the matter yourself" Taeyeon stated firmly.

"Tae, this is serious. Don't...challenge my limits"

"I am not! Come on Tippani.."

"LET GO OFF ME!" Tiffany shouted with tears in her eyes as she tries to break free, it shock Taeyeon to see the situation, she have no idea why her girlfriend is acting this way but neither does she wants to do what her girlfriend asked for, instead, she pulled Tiffany into a hug.

"Fany-ahh...we share everything" Taeyeon taps Tiffany's back to try and calm the girl in her arms who is crying badly.

"We don't anymore..." she said through her crying, but it was clear enough for Taeyeon to hear it.


"Jessi wasn't drunk when she said she love you that night in Beijing, but you lied to me saying she was and I've gave you another chance to confess or to tell me the truth of the situation just now and yet....you decided to continue lying about it"

Taeyeon was even more shock after hearing this, she was momentarily stunned for a moment. She was at fault this time, so she has no idea what to say about this.
"I need some time alone, Tae- Sorry" Tiffany breaks away from the hug and flees out from their room, leaving Taeyeon standing there alone in the room.

Yuri came in after Tiffany left.
When Tiffany shouted for Taeyeon to let go of her, Yuri rushes to check what was going on, but sadly, she heard ever single words the two couple has said.

"Shut up" Yuri snarled, but she launches a big punch right at Taeyeon's stomach.

Taeyeon was immediately on her knees, gasping in pain, but she didn't shout or anything, she silence her pain, she knows she has no right to get up and fight the tanned girl. Even if she could, she doesn't think she could with the pain she is enduring right now, she even felt it was hard to breathe for this moment.

"You always want to play the Romeo? Thinking whatever you do or decides is not to hurt anyone, well, you're wrong, you're hurting 3 people right now at the same time you fool!!" Yuri shouted and left, just like Tiffany.

Yuri walks to the couch and pull Tiffany's wrist, yanking the girl to her feet.

"Come, let's go" she pulls themselves to the door.

"To where??????" Tiffany hesitated, honestly, she did not want to leave Taeyeon, she know what she said might've shock Taeyeon and the poor girlfriend might be feeling as guilty as hell, leaving right now is definitely not the right solution to this matter.

"I know what happened, I heard everything-" Yuri hissed at Tiffany fiercely, "I need you right now"


They stop at the top of the hill, Yuri parked her car aside, she then gets out of the car, leaning against the front of her car with her arms crossed. Tiffany joins her seconds later.
"I'm sorry, Yul..."

"Is not even your fault" Yuri stated, looking at the beautiful night view but her mind was bothered, her heart was in pain, her feelings were hurt to even enjoy the view right now.

"I've always felt the love in between me and Jessica, was never complete. There's always something there, making it incomplete..." Yuri sighs.

"Yuri.." Tiffany felt sorry for her best friend, Taeyeon might've lied to her, but their love was so big, that every argument was always at the end being settled.

Yuri shakes her head, "I should've realize it...I was forcing Jessica to give us a try when clearly, her heart is still attached to Taeyeon" Yuri's jaw tensed.

"How did you felt when you knew this?" Yuri ask Tiffany.

"Betray" Tiffany's voice coming out along with the chilly wind, "I just did not expect her to lie to me"

"At least she didn't lie about her love for you"

"Yuri-ahh...Jessi isn't that bad of a person-"

"I know, but Tiffany, if all these times, Taeyeon had just been with you just because you asked her too, even though she has no feelings for you, how do you feel?"


"In the beginning, I was asking myself too, if I was serious towards Jessica. But as the days we spent together, whenever I look at her, I felt like I can be myself, I can protect this weak princess...I'll never let anyone hurt her....but look, at the end, I was the one hurting her, asking her to be in this relationship when she was clearly not ready for a new relationship"

"Yuri..is not like that-"

"It is"


The two finally goes back home, but both were surprised by Jessica, who is sitting in the living room with Taeyeon, who looks pale and worried.
"Fany" Taeyeon stood up, but she stop moving forward when she sees how Yuri step in front of Tiffany, "Where did you two go?"

"Nothing close to what you two might be doing" Yuri stated bluntly.

Jessica glares at Yuri angrily, in a second, she was in front of the latter, slapping the side of Yuri's cheek, not too hard though, a little smacking sound can be heard in between them. Yuri gave a bitter sarcastic smile to Jessica.
"Am I saying it wrong?" Yuri smirks.

"Both of us have never done anything wrong that could betray the both of you" Jessica said as she looks back and forth between Tiffany and Yuri.

"You don't have the right to slap her..." Tiffany finally voice out, she looks at Jessica, "If anyone has the rights to do that, it was Yuri to you, Jessi. But did you know why she did not?? Is because she has fallen in love with you deeply!"

Taeyeon was surprised by Tiffany's sudden statement, she knows if she tries to say something, the other two will just assume she was trying to cover up her lies and she knows well enough Tiffany will think that she was defending Jessica when even it's obvious, that was not the case.

"If she loves me, she wouldn't say those nasty things she just said"

"And if you love her long enough, you should know it was just words she said when she is angry though she never mean it" Tiffany snaps back.

Jessica and Taeyeon both were taken back with the answer from Tiffany.

"Enough" Yuri sighs, trying to stop and get out from this argument the four of them are having.

"What do you mean by that?? YOU had enough of me, seobang??" Jessica ask, almost too painful to look at Yuri, waiting for an answer.

"If Taeyeon is now single, will you even remember my name?" Yuri ask sarcastically.

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