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After their short session,
Taeyeon helped Tiffany to pack her pink luggage,
As they walk out from the room, the rest of the members were already in the living room.
Tiffany only sees Yoona sitting alone at one corner of the couch.

Tiffany pulls Taeyeon closer as she leans lower downwards to whisper something.
Taeyeon tip toe a little to get her ear closer to Tiffany's mouth.

"that's odd, Yoong is sitting all alone there"

Taeyeon looks at Yoona's direction immediately, realizing it.

"don't look at her direction that way, pabo! In that way, she'll know that we are talking about her"

Taeyeon giggles in a kid like way.
Then they both walk to the main door.

"see you, take  care of yourself!" Hyoyeon greets.

Tiffany nods her head, smiling.
Sooyoung caught Taeyeon pouting.
"come on~ is just a day or two! Is not like she's leaving forever"

Taeyeon pouts even more after Sooyoung teases.
Tiffany giggles at the situation.

"I have to go" Tiffany pats Taeyeon by the head.

Taeyeon stomp her feet a little, acting like a kid wanting a lollipop badly.

"jinja, taeyeon ah~ I'll call you alright when I reach?"

Taeyeon shakes her head.

"yahhh~ taeyeon ah~" Tiffany pouted back, puts her luggage aside, hugging Taeyeon.

"ugh!" Sooyoung throws her hands up in the air, "you'll survive kim tae yeon"

Yoona smirks a little.

"be good" Tiffany gently kisses on Taeyeon's forehead.

Just when she pulls away, she sees Taeyeon has her index finger pointing directly to her own lips.
Tiffany sees the three members at the back,
Has their eyes widen and staring at them.
Tiffany nudge her head at their direction, sending a signal to Taeyeon,
To let her know that they are watching.
Taeyeon shrug her shoulders.

"just kiss already, we hear you almost every night, what can a kiss affect us" Sooyoung shout out loud.

Just as Tiffany wanted to kiss Taeyeon,
Out comes a person dashing out from a room.
Jessica runs into Tiffany and embraces her.
"take really good care! It's the first time you're leaving alone"
Jessica reminds.

Tiffany nods her head, patting the back of Jessica.

"oww oww oww~"
Jessica wince in pain quietly.

"what's wrong?" Tiffany ask worryingly.

Jessica shake her head, 'no'
Tiffany bob her head aside a little and manage to catch a view from the open door.
She can only see the end of the bed, but is more than enough
To show that there is one person lying on Jessica's bed.
And there could only be one person, as there are only two tanned skin members they have.
And sooyoung is in the living room.
Tiffany eyes widen as she realizes what might be going on.

"I'll explain when you're back"
Jessica smiles cutely.

Tiffany nods her head, "araso"
She then returns her attention back to the shortie in front of her.
"I love you" with that, she seal it with a kiss of lips to lips with Taeyeon.

Is just a short peck, although how much she wanted to eat that dork up on that spot,
But she's proud that she manage to control herself.
Not doing it when her members were around!

"see you guys later~ byee~"
Tiffany gives a small bow before walking out of the door.

A minute after Tiffany left,
Taeyeon close the door and rushes to the balcony.
Looking around at the road,
Seeing the van that they usually rides, park at the side of the road.
Just a few minutes later,
Taeyeon hears the sound of a luggage bag being drag by the wheels.
She smiled, when she sees the crown of Tiffany's head, pulling the luggage back along.
Their manager gets out from the car,
Helping Tiffany with the luggage,
Tiffany enters the car.

(look up look up, please, look up!)(tae)

Tiffany looks up, right at Taeyeon.
They both exchanges wide smile.
Tiffany starts waving her palm to Taeyeon's direction.
And Taeyeon returns one.
Before the door closes,
Taeyeon curve her hands into a heart shape over her head.
It made Tiffany laughs.
One last wave from Tiffany, the door closes and off they leaves.

Taeyeon looks at the van driving away.
She even lean her body more towards the railing to see the car leaves further.
Someone pushes Taeyeon from the back.

Taeyeon scream, grabbing the railing quickly to balance herself back,
Instead of falling to the front, which would concludes, her falling off and dying.

Taeyeon turns around only to find, Sunny who was holding her laughter.
But cant do so and started to burst out laughing.
Follow by the rest of the members that witness what had happened.

"I could've fall over!"

"ahhh~ don't worry" Sunny pats Taeyeon's head, "we wont let that happen"

"ugh" Taeyeon frowns, stomping her feet as she walks back into the living room.


It was almost an hour before she reaches her destination.
Tiffany yawns in exhaustion and also partly because she felt bored during the whole ride.
She gets off from the car.
Bows as soon as her manager appears with her luggage bag.

"you have everything you need?" her manager oppa ask.

"dae roy oppa" Tiffany smiles and bows again, "thank you for the ride"

"If you need me, just call me, I'll be around" Roy said.

"oh? Oppa, you're staying around?"

Roy nods his head, "to take care of you of course"

Tiffany smiles, feeling relieve that at least someone she knows is around.

"how can we leave soshi unwatched" Roy jokes.

And it made Tiffany laughs, he laugh along too.
"I'll have to go tell them that im here"

"ok, have fun"


Few hours of shooting, finally, they said to take a break.
Tiffany walks out of the building and sees her manager oppa, standing near a truck.
He waves when he sees Tiffany.
Tiffany make her way towards where he was standing.

"oppa" she greets when she is near him.

"hey, how was it?" roy ask as he offers a seat from a mini stool by the truck to Tiffany.

Tiffany sits on the stool and a frown immediately appears on her face.
"it's fun but tiring"

He lets out a small sighs with a smile, "that's life"

Tiffany nods her head.
Roy picks up a food tumbler and pass it to Tiffany.

She ask as she proceed into opening the three storey food tumbler,
Inside, there's rice cake on the first storey,
Then fried chicken on the second and the last one contains spaghetti.

"wowww~!!!!" Tiffany beams a happy smile, seeing the delicious food right in front of her.

Roy chuckles, "are you that happy? Is just a normal dish"

"dae! Nomu chuwahaeyo!" Tiffany cheers, "where did you get this??"

"I bring it along"

Tiffany claps her hands, smiling happily.

"go on, eat up, before it gets too cold" Roy says.

Tiffany nods her head and start eating the rice cake first with a pair of chopstick.
"ahhhhhh~ mashiso!"

Roy smiles happily when he sees Tiffany that way.
"I'll go get some drink for you"

Tiffany only nods her head, still focusing on chowing down the food.

(uh~ I miss her already, better text her when im done)(tiff)

Tiffany sucks on the end of her chopstick, thinking about Taeyeon of course.
Wondering what Taeyeon is doing.
Just then,
A ringtone of Gee blast out of nowhere,
Tiffany found out that it came from a phone on the table beside her.

The phone finally went dead, Tiffany just look at it,
Quite sure that the phone belongs to her manager,
Since he was the only one sitting there.
When the phone dim the light up, it just so happens,
Tiffany is looking at it,
She sees her own picture as the phone's wallpaper.
A picture of her smiling very brightly.

(my picture?)(tiff)

Tiffany giggles at her own because she finds it rather awkward that Roy's bias is her.
Is normal for her to see any of their manager having snsd picture as their wallpaper though.
Roy came back with a cup, filled up by some carbonated drink.

"here" he hands it to Tiffany.

"gomawo, oppa, your phone rang not long ago" Tiffanhy informs him as she grabs the cup.

"jinja?" Roy takes his phone up, looking at who has given him a miss call, "thank you"

"why me out of the nine?" Tiffany ask suddenly.

Roy drop his arm, the hand that was holding the phone, loosely around his side.

"sorry, I happens to actually saw it when your phone's light dim up" Tiffany explain.

Roy laughs, seeing how Tiffany is afraid he was angry.
"chill, its alright. But, im not the only one who has you as the wallpaper"

Tiffany laughs, "I know"

"quickly eat up.. meanwhile, I'll return this phone call" Roy said as he starts walking away slowly.

"dae" Tiffany starts eating the spaghetti this time.

Roy walks to a distance, he leans sideways at the big tree beside him.
With a phone at his ear.
Roy looks at Tiffany, eating and chewing slowly.
He smiles a little before the receiver at the other end greeted him.

Xxxxx : yahhh! What takes you so long to return a call dude?
Roy : just be thankful that I did *laughs* , what's up?
Xxxxx : we're having a game tomorrow, care to join?
Roy : I cant, I have work.
Xxxxx : *whines*
Roy : beside.... I left my baseball bat at home.

to be continue

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