92>the things she does for ty

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Tiffany bite her bottom lip nervously as the car slows down,
Showing signs that they were about to reach his place.
Mission starts.

Tiffany rest her forehead against her arms and sighs.

Roy ask worriedly, looking over at Tiffany, at the same time trying to concentrate on driving.

"uhhhhnn~ I felt....heavy in the head" Tiffany mumbles.

"don't worry, you can rest at my place"

Tiffany just nods her head silently.

This is it...is time...to put you in jail, for good, roy~


They park into the garage,
Roy quickly ran over to her side and opens the door for her,
Holding her by the arms to help her get out off the car.
Tiffany stumbles a little.
He quickly wrap one arm around her shoulders.

"you okay??"

Tiffany nods her head slowly, laying her head sideways on his shoulder.
Roy smiling, feeling the closure feelings that he and Tiffany is sharing now.
He slowly leads her into the house.
Leads her to the couch, she slides onto the couch lazily.

"rest here first, I'll go get some medicine for you with water"
Roy touches Tiffany by the forehead.


As roy left, Tiffany opens her eyes wider,
Scanning the surroundings of the house.

Where the hell will he put the baseball bat at.....hmmmmm...if I was a killer, where will I hide the  thing that I uses to kill someone....where, will.i.hide.it....

Tiffany sighs.
She then hears the sound of someone walking back to where she is.
Quickly she lays her head on the couch, being all weak.

"hey, you alright?"
Roy looks at Tiffany as he slowly sits beside her, letting his hand touches her forehead.

"dae...just a little, dizzy" Tiffany take the glass of water and sip a little water.

"here..." Roy passes two tablets of pills to Tiffany.

Damn! I hate eating pills...do i...have to?? Ugh~~~~

Tiffany let the pills roll onto her palm, "thanks"
She close her eyes tightly as she pop those two pills into her mouth.
Gulping it down with the water down through her throat.

"I think you should take a rest"

Tiffany nods her head slowly.
Rubbing her temples.

Come on, say it...offer me your room!!

"you want to rest in my room?" Roy offers.

Tiffany pretends to be surprise by the offers.

"don't worry, im not up to anything, I'll just let you rest" Roy smiles.


And so, roy helps tiffany goes into his room.
He help her to sit on the side of her bed.
"you rest first okay?"

Tiffany lies down on the bed, and uses his blanket to cover over her body.

Roy leans down and kisses on her forehead.

Ewww, for god sake, take your fish breath away from me!

Then she knew, he is going to kiss her upon the lips.
As he slowly lowers down his gaze.

Under the blanket,
Tiffany grab the bedsheet tightly with her hands.
He lay his lips upon hers.

She close her lips tightly, not wanting anything slip in her chamber,
She only lets Taeyeon's tongue and only hers forever.

He move his head away,
She quickly smile back at him.

He walks over to the door and switch off the lights.
Closes the door.
Tiffany jolt up, sitting on the bed.

Damn! Why does he have to switch the lights off.

Tiffany pulls the cover off and tip toe over the door,
Slowly clicking on the panel, switching the lights back on.
She looks around the room.

Tiffany starts by running to his drawers beside the bed,
Searching through them properly.

Come on, stupid bat! Where are you!!!

Tiffany sighs as she search around for the pass 10 minutes.
She rubs her shoulders a few times, feeling all exhausted.
Just then,
She looks at underneath the bed,
Tiffany crawls her way to the bed,
And leans her chest so close to the floor, as she reaches under it.
Feeling her way to it.

All of a sudden, she felt something running up her hand.


Just as she re-drew her hand out from under the bed.
She sees a big cockroach running up her hand.
To her quick reaction, she slaps the cockroach away,
Kicking the floor with both her feet, making her slides pass across the room a little.
She covers her mouth with both her hands.
Tears fighting against her will to pour out.
Her heart beats quickly in pace.

Tiffany lets the back of her palm to wipe the tears away from staining her cheeks.

No, don't be afraid tiffany! It's just a cockroach! What you're doing is for Taeyeon!! Come on tiff! You know you can do it... you know it can.

Tiffany begins to get on her knees and crawls her way back to the same spot where she is at before.
She stops immediately as she reaches where she is.
Taking a deep breath.

No, tiff, don't let this stop you. is just a stupid cockroach..

Tiffany nods to her own thoughts.
She bends her body go lower again, slowly sliding her hand under the bed, again.
This time, with more fear in her, afraid she might have another cockroach running up to her hand again, she bite her lips even harder for anticipation.

She prayed so hard in her mind, to find it as soon as possible.
And to her delight, God might have heard her.
She felt something hard that her fingers has just brushed against it.
She feel it even more, something tell her that it was what she is searching for.
She then grab it,
Pulling it slowly,
Her eyes brighten up with hopes as she sees what she is pulling out with her hand.
A baseball bat.
She slowly pulls it out, which make it slower for her to see the head of the stick.
If it's the one he uses on Taeyeon.

Her eyes widen, with happiness that she has found the proof!
But at the same time, with misery, because, this was the stick that hits Taeyeon by the head and causes Taeyeon to temporarily forgets about things, who knows if there was any side effects after that??
Tiffany look at the end of the stick, it was chipped and a part of it, was stained with blood.
The blood was stained for some time already as it can be seen.
A tear trickle down her cheekbone.

It was me who has caused this to Taeyeon...causes her to get hit by him..it was me...me....
Now! To get out with this stick!! And bring it to the cops!

Tiffany gets up from kneeling over.
Just as she turn around,
She sees black shadow outside the door.
Her eyes widen.

FUCK!!! No way!!!!

The door knob starts twisting open.
She's finally trapped, the bat in her hands...
The guy who is about to walk in.
Catching her there, what will even happen to her!

Tiffany lick her lips with anticipation on what is about to happen to her.

Think of something tiff!!!


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