164>sense some trouble

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When Tiffany walk out from the room, her feet seems to glued onto the ground as she sees Taeyeon in the living room with the rest of her sisters, her eyes not taking off Taeyeon. The members realize her addition, as they look at her, Taeyeon's eyes darted towards her direction as well, she shows her dorky smile, getting up on her feet as she makes her way to where Tiffany is at, "ready to go?"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon as if she was trying to study the girl what or why is she wearing that way, why did she change her clothes, "er....are you wearing that?" Tiffany finally found her voice when Taeyeon is awaiting for her reply.
"yeah" Taeyeon look down at herself as if she is checking herself out, "anything wrong with it?"

"You weren't wearing like this few minutes ago-"
"oh, I decide to change" Taeyeon plaster a faking genuine smile on her face.

Taeyeon has a see through white shirt on, with a fashionable small tearing at the sides, but it was so see through that her pink bra was literally can be seen. Tiffany looks at Taeyeon but her eyes were quickly scanning the almost half naked body in front of her again and Taeyeon caught that, she smirks.

My plan~ is working.....hehehehe...now she will only pay attention on me, keep her eyes on me – Taeyeon.

"shall we go?" Sunny ask as she gets up from the couch, along with Hyoyeon and Sooyoung.

Going to Thailand has go on well enough, Tiffany's mission were accomplish, she planned to be all clingy to Taeyeon all the time during the event, she didn't care if she was being too obvious for the fans or not, she just knows she doesn't want a second of Taeyeon being jealous and thinking on the negative sides again, she guessed it works since Taeyeon is being really happy on the day itself and when she's happy, she makes all kind of dorky faces.


Tiffany woke up to only find a post it yellow note stick on the lamp shade beside her table, lazily reaching out for it, she pulls it off, rubbing her eyes a few times before she gets a clear vision to read the note.

'Baby, I am out for the early recording...call me when you are awake, I've missed you already <3'

Those recognizable hand writing doesn't needs to be guess any further, Tiffany smiles as she places the note at the table beside her, she felt something ticklish brushing against her thighs which made her giggle, then she yelp quietly when she felt a sudden lick on her thighs, pulling her covers off, she sees Ginger wagging its tail already.
"You're just like your appa, a pervert..."
The cute puppy didn't understand a single word that Tiffany just said to him, but he continues to wag its tiny black tail, with its reddish tongue slightly out from its mouth. It made him looks cuter than ever.
"Ginger. Sit"
Tiffany command, but the puppy only tilts his head to the side.
"your appa has lots to do to teach you"
Tiffany reaches out for her phone as she dials the number of her lover.
A few ringing and the phone was quickly answered on the other end.

Taeyeon : Hi yeobo......good morning~
Tiffany : babo...you're in the studio, don't get caught.
Taeyeon : haish, I'm alone in the studio now.
Tiffany : I'm sorry, baby....morning....your son is really naughty this morning.
Taeyeon : wae? What he did?
Tiffany : somehow, he manage to get onto bed-
Taeyeon : oh. I put him up there-
Tiffany : he go under covers and lick my thighs.
Taeyeon : .......
Tiffany : Tae?
Taeyeon : I'm going to kill that dog once I gets home!
Tiffany : YAH!! KIM TAE YEON!! That's our 'kid' we are talking about!
Taeyeon : we'll get another one!
Tiffany : are you crazy?!
Taeyeon : those are my thighs!!
Tiffany : Tae...
Taeyeon : I'm going to have poodle steak for tonight!

Tiffany could only giggles at how childish yet cute.

Taeyeon : come to the studio? I want to see you...
Tiffany : you can see me when you're back-
Taeyeon : no. I want you, fany ah~
Tiffany : Tae....
Taeyeon : my arms feel so empty and useless right now.

Hearing how Taeyeon is being so cute with her complaints right now, Tiffany knows she will have to give in sooner or later.

Tiffany : I'll be there in an hour.
Taeyeon : YESH!! See you, yeobo~

Tiffany puts the phone down, she looks at Ginger, "want to visit appa?" she cant help but to reach out and pats the puppy on its head, "you're so cute gin gin!"


Tiffany carries Ginger in her arms, walking into the studio, she sees Yoona and Jessica sitting on the floor, Yoona was already leaning forward with her hands reaching out to carry Ginger.
Tiffany smiles, passing Ginger to Yoona, who immediately carry the puppy tightly against her chest, letting the puppy lick her lips and nose, "where's Taeyeon?"
"the bathroom" Jessica answers.
"alright~ here" Tiffany passes the princess doll to Jessica, "Gin's toy"
"Tiff. Isnt Ginger a boy?"
"and then why the heck are you letting him play a doll, especially if it's in pink!"
"so? He likes it~"
"He's a boy" Jessica pressed firmly on her statement.

The two stop bickering when someone opens the studio door, coming in, their leader, whose expression brightens up when she sees her girlfriend in there, "panii" she hugs Tiffany from the back, wrapping her arms tightly around Tiffany's waist, her chin leaning on Tiffany's shoulder.
"hii, tae" Tiffany couldn't help but smile, but somehow, her eyes caught how Jessica's face becomes uncomfortable, literally Jessica's smile faded and she quickly put all her attention towards Yoona and Ginger, who were playing tug war with the princess doll.

"what the-" Taeyeon unwrap her arms from Tiffany's waist as she took a step forward, "but I've bought him a few new toys, why this??" she walks over to where Ginger is playing with Yoona and pulls the doll away.

"There is nothing wrong for him to play with this doll, TaeTae"

"It's a him we are talking about, let Ari play with it or donate it to Bori" Taeyeon replies.

"I've bought a few pink stuffs for him though-"
Even before Tiffany can finish her sentence, Taeyeon is already shaking her head, "Tae...come on"
"He's a boy...." Taeyeon rolls her eyes.
"He is ours in case you have forgotten" Tiffany reminded.
"right, I am trying to make our kid look like a cute boy, not a transgender"

Yoona looks at the two arguing couple awkwardly, she gulps, "erm.."

"you cant be serious with what you just said aren't you, taeyeon?" Tiffany crosses her arms.

"Guys....Ginger just made a bathroom error" Yoona suddenly stated.
Making Jessica scream a little bit before scooting aside, far away from the little puppy.

"AISH! Bad dog!!" Taeyeon uses one hand to scoop Ginger up easily, scowling at the puppy who looks guilty right now.

"I'll go get some tissue from the toilet" Tiffany announce.
"I'll come with you unnie" Yoona jumps onto her feet, following behind Tiffany.

Jessica walks over to where her handbag is at, she takes out a packet of wet tissues.
"here" she offers a piece of it to Taeyeon, "wipe him on the bottom part, so you know...he wont get itchy later on..."
Taeyeon nods her head, "thanks"

"well, since you're so black....a little bit of pink wouldn't hurt right....?" Taeyeon suddenly said.
Jessica looks at Taeyeon, she only realize Taeyeon is talking to Ginger, "....i don't want to hurt your mummy on any circumstances, so, you have to bear with it" she smiles to the puppy when he wag his tail.

Tiffany and Yoona steps in.
Seeing how Jessica's eyes were one second taking off from Taeyeon, somehow, Tiffany know she shouldn't feels jealous, especially when it's her own members, but is Jessica here we are talking about, how can she not feel a bit jealous.

Jessica dared herself to ask after a few minutes of hesitation, "....you really love Tiffany don't you"
Before either of them can continue any further, footsteps interrupted them.
Tiffany's eyes never once left Jessica's shock eyes sight.
"I'll wipe the floor" Yoona walks to where Ginger peed not long ago, wiping the pee stain with the tissues.

"Jess. Can you come out for a minute?" Tiffany looks at the girl who nods her head slowly.
Once stepping out from the studio, Tiffany shut the door close, she made sure there is no one but just the two of them.

Tiffany glares at Jessica, it actually made the girl took a step back, but she cant go anywhere further as her back hits against the wall behind her.
"are you still in love with Taeyeon, Jessica?" she ask in a firm voice.
"w-what...??? No!"
"I saw the way you look at her!"
"stop thinking too much-"
"I believe I am not" Tiffany snaps back.
"you....don't trust me?"

Maybe this is too much, I love Jessica..... – Tiffany.


"I don't"

The two American girls turn around, only to find Yuri looking back at them with a rather stern look on.

"Yuri back off, this is between me and her" Tiffany quickly say before Yuri can continue any further, she knows, what this is leading to.

"Don't tell me to back off when this is my girlfriend here you are talking about, fany ah" Yuri lick her lips, "is time to talk"

"we've been talking about this all the time again and again, just how many times I have to repeat myself??" Jessica voice getting a little bit louder, "and you-" she looks at Yuri, "how many times do I need to proof myself to you, kwon yuri?"

"I occasionally seen the way you would look at Taeyeon, Sica"

Tiffany looks at Jessica.
But Jessica eyes were glued at Yuri.

"learn the difference between admiring and loving, I no longer have feelings for kim tae yeon-"

"how sure are you?" Yuri ask back in return, it made Jessica's mouth left hanging open.
Yuri lets out a sarcastic snort.
"till you're sure about it, only come to me" Yuri wanted to walk into the studio, but Jessica stood in her way, holding her wrist to prevent her to go any further.

"Kwon Yuri, stop thinking so highly of yourself, have you ever think about my feelings, you call me your girl, but how many times have you suspected me?? Do you know trust is the glue for a relationship, without it, we are nothing! I've gone tired with your attitude, Kwon Yuri...you went out on a date with your Yoga teacher on valentines day, I stay quiet about it. Do you think I will not feel jealous about it? Have you even think how I would feel??"
Jessica then finally looks at Tiffany.
"and you.....my so called sister from America? You still suspect about me? Just because of my past, you judge me till now, till today and what, in the future too, even when I just so happens to look at Taeyeon?? Is that it?? Is that how it's going to be?"


The studio opens, standing there, was Taeyeon and Yoona, looking at the three of them.

"Have it your way" Jessica looks at Yuri then Tiffany, "I had ENOUGH"
With that, Jessica flees the scene.
Yuri flexes her jaw from clenching too hard, she steps into the studio room, she knows if she chases after Jessica right now, it will only cause more hurtful argument, she just needs to settle it when they are home later on.
"Unnie" Yoona pushes Taeyeon from the back, "go"
"why me?"
"you're the leader" Yoona hissed.
Taeyeon looks at Tiffany, "i..."
"I'll take care of Ginger" Tiffany stated as she steps into the studio room, avoiding eyes contact with Taeyeon.

Taeyeon and Yoona make their way to the empty brainstorm room where they saw Jessica enters not long ago, to cry most probably. Taeyeon has her hand fist up in a round shape, her knuckles about to knock the door, but she lets out a deep breath, shaking her head, wondering if this is the right thing to do, she IS the reason of the argument and she is not even sure if Jessica is still crushing on her, what if she goes in to calm the princess down and yet, it can triggers the old flame of feeling again? She wouldn't want that to happen again, knowing Jessica had a crush on her is already a reason for them to be awkward around one another.

Yoona lets out an angry sigh, she steps to the door.
"go back, unnie"

"none of you, have the rights to treat Jessica unnie this way" Yoona looks at Taeyeon, quite fiercely, "falling in love with someone before in the past is not a crime, how could all of you judge her till this moment for the past years? Do you even think it's fair for her?"


Yoona shakes her head, "the least you all can do right now, is give her space, the space she deserves to have"
Taeyeon nods her head, she cant agree more.

"I'll take care of her" says Yoona, "and...tell Tiffany unnie, to be reasonable.." she snaps before entering the room, closing the door in Taeyeon's face. When Taeyeon turn around, she finds a already crying Tiffany Hwang.

"come" Taeyeon walk pass Tiffany, but dragging the crying latter along as they head to the rooftop.

Feeling the breeze, it calms her down a little, but she still feel hurt, she felt guilty, that is the reason why she is crying.
"babo" Taeyeon pulls Tiffany's hands away from covering her face, as she uses her thumb to wipe those tears away, "shhhhhhh"

"I feel so bad for what I said to Jessica" Tiffany sobs, Taeyeon pulls Tiffany into her embrace, "I love her...I love you more....i....i was just...."

"jealous" Taeyeon finishes Tiffany's main point, feeling the nod coming from Tiffany, taeyeon lets her hand stroke at the back of Tiffany's head, "apologize to her"
"I'm sorry, Taeyeon...."
"everything will be fine...."
"she's going to hate me" Tiffany cries even more.
"shhhhh, she wont, silly....we are members...."
Taeyeon allows the hurt guilty latter cries in her arms.


When Yoona steps in, she sees Jessica reading a magazine in her hands, the girl look steady and calm on the appearance, flipping pages after pages, like she was just browsing through, she doesn't even bother to read them.
"hey" Jessica greeted Yoona casually, "do you need the room? I can get another one-" Jessica gets up, about to leave, but Yoona sits on the couch, looking at Jessica.

"Stop acting tough would you? It's too fake" Yoona looks at Jessica.

Jessica's hands turn into fist shape, biting the bottom of her lips.

"You're hurt, if I was in your position, I would've scream...but I know you-"
"I'm fine, yoong"
"you're not" Yoona stands up, standing closely beside Jessica, "you're putting a tough face on because you just want to find a reason to go back to your parents house and cry in your room in between your knees! Why do you have to put that tough face on when you are not, Sica??? Does crying alone with no one makes you feel better??"

"if I say yes, will you leave me alone?" Jessica glares at Yoona's direction.

"I wont leave you alone, you need someone...and I want to let you know, I am here with you"

Jessica studied Yoona's sincere offer, but she cant stand it any longer, "thanks but no..." she left the room.


As predicted, Jessica had the cold face on, which made no one dares to make a move to speak to her, she packed her bags and ready to go home, as she walks out from her room, Yoona were standing at the door in front of her own room, with her arms crossed. Their eyes met and Jessica can see how disappointed Yoona had inside her doe eyes. Shaking her head, Yoona walks into her room closing the door.

A knock came after that, when Yoona opens her door, all she sees is Jessica standing there.
"come in" Yoona ask as Jessica gets in, she closes the door, "come here, silly" she smiles a little bit before pulling Jessica into her arms, she held Jessica tightly.

"you don't have to put on a tough face when you're with me" Yoona stated.

"I feel so pain, this time, yoona aahh" Jessica lets out all her tears finally, "it hurts so bad"

Yoona taps Jessica's back, soothing the girl, "let it all out, Jessica, once and for all"
Jessica nods her head, crying even harder.

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