158>What is TaeNy like? Like this ;)

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Taeyeon lays on her front, her legs both lifted up in the air as she enjoys her free time of the week scrolling the screen of her phone, something particular from the Android Market caught her attention though, "Fany" she calls out, didn't take too long for her lovely girlfriend to step into the room coming from the living room when she hears her name being called by her lover.
"yes, Tae?" she peeps cutely before stepping into the room.
"how do you say this?" Taeyeon shows the screen of her phone towards her girlfriend's direction.

Tiffany squinted her eyes a little before deciding to step closer to have a better look on what's on the screen, "oh. In-sta-ge-ram. Instagram"

"Instagram. You create an account to upload pictures of your own, leave it to be comment or liked" Tiffany explains further before sitting right next to Taeyeon.

"Ah" Taeyeon nods her head, as she gets up, scooting close enough to Tiffany to smooch her girlfriend on the cheek, "thank you beautiful" she smiles charmingly to Tiffany, making the girl blush because of the remark.
"no why, just want to try something out" Taeyeon clicks on the 'download' tab on her screen, placing the phone back down on the bed before she back hugging her lover, "I love you"

"and I love you too" Tiffany smiles happily, holding on the hands that were locked around her waist, "You're going to create an account for Instagram?"

Taeyeon nods her head, "yup, do you want one too?"
Tiffany turns her body slightly around so she can have a better look of her girlfriend's face.
"does it makes any difference if I create an account or not when you are going to have one?"
"it means-" Tiffany kisses the tip of Taeyeon's nose before continuing, "doesn't matter what is yours or mine, when it comes to us, is ours"
Taeyeon is all smiling, leaning closer to kiss on her girlfriend's beautiful light red lips.

"besides that..." Tiffany gets up from the bed, "I will be taking flight back to Korea earlier, meeting Isak unnie for lunchie. So, I hope Instagram will keep you busy enough" she winks.
Taeyeon pouts back.
"even Candy Crush wont be able to keep me busy...Fany ahhh"

"don't be that way" Tiffany shuffles Taeyeon's fringe, "you'll be taking a later flight back to Korea too isn't it?" she waits for Taeyeon to nods her head and when Taeyeon did, "so, we'll see each other later at night either way, baby"

"araso..but I'll be around my parents place, so let me know when you're home" says Taeyeon.
"right" Tiffany heads to the bathroom to freshen herself up before going for her flight.
"I'm going to miss you" Taeyeon said it loudly, loud enough to make Tiffany giggles from hearing so.


"Omma, I'm home"
Taeyeon takes her sneakers off, she looks at it for awhile, something came up in her mind, she pulls her phone out, taking a picture of it. A picture of her favorite white sneakers.

"Kim Taeng" her mum steps out to the door, to greet her daughter but only to be surprise that Taeyeon is squatting down close to her shoes, "what are you doing?"
Taeyeon looks up at her mum, giving the most awkward smile as she possibly can, "heee~omma"
"what in the world are you doing?? Taking picture of your shoes!"
"Anniyo, omma, I just want to see how it will looks like once I filtered it" Taeyeon gets back up on both her feet, hugging her mum tightly, "I miss you"
"where is my other daughter?"
"daughter....?" One of Taeyeon's eyebrows cock up.
"....In-law" Mrs. Kim corrected herself, making Taeyeon chuckle.
"she's out with her best friend, omma, but she send her greetings"

[hey, what are you doing?? I miss YOU!][Tae]>[Tiff]

[I miss you too, but I am having a great chat with Isak unnie at her crib, how's my babyeon doing?][Tiff]>[Tae]

[Your baby is missing you a lot more than you and she could've ever thought D;][Tae]>[Tiff]

[Go have your dinner and I'll see you later, I love you][Tiff]>[Tae]

Taeyeon slide her phone back into her pocket once her mum serves dinner onto table.

"is that Tippani?" Mrs. Kim asked.
"oh? Dae...."
"since you two will be going back to Japan tomorrow, stay here, I'll make breakfast for you both before travelling back there" her mum offers.

[Mum says to ask you come by and stay for the night, what do you say? C;][Tae]>[Tiff]

[Sounds GOOD! I MISS HER SO MUCH ANYWAY but....my luggage and stuffs aren't pack yet][Tiff]>[Tae]

[she misses you too, so why not you pack your bag and call me once you're done so I can come pick you up][Tae]>[Tiff]

[Perfect enough, that will do^^][Tiff]>[Tae]

"I'll pick her up later, omma" Taeyeon answers happily, excited just because she is about to see Tiffany and at the same time, her girlfriend will be sharing some time with her family. It's been a long time since she last gather her family along with her girlfriend and she cant wait for it to happen, part of her feel so bless that her family accepted for who she is and who she is with.



[Baby, pick me up at Isak's place? I just remember, my luggage back is here with me][Tiff]>[Tae]

[Right. On my way. Be there in 20][Tae]>[Tiff]

Tiffany smiles to her best friend that she misses a lot, taking a sip of the tea Isak made, she smiles realizing how Isak is looking at her now.
"what?" Tiffany smiles.
"Things are great with Taeyeon, I guess? You're all smiling just only texting her"

Tiffany nods her head shyly, "I am with one of the sweetest person in the world, so, I am very happy...what about you unnie, you should find one too"
"is not as easy as you say, you don't think I go out and scream that I need a boyfriend and great guys actually start lining up outside my radio building right?" Isak jokes.

"You'll make a good girlfriend, unnie...it wont be that hard" Tiffany compliments.
"want me to show you some love letters I received?"
The two girls run into the only room in the apartment.

Taeyeon looks at the time on her car front board, she's late for 5 minutes, pulling her brakes, she stops her car at a secluded corner which is under a tree in the dark. She reaches out for her bag, taking her phone out, "AIIIIIIIISH!!" she sighs angrily, "babo-ya" she jutted her lips as she said so, looking at her blank black screen, pressing the main button a few times, but her phone battery has just died off. Throwing it back into her bag, she leans her forehead against the steering, "eeeeotokeeeeeeeeeh" she lets out another sigh, peering up from her position, Taeyeon look up at the tall building that her girlfriend is in, she shakes her head.

Should've know better about Isak....now that I cant make myself too obvious, I cant go in and ask for Isak's block and the number of her apartment....aish! Kim Tae Yeon! Just great! What are you going to do now!! – Taeyeon.

Reaching out to the back as her hand touch around to feel for her jacket, when she does, she pulls it to the front, wearing it, as she pulls the hood up. Looking at herself at the rear mirror one time before getting off car.

Is okay, Tiffany will be down in any minute I guess... I told her 20 minutes J - Taeyeon.

Two different voices of giggles were heard coming from the room, Tiffany shakes her head while trying to control her laughter, folding the greenish color letter back, "You are my coffee and I will be your latter, OH MY GOSH!! How funny can this guy ever be?" Tiffany chuckles once again.
Isak snatches the letter away from her best friend's grip, "he's just-"
Tiffany looks at her in a teasing matter kind of way.

"...just has some very limited vocabulary and...you don't expect everyone to be like your taeyeon!" Isak sticks her tongue out at Tiffany, causing the girl to laugh a little bit more before it turns into a shy smile.

Things become quiet when Isak realize how much Tiffany blushes, using her finger to poke Tiffany's cheek to get her attention, "why are you so shy? Consider yourself and Taeyeon lucky...to have each other" Isak smiles.

"we does" Tiffany nods her head, smiling.
Suddenly, it came to her realization something is not right, her eyes widens hugely as though they can and will pop out from her sockets anytime, "oh god! Taeyeon!"

Isak watch as Tiffany gets up from the bed and dashes out from her bedroom in a flash, she follow behind as well, "why Tiff??"

Tiffany picks her phone up, she checks if there's any message and miss call, but surprisingly, no.
Looking at the clock on top of the tv, it shows that it's already 10:10pm.


Tiffany looks at Isak, "Anni, Tae said to pick me up in 20minutes, but I guess she's late or something..." she smiles.

"afraid your girlfriend doesn't wants you?" Isak teases before sitting on one of her couch.
"you don't say, well, I do" Tiffany admits.

"Tiffany. I was just joking when I said Taeyeon doesn't wants you-"
"I know unnie" Tiffany smiles assuring Isak, "is just one fact that I do get afraid if she ever one day doesn't wants me anymore, or you know...finds me boring"
Isak gasp.

"Let's hope not" Tiffany quickly end her sentence.
Isak smiles, "you know that's not the Taeyeon from Girls Generation, besides, is too obvious...She would stand in front of a coming bullet for you"
Tiffany smiles happily.

"That's the thing about her, being with her. She doesn't makes the relationship boring, you know, at times, couples do feel bored for doing the same old thing, but not for us...I mean, me being with her, it always feels like a first love for me, she do things that you may know but still gets surprise in the end, she somehow knows the way to do so. She say things like you meant a Universe to her" Tiffany smiles shyly.

"wow, are you trying to make me jelly right now" Isak shows a sad expression, teasing Tiffany in a way.

Chit chatting happily as Tiffany looks at the clock in the middle of the conversation, it shows that its already 10:30pm but still no call or message from her lover, it makes her wonders but at the same time she is afraid if anything bad happen to her girlfriend, shaking her stupid thoughts off, Tiffany decide to calls Taeyeon at last.

"how....she didn't pick up the call?" Isak as she watch Tiffany putting the phone back into her handbag, standing up.

"No....it went to voicemail instead...I think her phone must be knocked out by the battery"

"are you sure she doesn't turns her phone off??"

Tiffany nods her head, "ne, unnie...the only time Taeyeon would switch her phone is when-" she stops immediately.

Sex time – Tiffany.

"she just don't switch her phone off unnie..." Tiffany tries her best in hope that she is not blushing so that Isak doesn't realizes anything.
"okay then...but where are you going?" Isak ask.
"downstairs, I'll just have a look...just to make sure some stuffs"
"I'll come with you"

Their arms were link from the time they leave the apartment, coming out from the lift once they reach the ground floor, greeted by the guard, they walk to the door. Tiffany sees a figure standing near the main gate, body leaning against the wall.
"I think that's Tae, unnie....thanks for today!" Tiffany chirps happily before running off.
"bye unnie" Tiffany replies.

The voice that she wont make no mistake hearing it, makes Taeyeon turns her head around, but only to see Tiffany crashing herself against her, making Taeyeon hold her in one arm, wrapping around her waist, "hi"
"babo, why didn't you tell me you're here!"
"m-my phone.....jus-just...di-ed"
Tiffany watch as how Taeyeon's teeth were chattering when she said so and how Taeyeon is starting to hug her from the waist as they start walking to one direction, which is quite dark because of the lamp on the streets were off.


"how long have you been here?" Tiffany ask questioningly.

"oh...not long" Taeyeon gulps, not looking at Tiffany at all, but she shoves her free hand into her jacket front pocket, while the other that were hugging around the waist, down in Tiffany's jeans pocket.

"don't you dare lie" Tiffany bites the side of Taeyeon's body, making the older latter jerk her body a little bit but she chuckles in the end. They stop walking. Tiffany reaches out to touch Taeyeon's skin, "it's cold" she frowns, then she realize how chapped Taeyeon's lips were. It's still a cold season in Korea and yet, Taeyeon is only in her shorts and thin tee with a rather not so thick jacket.

Taeyeon gulps shyly, but she manage to show Tiffany her dorky smile.

"how long Tae" Tiffany pressed firmly on her question right now.
"not long...I don't remember..." Taeyeon answers.
"sorry, taetae" Tiffany pouts, using both her hands to rub against Taeyeon's in between hers, as if to keep them warm.

"nah, is not your fault" Taeyeon smiles sincerely, which is rather cute when she do so.
"I should've kno-"
"Cos I know who I am waiting for" Taeyeon quickly cuts Tiffany off before that guilty feeling latter could continue any much further.


"Hee,babo" Taeyeon uses her forehead to knock against Tiffany's forehead lightly, "I said, because I know who I was waiting for, makes me know how fortunate I am to be given chance to do so, makes me know how lucky I am to have you...even if it's snowing and I might only be in shorts and singlet, I would still wait for you...well, I might be all frozen if you ever found me by the time" Taeyeon jokes.

"but it doesn't matter how long I would have to wait, because I know how much worth it is when I finally at last could see this face-" Taeyeon cups Tiffany's face in her hand, "is all worth it"

Tiffany hugs Taeyeon around the neck.

"er, fany ah...you still do remember that we're still in the street right...even if it's dar-"

"for god sake, let it be if anyone were to see us...I just love you Taeyeon....is not wrong to love someone" Tiffany giggles but she did pull away, not wanting to cause any news that could ruin Girls Generation image, the two lovers have to think about their members as well.

They continue walking to the car which is not park far away.
"why do you always seems to have the right words, right moment to say something?"
"because you're the best for me"
"can you still be so sweet to me even 50 more years to come after?"
"I will, fany...whenever I am with you, those words just comes out naturally, so even if it's for a thousand years to come, I'd still be doing the same as from the day you were mine"
"I'm glad I found you"
"NOTHING CHEEKY!!" Tiffany warns, knowing how much Taeyeon would love to input dirty remarks to ruin their sweet romantic session.
Taeyeon could only smile.

"Fany ah"
Taeyeon clears her throat, "darling don't be afraid I have love you, for a thousand years....i loved you for a thousand more. Time stands still, beauty in all she is...every breath, every hour...has come to this"

"Christina Perri?" Tiffany tilts her head to one side, "since when have you become a fan of hers?"

"Since I heard this song, some part of the song reminds me of you" Taeyeon smiles, "then I fell in love with this song, because it somewhat sings what I feels for you"

"you're a dork" Tiffany tries her best not to show Taeyeon that her eyes were getting teary.

Taeyeon steps forward, using her finger to tilt Tiffany's head up, she kisses Tiffany on the lips,
"a thousand years, Tiffany" she said in assurance with a firm voice as their eyes looks into each other souls.

Tiffany grabs Taeyeon by the shirt around her chest area, pulling the dork, making her stumble forward, she then kisses Taeyeon hard enough to make the latter gasp with the sudden moves, "that's not going to be enough" Tiffany winks.
It is more than enough, to make Taeyeon feels like a billionaire.


"Tae, wakey wakey" Tiffany leans her chin up against of Taeyeon's chest, she just don't get why but no matter how many times she can witness the cute person underneath her view, eyelids slowly flutters open as she wakes up. She just never gets bores of it.
"next day, fany ah"
Taeyeon pulls the blanket to cover herself up, turning her body against Tiffany.
"babo, we need to catch our flight"
Tiffany tugs on the blanket, more like a war tug, since Taeyeon is holding it up with one hand, well of course, although Taeyeon might be shorter in height wise, but she has no problem with her strength.
"Ugh! Taeyeon!!" Tiffany whines, as she sits up, pulling blanket with both her hands, finally, with all her might she manage to pull it off, sending her fly all the way to the edge of the bed, laying on her back, "uff"

Taeyeon takes advantages of this situation as she gets on top of Tiffany, "you..."
"Mummy made breakfast" Tiffany quickly says, "go brush your teeth"
Taeyeon grabs Tiffany with cheeks being squash by her hand.


Taeyeon plunge a deep sloppy kiss right at her girlfriend's mouth, finally, she pinch the cheek before getting out off from bed.

"aish! You're rough Kim Tae Yeon! I am telling mummy" Tiffany sits on the bed, rubbing her cheeks which she believe will have fingerprints.

"you're telling mummy that you like me rough?"


Taeyeon stick her tongue out as she manages to dodge the pillow being thrown at her direction.

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