75>Dream Team

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Tiffany is busy preparing lunch for her members,
As the rest were busy watching tv.

Taeyeon look over at her shoulder,
Looking at Tiffany who had her back face against her view, bending over the stove to turn the temperature switch on, Taeyeon has the dirty grin, as the sight of Tiffany's butt cheek appears in the view.

When she turn her head back to look at the tv,
She realize Sooyoung is looking over her shoulder too, at Tiffany.
Taeyeon uses her hand to cover Sooyoung's view.

"mwo" Sooyoung cackles.

"just watch the tv"

Taeyeon only puts her hand down when Sooyoung return her gaze to the tv.
Someone walk out from the room, is Jessica.

Just as Jessica walks out, she sees Yuri is sitting below the couch, in front of Yoona,
Her back resting against Yoona's legs.
She fight herself from letting any emotion out, so she quickly rushes into the kitchen.

"hey, need some help?" Jessica ask Tiffany.

Tiffany turn around, a spatula in her right hand, she half laugh and smile when she sees who offers to help.
"really, sica?"

"don't be sarcastic" Jessica walks over to the fridge.

Tiffany giggles, "you seldom offer help"

Jessica rolls her eyes as she takes out a can of coke and drink it.
"ahhhhh~" Jessica is satisfy with the hype the coke gives.

"go watch tv" Tiffany continues to cook.


Tiffany walks over to the kitchen sliding door and close it.
Taeyeon look over, wonderingly.

"you cant isnt it?"

Jessica looks away, "what do you mean I cant"

"because yuri is outside, that is why, you cant stay outside"

Jessica remains silent because Tiffany was right about her.

"you still love yuri don't you?" Tiffany ask.

Jessica takes another sip of her coke, "just continue to cook,miyoung, I'll be in my room"

Jessica opens the door, a little startle to see Taeyeon standing at the door way.

"hi" Taeyeon gives an awkward smile with a wave.

Jessica just smile a little and walk pass Taeyeon,
Heading straight to her room, without looking at anywhere.
Taeyeon gets into the kitchen and close the door.

"don't do anything funny" Tiffany warns without looking at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon shot both her hands up in the air, "im not"

Taeyeon then watches from the back at what Tiffany is cooking.
"not bad" she nods her head slowly.

"of course" Tiffany turn slightly around, just in time to show Taeyeon her eye smile.
Feeling happy that her girlfriend compliments her.

"smell good" Taeyeon says.

Within seconds,
Tiffany can feel Taeyeon has already move so much closer behind her.
The tip of Taeyeon's nose brushes against the neck of Tiffany's.
"smell, real good"

"tae...no, not in the kitchen" Tiffany warns again, although she felt slightly turn on by Taeyeon's moves.

"don't worry, you cook" Taeyeon now let her hot breath touches Tiffany's neck, "let me be"

Tiffany shakes her head, trying to shake off the horny pit inside her growing.
Taeyeon starts smooching Tiffany's neck, up and down, every part, left and right.
Tiffany's head tilt back a little, as she starts to enjoy the touches from Taeyeon's lips.
"ta-taee, anni"

Taeyeon smirks in victory as she knew that her girlfriend is getting hornier.
Taeyeon's hand slide into the front of Tiffany's pants.

"tae!" Tiffany hissed, but not too loud, afraid her members outside might hear them.

"shhhh~" Taeyeon bites Tiffany's right earlobe.

Taeyeon's fingers slide to the lower region,
"tell me, this is not what you want"
Taeyeon then gently stroke through the cotton, between the clits.
Tiffany immediately bites her bottom lips, as she her hips begin to shake,
Wanting Taeyeon to deepen the rubbing.
"ahhhh, see" Taeyeon smirks as she starts to kiss Tiffany's neck again.

(no!! im cooking! This is way too dirty!!)(tiffany)

Tiffany let go the spatula and quickly pulls Taeyeon's hand out from her pants.
Tiffany turn around, pretending to look all angry, but only made Taeyeon giggles.

"come on tiff, let's face it, you're always turn on, whenever your lower region makes contact with me" Taeyeon smirks in victory.

"no! just stop thinking so highly of yourself. As if you weren't turn on" Tiffany looks away.

"I was, I dare admit, every single touches from you, triggers my hormones" Taeyeon walks closer as Tiffany backs up.

"t-that's you... not my case though"

"really" Taeyeon pulls the both of them close together, making their lower regions against one another, "even when i do this?"

Tiffany let out a deep breath, but she manage to stand strong and shakes her head,
Not admitting that, yes, this is turning her really on.

"mmmm~ I see" Taeyeon smiles cunningly.

"what about this?" Taeyeon ask.

Taeyeon pushes their body so close together till there is no space left,
And starts going up and down slowly,
Although yes, their parts were cover by two material of cloths.
But Tiffany can still feel the hard pressing core of Taeyeon against hers.

"ewwww" Tiffany pretend to be disgusted as she pushes Taeyeon away, "I am so not turn on"

Taeyeon smiles and bit her bottom lip sideways.

"I don't just get turn on so easily" Tiffany rolls her eyes, obviously, she was lying.


It was their midnight schedule, where they have to go to a small gymnasium, a mini stadium
Where they will start their Dream Team shooting in about 10 minutes.

Yuri starts doing her stretching with her flexible body,
But she stops halfway, when she sees Jessica walks into the stadium, rubbing her eyes.

(the princess is cute. ANNIYAH! Don't think about her anymore, kwon yuri!!)(yuri)

Yuri felt stupid for scolding herself mentally and yet she still cant stop peeking at the princess once in every while.

After awhile when they get to the next game.
Where there will be two competitors,
They were both to be hanging and carrying their own body weight with a monkey bar.
Where when the host blows the whistle,
Whichever side of the opponent must be quick enough,
To bring their legs up,
And scissors cross the next person's waist,
And try all their might to make their opponent fall with their leg strength.

"alright, the next competitor will be TAEYEON and TIPPANI~~~~" the host announces.

(shit! That means our body will make contact!)(tiff)

(oh yeah~~~ we'll see about that, not getting turn on? Shhesssh! I don't buy that at all)(tae)

Tiffany tried her best not to look at Taeyeon,
But when they did make eye contact, it was only making Tiffany blush.

When they have gotten ready.

"ok!" the host said, "ready----"

But Tiffany was so quick, as she already use both her legs to wrap around Taeyeon's waist.

"hey! Yah! What are you doing!" Taeyeon giggles at Tiffany's eagerness.

"I just want to get over with it quickly~~" Tiffany who is starting to blush like a tomato.

(please! I don't want our weird reaction to be on tv nationwide! Fans must knew something is going on behind all this~~~ pleaseeeee)(tiff)

"ok....ready....." the host talks over the microphone, "GO!"

(alright, If I were to face right in front of her, that just means her core will be right at my waist and I will be looking at her.... And I will be so turn on that I would probably pounce on her! Mmm! That's not a good idea, not under camera surveillance)(tae)

With that, Taeyeon quickly turn her body to the front, so her side is facing Tiffany instead.
Tiffany then grasp Taeyeon's waist with her leg,
Indeed, taeyeon's prediction was right after all.
Tiffany's lower region is fully attach to Taeyeon's waist.

Tiffany starts blushing, somehow, she felt both ticklish and a little embarrass as this is the first time,
She is having her lower part of the body in full contact with Taeyeon.

"fany ahhhhhh~~" Taeyeon calls out as she flips her head back a little, trying to hang on.
And taeyeon is feeling a little turn on by what they were doing.

Other members were giggling, because they knew how hard it is for this two doing this, in front of a camera, recording.

And it was a bad move for Tiffany to actually sway her body around,
As it just makes more contact and rubbings between her lower region and Taeyeon's waist.

"errrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhh~" Tiffany lets out a frustration call out as she blushes even more.

"fany ahhhhh~" Taeyeon lets out.

Tiffany cant take it anymore, as she uses her last tactic, by jerking her hips up and down a little,
Making Taeyeon lose the grab on the monkey bar.
Falling directly to the mat below.

(she said she wasn't turn on easily? Isnt that wetness I felt just now! VICTORY)(tae)

Taeyeon cant stop laughing just thinking about it.

"taeyeon~" Tiffany held on Taeyeon's hand, which made Taeyeon giggles even more.


After 3hours of constant shooting, they finishes.
They slowly make their way out from the back entrance.
Such a fated coincidence, Yuri and Jessica walks side by side.

"oh~ sorry" Jessica said as she accidentally bumps Yuri by the shoulder.

"oh...never mind" Yuri nods her head and had a small smile, a little awkward.

When they finally manage to leave the building,
Outside, there were two black vans waiting.
Jessica suddenly turn around, with a small shy smile on her face.
And it surprise yuri, to even see that smile were presented to her.
As its been days they have been avoiding one another.

(wait....jessica is smiling to me?? Is this a hint)(yuri)

"do you- wanna come with... us?" Jessica stammers, but manage to ask it anyway.

A smile slowly lit up on Yuri's face,
A real smile from her heart... she felt happy.


"Yuriiiiiiii" Yoona's head pops out from a window from the other van, "over hereeeeee"

Yoona waves with the alligator smile on her face.
Yuri cant break the infamous smile, she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings anymore.
"sorry..." she lets out a few small laughter.

Jessica shakes her head, never mind, with a small bow,
Jessica gets into the van in front of her.

(I guess, she has chooses the person she wants to be with)(Jessica)

to be continue...

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