176>"I can do sweet too!" thought Tiffany ;)

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The growling anger voice that was obvious from outside really scares Tiffany a lot, she slowly gets up, but Yuri held her down, shaking her head hard no.

"You heard her, Yul...She'll be angrier if i don't" Tiffany sighs, while Taeyeon still knock every once in awhile and Tiffany knows Taeyeon will just be more impatient the longer she has to wait.

"I don't want her to see me this way..."

Tiffany watch as Yuri hides her face in between her knees as she starts weakening and cries. It hurts Tiffany, the elder girl stood up and leans up as close as she can to the door.
"Sorry Tae..." she whispers, the knocking stops, it means Taeyeon can hear her from the other side, "We need some privacy right now...we'll come out later"
"Suit yourself and choice"
That is all Tiffany gets from the reply, she let her ear pressed up against the wooden door, clear enough, the sound of footsteps walking away is being heard. She bites her bottom lips with her actions she made, but when Yuri and her made some eyes contact, Tiffany knew she didn't make any wrong move this time. She squats right next to Yuri to give the girl a friendly hug, calming her from crying.


Tiffany shakes her head, "I'll stay by your side, I promise" she gives an encouraging smile. Making Yuri felt a little better on the inside.
Jessica excused herself to leave the party early, but Taeyeon knows the reason why, her heart was fuming and boiling when each time she turns her head to the back and only to find the door is still shut close. Her mind was bothered with thoughts of how Tiffany is hugging Yuri inside, she felt so. Or else, what could the two be doing inside and Yuri left immediately when Jessica joined their table.
The sound of the door clicking open made Taeyeon turn around naturally.
Yuri's eyes were a little red, but the two was seen trying to act as normal as they can.
Taeyeon was expecting Tiffany to take the vacant sit beside her, which she has purposely left empty in hope the young girl would sit right next to her, but Taeyeon could only clenches her fingers tightly into a fist underneath the table when Tiffany followed Yuri to the other side of the table.
Taeyeon scowled and Tiffany caught that, she just knew, their argument this time will need more time to be fix and she believe, Taeyeon won't be doing much this time to fix it.
Once the party was over, Taeyeon had driven her own car while the rest might take the van for those who did not drive themselves to the party. Automatically, Tiffany almost followed behind Taeyeon when they were exiting, but she halts to a stop when she was at the exit door, she remembered that Yuri was taking the van to go back. Yuri caught Tiffany's hesitation, she wrap an arm around Tiffany's shoulders, squeezing it a little bit and saw Taeyeon glaring them a second before she enters her own Audi.

"Go ahead...I'll see you again later" Yuri assures Tiffany with a nod and smile.
Tiffany looks back at the tall girl, her head tilting upwards, her face fills with worrisome.

"I'll be fine..." Yuri smiles again, trying her best to assure her best friend.

"Araso...I'll see you when we get home" says Tiffany.

Just in time, as she rushes to the front passenger door, Taeyeon starts the car engine, letting it roaring the whole VIP basement parking lot, causing the SMTown idols to turn around and look at where the sound came from.
Tiffany entered the car, neither saying a word, she quietly puts on the seatbelt. The two knows that this will be a silent treatment along the way home and yet, Taeyeon still chooses to take the big long road instead of shortcut way back to home, Tiffany knew, Taeyeon only wants her to say something or explain herself in a way or else, there couldn't be anymore other reasons.

"We have so much to talk about"

Tiffany looks at the driver, Taeyeon's pale skin underneath the street lamp really seems to glow, she begins to wonders if hers does the same effect because Taeyeon looks really pretty and cool right now. She wanted to scold herself for thinking such comment when Taeyeon here, beside her, is still angry. Tiffany nods her head, agreeing. But she don't know if it's the right moment for her to say something at this moment. The knuckles on both her hands were turning freaking pale white when she grasp the steering wheels tighter, putting all her feelings and anger by expressing it out through her gripping.
"You were the one who told me to go and look for her" Taeyeon cuts her off.
"And look at where it got us to today!" Taeyeon cuts her off again.
Feeling slightly annoyed, Tiffany slammed her back against the passenger seat, her arms crossing.
"I did not ask you to lied, Kim Tae Yeon" she bravely said it out loud, "I gave you twice the chance to come out clean, but twice in a row, you choose to lies to me. Twice" she reminds.
"What choice was I given with? If i was to tell you she was sober and-"
"That was the point Taeyeon, why can't you come clean instead of thinking how i might think of the situation? Lying just makes the whole situation worse!" Tiffany replied.
"Oh yeah? What would happen if I told you she was clear in her mind when she said those words, huh???"
"It would've been obvious in the situation that it was Sica who still has feelings for you...when you covered it with lies, it made me think a lot of what reasons were you lying about it..."
Taeyeon stayed quiet, her girlfriend has a point there.
Tiffany look at the pale knuckles on the steering wheels and she look at the jaw that was tightening, filled with so much anger, she can't help it but to let her thumb reaches out and stroke the knuckles gently, "I still love you" said Tiffany. Although it hurts that she didn't get a reply when she expected it but then, seeing how Taeyeon's jaw begins to relax and her eyes weren't so intense with death glare anymore, it soothes Tiffany's heart a lot.
Getting out from the car, Taeyeon just coolly locks the door and walks to the lift, waiting for its arrival. The two was once again being quiet. Even inside of the lift, they were remained quiet. Tiffany took a big courage and intertwined their hands together, she felt Taeyeon stunned by her side, she tries her best to suppress the giggles that is about to come out from her mouth, but the smile on her face was not able to be hidden away. She loves it that she still has the power to make Taeyeon react that way, is like their love was all new to them and not years already.
Tiffany join in Taeyeon on the bed after brushing her teeth and cleaning herself.

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