173>too much drinking or too much acting?

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"You seriously could've got me kill by that vicious vanilla ice-cream lover" Yuri complains as she follows Jessica into her room.
"No she wont. Tiff's there, Tiff will protect you" Jessica stated calmly.
Yuri looks at Jessica looking around the closet, since the blonde has stated that she will be packing back some of her clothes in Yuri's closet back to her home. The tanned girl watches intensely of how beautiful the blonde is even from the side view.
Cant stand any longer, she back hug Jessica, wrapping her arms around the blonde's slender waist, "Why can't you just stay?" Yuri whispers into Jessica's hair as she buries her nose to inhale the lavender shampoo perfume scent. Jessica pause for a moment, her thoughts was snapped out when she felt a pair of lips nibble her shoulder, "Krys is waiting for me, Seobang.."
"I don't mean just today, like Taeyeon and Tiffany..don't you just envy those two?"
Jessica compose herself, before turning around with a smile, she shook her head with a cute smile of hers, "No I don't"
Yuri sighs, she let her arms drop back to her sides loosely.

Seems like the two knew what was going to happened if they continue to talk about it, so Jessica decide that is time for her to go home and continue packing her things for Beijing. Yuri bids farewell, she didn't even want to send her girl to the door, she knew she might eventually shows her disappointment inside of her if she does.

Jessica made her way to the door, dragging her luggage bag behind her.
"Oh hey, Tiff" she halts at the kitchen bar, "Where's Taengoo?"
"Taking her bath..you're looking for her?" Tiffany ask with no interest or what so ever.
Jessica shakes her head, "Is not like you didn't know, we don't even talk much anymore...ever since- well, you should know. No need for details in the past" Jessica smiled bitterly before helping herself to sit on the stool next to Tiffany.
"What do you mean" Tiffany finally puts her phone down on the bar table.

"She has been avoiding me a lot, only answering me whenever it comes to Girls Generation related matters, well, work related I'd say..other than that, no..."

"So..you were saying, when you tried talking to her about your problems that doesn't relates to our work, she ignores you?" ask Tiffany.

Jessica nodded her head, but the second minute, she shakes her head.
"Not precisely...I just don't find her anymore when it comes to other stuffs. I know is awkward to have your own member having to have had a crush on you...but love chooses people" Jessica looks at her watch, "I better get going..or else Krys might be nagging the whole night" she chuckles and Tiffany giggled.

"See you tomorrow at the airport tomorrow then" said Tiffany.

"Right" Jessica smiles as she leaves.

Tiffany stood where she was at long before Jessica came and talk to her, her mind were thinking about the things that Jessica said, she sort of scolded herself in the mind for not realizing the situation of her best friend and her girlfriend. Leaping off from the stool, Tiffany decide to find it out from Taeyeon herself as well.
Just as she enters their room, the dork seems to have finished her bath and is now drying her hair with the hair dryer.
But the hairdryer seems to block out Tiffany's voice.
"TaeTae!" Tiffany raises her voice a little bit louder than before. Taeyeon switch the hairdryer off, "I have something to ask you" Tiffany said as she walks to Taeyeon.
"Is about Jessi-"
"Maybe later?" Taeyeon switch the hairdryer back on and continues to let it blow her hair till dry. For Tiffany, it seems like the dork wants to avoid the conversation that it's about Jessica.
Out of her patience, Tiffany reaches out to the socket and pulls the entire plug out, making the hairdryer slowly dies off.
"What th-"
"I said we needed to talk, why are you avoiding it when I mentioned Jessi's name?"
Taeyeon scowl, feeling bitter how Tiffany just rudely pulls out the plug, "Plug that in"
The two stubborn one keep standing firm on what they both each wanted.
"Yah! Just give me that back and I'll plug it back in myself" Taeyeon shows her palm, initiating for Tiffany to return the hairdryer plug, but Tiffany was determine to talk this out by tonight, instead, she hid it behind her back, showing her determination of stubbornness. Taeyeon gasps in surprise.

"What is about Jessica?" Taeyeon sighs in defeat, she puts the hairdryer down. Giving up.

"How long have you been ignoring her?" Tiffany ask firmly.


"Don't eh me, missy...she told me"

"She told you?" Taeyeon eyes widens, "I don't even know what I did"

"She said you haven't been talking much to her ever since you found out about her crush on you"

Taeyeon rolls her eyes, "That is because we have nothing to talk about"

This time, it was Tiffany's turn to widen her eyes, "Nothing to talk about?? Nothing. Not at all? How is that possible??"

"Yes, it's possible. Whatever things I have in my mind, I talk to you. Why else do I need to tell another?" Taeyeon reason with Tiffany.

Tiffany was snap quiet with the answer, is true. Taeyeon does share pretty much every single thing with her and she would console or give advice to her on what to do, so why else would Taeyeon share her problems with another when it was settle with her?
"What about her? She seems like she could need a talk with you?"


Tiffany shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, bottom line is, I hope you are not avoiding or ignoring her on purpose just because she had a crush on you in the past. She had moved on with Yuri...so there shouldn't really be a problem for you two to communicate" Tiffany finally hands Taeyeon back the hairdryer plug and she made her way to the bed.

"There isn't" Taeyeon answers.


Tiffany made her way quickly at the backstage, one arm draping on Jessica's neck the other reaching out for Taeyeon, "Hey you two!" she said, showing her bright eyesmile.
Both Taeyeon and Jessica feel awkward for Tiffany's sudden action, they both knew what the girl was trying to do.
"BEIJING IS AWESOME" she continues, but then, seems like her doings weren't much doing good for her motives behind it, the rest two just continue to watch her with a weird expression.

"I need to grab my bags in the makeup room, see you guys later" Jessica excuses herself and left the two couple.

"You are seriously bad in this" Taeyeon teases, causing Tiffany to pull her arm away.

The rest of the soshi members decide to hangs out in their huge hotel room, drinking and eating the snacks that the staffs and fans has bought for them, they were seriously enjoying their time now. Sitting in a big circle, each of them telling and sharing their feelings when they were on stage not long ago, talking about the oppas.

Jessica grabs two cans of beer and gets up onto her feet, "I'll be in my room" she exited the big room and enters another room, which were only one door away.
Tiffany bumps her shoulders against Taeyeon's.
"Jessi...she doesn't seems happy, go ask her why"
Taeyeon looks at Tiffany in disbelief, "You're the one who wants to know, you go ask her"

"Yah...this is a good chance to let her know you still care about her" said Tiffany.

"Shouldn't her boyfriend be doing that?" Taeyeon looks at Yuri, she was about to wave to get the tanned girl sitting opposite of her, but Tiffany yank her wrist downwards.

"Jessi knows her boyfriend loves her, but she doesn't knows that you still cares"

"I don't like how Loki kissed your head in the selca and you were even setting it as your wallpaper, we need to talk about this" Taeyeon crosses her arms, playing a serious expression on her face.

Tiffany slaps Taeyeon's arm, "Don't reason me with this! It happened for days ago and you are now talking about it? Funny Kim"

"I just don't like how you set it as your wallpaper" Taeyeon stated.

"I don't like how you and Heechul acted as lovers after breakup in the selca as well"

"Geee...Is just a picture" Taeyeon rolls her eyes.

"SO DOES MINE AND TOM" Tiffany hiss.

"I like Thor better now...at least he is not a villain and try to kill us"


"Did you know that Loki was trying to kill us, humans?" Taeyeon ask.

"It's a movie"

"Still...he ain't a good guy...he even tries to kill his own father..."

"He was adopted, now stop all these Kim! Go and look for Jessi"

"Where are all the gratefulness that he should have for the family that has taken care of him?"

"Keep continuing this and Ginger will need to find an adoption Kim"

"Keep having that wallpaper and I will have Prince Fluffy made into a handbag"

Tiffany pinches Taeyeon's arm, but the girl could only chuckles.
"That's cruel KIM TAE YEON!!"

"I say the same to you about Ginger"

"What are you two bickering about?" Sooyoung ask the couple whom she has sat beside all the time.

Taeyeon points at Tiffany's nose, "She started it"

"Kid" Sooyoung ignores Taeyeon statement.

"Could you please...just go?" Tiffany pleads.

"Whyyyyyyy" Taeyeon started to sound like she is whining.

"Because I love you"

"Sheesh" Taeyeon gets onto her feet and heads to the door where Jessica was last seen.

Taeyeon knocks the door a few times before opening it, there, Jessica was sitting on the couch, watching the tv, "Hi"
"Yes, Taeyeon?" Jessica ask, although her face was literally spilling out that she is indeed surprise.

Taeyeon walks into the room and close the door behind her.
"I thought I should come and check on you, why did you leave so early?"

"Just thought maybe I could catch up with something on the tv"

"It's all in Chinese...Sica" Taeyeon sits right next to Jessica, she was uncertain why she felt nervous maybe because, this is the first time ever after for so long that they talked to each other, "Sica...did I make you felt like I was unapproachable?" she sighs.

Jessica nods her head, Taeyeon sighs.

"I'm sorry" Taeyeon stated.

"No, is not entirely your fault" said Jessica.

Taeyeon looks at Jessica.

"Yo, where's the midget?" Sooyoung ask Tiffany.

"She went and get Jessi to come join us back" said Tiffany with a smile, somehow, her eyes caught how Yuri was snapped out from the group chat she was having with Yoona and Hyoyeon. The two made a brief eyes contact and Tiffany felt odd.

"For so long? Maybe you should check on them" Yuri said jokingly.

"Right" Tiffany gets onto her feet.

Tiffany makes her way to the door, her hand was on the doorknob, twisting it open.

"What if I still love you, Taengoo"

Tiffany could literally feel every inch of the hair on her hand stands up. She gulps. Not sure if she has heard it wrongly or what. Still, she has to go in. When she's in the room, all she sees is Jessica on the couch and Taeyeon was standing away from the couch, as though she was about to leave.

Taeyeon's eyes were never once leaving Tiffany's.

"I..Yuri asked me to come check on you guys"

"I think Jessica needs her rest, she's a little bit drunk" said Taeyeon.

Jessica bites her bottom lips, "...Yeah...but I'll go check with Yuri and see what she needs"

"I'll borrow the bathroom" Tiffany said quickly and enters the bathroom in a flash.

Jessica makes her way pass Taeyeon.



"You can't hurt neither Tiffany or Yuri, one of them is your girlfriend while the other is your best friend ever since...the fact is, I don't want you to go on hurting yourself either, you know I wont and cant return the love that you have on me" Taeyeon whispers tenderly.

Jessica smile, almost too painful for her to do so, "Because you love Tiffany, right?"


"I know, but Taengoo-"


"Just so...if you weren't with Tiffany, would you accept me?"

"I never think of never being with Tiffany, Jess" Taeyeon said firmly, "I have never thought of that"

"Right. Silly me" Jessica has her eyes getting redder, with each answer Taeyeon gave her, "I'll go join the rest like you wanted me to"

And Taeyeon saw that, she hold Jessica's wrist from leaving, pulling her into a hug.
"You are the best friend I had first when we joined SME" Taeyeon whispers, "And I don't want anything to ruin that..."

"Okay" Jessica slowly breaks the hug and give her best smile that she can to Taeyeon, "By the way, that was just a question I randomly want to ask...I don't mean anything. Seriously, seobang is better" Jessica laughs teasingly and leaves.

What have I done!? Sending my own girlfriend to my best friend? Why am I so stupid to not even realize the obvious why Taeyeon was avoiding her??? – Tiffany

A knock from the door shocks Tiffany.

"Are you planning to stay in there forever?"

Taeyeon was mocking her from outside, chuckling after that.

Tiffany brace herself and opens the bathroom door, Taeyeon is standing next to the door.

"Where's Jess?"

"She went and joins the gang"

"So...she's drunk?"

Taeyeon looks at Tiffany for a moment, of course, Jessica wasn't. But what would Tiffany think if she answers the truth, would her girlfriend think too much.
"Yeah, so don't worry, she's just drunk and blabbering words that she might not even remember the next morning"

"Let's go then"

Taeyeon held Tiffany's arm, "You okay?"

When Taeyeon ask Tiffany so, Tiffany's eyes somehow lingers at the couch where Jessica was sitting not long ago, there, she spotted the two can of beers, still sealed up and she remembers before they gather till they start gathering this mini party, Jessica did not drink a single sip of beer.

"I'm fine" Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, her eyes trying to read Taeyeon's mind.

She wonders.

Why did Taeyeon lied about Jessica being drunk when clearly that wasn't the case.

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