116>Twinkling all the way

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It's been a success sub unit for TaeTiSeo on their mini album, Twinkle.
Things have been running smoothly as they had wished for.
Their fans never has once let them down, although they knew some fans out there were rage in anger a little when news about a sub unit will be made, it's only ridiculous how some fans thought SME were breaking SNSD apart to produce TTS as a new group.
Which the nine girls personally knew, that was not gonna happen, for now at least.
They all knew, what made them famous was Girls Generation, them, all nine coming as one.
And fans that were supporting TTS now, are all also SONES.

It was after dinner when Taeyeon was done washing her plates, she walks out to the living room.
Switching the lights off, since the rest were either outside, went home to their parents and some just in their room.
But Taeyeon caught a sight of a figure standing outside the balcony.
From the back view behind, Taeyeon knew it was Tiffany.

"hey" Taeyeon walk out casually, hugging her girlfriend from the back, resting her chin on Tiffany's shoulder, "your arms are cold, you're getting cold, wanna go inside?"

Tiffany only shakes her head and continues watching the view from their condominium, enjoying the view and also the back hug she is getting from Taeyeon.

"something matters?" Taeyeon ask as she planted a kiss on the side of Tiffany's expose neck.

"taeyeon, do you like all these?" Tiffany ask out of the blues, "fames and everything"

Taeyeon lifts her chin up the moment Tiffany turns around to look at her,
"what do you mean?"

"all these, have you imagine what's life's like if we're not famous?"

Taeyeon blinks her eyes a few times, trying to see what this is going to her to.
"I had imagine them, but I stop the moment I knew, if I wasn't Girls Generation, I was just risking a chances to ever know you, Pani ah~"

A smile slowly spread across Tiffany's face, "yeah, mine stop as well the moment I imagine not meeting you..."

"come inside and talk" Taeyeon gently hold Tiffany by the hand and lead her back into the living room, before closing the sliding doors. They walk over to the couch, Taeyeon laying on it first then pulling Tiffany to land on top of her, Taeyeon hugs Tiffany protectively, while Tiffany snuggles closer into a comfy position.

"but if we are not who we are today, so well known, we might have been able to be open in our relationship, go publicly" Tiffany mumbles, putting her chin on Taeyeon's chest as she looks at her.

"you think we're not open enough during shows and performance? I'm....not open enough with my obvious attitude around you?" Taeyeon chuckles at her own words, Tiffany who imagine it, chuckles along, nodding her head.


Taeyeon let her fingers runs through Tiffany's hair, "I know what you're trying to say, baby. I as well, wants people to know you are mine"

"you think sowons doesn't know?" Tiffany teases.

"I'm afraid someday, sowons might be actually disappointed to know about us"

"but most of them will be so happy that they'll even have a celebration or something" Tiffany giggles as she rubs the tip of her nose against Taeyeon's clothed chest.

"Locksmith" Taeyeon cheers, "I like them! I know they are so ready to accept us, they already did....most of them even wrote fanfics about us, fantasy stories about us, it will only makes them happy if their fantasy come true"

Taeyeon chuckles with a perverted smirk at the end.

"our freedom is gone taetae" Tiffany suddenly says so.

"huh?" Taeyeon looks at Tiffany.

"you know why I was at the balcony not long ago? Its such a nice weather that I wish I can be by the Han River or Banpo Bridge, maybe anywhere, at this hour, no one is going to spot us..." Tiffany admits.

"you......wanted to go out?"

Tiffany nods her head, "without oppa coming over to bring me over there, and we both seldom goes out one on one when oppa is around"

Taeyeon becomes quiet, listening to Tiffany's whining and all.

"I wanna spend some time with my taetae" Tiffany mumbles loud enough for Taeyeon to hear.

Taeyeon hugs Tiffany even tighter the moment Tiffany say so.
"me too"

"but-" Tiffany gets up, "we cant"
Taeyeon follows along, looking at Tiffany, "nothing is impossible"
"but with who we are, yeah, some things are impossible" Tiffany did a cute pout.

"lets go to bed" Tiffany gets up, "tae, lets g- yahhhhh!!"

Taeyeon giggles as she just bites Tiffany's butt cheek.

"Tae tae~~~~" Tiffany frowns.

"it's irresistible" Taeyeon smiles innocently, "come, I have a gift for you"

Tiffany rolls her eyes, following excited Taeyeon behind, half expecting tonight will be another night of Taeyeon riding her with a new strap-on or something.
Just as they enters their room, Tiffany sat on Taeyeon's bed, watching as Taeyeon pulled out a pink box, handling it with care before passing it to Tiffany.

"open it" Taeyeon put the box on Tiffany's lap.

"what is it Tae Tae"

"open it open it" Taeyeon claps her hands quietly in excitement.

Tiffany did, but she is only surprise to not find any new sex toy in it, nothing but a new mobile in it, "....what...."

Tiffany pulls out slowly with care of the new pink mobile, she recognize it as Galaxy Note.
The one she has been saying that if she can get a pink one on hand, she wants one.
But because of her busy schedule of debuting as TTS, she barely remembers how much she wanted it until now, its in her hands, she looks at Taeyeon with her eyes widening.
Earning giggles from Taeyeon.

"ja-janggggg!!!" Taeyeon pulled something out from the drawer, its another Galaxy Note, only its in black this time, "couple phone"

"THANK YOU TAE TAE" Tiffany hugs Taeyeon by the neck.

"you're welcome~"

"but you shouldn't have...I could've bought it myself" Tiffany breaks the hug and already starts switching her phone on, her eyes glimmering at the screen.

"but isnt it's more meaningful that I got it for you?" Taeyeon ask cutely, watching Tiffany.

Tiffany smiles and nods her head, then quickly kissing Taeyeon on the nose.


Few days later, taeyeon has been looking really tired lately.
She yawn as she finish combing her hair in front of the dresser, walking to the bed, joining Tiffany.
Immediately, Tiffany puts her new pink phone aside, opening her arms wide to welcome Taeyeon.
Taeyeon hug her back a little but was quickly, pulling covers over herself, ready to sleep.

"tae tae" Tiffany calls out as she sits up to look at Taeyeon from the back.

"yeah?" Taeyeon whispers sleepily.

"you've been so tiredly lately...and been leaving the house so early in the morning when the sun haven't even rise yet...."

Taeyeon who really needs her sleep just nods her head, lazy to even answer.

"what have you been up to?" Tiffany ask in concern.

Taeyeon's eyes pop opens, "n-nothing"

"yah! Why are you stammering??" Tiffany hits Taeyeon's shoulder, "what is it"

"nothing, why are you hitting me" Taeyeon turns around to look at Tiffany.

"you've been acting all strange and it's been 5 days since you last ask for sex!" Tiffany leans her back on the bed post.

"baby~" Taeyeon rubbing Tiffany's smooth thigh, "im just really tired"

"I know, that is why I want to know where you go in the morning"

"nowhere, just jogging" Taeyeon lies.

"jogging? I want to follow then"

Taeyeon looks at Tiffany, she didn't knew that lies wouldn't work, since Tiffany doesn't like exercising, Taeyeon shakes her head.

"and why not"

"cos I want to have some time alone....."

Tiffany take one last look at Taeyeon, she then lays her back facing Taeyeon, "night"

"oh gosh~ tiff" Taeyeon gently shaking her girlfriend, but no answer, "tiff"

Taeyeon looks over at Tiffany who already had her eyes close, totally ignoring Taeyeon.
"hmmmm, love you, night"

Sorry, I cant tell you yet when its not success yet....it'll be soon I hope...is not like I didn't want sex, who am I turn sex down when Tiffany is my partner.....is just that, I need my strength and focus on the next morning....hang in there, fany ah~~~ jinja.... It's all for you – Taeyeon.


Taeyeon's eyes slowly opens as she hears the voice from behind her.
Her eyes looking at the clock in front of her, it's barely pass 3 am.
She yawns, hugging her dukong closer to her, ready to sleep again.

"go deeeeper~~~~"

DEEPER???? – Taeyeon

Taeyeon slowly turns around.

"ahnnnn~~ uhn~ that's the spot~~~ harder~!!"

Taeyeon looks at Tiffany.

Is she...having a wet dream??? – Taeyeon.
Seeing how Tiffany moves her body a little, jerking a little, panting.
Taeyeon giggles.

Awww, how much she actually wanted me until she dreams of me doing her.... Who's the perv now.... – Taeyeon.

Tiffany arches her back a little all of a sudden.

"you...release into me...."

A sly smile plays across Tiffany's face before she becomes all quiet again.


"Fany! Wake up!!" Taeyeon starts waking Tiffany up.

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