196>Don't Sweat It, Boo = ]

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That evening nap...
Tiffany felt someone shook her hard on the shoulders, "Nghh" she groans, sleeping on her front, burying her face deeper into her pink fluffy pillow, her left hand randomly move around, finally manage to swat the hand that was shaking her.
Tiffany groans when she hears her girlfriend whining tone calling out for her, "Mm" just awhile TaeTae, just 10 more minutes... she plead in her mind, hoping that by her staying quiet, Taeyeon would leave her alone for just 10 minutes. Its not avail since the shaking on the shoulders continues.
Tiffany turn around, huffing as she runs her hand from her fringe to the back of her head as far as she can goes. Looking at Taeyeon pouting in front of her, "What is it this time, Tae! And it better be good!" because she rushed to show Tiffany what she is looking at, she accidentally drops the phone at Tiffany's face.
"Owww!! TAEYEON!" she scolds loudly, sitting up to rub the middle bridge of her nose, thankfully, Taeyeon brought the phone closer to her face, the impact wasn't that hard, "Ughh! What is it!" she snatch Taeyeon's iPhone6 in her hand, her eyes widens at what she's looking at.
What does he think he's doing... Tiffany frowns, she looks at the person beside her, her hand reaching out to caress the puffy cheeks, "Let him be-"
"No! Boo is our thing! You called me Boo!!"
"I called Bora Boo too, Tae~" Tiffany tries her best to first calm Taeyeon with a legit reason, truth is, she does call many people 'Boo', Taeyeon, Sunny at times too, Sooyoung, her cousins and her bestie, Bora as well.
"But when he tweeted that way, it seems like you're calling him that way too!!" Taeyeon raised her voice.
"I've told you many times, to leave him alone, stop looking at his tweets if it is what pesters you most..."
Tiffany leaves the phone back to its rightful owner hands and goes back to sleeping.
"You take this too lightly, Tiff"
Tiffany's eyes pops open again, the tone of Taeyeon's voice is telling her that Taeyeon is taking this too strongly, she turn her body around so she could face Taeyeon, "And what do you want me to do? Ask him to delete that tweet?" Taeyeon nods her head, "Who am I? His girlfriend?" Taeyeon scowled.
"To the world you are"
Taeyeon leans her back against the bedpost, her head slightly tilted upwards, her eyes lingering on the ceiling in their room.
This is getting way too serious and at anytime, we're going to argue about this... "TaeTae, please" Tiffany sighs.
"Araso forget it, sorry for intruding your nap, go ahead, I'll be fine later"
"I'm serious"
Tiffany watch as Taeyeon said so through her gritted teeth, her jaw so tense, she smiled to herself at the scene of Taeyeon being jealous, angry and pretending to be okay, all three emotions playing out one expression.
It's rare, but sexy...
Tiffany pulled Taeyeon by the wrist when the latter wanted to leave the bed. Pulling Taeyeon back on bed and she straddled herself on Taeyeon, not allowing the latter to leave with this kind of emotion, "Where do you think you're going?" Tiffany questioned the person underneath her, looking at her with slight shock of the sudden actions.
"Somewhere to chill my mind" said Taeyeon.
"What did you say again just now..."
"That I'm serious..?"
"No, before that..."
"Araso...forget it, sorry for-"
Tiffany shakes her head, "Wayyyy before that"
"I don't remem- OWW" she receives a slap on the chest from the girl straddling on top of her.
"You said something about the world..."
Taeyeon rolls her eyes, "To the world you are" every word she said, she rolled her eyes.
"Right..that I thought we have surpassed that topic and that it should never get to you ever again.."
"Sometimes is hard, Fany"
"What is never hard when we both decide to take this road...we knew what was coming, the things-"
"I know I know, that's why I said I'm sorry...I'll be fine...I just-"
"You're my world and that is what it matters most"
"I know" Taeyeon sighs in defeat.
"Now can we do something else...cos...you're kind of turning me on right now" Tiffany buries her face at the crook of Taeyeon's neck, growling as she chuckles shyly.
"T-turning you...on??" Taeyeon felt Tiffany nods her head, tugging on the collar of her shirt, "What...do you plan to do..."
"How 'bout..." her voice trails off as she gives a gentle tug of Taeyeon earlobe in between her teeth and whispers, "we begin with me...sitting on your face" Tiffany purrs a bit, enough to send shivers down Taeyeon spine.

Taeyeon dumps the Mickeroni&Cheese into the boiling pot, as she stirs it with a wooden ladle. A pair of arms wrap around her waist, pulling her back up real close till her rear is against something behind her, "Hi" that soft lustful whisper sexily vibrates at the side of her ear coming from the person behind her.
"You took a longer bath today" said Taeyeon smiling genuinely remembering back a bit their session previously 3 hours ago.
"I'm still..." Tiffany on purpose let out a soft wanting longing moan, "sensitive..like..if you touch me there now, I swear...you'll be having me as dinner instead"
Taeyeon gulps, it has been awhile, the both have to admit, that they have such conversation, flirting and all...it's been quite awhile. She half thanked that Sunny has recording for Roommate.
"And...you want to know why...I took a longer time to get myself done today...?" her voice ask in a teasing manner.
Taeyeon licked her lips hard, preparing herself for whatever sexy thing that.
"When I wash myself...when my hand leads further..below...it felt like...it was your hand being there and is so hard for me to control myself not to...just touch myself without thinking about you.."
Tiffany who is standing behind Taeyeon, back hugging her could only stifle her chuckles when she felt Taeyeon starts to stiffed in her arms, "You okay?" she ask innocently.
"Yup! Yes! I'm fine!" Taeyeon quickly compose back to her usual self by stirring faster but her mind keeps wandering off to the image of how Tiffany's hand would just wash some certain parts. SCREW THAT! Taeyeon mind scolded her, she turn the electric stove off and turned around fast enough to cause Tiffany gaps when she hugs her back, "Think you want to go for another round??" she ask in a hopeful glee. But her hopes were crush when Tiffany chuckles at her eagerness.
"Sheesh! You're a tease" she whined, turning around to resume cooking.

Tiffany: No, what we compromised is that we make them think we are together, but you're actually being so childish by starting an unnecessary fanwar on SNS!
Taeyeon overheard Tiffany's loud voice coming from the room. After dinner ended, Tiffany actually told Taeyeon that she'll be making a call to him. At first, Taeyeon is strictly against with the idea of allowing Tiffany to call him but then again, things was getting out of hand cos he was starting a huge fanward in between his fans and fans that supports Taeny.
If I don't allow her to call him to stop his actions, his fans might take it to the next level and demand for a selca of them both to shut Locksmiths...and then to make them buy this whole story, he and Tiffany will take one to make it more realistic. Ughhh!!!
Taeyeon slam her head back against the soft couch behind her, scowling to herself on her own.
Tiffany: Just stop it, you're being really immature in this situation, why can't you be the man that your fans are rooting about and leave those hates alone? Why do you have to find the need to swoop up that tweet among the thousands of tweets? Don't deny it, stop denying the fact that you're trying to make your fans to hate that Sone. What you did was really unfair- No, just stop it.
Taeyeon frowned. She promised to let Tiffany to have some privacy while having the call, as they both know if Taeyeon is beside her during the call, she would probably start cussing at him somewhere in the middle of the conversation.
Taeyeon look as Tiffany walks out from their room, her girlfriend nods her head and join her at the couch. Tiffany has pulled her legs closer to her chest as she lets out another heavy sigh.
"What did he say?" she ask curiously.
Tiffany shakes her head, "Is hard to reason with him, he's always so full of himself, never listen"
Right...and you know it because he was your ex Taeyeon lick her lips and decide to stop asking questions, she could feel her heart raging with anger every seconds passing by now.
"I think I need to take a shower" Taeyeon suddenly announces. Tiffany nods her head, picking the remote control up in her right hand.
"Join me for movies later?" she smiles at Taeyeon.

Tiffany had been switching channel after she finish watching the first episode of Supernatural, she paused the second episode, knowing that things will be much more horrifying. She looks at the clock, she's been taking more than 2 hours...
Tiffany gets up onto her feet and headed straight to their room and opens the door quietly, no sign of Taeyeon on bed since she thought Taeyeon might've fallen asleep after taking so long, then she hears the shower still running from the bathroom.
Tipping her toe over to the bathroom, "Tae" she calls out real soft as she opens the door, her eyes widens, shock, to only find a Taeyeon sitting on the wet tiles with water running and the shower head water running, hitting her from head to toe, "TAEYEON!" her voice a bit louder this time as her feet sprang their way to where Taeyeon is at.
Quickly, Tiffany turns off the shower and kneels right next to the soaking wet Taeyeon.
"Tae?" Tiffany holds both sides of Taeyeon cheeks, "Please don't scare me, Tae..."
Tiffany watch as Taeyeon eyelids flutters and opens slowly.
"Tae, what's going on?? Did you faint???"
Taeyeon smile a bit, she wipes the cold droplets of shower water off her face, "No..I guess I fell asleep"
"I thought you're taking a shower? How come your clothes are still on and you're sitting on the ground???"
"I was thinking.."
"Thinking of what, Tae"
Tiffany felt her heart clenches, she knows Taeyeon has been bothered by him and no matter how many times they go through the same topic when its brought up, no matter how hard she tries to prove or said, Taeyeon still falls back into the same painful pit.
"You know I don't lie to you because you hate liars...well, I had a lot in my mind, especially after reading his tweets...I thought, by cleansing myself enough, I should be awake by now.." she snorts in defeat like her mission has failed on her, "I guess I'm just tired...that's why I fell asleep"
"Tired...of us?"
"No..." Taeyeon held Tiffany hand in hers, "Tired of pretending to be strong...to cover up my fragile heart on the inside...tired to act like its nothing when it really hurts me inside out..."
"I'm sorry"
"No" she pulled Tiffany into her arms, "Without you, I don't know how to even smile, so thank you"
"You're silly" she hugs Taeyeon even tighter, "I thought you fainted...please don't ever scare me that way ever again?"
"I'm sorry"
Taeyeon snickers.
Tiffany giggles.
"So, how many times are we going to apologize to each other today?" asked Tiffany.

Halloween is over, Sunny sighs tiredly as she looks at her watch as she gets off from the van. She's tired and she's a bit down for not being able to join her members and her colleagues of SMTown for this year Halloween due to her personal schedule.
Tagging her card, the door unlocks, her jaw drops open seeing Taeyeon sitting on the table, with Tiffany standing in front of her, arms locked around each other necks, the slopping sound is enough to tell Sunny what they were doing, even in the dimmest light.
"TIFFANY HWANG TAKE YOUR HANDS OUT FROM UNDERNEATH HER SKIRT RIGHT NOW!!" Sunny scolds as she slams the door hard and turn the lights on, totally scaring the shit out from the couple.
"Um-" Taeyeon leap off, "Hi-"
"Go get yourself clean up now and don't hi me"
Taeyeon nodded her head and sprinted right away into her room without any argument.
"You're back early..." Tiffany tries to greet cheerfully but couldn't hide her embarrassment.
"I'm glad I did or else...we'll need a new dining table" Sunny said sharply.
"No no no no no...you got it all wrong. We won't"
"Yeah right, from the way you're touching her just now, please don't even try to reason with me"
"..sorry, rough day?" Tiffany soothe the wrinkles of her blue Alice In The Wonderland dress.
"I think I'm getting fatigue soon enough" that is all Sunny could complain.
"I think you are at it already...thought about telling oppa about it?" Tiffany suggest.
"No" Sunny sat at one of the dining chairs, "Is already hard enough to get myself as a DJ position.."
"But you being sick is not what we want, so, obviously, is not what you want either"
"I know, but work is work...hey, I have been wanting to ask you this...and I keep forgetting it though"
"Have you talk to Jessica lately...?"
"No" Tiffany look at Sunny, "Did you?"
Sunny shook her head, "I guess we are all just too stubborn and egoist to take the first step..."
"I really rather not talk about it...Soonkyu...I'm still a bit hurt by her decision, well, I'm not disagreeing with her taking cautious steps with her life...and future...is Yuri and her relationship..."
Sunny nods her head, "She didn't find her either?"
Tiffany shakes her head, "Not that I know, I asked Yul once and she said she is not going to but she don't hate her"
"We all don't...how can we hate someone who practically grows up with us" Sunny sighs, "But I really miss her, Miyoung..."
Tiffany sighs as well.
"Anyway...why does it seems the opposite? Why is Taeng on the table, your hands in her skirt?"
Tiffany blushed at the question being asked, "..."
"Are you guys into role play or something?" Sunny smile sheepishly.
"The hell" Tiffany gets up and quickly run away and into her room before Sunny could make her burn from blushing.


With Only You sung by TaeTiSeo playing the background, the two people in the dim room that were only lighted up with candles being around the spots where they could place. They spent their day being just with one another at home. Talking about what they saw during the concert, how a fan cried- wailed when Taeyeon waves to her or how a fanboy scream on the top of his lungs when Tiffany turned around and wave at his direction.
Taeyeon had a pillow supporting behind her back against the bedpost, Tiffany is straddling on Taeyeon waist with her front resting against Taeyeon chest.
Tiffany's left hand intertwined with Taeyeon's right hand beside them, while Taeyeon's left hand running through Tiffany hair and stroking it gently, Tiffany's right hand gently rubbing and at times squeezing the side of Taeyeon's waist underneath her.
Sharing their memories of the happenings in the concert.
Giggling and whispering at one another.
It was irresistible for Tiffany to just see how Taeyeon would chuckle when she shared her experience, she can't help but to lean closer to kiss Taeyeon on the lips. In result, that caused Taeyeon to kiss Tiffany even more.
The two pulled away.
"I like that sound~" she said with a lovingly sigh, her eyes was filled with lust looking at the girl being on top of her.
"Sound? What sound??" Tiffany lift her head up to look around their room, she don't hear anything except for the music player playing behind them, "You mean the song?" she looks at Taeyeon.
"No" she shakes her head, "That sound when our lips part"
"This" Taeyeon wet her lips and inch closer but her right hand guided Tiffany forward from the back, by giving it a gentle push, once again, their lips were attached together again. Taeyeon turned her head a bit to capture Tiffany lips in hers as she suck the bottom of Tiffany lips before parting again with a sloppy pop when they does.
Now that she get it, Tiffany blushed as she laughs.
"Now you get it?" Taeyeon assume and laugh along with her girlfriend.
"I can never imagine what is life like being without you, without this.." Tiffany reaches out to play with Taeyeon's fringe with her fingers.
"Then don't, we've talked about this, don't imagine, don't think about it, don't...don't even think about doing it" said Taeyeon in a soft voice, "please"
Tiffany sighed and kisses Taeyeon on the forehead, her eyelids opens when she felt Taeyeon underneath her leaning up to kiss her on the chin, while her lips is still against Taeyeon forehead.
"I don't care how many people out there want you or me...I want you, end of story"
Taeyeon pulls Tiffany into a tight hug, Tiffany closes her eyes and hug Taeyeon even tighter while nodding her head.

Lets face this world together...

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