162>Taeyeon's Instagram

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Taeyeon looks at the passport that she owns in between her hand, she lets out a big heave.
"Missing her already?"
Taeyeon looks at the lady besides her, but she smiles genuinely to the lady who held her wrist.
Shaking her head, "Omma...don't think of it that way, now, it doesn't means I do not miss her, I do, I always does, but-" Taeyeon smiles even brighter, "I am glad we can share some bonding time together, we need it and I want it"
Mrs. Kim smiles to her daughter, "is sad she cant join us"

"If she joins, taengoo would be all sticky to her omma"

Sneaky Jiwoong speaks softly as he has his head stuck in between the seats from behind Taeyeon and Mrs. Kim's seat, making Taeyeon turns around and knuckle him on the forehead.

Since the group is having a week break, the rest of the members had their own plans whereby Taeyeon ended up on her way to United Kingdom, where else, such timing, Tiffany, her girlfriend on the other hand, is being called to visit home in Los Angeles. Taeyeon chuckle on her own silently when she remembers the scene of how she keeps on complaining to Tiffany when they were packing their bags. The last goodbye the bid were a hug engaging, Tiffany even bite softly on Taeyeon's shoulder before breaking the hug. A smirk was played on Taeyeon's face.


"Yes, daddy?"
Tiffany ask as she looks up away from her mobile, looking at her dad walking into her room, she puts her phone aside.
Tiffany shakes her head, "no, she is still on her flight to UK I guess, just Ashley, you remember her don't you, daddy?"

"Your cheerleader buddy back in high school?" Mr. Hwang takes his guesses, he smile upon a nod coming from Tiffany.

"she called up for us to meet tomorrow, for a little chit chat session" Tiffany stated.
"That's good...a good reunion"
"indeed" Tiffany pulls her legs closer towards her chest, hugging it.

"I have another good news for you..." Mr. Hwang added.


"You remember Dodgers?"

"the base....ball- team?"

Mr. Hwang nods his head, "I got you in for the open pitching" he answer proudly.
Tiffany has her eyes widen, "OHMYGOD!! DADDY!!! YOU'VE GOT TO BE SERIOUS RIGHT!?!?"
He nods his head again, immediately receiving a pair of arms wrapping around his neck tightly, he gently tap the back of his daughter's back softly, calming her joyful emotion.
Tiffany swipe her phone up with her hands, she starts texting and send the message to Taeyeon.
"anytime for my young cupcake" Mr. Hwang kisses Tiffany on the forehead.

Changing into her comfortable pajamas, Tiffany jumps onto bed, looking at her phone that is sitting on the bed, as she awaits for the call that had been promised by her lover this afternoon, to call when she checks into the hotel.
"...taetae ah..."
Tiffany pouts as she looks at the clock hitting 1am, she is tired, but her heart is eager to hear the voice she misses most. She almost jumps up in shock when her phone screen starts blinking, she squeals silently inside her heart before picking up the phone in her trembling hands.

Tiffany : TaeTae!!!!!!!
Taeyeon : Fany ahhh~ sorry....i know I called quite late...I just came back from my dinner.
Tiffany : It's alright.
Taeyeon : Great to hear about the pitching you get yourself into, just make sure it wont ended up like Sica, kay?

Tiffany chuckles out huskily.

Tiffany : You're mean TaeTae, but alright.

The two lovers laugh out loud, but Taeyeon starts slowing down her laughter.

Tiffany : Tae.....are you alright?
Taeyeon : I urm...yeah...mum says hi by the way.
Tiffany : Well, tell her that I miss he-
Taeyeon : I miss you, Tiffany.
Tiffany : ....
Taeyeon : I know, I sound like an idiot babbling how much I miss you right now, like a baby..although is barely even a day of separation. But I do, Tiffany, I miss you and I wont be ashamed to tell you so, I admit, I miss your presence baby~

Tiffany could feel her own eyes, swelling up with tears, she smiled upon the sweet mini confession of how much Taeyeon misses her, the fact, she too.

Taeyeon : Ugh.

Tiffany heard a small thud, which she believes Taeyeon has just lies herself on the bed.
Taeyeon has an arm drape over her forehead as she lets out a sigh.
She could imagine if she is lying on the bed right now and if Tiffany is right beside her, the younger girl would automatically cuddles up close to her. This only makes her misses Tiffany even more and imagination is not helping Taeyeon very much.

Tiffany : You know I love you, Tae~
Taeyeon : Hmmm, I love you too...I miss you fany ahh~
Tiffany : A week and we'll be meeting again, I miss you too if you're wondering, I miss those pair of arms that would wrap around my waist, giving me the best warmth ever in the world-

Taeyeon smiles as she hears how Tiffany is talking about their daily doing session, that's what the two will do when they are on bed, getting ready to sleep.

Tiffany : but then, those naughty hands will ended up groping at some certain spots.

Taeyeon gulps as she hears the seductive voice over the phone, she gets up from the bed and makes her way to somewhere back at the kitchen but Jiwoong is occupying it, so she makes her way heading out to the huge balcony in the hotel room.

Taeyeon : ....and?

Taeyeon urges Tiffany to continues.

Tiffany : No sex talk on the phone, Tae.

Tiffany presses her back against the pillow behind her, harder.
But she can feel her own cheeks heating up. Her heart beats uneven when she hears Taeyeon groans at the other end.

Tiffany : you know what it can leads us to....and I don't want-

Tiffany hides underneath the blanket quickly.

Tiffany : me..touching myself!

Tiffany hisses loudly, earning a giggle coming from the other end, but still, the giggle ends with a deep groan. Looks like Taeyeon has start imagining something on the mind.

Taeyeon : Have you....urm, touch yourself before?

Taeyeon whispers back.

Tiffany : Tae!!!
Taeyeon : Aww, come on Fany ah....is just me! Tell me...have you???
Tiffany : i....sometimes, when I misses you a lot...my hand....seems to like...have mind of it's own, but! Whenever it reaches to the point where....you kno-
Taeyeon : I don't know! Tell me!
Tiffany : Kim Tae! You're a perv!!
Taeyeon : Yes, I am. So tell me.
Tiffany : Bottom line, I never ever self satisfy myself, because your hands are the wonders, not mine, is just not the same.

The two stayed quiet a little bit on the line, as both were blushing hard.

Taeyeon : Fany...
Tiffany : Yes, Taeyeon?
Taeyeon : I miss you in my arms.
Tiffany : I feel secure whenever I am in them.
Taeyeon : I feel secure too when I know you are mine..

Tiffany takes a big yawn.

Taeyeon : ...someone's sleepy.
Tiffany : mffff~ anni...
Taeyeon : you need your sleep, you have your pitching tomorrow.
Tiffany : but-
Taeyeon : no but Tiffany....you need your sleep.
Tiffany : but what about you, baby?
Taeyeon : well...I am sleepy as well, fany~
Tiffany : well, alright then...night baby tae.
Taeyeon : night baby boo.
Tiffany : tae.
Taeyeon : uh, yes?
Tiffany : Mmmmmmmmmmuahhh!! Night.
Taeyeon : kiss kiss to you too, boo.
Tiffany : I love you.
Taeyeon : loveeeeeeeeee you!

The call ended.
Taeyeon look at her phone, watches it until the screen goes black, she turns the phone around in between her fingers, who is she kidding, with Tiffany consuming the whole space in her mind, sleepy is not even possible at this hour. Her phone came back to life, beeping as it receive a message. Opening the text message receive, she looks at the picture she just receive.
Tiffany in a pink singlet, a selca taken from above from her laying position, with a wink and pout.
A cute sexy selca that made Taeyeon smiles.

[I knew you were not sleepy, but I knew you were sweet enough. Baby, you have got to rest and enjoy the next day. Have fun with mummy! And Jiwoong oppa too! Cant wait to see you soon][Tiffany]>[Taeyeon]

Taeyeon smiles, looking at the picture one more time, letting her thumb stroke across the screen before placing the phone towards her heart as she looks at the bright moon in the dark skies.

Thank you, God.... – Taeyeon.


[Nice game baby ;D][Taeyeon]>[Tiffany]

[you jerk! :'C][Tiffany]>[Taeyeon]

[Come home soon so I can hug you till you're all better <3][Taeyeon]>[Tiffany]

[hate you][Tiffany]>[Taeyeon]

[Awww~I love you too ^^][Taeyeon]>[Tiffany]

"bro~ you're just being mean aren't you" Yuri stated as she joins Taeyeon on the couch, passing the elder girl a bottle of beer.
Taeyeon could only smile as she take the beer bottle, shrugging her shoulders coolly.
"I told her not to pitch like your girl, but oh well~"


The two friends said it at the same time, laughing it off until Yuri's princess joins them at the living room, she rolls her eyes, snatching the beer bottle from Yuri, taking a sip.
"you both racist jerk" her voice sounded cold and mean.
"whoa whoa, baby~" Yuri touches Jessica's arm up and down, then finally pulling Jessica to sit on her lap, "you know we're kidding right?" Yuri pouts at Jessica, but Jessica glares right back, making Yuri starts kissing every parts she possibly could on Jessica's arm.

Taeyeon gulps, taking a sip from her beer bottle as she turns to look at the tv, feeling awkward to be in the same room with Yulsic right now. Jessica saw it, she dodge the kisses, holding Yuri's face, seeing how Yuri can barely open her eyes, she knew her black pearl is slightly drunk.
Jessica shakes her head, but she watch as Taeyeon took another sip from the bottle. She jumps off from Yuri's lap, "I need to call Krystal...I'll be in the room" she announces and left.

Yuri lick her lips, placing the bottle on the table in front of the couch.
"she felt awkward that you're here"
Taeyeon looks at Yuri, "dude, who would feel comfortable doing lovey dovey stuffs in front of their own members? Is just plain awkward, buddy"
"you might be right"
"I am right" Taeyeon insist.

"but I've got no worries" Yuri smirks to herself, she wraps an arm around Taeyeon's shoulder, "since...you're like super in love with Tiffany Hwang Mi Young"

Taeyeon gulps. Something she wont deny but too shy to admit.

"Your instagram...it's all her isnt it?? The I miss you and feel so close all that kind of bla bla bla stuffs-" Yuri giggles, "and the energy bars? Pfffft~~~~ dude that is so obvious you are highly in love with this girl"

"Sheeesh! Go away" Taeyeon pretends to be annoyed.

"aaawww! Shooo cutee!" Yuri pokes Taeyeon's cheek with her index finger, continuing her abuse of teasing.


Tiffany : Taeyeon Taeyeon Taeyeon Taeyeon Taeyeon Taeyeon!!
Taeyeon : Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes and...Yes, Tiffany?
Tiffany : Did you see the link I've sent you?????
Taeyeon : which one?
Tiffany : The one with the black poodle in there~
Taeyeon : oh...that one...oh yeah, wae?
Tiffany : ISNT HE ADORABLE!!?!?!?
Taeyeon : uh....i know where this is leading tiff-
Tiffany : Bori will have a companion!!
Taeyeon : Sunny didn't say her puppy needs a companion.
Tiffany : It will be our kid!!
Taeyeon : Tiffany....we barely have time for ourselves, what makes you think we should get it?
Tiffany : i....
Taeyeon : right?

Tiffany stays quiet on the other line.

Taeyeon : ....tiff?
Tiffany : yeah, you were right, Tae.

Its obvious Tiffany is disappointed.

Taeyeon : right....i'll call you later at night, okay?
Tiffany : Yeah.
Taeyeon : alright...bye.

The line was cut off, even without a goodbye from Tiffany.
It was about ten minute later, Taeyeon called Tiffany back. Tiffany knows taeyeon most probably calls her back because she is worried about the situation. But she really wanted the puppy so much that it hurts her that Taeyeon didn't even give her a chance to express how much she wanted it.

Tiffany : ....
Taeyeon : hey....you there?
Tiffany : yeah...
Taeyeon : look. If it's a puppy you want, get it.
Tiffany : .....
Taeyeon : fany??
Tiffany : y-yeah?
Taeyeon : call the owner, let the owner know we'll get it when you come back from LA.
Tiffany : Y-you're.....sure about this, Tae?
Taeyeon : anything for you. Our kid right.
Tiffany : Yes.
Taeyeon : so, you let the owner know alright?
Tiffany : hold up, I'm on the internet, I'll just drop the owner a message!!

Taeyeon smiles at how Tiffany sounded so happy and excited, she hears a few clicks of the computer mouse.

Taeyeon : er...tiff?
Tiffany : we're too late tae.
Taeyeon : what do you mean-
Tiffany : It's sold off tae.
Taeyeon : wow, that is fast, I tho-
Tiffany : talk later tae.

Tiffany quickly ends the call as tears start pouring out, she didn't want Taeyeon to feel burden from hearing her cries over the line, she cried because she really wanted the puppy and in the end when Taeyeon allows her to have one, it is sold off. That feeling. Just hurts.


Tiffany came back for Sunny's birthday party, when it was over, Taeyeon and Tiffany drove home in Taeyeon's own car.

"You've been quiet" Taeyeon said as she lets her intertwines her hand with Tiffany's.
Tiffany shakes her head, squeezing Taeyeon's hand in hers, acknowledging the girl that she is fine, "just tired...jet lag and stuffs, you know"

The two exchanges smiles, "okay" Taeyeon winks at Tiffany, "just want to make sure you are alright, girlfriend"

"I am" Tiffany assures.

"you're still sad about the poodle?" Taeyeon dared to ask.

"I would rather not talk about it"

"right. Sorry"

Taeyeon help with Tiffany's luggage, they were the first to be home, the rest were still staying back a bit at the restaurant. Tiffany is the one who decide to make the move as she stated that she is tired and decide to call it the night.
Closing the door, Taeyeon was about to pull the luggage bag until Tiffany stops her by the wrist.
Taeyeon looks at Tiffany.
"I miss you" said Tiffany as she pulls Taeyeon to face her, so she could do the koala hug, wrapping her thighs around Taeyeon's waist, closing in their face, "I want you to fuck me and I want us to have sex" she lets out a soft moan, turning Taeyeon's hormones on.
Taeyeon lick her lips, "to the room" she smirks.
"to the room" Tiffany repeats Taeyeon's words with a seductive voice as the elder girl carries her towards their room, she held on tighter.

Going into the room, Taeyeon closes the door, placing Tiffany on the bed.
"WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?!"
Tiffany jumps up onto the bed, she scans around the room.

"what was what Tiff??" Taeyeon sits on the bed as well.

"I swear..i saw something runs in around room, like a big rat!!! Tae!!!!"

"rat~ owh....a rat....i named that 'rat'" Taeyeon smirks.



This time, Tiffany hears small soft bell ringing, out come something from underneath the bed, Taeyeon bends down to pick it up. Tiffany's mouth slowly opens wide as she kneels back down on the bed, beside Taeyeon. She cant believe her eyes.
Taeyeon smiles seeing such situation.
"His name is Ginger"


"He's cute...I've been trying to get along with him"

Tiffany looks at the puppy in Taeyeon's hand, with it's little red tongue visible.
Taeyeon passes the black puppy poodle to Tiffany.

"I bought it during the phone conversation...the first call you called to tell about him...I knew you are in love with him. I got him and I was at my mum's place. Ginger. Cos. My mum came home from the market and this little black kid here, he's messing with the ginger my mum bought, he sort of chew on it and start gagging up. So, there's the idea of where the name came from, if you want to change it, go ahead, he's yours"

Tiffany kisses Ginger on the nose before placing the puppy on the bed as she starts getting up, straddling Taeyeon on the waist, pushes them both back onto bed as they both starts making out, moans and groans coming from the two.

Taeyeon felt Tiffany's hand sliding upwards, groping the right side of her boob, squeezing it and then releasing it and then squeezing it again, Taeyeon let out a sigh, her hips automatically bucking up, meeting Tiff's.

"he's ours"

Tiffany said that before letting her tongue lap messily in and out of Taeyeon's mouth, her hands busy groping Taeyeon's breast.

"ahnn~ fany hah~~~ahhh"

Taeyeon cant stand it the moment she felt Tiffany's knee brushes on her wet spot, sending a certain sensation to her tummy, "ourkidiswatching"

Tiffany didn't bother, she wants Taeyeon and she knows the latter below her wants her too.
She let's her finger tips traces up and down Taeyeon's core, causing the latter to gasp, but their moment were interrupted when they hears a puppy yapping, the two stop.
Ginger is closing towards them, yapping a little bit, wagging his tail.
Tiffany sat up, hugging Ginger in her arms, kissing it a few times.

"you're kissing him and then you're making out with me, fany? Seriously?"

"come on, he's clean right"

Taeyeon laughs off.
Tiffany gets off from the bed, walking with Ginger in her arms, to the door. She then carries Ginger up to her eyes level, looking at the puppy, which cause her to smile happily to know that this puppy in her hands belongs to her and Taeyeon.
"GinGin....daddy here is trying to urm...'make' a sibling for you now, go find cousin Bori, okay?"

Taeyeon finds herself gulps just by hearing how Tiffany said the word, 'make'.
Opening the door at a small gap, enough for Ginger to escape out from the room, Tiffany closes the door, locking it, she turns around, looking at Taeyeon.


Tiffany takes a step forward.

"I want the whole bed sheet, wet to only stop the night session"

Taeyeon sits up, pretending to think deeply, "wait...that means you will temporarily need a wheelchair"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon who slowly smirks cheekily.
"bitchy~" Taeyeon replied.

Running towards Taeyeon, crashing her body against Taeyeon, she sighs, breathing heavily when she is on top of Taeyeon.

"My Taeyeon forever"

"My Tiffany for eternity"

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