184>TaeNy no more?

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It's another night that Taeyeon hears Tiffany sobbing in the dark in the middle of the night, come to think of it, it's been the 3rd night of continuously and every single time Taeyeon would wake up and asked her girlfriend what was the matter so she could comfort her, Tiffany will only obliged by shaking her head and tell her it's nothing.
Tonight. She's determine to get an answer.
Switching the table lamp on, Tiffany instantly stops her soft crying, but she didn't make any move or say a word about it. Taeyeon pulls the comforter off from herself as she leans closer to Tiffany, "Fany-ahh~" Taeyeon places a hand on Tiffany's shoulder, "It's been the 3rd night of this happening, can't you tell me now, what is going on?" she ask worriedly.
Once again, Tiffany shook her head. Taeyeon look over and Tiffany already has half her face hidden underneath the blanket.
"I feel like a failure Tiff" Taeyeon sighs, sitting on her side of the bed, without touching Tiffany, she crosses her arms, "Now you don't even tell me what's wrong, or...do you want me to find out by my own?"
Taeyeon look over at Tiffany, who still remains silent and unmoved. Things were getting more and more frustrating for Taeyeon on the other hand.
"Fine" Taeyeon slaps both her hand on the mattress as she leaves the bed, but she was being hold back as Tiffany back hug her, arms locking around her neck, "Why" Taeyeon lets her hand caress the hands that's around her neck, "Why is it so hard to tell?"
"...p-promise me..."
"That you'll never leave me...no matter what...changes" Tiffany soft after crying voice speaks finally.
Puzzled, Taeyeon tries to turn around, but Tiffany holds her firmly, making Taeyeon have a hard time to actually turn around but with Tiffany reacting that way, Taeyeon knew Tiffany would only talk in this way or else, the girl will just lock herself with silence.
"What is going to change?" asked Taeyeon.
"I really love you" Tiffany sighs, she sounded so unwilling and this makes Taeyeon's heart starts racing every seconds the time clicks.
"Fany-ahhh" her voice pleading, she seriously can't take it anymore with this feeling.
Tiffany shakes her head, "Forgive me....for the selfish decision....I....never knew I would make such decision ever in my life"
Somehow, some way, Taeyeon felt her breathing gotten harder right now.
"I have to let us go"
Taeyeon could only feel her eyes burning with tears in a second, every breathe that she took is getting harder, as crazy as it sounds, but she felt like her world is coming to an end, or this is her final stage of life, slowly coming back to reality, she shakes her head, "Ti-"
Taeyeon can't stop shaking her head.
"I know this is hard, it's harder for me....I have to tell you sooner or later, because...it is what it is...it's going to happen in any way..."
Taeyeon can hear Tiffany's breathing gotten uneven as well, it was slower and harder, same like hers and she knows this is leading up to no good. With all her might but gently, she pries herself away from Tiffany so that she could look at the girl, she held each sides of Tiffany's shoulders, shaking the girl a little bit, "TIFFANY! What are you talking about!?"
"Mr. Hwang?? Lets go see him, let's-"
Taeyeon stops as Tiffany shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks, how she bites her bottom lips in order to control her cries.
"Is not what he want or ask for....."
"...he wants you to go back and take care of him???"
Tiffany shakes her head.
"He wants you to go back to LA?"
Tiffany shakes her head again.
Taeyeon's eyes widens, her arms went limp, her hands slipping off from Tiffany's shoulders, dropping it onto the bed. This has always been a problem to them, her dad has always wished she is with someone who is REAL man as he said, although he lets them be together, but they both knows well enough that his wishes is to see Tiffany to be with a guy who can give her a family, give her kids in the future and grandchildren to their family. The leader is speechless, she can't seems to find anything to say right now, the fact is, she is losing the woman she loves today and silly how she thought it will never happen.
Nervously, she flees from her room, away from Tiffany who is starting to cry all over again, she slams the door close, in the dark, she furiously makes her way to somewhere, she doesn't knows where exactly but she just knew she needs one place where she could be alone, bumping against someone, it did not stop her, she headed straight to the balcony.
"Aish. Taeng....gu...??"
Sooyoung turns her head around, looking over her shoulder, with the dim light coming from the nature by the moon, she sees the short figure heading to the balcony in a rush, worried, she places her cup down on the dining table and quickly follows where Taeyeon headed to.
Standing at the balcony sliding door, she sees no sign of Taeyeon or anyone. As she was about to turn and search around, something- someone- her leader, is sitting at the corner of the balcony, her back pressed against the wall behind her, her knees bringing close up, pressing against her chest. Sooyoung watch how Taeyeon was slightly shaking a little bit, her hand keep grasping one another tightly, her lips were trembling and her eyes were gazing far.
Quickly Sooyoung went to Taeyeon's side, squatting down right next to the girl, she had her left hand place on top of Taeyeon's head, touching her head gently, "Taengu" she calls out again softly, but each time she takes a good look of Taeyeon's reactions, she feels more and more worried. The girl isn't acting like herself right now.
Sooyoung kneels right in front of Taeyeon, cupping Taeyeon's face in between her longer fingers, "Taengu, you are really scaring me-" her voice trails off when it seems like Taeyeon finally hears her, the leader was turning her head around slowly, looking at her in respond, but she got even more scare and worried at the same time when she sees how Taeyeon was trying to tell her something but seemingly she can't, her teeth was chattering, "Taengu...we need to get you to the hospital!" Sooyoung tries to pull Taeyeon up but the leader shakes her head, still can't say a word.
"YOONA YAAAAAA" Sooyoung turns her head around as she screams into the house direction, "Taengu....what is going on??"
Door opening was heard, the two youngest girls in the group came into the living room, Yoona already rushes her way to Sooyoung's side as the youngest went to switch on the lights in the living room, "Unnie...." as she looks away from Sooyoung, her eyes fall upon the figure cramping up against the corner of the wall, "Taeyeon unnie" Yoona looks at Taeyeon worriedly, her eyes asking questions when she looks back at Sooyoung. But Sooyoung shook her head as though she knows what the younger one was trying to ask.
Seohyun gasp when she went close to where her unnies had gathered, her expression was frighten by the eldest unnie's doings right now, "Go get Tiffany" Sooyoung orders Seohyun, "Aiooowww" Sooyoung squirms as Taeyeon suddenly grips her wrist tightly, shaking her head furiously.
"Yahhhhh. Taeyeon Unnie" Yoona tries to pry Taeyeon's grip off from Sooyoung, but the girl was gripping even harder.
Sooyoung sees hesitant from Seohyun's eyes, she nods her head to ask Seohyun to continue to do what she just ordered her to, then she turns back to looking at Yoona, shaking her head, "I'm okay" she whispers to Yoona, "Taengu....calm down....shhh" Sooyoung rotates her wrist a bit and she manage to escape from the grip.
Yoona looks at the fingers print around Sooyoung's wrist.
"Everything's gonna be fine..." Sooyoung said promisingly.

Seohyun knocks the door twice before entering the room, but she gasp when someone held her by the shoulder from behind, relief as she turns around, it was her other unnie, "Yuri unnie" she greets softly as a polite manner, Yuri nods her head, seemingly she has heard everything from outside. The two went into the room, where Tiffany was sitting on the bed, her face hidden in between her knees, her body was moving with every sobs she makes.
"Sweetie" Yuri taps Tiffany's back a bit as she sat right next to Tiffany on the bed and whereby the maknae sits in front of her.
"Unnie..." Seohyun place a hand on Tiffany's right knee, "Did you and Taeyeon unnie fight again?"
Tiffany shakes her head.
"Don't hide from us unnie, she's acting weird outside...." said Seohyun.
"Is there something we should know, Tiffany?" ask Yuri.
Seeing how hesitant Tiffany is being, Yuri with all her might pulls Tiffany into her arms, she hugs the girl tightly in her arms, "Hwang Mi Young, you can't hide it from us forever....please, Taeyeon out there wouldn't tell us, you have got to tell us" she demands softly.
"We.....broke up"
This made Seohyun and Yuri jaws drop open, shock at the revelation, they both knew this wasn't just their normal bickering or small argument, because all these years whenever the two argues, they never uses break up as a threat to their relationship and if Tiffany is saying so, it means something big has really happened.
"Unnie....you're joking right" Seohyun tries her luck, "Maybe...Taeyeon unnie was just too angry and she accidentally says so..."
"I'm the one who said it, Maknae" Tiffany snaps, pulling away from Yuri's embrace.
"But why...you love each other so much" Seohyun felt hurt, seeing how her eldest unnie was acting outside and now, Tiffany, her eyes swollen red, she felt like crying when she sees any of her unnie is being hurt this way.
"My dad.....he's really sick, Leo said he wouldn't even eat the prescription that the doctor gave...he said....his death was coming near and he is most worried about me..." Tiffany wipes her tears away with her finger tips but the tears just keeps on coming.
Yuri and Seohyun looks at the girl who is having a hard time to explain.
"Take it easy Tiff, we're here" assures Yuri.
"All this time....Khun and my dad stays in contact, Khun told my dad to be less worry since he knew I was in good hands, but my dad.....he's afraid I'll be lonely when the future comes as I start growing old, no kids....he's worried of that"
"Unnie, there's always adoption-"
"No...." Tiffany shakes her head, she looks at the youngest sitting in front of her, "Is not what he meant, not what he want....I hope you all will understand....I love my family a lot, I lost my mum when I was young, my dad was like my mum to me, both at the same time...if it's any of you, you would've give the world anything to make sure your dad will be back in healthy state isn't it?"
Yuri rubs the bridge of her nose, she didn't knew this day would come. Not especially in between the love from Tiffany and Taeyeon. But on the other hand, she really understands why Tiffany makes such decision, the American girl has no choice but to please her dad.
"I understand you" said Yuri, she holds Tiffany's hand in hers, "No matter how deep the love is in between two lovers, nothing is greater than a family's love...."
"Yuri" Tiffany buries her face into Yuri's chest, immediately, Yuri runs her fingers through the back of Tiffany's head, trying her best to calm the crying girl in her arms now. They felt another presence, Yuri finds Sooyoung standing by the door, she believe her member heard each and every word clearly, because Sooyoung seems to be pissed.
"I thought every parent wants happiness for their child and that was all it matters?" Sooyoung said in an unpleasant tone.
Tiffany pulls away and look at Sooyoung. Yuri glares at her member in unpleasant expression.
"Don't try to throw this blame onto Tiffany or her dad, Choi" hissed Yuri back at Sooyoung.
"So, is Taeyeon fault?" Sooyoung tilts her head, glaring back at Yuri.
"Is no one fault" Yuri corrects the threatening member.
"He should saw how in love Taeyeon and you was, how Taeyeon took care of you and even bought a house in Beverly in case in the future you ever want to goes back to LA! With each...and every of her savings" Sooyoung reminds Tiffany fiercely but her eyes not leaving Yuri's.
"Alone???? Is your brain losing half its memory??? Hello. What is Kim Tae Yeon doing in her life then?? Alone" Sooyoung crosses her arms.
"You are not a parent, you wouldn't know!" spits Yuri.
"Oh, do you??? I only know, if as long as my children in the future are happy, be it if he's gay, I'll let him be" scowls Sooyoung in returns.
Yuri snorts in sarcasm.
"Unnie~" Seohyun looks back and forth worriedly.
"Yuri unnie" Yoona said in slight frustration after hearing enough, she stood beside Sooyoung.
"It's Tiffany's life, so is her choice, no one is allow to interfere on what she chooses" said Yuri.
"No one?? Not even Taeyeon, Tiffany?" Sooyoung looks at Tiffany, trying to inject some guilt to the crying American.
"Yes, not even Taeyeon" Yuri steps in front of Tiffany once she leaves the bed, her body blocking the view of Tiffany, she knows what Sooyoung is trying to do, "she broke up with Taeyeon, be it if Taeyeon can accept it or not at this moment, she will learn tomorrow, or the following day, she has to...it is Tiffany's final choice, if she loves Tiffany, she'll understand why and not like what you're trying to do Choi, try to change her decision by making her feeling guilty."
Behind, Tiffany grips Yuri's shirt tightly.
"Ti-" but Sooyoung felt a tug coming from her ankle, it was Taeyeon who is sitting outside of the room all the time, showing her sign to stop saying any further, "Well fine! The reality world is cruel anyway!" scolds Sooyoung, "and don't come out now!" she slams the door close, quickly kneeling beside of Taeyeon.
The girl is already crying, Yoona and Sooyoung exchange glances before looking back at Taeyeon worriedly.
"She's...right" said Taeyeon, though she is stammering she manage to say it, "if my mum or my dad was the otherwise in this situation, no matter how painful it is, I will do it as well"
Sooyoung sighs, grabbing Taeyeon's shoulder as if to ask her to be strong.
"Don't make it too hard for her..." Taeyeon pleads Sooyoung, "she has once loved me before, don't make her feel guilty...to love, is to let go...if you really love something..."
"Will you be okay?" Yoona ask worriedly.
"Someday" or never....


Jessica opens her eyes, she smile a bit seeing where her head was lying on, her girlfriend's chest, Jessica sighs and snuggles close to Yuri, "Morning" the tanned latter greats, her hand running up and down Jessica's back.
"Let's just go back to sleep"
"Sure" said Yuri, "but before that, I have something to tell you"
"Tiffany broke up with Taeyeon" Yuri said bluntly.
"Ha-Ha- very funny, April Fool~" Jessica rolls her eyes sarcastically.
"No. I'm serious"
Jessica and Yuri made whole good 2 minutes of eyes contact, her eyes slowly widens in the fact for reality, "...what is the reason? A-are you sure??"
"I only came back an hour ago from Taeyeon's room after watching Tiffany cries herself to sleep, Sica, I am not very clear of whether did they or did they not argue anything about before that it leads to such serious and final decision-" Yuri words were cut off as Jessica shakes her head.
Jessica sits up straight, "I'll knock some sense into that girl-"
Yuri pulls her girlfriend back down onto the bed, "Who"
"Tiff of course! She'll regret the decision she made!! I won't let that happen-"
"She has made this decision after thinking for a week, how can she be wrong-"
"Well, it's just so wrong for the two not being together and they still have to work together, live together, sing together, dance together-"
"So?" Yuri looks at her girlfriend.
"Is just not right if that two is not together, Taengoo loves her so much-"
"Hah" Yuri snorts, sitting at the edge of the bed, her arms crossed, "This is about HER"
Jessica looks at Yuri's back, "What do you mean....?"
"You're afraid to see Taeyeon being hurt because you'll be the most hurt seeing so..."
"What in the world are you talking about"
Yuri turns around to glare at her girlfriend, "Won't this be a chance for you to get closer with Taengoo??" she sneers.
Jessica slowly shakes her head in Yuri's nonsense remarks. She laughs at herself.
"Sometimes...people makes mistakes..."
"Yes" Yuri stated sharply.
Jessica finds it no longer needed for their debate to continue, she gets up and off from the bed, and left Yuri's room. As she enters Taeyeon's room, she finds Tiffany packing some shirts out from Taeyeon's cupboard, but there is no sign of Taeyeon being in the room. Jessica closes the door. They made a brief eyes contact, but Jessica can see enough that Tiffany has been crying a lot, her eyes were so puffy. Tiffany continues to pack her belongings out onto the bed.
"What...are you doing...?"
"Packing my things back to my room-"
"Ti, are you serious about this" Jessica walks to Tiffany, stopping her from packing out more stuffs from the cupboard, "...breaking up with Taeng-Taeyeon.....this is not you"
Tiffany pulls her hand away from Jessica's grip as she continues to pack her things, "I am making the decision myself, what do you mean it is not me, Jess...." Tiffany stops, "please...I don't want to explain things all over again, it is going to hurt me again and I am going to cry...So, don't"
Jessica opens her mouth wanting to say something, but she didn't.
Tiffany walks over to the bed, she starts packing the belonging into a big luggage bag.
"You're making this such a big deal, you and Taeyeon will just get back along later on Ti...you know it, you clings to her, she clings to you, she'll definitely do something and-"
"And I will stop whatever she tries to do, because the more she tries, the more hurt she is going to be at the end" Tiffany stated firmly.
"Why the sudden cruelty....."
Tiffany stops packing at that moment, she stare at the bed, the luggage bag lying in front of her, "Cruelty? Ask the people or God"
"Don't involve others or God into this situation, it is your choice Ti, you can't-"
"Can't what Jess? Blame on others?? Then why created me and Taeyeon to fall in love with each other when we know we can't ever be publicly expressing our relationship?? Why is Taeyeon a girl! Why is Taeyeon a born Korean? Why is my dad sick! Why am I stuck in this bloody mess and I can't even choose what I really wanted!!!!"
"...the world doesn't really let me choose right now" Tiffany looks away, she continue packing again.
"And that's it? You're going to let go....of Taeyeon...?"
"Yes" she answered without hesitance.
"Ti, I know this is not what you want..." Jessica retreated back to the door, "Someday, you're going to find yourself running back to Taeyeon all over again, because....you had live long enough with her to learn how great a love can be" she sighs and left the room.


Yuri left to the gym while Tiffany throws on a pair of sunglasses and heads to the SME building to meet up with Taeyeon's manager who called her earlier. Tiffany was guessing Taeyeon's manager was perhaps going to try helping out on Taeyeon about their relationship. She knocks a few times before entering the room.
"Hello" he greets.
Tiffany bows a bit before sitting at one of the vacant couch.
"Can I keep the glasses on?" Tiffany ask, placing her handbag onto her lap.
Taeyeon's manager nods his head, "Sure..."
Tiffany stays quiet, waiting for him to start the conversation.
"I've been thinking long enough before calling you to come over here alone, Tiffany..."
"Ne oppa, what is it"
"The public is beginning to be aware of your relationship with Taeyeon..."
"We need to do something about it, we've been getting letters of demanding to know the truth, and most of them, were cursing, yes cursing to know the truth if you two are really together and how can especially two famous female idols, to be having a lesbian relationship...."
This is all out from Tiffany's guesses.
"You know, I am selfish, but I've been thinking, it will be a better idea rather than splitting the two of you up, lets put you or Taeyeon in a relationship...you know...more like a camouflage to-"
Tiffany shakes her head, "No need for that, I have already broke up with Taeyeon....last night" and it still hurts her to say so. It pains her heart so much from the inside. Even the manager jaw drops open, can't believe what Tiffany just said.
"It just happens oppa and is not like the previous arguments where we will get back along, because this time, we did not argue, it was in a calm situation when I call it a break" Tiffany assures the manager that whatever she is saying, is nothing but the truth.
"But we still need a cover up"
"People needs to get the idea that you were never with Taeyeon and you have a proper boyfriend"
"And how is that going to happen"
"I've received a return call from JYP earlier...2pm...is coming out with a new song and we think-"
"So you're going to use me, to heat up the topic so it can gains 2pm's comeback popularity as well?"
"Don't think of it as that way-"
"Khun oppa is going to be....that guy?" she finds herself not even being able to say that word, 'boyfriend'.
"Yes. You know, since you two has a lot of news on the internet-"
"I get it I get it" Tiffany doesn't needs to be reminded about it, "and he is fine with that...?"
Taeyeon's manager oppa nods his head.
"I'm sorry....Tiffany, that it has to be this way...you know in  the future when Girl Generation is to stop promoting, Taeyeon has the very high chances to continue as a solo artist, she has a very bright future as a singer....and if the world, if Korea has one less good singer, it will be a waste for Taeyeon to stop sharing her voice...if both of you come out and say it, I know you have supporters too, but....never ever forget, Taeyeon's birth place is, here, South Korea"
"Seemingly all these were a set up, everything seems to link up together in place...seems like, God is really providing a way for all these to happens..."
"Oppa" Tiffany stops him from talking further, "Make it happen"
Dad will see or hear the news, in that way, he will really believe that I am with Khun...and he will start worrying less, though is a lie, it is a white lie...and manager oppa was right, Taeyeon has a bright future, she doesn't need someone like me to ruin her future...what the heck, I am ruining her now already anyway...Tiffany, stay strong to this...for Taeyeon...for yourself and daddy....
"I've think about coming up with a news of you being a relationship since early this January? Since Yoona and Sooyoung news were about that time..."
"Okay..how are you going to-"
"We're going to pay Sport Scandal for that.." he stated quietly, like he felt guilty for what he already has in plan.
"Okay, seems like you have everything in your hands well planned, I shall take my leave right now, I have a lot to do" Tiffany rose up from the chair, "Oppa...one last thing"
"Don't tell Taeyeon any of this, today's meeting, okay?"
"Sure, Tiffany...I just hope she will be alright soon"
"She will be, don't worry...I'll make sure of that"

Things were becoming scary for the members who stayed behind to watch over Taeyeon secretly, the girl seems to be normal, though Jessica is oblivious that Taeyeon's soul is not with her, her eyes were dead.
"Damn....she looks as though she is possessed" claims Sooyoung with Yoona nodding her head.
"Maybe they made up?" said Hyoyeon suggestively.
"No" Yoona shook her head, "Fany unnie as pack all her stuffs back to her old room"
"She did that the last time too but in the end-"
"This is not like last time" said Jessica finally, "I saw the determination in Fany's eyes when I went over to talk to her today, I tried consulting her, but she denied all access and tries. I've never seen her so firm..."
The four continues to watch Taeyeon over from the living room, the girl is watching Running Man. Though there's jokes and funny parts, Taeyeon remains to have the same expression.
Sooyoung sighs softly.
"I don't think they can ever break up with one another" she said.
"They've been living together for so long, neither one can get use to being without each other" said Yoona. Sooyoung nods her head in agreement.
The tv suddenly being switch off made the four girls immediately shuts up, Taeyeon throws the remote control onto the couch, she looks at her members, "I'll be taking a bath"
"Sure unnie" said Yoona while Hyoyeon awkwardly waves goodbye.
Jessica wanted to follow by Sooyoung held her back, "What are trying to do?? Don't go scolding her-" she whisper warningly.
"No I am not about to" Jessica snarls, "I just want to let her know something."
Quickly following right behind of Taeyeon, Jessica stops the latter from closing the door.
"Ne" Taeyeon looks at Jessica.
"I know you're pretending"
Taeyeon smiles in a pathetically kind of way, "I am"
"Why should you, you deserve all the rights to express yourself-"
"I've expressed myself too much to her...and made her confused...I am at fault too, I never think it was because if she rejected me first place in beginning, she will feel guilty since I am the leader and also her member and also because we still need to live with each other in the house...I kept thinking love was the greatest and I go all the way for that...I never think of the side consequences...today has come, I never think of it, never think if I could or could not accept the fact...but it can happen, it already happens...It is not as scary as I think it would be, I felt...the pain was too much too bear that I was numb instantly...I don't dare to think...I kept myself away from thinking about it...I am trying to avoid it...I know I can't but I am trying..."
"Tell her-"
"And what??? Make her feel guilty, make her think that it is all unfair to me?? To love is to let go, knows how to let it go...if it yours, it will come back no matter what...Tiffany is a human too, she has all kind of rights to make her own decision and who are we to interfere what she has decided"
"Taengoo, you can try to convince her-"
Taeyeon shakes her head, "I am going to show her, that, I am alright...that I will be...so at least I can still be around her, making sure she is alright"
"Now, you guys don't have to go worrying all about me, in this moment, Tiffany needs support from you guys too"
"You and Yuri are the second closes friend she has as a member, we are all in the same team, lets not be divided into groups....okay....? For time being, I just need to have some time to breathe"
"Jessica, I am not going to cry myself to death, I am not going to die, yes, I will be sad, yes it will take a very long time for my depression to fade away, I- I will be fine, just don't worry you guys...inform the other members, I will be fine, this is my promise to you guys as a leader." She assures.
"Now, I'll need to take a bath...private time yeah"
Jessica nods her head, stepping back as Taeyeon closes the door. She walks over to the bed to pick up her iphone.

Tiffany: Yes, daddy, just get well soon and I will find a time to introduce him to you, okay?
She is sitting at the stairs all alone in the emergency exit. Her hand running through her fringe frustratingly.
Tiffany: Well...me and Tae? ...oh yeap...we are...fine.
Just mentioning the girl's name was enough to make Tiffany's heart to break, she has to admit, it was a stupid move, but it's a daughter's duty to assure their dad to stay happy and be happy. Her dad has been taking care of her with great care ever since her mum left.
Tiffany: I promise you dad....things are going well....I need to go back for mr.mr practice dad...talk later.....promise you'll take more rest....good rest...make sure you'll be back to healthy or I won't introduce you to him..
She smiles as her dad promised to take his medication on time and will take good care of his own health as he can't wait for her 'boyfriend' to come meet up with him. As the call ended, Tiffany found her phone light beeping to indicate she has a message coming from Kakaotalk.
When she opens it, her eyes widens, it was a voice message from Taeyeon. For a minute she hesitated if she should or shouldn't, but she was curios, and she has missed Taeyeon ever since their last talk, they hadn't been talking, more like they tried to avoid each other.
With all hesitation, her thumb pressed the 'play' button.
Fany-ahh...I know if this hurts me, it hurts you twice the same pain that I am going through, that you had to be the one who calls it a stop for this relationship...
Is just like how I thought, what if one day, when we grew old together, who was to go first.
I was afraid if you leave me first, I will be sad everyday and blame myself for not cherishing you more when you are around...but if I was the one to go, then I will be worried with every single steps I am taking and walking away from you...I...*sigh* I don't know why I am telling you all this all of a sudden, maybe because I felt like I could express more through this way..
I don't think I can control myself try not to let you leave me if you are in front of me right now.
The least I want is for you to feel guilty and to stay with me.
If it's what you want, is what you get.
I will make through this right?
But the question I kept questioning myself is, how long...
Maybe it was because after all these years of how we live together, I have came across being used to all of this and sudden changes makes me have fear towards it, how it will be...
But what is happening, is already happening.
And, I will learn to accept that.
Tiffany had her face hidden on her knees, her tears were streaming down her cheeks already.
I will pretend to be alright in the beginning until I eventually becomes alright...
But you have no need to worry on that of me pretending and all.
Cos I will learn to accept and let go of you..
I never...never ever thought I could actually said what I just said.
But if you choose not to be mine, I must learn to let go right? Right, Fany-ahh?
You're not a bad girlfriend, not a bad member, not a bad best friend.
Never was.
You're too kind in the heart, in all kind of ways, you always had that in you.
That is why your love ones always comes first before you.
But I'm sorry, I have to say this..
I will always love you...
Tiffany cries even harder when she hears Taeyeon saying that.
Please let this be the last time for me to make you cry...
If you cry, I'll feel better, then at least I know, you still have me somewhere in your heart.
"You do, TaeTae...." Tiffany cried, "You do"
And don't you have to go worrying about our fans.
I'll stay strong so they won't know or worried much...you know how silly our sowons are...loving us so much.....I will not have them to worried about us...
One last request from me please.
Please promise me this..
That you will do it.
Stay strong in whatever you are doing and decided to do, do not....DO NOT, ever hesitate.
I will keep myself from afar watching you.
I'm not going to say goodbye.
I'll be seeing you later, right?
Promise me one last thing *laughs* seems like I am requesting a lot..
Ok ok.
This is seriously the LAST one.
Never ever feel sorry for me, I don't want you to live with that guilt.
Cos if you does, it will hurt me even more to see you feeling guilty..
Smile for me.
Don't cry already..
Smile for the ones you love..
Don't let them be worried about you..
Okay, Fany, I will end this recording.
I...you're still listening?
It feels like I want to keep talking forever with you.
Maybe, I was feeling too scare at this moment right now...
why do I keep wanting to say your name.
Ok ok... I am getting annoying.

Taeyeon steps into the shower, there, her mind starts to replay all over again, the facts that Tiffany has left her and their relationship.
She turn the shower on, the coldest water showering her from head to toe.
Drenching herself up.
Soaking all the cloth material she has on.
She didn't care even if her clothes were becoming wet and sticking to her body closely.
I know this time, she won't run back to me again...she meant it.
Taeyeon shakes her head, slowly looking upwards with her eyes closed tightly, she let the cold water runs down her face, it felt perfect to clear her mind at the moment.
Tiffany. This is a pain that no words can describe perfectly of the situation.
Taeyeon finds herself sitting on the floor, with water still running on top of her.
I want to stay here like this, forever.
Taeyeon closes her eyes, she just prays hard for God to take all the pain away from her if possible.
While Tiffany on the other side, prayed to God that she hopes HE will watch over the young lady and don't let her be over sadden by the decision.
"Dear God, when the news is out, please watch over Taeyeon and Locksmiths for me"

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