159>Taeyeon's Pink Monsta

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The loud piercing scream of joy that comes along with several claps from one person was heard in the dance studio. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung has their jaw drop open wide while they stare at the girl who is being so darn happy right now.
While Jessica on the other hand jump up a little from her seat as she has gotten shock by the sudden unforeseen scream coming from her best friend in the group, she looks at her best friend and scowls her face a little although it is definite the very happy delighted girl did not realize that as she was too happy with the news.
Yoona and Seohyun on the other hand sat side by side, could only smile and giggles with each other seeing how one of their unnies were reacting.
Yuri uses her elbow to nudge the person beside her.

Taeyeon leans sideways closer to Yuri.

"do something" Yuri hiss right back into Taeyeon's ear.

"mwo?" Taeyeon looks at Yuri, "what do you want me to do?"

Yuri nod her head towards where Tiffany is at, "you know what is going to happen right..."
"get to the point, Yul"
"If your wife is going to direct the scene of the music video, the whole thing will be in PINK"

Taeyeon chuckles at Yuri's frustration.
"you know I aint going to do anything about it, you know how much Fany loves pink...she adores that color, she literally worship that color, Yul~"

"but she loves you don't she?" Yuri question back.
Taeyeon has a smile form at the corner of her lips, "it's a two different thing, Yul..."
"how would you know. You haven't try anything yet" Yuri sighs, she has her pleading face on, "Taengoo~~~~~"

"don't you dare use your aegyo on me" Taeyeon warns ahead, knowing what will come next.
Yuri slums back into her seat, feeling defeated and disappointed.

"since when do you hate pink?" Taeyeon ask.
"I don't hate it. But your girlfriend will blind us all with that color" Yuri rolls her eyes.
"She was chosen to do the directing, alongside with your princess, why not you ask Sica to say something about it?"

"She wont care. She'll let your girlfriend handles it all" Yuri fumes.


Taeyeon tip toes out from the bathroom with a towel draping on her head, seeing Tiffany scribbling something at the desk, Taeyeon makes her way there.

Tiffany looks up, looking at her girlfriend who is standing behind her but her head moves forward to look at what Tiffany is doing, seeing how cute her girlfriend is, it made Tiffany smiles.

"You're so beautiful TaeTae"

The praise made the elder girl smiles, lower her face closer to the sitting girl, they share a short kiss, the tips of Taeyeon's wet hair, drips a few water droplets onto Tiffany's face, making the girl giggle, "I love you TaeTae" Tiffany let her fingers rubs against the smooth porcelain like skin.

"Mmm~ Nado" Taeyeon picks up the book that Tiffany has scribbling with once they've reach home, "Mworago?" she ask Tiffany.

Goodness, Yuri was right.... – Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looks at the scribbles that Tiffany did in the book, it's all drawn in pink color pencil.

"It's something to do with the Music Video TaeTae!!" Tiffany's voice becomes more high pitch like whenever she is in excitement.

"what do you think about the huge telephone as one of the props?"

"It looks cute" Taeyeon answers.

This made Tiffany smiles even happier.

"Fany, is our mv going to be all pink?"

Not getting any answer, it made Taeyeon looks at her girlfriend, who is looking back at her.

"wae, fany ah?"

"do you not want it in pink, TaeTae? Are you disturbed by the pink?"

"no" Taeyeon chuckles, "You're the director, Fany, it doesn't matter, love"


"Ne. Jinja" Taeyeon kisses Tiffany on the lips again.

She loves pink like the way I love her, there is no way I would ask her to not make it pink – Taeyeon.

"I need to get my hair dry" Taeyeon walks to the mirror, rubbing her wet hair with the towel, "no worries, love"

Tiffany smiles, "ara, TaeTae...I'll go get a chocolate bar outside, you want it?"

Taeyeon look at Tiffany through the mirror, "cant we just share?"
Tiffany sticks her tongue out although she is smiling, "araseo~"


Tiffany skips her way to the fridge, after grabbing a bar of chocolates, she leaves the kitchen and her eyes were caught by a figure standing by the balcony, "hmmm...Yuri?"
The figure turn around in response, but Tiffany's eyes were quick enough to see the can of beer that was in Yuri's grip, walking to the balcony, she taps the can a few times, "why are you drinking, Yuri ahh~"

Yuri shakes her head.

"Yahh" Tiffany pokes Yuri's shoulders a few times, trying to gain the attention back from the girl who is looking out at the scene, avoiding any direct eyes contact, "you know you cant lie to me"

Yuri shakes her head again as drinks again, Tiffany cant stand it anymore, she reaches out to snatch the can of beer out from Yuri's hand.
"Tippani...." Yuri lets out a sigh.
But Tiffany smiles instead, "Yuri...you know...you have the best patience with me...you never ever scold me or raise your voice even when you're angry at me"

"But I am not angry with you"

"But I will if you don't tell me about it"

"Bout what?" Yuri looks at Tiffany.

"About why you were drinking"

Yuri shrugs her shoulders, "just drinking~" her voice trails off after the short reply.
"You're lying"
"Yuri-sshi, what happened...you look unhappy"

Yuri did not answer and Tiffany on the other hand is not giving.
"you could only be drinking when you're very unhappy with a few things"


"Jobs and Jessica. Recently, we're doing well...but..." Tiffany looks at Yuri, "you and Jessi seems fine these few days as far as I've seen"

"Is better not know, Tiff"
"no, I care a lot about you, Yul~"

Yuri watch how Tiffany is still guessing in her mind, "Tippani, stop thinking so hard...you're going to get a headache"

"Then tell me"

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow, I really want to get some sleep right now"

Tiffany nods her head, "Jessi went home didn't she?"

"yeah~ she'll join us in the studio tomorrow, she has something to do with her mum"

"Hmmm" Tiffany tip toes and kisses Yuri on the cheek, "Goodnight, Yul~~~"
"Night" Yuri leans down and returns a kiss back to Tiffany.

As Yuri left not long after that, Tiffany decides to go back into her room as she didn't want to keep on guessing since Yuri promised to tell her about it tomorrow. As she close the sliding door of the balcony, she sees Taeyeon sitting at the kitchen bar stool.

"TaeTae?? When did you come out?"

Taeyeon did not answer immediately as she just leap off from the stool and then placing the cup into the sink, getting out from the kitchen, "the time when you and yul share a kiss of night night" Taeyeon pouts, dragging her feet quickly back into her room, leaving Tiffany look at her.

"Yah, its on the cheek, babo" Tiffany closes the door, she looks at Taeyeon is playing the iPad, totally ignoring her explanation. That's typical of Taeyeon, when she wants to ignore Tiffany, she gets herself busy with the iPad.

Fine – Tiffany.

"are you jealous, TaeTae?"
Taeyeon answer in a grumpy kid like kind of way.

"are you going to ignore me the whole night then, TaeTae?"
"of course" she nods her head.

Tiffany bites the corner of the chocolate bar wrapper before using both her hands to pull her cotton shorts off, kicking it aside with her feet, she walks to the bed, getting up onto the bed.

She lays herself comfortably on bed, with a pillow against her back, unwrapping her favorite chocolate bar. With the noisy wrapper sound being so loud, it causes Taeyeon to glare at her unkindly, but from glare, it slowly turns to be eyes widening situation.

Those so very sexy milky thighs were expose right in front of her very own eyes, it leaves her jaw drop open, looking at how Tiffany is actually not even giving a damn of how she is wearing right now as she takes a bite of her chocolate, totally ignoring the gawking eyes that is 'molesting' her thighs right now.

This is a trap, Kim Tae Yeon....just don't look...don't give a damn – Taeyeon.

Taeyeon rolls her eyes, shaking her head, she picks her iPad up again from her lap, but Tiffany had a smile on her face when she heard a small sigh escapes from her lover.

"aihhh~" Tiffany lets out a sigh as she shift her body a little bit to sideways, the skin of her thighs squeezing close together, it leads Taeyeon's eyes up to Tiffany's center. Shaking her head hard, she tries hard to concentrate the iPad.

Taking the last bite of the chocolate, Tiffany throws the wrapper into the small bin beside her bed, "goodnight, Taeyeon" she bids, as she pulls her pillows down to lay on it, facing her back against Taeyeon. Her butt literally asking for a smack as Taeyeon looks at it.

"......YAH! You kissed Yuri for goodnight but you just say goodnight to me!? Fu-"
"What are you about to say, Taeyeon-sshi!!"
"......NOTHING" Taeyeon slam her back against the headboard of the bed, hard.

The thud was so loud that it makes Tiffany feels worried, she turns around to see what was it and knew it must be Taeyeon's back, "BABO! Does it hurt???" Tiffany sits up, quickly touching Taeyeon's back.

Taeyeon stays quiet.

Tiffany leans up and kisses the corner of Taeyeon's lips, "you're so jelly"





Tiffany has one thigh drape across on top of Taeyeon's, "My babo TaeTae" she uses her index finger to poke Taeyeon's cheek, "kiss me....?"

Taeyeon shakes her head.

"not here"
Tiffany points at her own lips and then to her cheeks.


Taeyeon look at Tiffany pointing at the center of her below.

"so...." Tiffany whispers seductively, her chest pressing against Taeyeon's arm, "what do you say?"

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