178>Not too much of Royalty

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Things were rather a slow progress in between the two couples. But Yuri on the other hand has no intention to make things fast, she's just glad that she has Jessica back as hers, she have never imagine the girl back in her arms, cuddling with her on the couch. Without any realization, Yuri has her right hand that was actually previously wrapping around Jessica's shoulders, is now running through the locks, letting the hair tangling softly in between her fingers. Her mind was drifted though her eyes were set to the flat screen television in front of them.
"What's in your mind?"
When Yuri looks at Jessica, wondering why the sudden question being asked, she gets in return a beautiful pair of eyes, looking back at her wondering ones. She smiles at the sight.
Yuri caught the corner of Jessica's lips arch upwards a little showing that she is not happy with the answer, the tanned girl immediately pulls her girlfriend closer to her, as close as they can get, "What is it? Did I do something that made you feel uncomfortable?" she ask, her tone showing that she is really concern and worried.
"Anniyo" this time it was Jessica's turn to reply in what Yuri did not long ago.
Unable to control herself or her emotions, Yuri blows out some air to show she was slightly irritated as well. The two suddenly break apart, heavy breathings were heard, the two was unhappy and feeling unsettling at the moment. Jessica crosses her arms, but when she looks at Yuri, the girl already have her eyes close, breathing in and out in an unusual way, as if to calm herself from forming an argument in between them.
"Seobang, it's obvious, something is running through your mind and it's beginning to bother you and soon, when you can't stand it any longer, you'll just erupt and-"
"No! I won't"
Yuri lets out another heavy sigh before opening her eyes again, she licks her dried lips, blinking her eyes a few times, as if to compose herself to feel better, control her emotions from taking over her.
"I won't let that happen" Yuri looks at Jessica promisingly, "I want us"
Jessica blinks eyes a few times as if to understand the alien language that Yuri has just said. Is true, they used to be lovers and has broken up a few times, Yuri has her own ways to be sweet but never has she said something so emotionally. Being known as the one with the biggest ego and also the person who doesn't really knows a way to express herself, Jessica is surprised with what she just heard coming from Yuri's mouth.
"Doing so, isn't that unfair to yourself?" Jessica sighs.
"What do you want me to do then, Sica-ahh" Yuri hides her face in between her thighs, both her hands running through her hair frustratingly, "I am trying to be the best for you-"
Jessica sighs, reaches out to soothe Yuri by running her palm up and down slowly behind Yuri's back.
"What is the point for so, if both lovers can't accept the other attitude? If a person really loves another, they shall accept whatever it is, because, that is what they love about them, they won't want to change them to suit their taste"
Yuri becomes silent.
"It was you, Kwon Yuri, whom I think is enough for being herself, no need to change to adapt to my lifestyle or what I want" Jessica smiles bitterly, "You must've felt the difference..in between us"
Yuri nods her head slowly.
"We broke up so sudden, then get back together so abruptly, we didn't even talk about it properly, is like, we literally push the serious matter aside, ignoring it, but we both know, our mind..our heart is still bothered by what happened and we can't avoid it no matter how much we pretended we can.."
Yuri slowly lifts her head up from hiding away to face Jessica and the fact that Jessica just said.
"You're saying?"
"That we both should actually give some space and time for each other, to think of everything, to think of what happened...and when things finally cool off, we'll...let nature takes its own course" answers Jessica.
For a moment there, Yuri and Jessica both just stays quiet, not saying another word but just looking at one another, like they were trying to read each other's mind, trying to understand what had happened.
"Okay" Yuri just finds there is no reason to further this reasoning anymore.
Jessica looks at Yuri, her eyes betraying her, yes indeed, she was surprise with the coolly answer given by Yuri, maybe she has expected Yuri reasoning with her even more, but then, to look at it in another way, is not a bad thing either, she nods her head, forcing a smile onto her face, though she herself could feel her fake smile, her lips were trembling.
"I'm kind of tired...so, I'll go take a nap, okay?" Jessica said softly.
"Sure thing" Yuri said with a smile and resume with her previous position, watching the television. Jessica stayed there for awhile as she was feeling a little bit of disappointed but then again, this is what she asked for and it is the best for both of them to clear themselves instead of pretending to be comfortable with each other's company as though nothing has ever happened.
Jessica force herself to leave the living room, going to hers and Yuri's room, hope when she force herself to have a long good nap to cool the troubles in her mind off soon.
Jessica woke up and she believe she has slept throughout half the day already, she remembers it was daylight when she enters the room, but now, the window shows a plain black sight. Alone in the dark room, with no one else beside her. She half expected Yuri would come and make it up to her. Her thoughts begins to wonder if Yuri still loves her anymore? Jessica knows she can't hide forever, besides, she is really hungry, her stomach was growling, giving her signal to get her lazy ass off from bed already. Lazily pulling the mini alarm clock on the table, Jessica yawns tiredly, it's 7pm already. Placing it back on the table, Jessica lifts herself up and off from bed.
Exiting the room, she stops in her tracks, surprise by the changes.
Yuri is standing at the other end of the living room, throwing something on the floor, the other girl seems to be oblivious of another company, she looks up and smiled while Jessica returns a shy one. She didn't know why herself either.
"You've woke up rather earlier than I thought" her voice teasing the other.
Jessica pouts cutely, but she ignores the teasing, rather her mind was busy thinking what was Yuri up to and her heart is beginning to pound fast with excitement, this is the first time something like this happens to her. Yuri walks to the table, placing a medium size brown basket on the table before walking to where Jessica is at, "I've been waiting for you"
"Seobang?" Jessica has an expression that literally asks for an answer on what is going on right now. Seems like her girlfriend understands her facial expression well enough, she smiles assuring.
"Hungry right?" Yuri ask knowingly. Is like as if she knows why and what made Jessica to finally wake up and get her lazy ass off from bed, Jessica nods her head quietly. Yuri intertwined her hand with Jessica's hand, gently leading her to the dining area.
But of course, Jessica did realize, the whole room being lit up with candles, perfume candles Jessica realizes, since the aroma was rather soothing and actually calming, she smiles a bit now that she found out why Kwon Yuri has a hobby of collecting candles. She also can't ignore the rose petals spread across the whole floor, around them, there are white and red ones. Yuri being such a gentleman, she pulled a chair out for Jessica to sit on, before walking to her seat. Seems like the girl has something to prepare, she immediately roses from her seat and head into the kitchen, while waiting, Jessica rest the weight of her neck with her right palm.
Yuri came out, already in an apron, with two big plates with her, "Thank God is not overcook" she giggles, Jessica just give a small wondering smile in return, "Here you go.." she place one plate in front of Jessica, "I've given my best" Yuri gets back to her place with her set of meal.
Jessica looks at the rib-eye steak in front of her, covered with thick black pepper sauce, indeed, it look yummy, "I'll dig in first" picking up the fork and knife, she begins to eat the delicious meal that Yuri has quietly prepared for her and she thanked God inwardly since she was hungry.
Not forgetting to give her compliment, while chewing on the meat, Jessica gives Yuri a thumb up, causing the girl to smile satisfyingly.


After their dinner, Yuri led Jessica to the middle of the living room, where a soft white sheets was laid on top of the petals of roses on the floor, the scene and situation looks romantic, Jessica couldn't help but be more surprise with the sweet things that Yuri has did, well, try her best to do for her.
"I may be hopeless if you want me to be sweet and full of surprises all the time, but I would learn, learn to make you smile" Yuri held both of Jessica's hands, "Each and every fingers on your hand are different, we can expect, but it takes one to take the initiative to make a move, let me be the one who make the move, because I want to...I just need you to let me too"
A smile spread on both of their faces.
A passionate heated kiss..
Tongues inside, battling..
Hands roaming each other's body, complimenting every curves their hands can feel through their touch.
Clothing being taken off.
Floor being covered not only by the petals, but clothes from the two girls.
Yuri on top of Jessica.
Mesmerizing the beauty underneath her.
Eyes to eyes contact.
No words, just heavy needy breathings.
Yuri feeling the body below her arching upwards, pleading for her touch.
A smile again on each other's faces.
Two fingers..
Easing in and out of...
...Jessica Jung.
Jessica is covering her body with the white satin sheet that Yuri prepared, her head resting on top of Yuri's chest, resting from their constant orgasmic climax for the past 3 hours.
"Thank you, Seobang..for everything you put effort in" Jessica breathes tiredly.
"You enjoyed didn't you?" Yuri teases the blushing Jessica now, who lifted herself away from Yuri now.
"Ayyy-ge" Jessica cringe her nose, it looks cute, "Clean up the mess after you made, Kwon Yuri~"
Yuri gets up, carrying Jessica up in a swift quick mode, "Araso" nuzzling their noses together.

Tiffany unlocks the door, satisfy with the trip back from the Kim's family resident. But her feet halts to a stop, looking at the candles around the room, being lit up halfway through, with petals of roses around the floor, "Oh..my gosh...Jess??"
No response.
Taeyeon switches the lights back on, blowing off two candles that were left on the keys table. Then giggles were being heard coming from a loud echo, Taeyeon points her direction towards where Yuri's room is at, "Does that answers you?" she grins.
Tiffany has both her hands covering her mouth in disbelief, "Ohno they didn't" she smiles full heartedly.
"I guess they did" Taeyeon smiles in relief.
"YAY!!!" Tiffany jumps onto Taeyeon, the older girl wraps her arms around Tiffany's waist, "Finally"
"Yuri is so sweet..." Tiffany looks around, "Dreamy..." she grins teasingly.
Tiffany nods her head playfully, "Tall and tanned and romantic, sounds pretty prince charming like!" she squeals like a fan girl.
"Excuse me??????"
"Excuse me?"
"I'm not tall, but I am in a cute size rather than being a tall dark tree. I have- Tofu skin like!! And Yahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I am the sweetest candy in your candy jar!" Taeyeon growls childishly.
Tiffany leans forward and bites the bottom of Taeyeon's lips, "Silly you, you are MY one and only, I would be stupid to ask for more"

Taeyeon brew the teapot and pours the freshly made tea into a cup, she nod her head as a sign of greeting when someone join her in the kitchen, "Things went well?" she offers the cup of tea she just prepared.
"Thanks" Yuri blows into the cup before taking a small careful sip of the hot tea, "Thank you life savior"
Taeyeon chuckles before taking another cup to pour herself a cup of tea, "Anytime for my buddy"
"Glad you replied my text message, or else, I'll probably be lost...you know there is no point forcing my pleads with Jessica...." Yuri rolls her eyes, "She is so....stubborn at times" she whisper softly.
"Ditto that on Tiffany"
The two chuckles and clinks their cups together.

Jessica yawns and stretches her body, her eyelids opens slowly, but she is happy with what she sees, Yuri watching her, "Have you watch me sleep?"
"I could've watch forever, but, I just woke up, and miss a good sight here" Yuri smiles, "Good morning" she leans down kissing Jessica on the lips then on the forehead after that.
"Slept well?"
"Never better" Yuri stated, "Sica..."
Yuri hold Jessica's right hand up and slip a silver piece on Jessica's forth finger, "I know I haven't give you anything like this before, but, I should and I don't want to miss that chance"
Another surprise for Jessica from Yuri, really surprise. In such early morning.
"You deserve more attention and I will give it to you, okay?" Yuri promises shyly.
And that made Jessica even more shy than her, "...Okay"
Yuri kisses Jessica's fair knuckles, feeling the cold silver piece touching her lips lightly, "Love you"

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