175>Awkward words (Pt2 of the drama < LOL)

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Jessica smirks bitterly, the pain on her face was obvious, no way to hide it.
"How could you...."
"No" Yuri shakes her head, "Is how could you"
"All this time, all the things I've given to you, one word from you and that was it?" Jessica looks at Yuri.
"Let's not make it hard..we still need to be members" Yuri leaves Jessica, who also left quickly for the exit.
Taeyeon and Tiffany could only look at each other, not saying a word. Taeyeon pick her jacket up.
"Where are you...going??" Tiffany ask worriedly.
"After Jessica, she came all the way, planning to explain to her girlfriend...this is not fair for her"
"Why don't i-"
"Why don't you just go see if Yuri needs any help" with that, Taeyeon left.
Seeing Jessica sitting on the swing in the park, Taeyeon starts to slow down her running pace, she watch how Jessica was looking at her palms and then to the dark skies above her as she swings back and forth.
She knows Jessica needed someone, but she knows she shouldn't be the person to comfort her now since she is one of the main reasons to the cause of this argument.
"Don't take another step" Jessica's voice suddenly speaks out softly, causing Taeyeon to gasp in surprise, she is sure Jessica didn't look away from the skies, "Taking another step forward will only cause you to be a step back away from Tiff...don't get yourself into more trouble, Taengoo"
Taeyeon sighs out in disappointment, but anyhow, she occupied herself to the swing right next to Jessica.
"I..apologize on behalf of Tiffany, Sica..."
"She might've accidentally...caused the break up-"
"Why should you be the one apologizing?"
"Cause....I'm the reason....?" Taeyeon's voice came out so softly, earning a glimpse from Jessica.
"Aww, don't think too much, midget"
Taeyeon looks at Jessica, the blonde looks back in return. She can't deny, Jessica's beauty is undeniable. She looks like a doll and this made Taeyeon realize, how long it has been since she last look at Jessica this long, or even talk to her for more than a few sentences.
Jessica smile painfully, "Those words are kept inside of Yul for a very long time already, I'm glad she's finally managed to pour it out..."
"You know, is not easy to keep the feelings on the inside for long, living with it inside of you every single day, it's really hard..."
"So- You're fine with breaking up with Yuri?" Taeyeon ask in puzzle.
Jessica shakes her head, Taeyeon smiled, knowingly at least Jessica did love Yuri before, not like what Yuri and Tiffany have thought about her.
"She was the one who made me felt secured and safe, all these times when I am with her, being with Yuri gives me the sense of being protected, but she's right, I may not be fully ready to be in a relationship"
Taeyeon's jaw slowly drops open.
"But I am not into you anymore" Jessica finishes, Taeyeon closes her mouth back, nodding her head.
"Love and admiration is two different thing, maybe I was expecting too much? I was seeing how you and Tiffany are and I was expecting me and Yuri can have something close to that?" Jessica sighs.
"Every girl would wish to have a lover like you, Taengoo-" Jessica looks at Taeyeon, "Is not just me.."
"Let me talk to Yur-"
"And have the chances of being beaten again?" Jessica looks at Taeyeon.
"Er...I'll face that if it's to make you both together again, I can bear with it"
"See...that is sooooo YOU, you put every single thing in front of you first, you didn't care what it takes, but you want to make it all better" Jessica shakes her head, "If you continue to do that to anyone, people might just misunderstood your real motives you know"
"But you and Yuri are meant to be-"
Jessica shakes her head again, "There is nothing call meant to be, Taengoo. It's what people make in order to make it seems like it's meant to be...like the effort you put for Tiffany"
"Tell me the truth...why have you been avoiding me...it's obvious, Taengoo"
Jessica raise her hand up.
Taeyeon quickly cower her head with both her arms.
"Please don't flick my forehead!" she prayed hard, causing Jessica to chuckle silently and let her arm drop back to her side.
"Because your girlfriend is big jealous marshmallow and that is why you tried avoiding me as much as possible" Jessica stated confidently.
"Anni! Tiffany has nothing to do with my actions-"
"True. But you did it without realizing, your mind kept thinking of things not to hurt Tiffany and unconsciously you avoid things that will hurt her"
"Ooooh..." Taeyeon nods her head.
"Because I had a crush on you, that is why you all can never look at me the same way anymore" Jessica sighs, picking her handbag up, "Let's just leave it this way then"
"Yah..Sica" Taeyeon gets up as well, but Jessica turns around and uses her index finger to poke at Taeyeon's abs.
"Ow ow ow oww..." Taeyeon squirms away, "You poke where I was punched at!"
"Yeah, that was what I wanted to do, don't follow me...don't suggest me on what to do...go settle with your Tiffany" Jessica warns.
"You ought to let Tiffany learn how to grow up, don't just let everything gets in her way so easily, every time when she is at fault, you did something to make it up, she'll never learn when to own up her mistakes and will never grow...think about it"
"Goodnight Taengoo" Jessica's voice softly echoes the night as she makes her way to the car park.
"Will you be fine???" Taeyeon ask worriedly. She knows if Tiffany or her is sad, they will have each other and if Yuri is sad, well, Yuri have Tiffany though.
Taeyeon looks at Jessica who did not even bother to turn around as she just waves her hand lazily as she continues to walk to her.
Secretly entering her car, Jessica pulls out the Kleenex from her tissue box on her dashboard and wipes her eyeliners off, knowing that her tears will definitely smudge.


While on her way back to the dorm, Taeyeon has thought about the things that Jessica said to her. Is true, she's the person who has spoiled Tiffany. Giving in most of the times, forgives easily and even at times, she would be the one who apologize even when it is not her fault. Sighing, she finally enters the dorm, with Tiffany sitting by the couch, possibly waiting for her. Not wanting to be the first to say anything, Taeyeon could only let out another quiet sigh before closing the door, locking it and then throwing the keys into the basket nearby.
Taeyeon stops in her track, she takes another sigh, but did not look at her girlfriend.
"Where is Jessi?" Tiffany ask quietly.
"Home" Taeyeon continue to walk to their room.
A few steps before reaching their room, Taeyeon quickly tip toes into her room, tapping her chest a few times, she felt it was too hard and nearly impossible to treat her girlfriend so cold, walking to the big dressing mirror, Taeyeon lifted her shirt up to look at the injured spot where she was hit today. The bruise has definitely turn into a more terrible color, especially all thanks to Jessica hard poking at it not long ago, Taeyeon hissed painfully when she try letting her fingers brush against it.
Tiffany came in afterwards, she look at Taeyeon, then her eyes trail to wondering why Taeyeon was lifting her shirt up, shock to see the big brown bruise, Tiffany rushes her way to Taeyeon.
"What happened???" she ask worriedly, holding both sides of Taeyeon's arms.
"Nothing" Taeyeon makes her way, taking off her jacket, she drops it off at the side of the bed and climbs into bed. When she has settled herself in the bed comfortably, she sees Tiffany standing at where she left not long ago, her arms crossed.
"Are you ignoring me?"
Taeyeon sighs out loudly, rubbing the side of her temples, "What happened tonight, was a disaster...and it was because of us, so...I really don't like talki-"
"What do you mean by that Kim Tae Yeon! You can't-"
"What am I talking about? We just made a couple broke up!! Clear enough??? We hurt two innocent people who happen to be our friend and member!" Taeyeon sighs, she shakes her head, "Can we not talk about this"
Tiffany sees the point of not continuing this argument, plus, she doesn't want to further hurt her own relationship, climbing onto bed as well, Tiffany lays on her pillow facing Taeyeon who is still sitting on the bed, rubbing her temples with her eyes close.
"Are you okay...?" Tiffany ask softly, she is worried. Taeyeon just nod her head.
Tiffany keeps chanting on the inside of her mind, not to cry. Not to cry.
Finally, Taeyeon decide to sleep as well, switching the side lamp lights off.
"I'm sorry" Tiffany said, pulling herself closer to Taeyeon, normally, Taeyeon would hug her automatically but this time, there was no reaction coming from her lover, "I'm really sorry..."
"Let's not talk about this" Taeyeon sighs, turning her back against Tiffany.
"Couldn't you at least hug me...?" Tiffany said softly, feeling embarrass but she really wants her girlfriend right now, she felt guilty, things might've happened because of her. All she needs now is Taeyeon to tell her things are going to be fine.
"Not tonight"
Just like that, her tears came out immediately after the reply. It hurts.


Even though Tiffany through out the nights has secretly apply balm to decrease the bruise on Taeyeon's abs, thinking that the latter was sleeping, but who does she think she is kidding with. Of course the kid leader knows about it, is just that, she pretended not to since she decide to give Tiffany a little bit of lesson of growing up and taking responsibilities, but inside of her was paining, because of the tiny sobs she hears from Tiffany.
Things become even harder for Tiffany and both Taeyeon when the duet happens in Beijing.
Although Taeyeon was seen calm on the outside, Tiffany knew this will just further enhance their reason not to talk to each other, they did not have any skinship ever since the break up from YulSic.
"Can we talk?" Yuri looks at Jessica, her voice all calm, very different from the last conversation they had in the dorm. Jessica nodded her head and follow the tanned latter to a private room. She made her way to the couch, her heart beating oddly and strangely, in painful kind of way, but Jessica hid it behind her calm face.
"I won't lie, these few days, things were kind of hard for me to settle down...my room reminds me of you, my thoughts can't stop thinking about you and...I've decided, it's maybe time for us to settle it with a calm talk" Yuri started with.
"I agree" Jessica bites her bottom lips.
"I would be lying if I say I do not have feelings for you, I do, maybe I am not good in showing them like Taeyeon-"
"Don't drag her into this, she is not the main reason of why we broke up, Yul...You can't just throw all the blames on her when the reason was us. You don't trust me ever since you knew about my crush on her and you always reason with yourself that whatever that we argued about is because of my past. I don't need you to be obvious like her towards Tiffany, I just need to know that you love me deeply. Every single time we are together, we could not even spend a day just being sweet to each other. Because all the time, when we get to spend together, we're just having sex" Jessica felt herself blushing, but is true though.
"We did it because we love each other-"
"No, Yul...you see, you don't understand the love that I want, I want to be getting sweet text messages at times from you, I want to just cuddle with you in a couch and spend our days talking to one another, not just eating each others face out....you get what I mean?"
"And is not the call for you to hit Taeyeon every single time when you are unhappy and you thought she was the problem, that was uncalled for...you need to tone down your anger and ego, Kwon"
Yuri smirks.
"Is all about her her her her her..."
Jessica shakes her head disappointingly, "I am looking into this matter in a mature kind of way, but if you can only think of it this way, I bet this conversation won't lead to any better..." she gets up from her seat.
Yuri crosses her arms with a sarcastic smile plastered on her face, she did not even bother to look at the blonde standing in front of her.
"Oh...and the answer to your question on the previous night..." Jessica stops by the door, she looks at her ex girlfriend who didn't give a damn about what is going on, "Every time when you would just look at me in the eyes before you kisses me, you are my world, the person I want to spend my life with without regrets...even if given other choice"


The staffs decide to give a fun night for all the idols working for SME, so they had a restaurant booked in order for the SmTown idols to enjoy the night of Halloween.
"Sica unnie" Yoona shouted, "You look so pretty tonight" she smiles and Jessica smiles back.

Hyoyeon urge the two to at least take a picture for the SmTown staffs to upload it on facebook, but Taeyeon was being all awkward around Tiffany. But when she looks at her side, she sees a different thing from Tiffany, the girl was scared instead of awkward and she's the reason why Tiffany is acting this way.
Tiffany touch her earlobe, "Ah!"
"Wae" Hyoyeon look at Tiffany.
"My earring....i think I dropped it in the changing room, be right back" Tiffany left.

Leaving Taeyeon and Hyoyeon, "She's been pretty sad these few days...have you seen how she was on stage with Henry oppa? She was being goofy on stage so you won't be jealous at the end if they were all sweet and with her doing that, she has gotten a lot of hatred comments on youtube for calling her unprofessional"
Taeyeon sighs.
"I'll be back when she's ready" Hyoyeon waves the Polaroid camera and leave Taeyeon alone.

She picked up the other side of her earring that has fall underneath one of the table in the changing room, feeling relief, she put them back on. The changing room door opens, she was smiling brightly until she sees who it was, her smile faded, being replaced with lips trembling.
"Found it?"
Tiffany nods her head quietly.
"Well, let's go out then, Hyo is looking for us" Taeyeon said coolly.
"Taeyeon, I said I was sorry and I am still sorry about it..." Tiffany walks to Taeyeon.
Taeyeon just nod her head, she just don't want to say much.
Tiffany pulls Taeyeon's dress a little bit so they are close to one another, Tiffany then leans up so close, close enough for her to plant a quick kiss on Taeyeon's lips, she pulled away and rushes out from the room. Leaving a stunned and surprise Taeyeon standing there.

"Awww!! Hani is so adorable!!" Tiffany playfully tugs the mickey mouse ear that Hani has the costume on.
"I'll go get her change for another costume, it's a lot cuter" Yuri suddenly say out, hurrying to carry Hani in her arms and dashes into the changing room.
Tiffany wonders what's with the sudden abrupt reaction, but when she look up, it was only Jessica making her way to their table with Yoona along at the side.
Yuri lets her body slide against the wall as her butt hit the ground, she lets go of Hani, who take off right away, sniffing every corner of the changing room, Yuri hugs her knees close to her chest as she hides her face in between the knees, sobbing quietly.
The door opens slightly a little bit, it scares Yuri, she felt her own face all wet by her tears. Feeling scare, she knows she is doom to whoever who is about to steps into this room and find her crying.
Yuri felt relieve the moment she sees Tiffany steps in and looking at her with shock. Quickly closing the door, Tiffany kneels in front of Yuri.
"Yah! Wae!!" Tiffany pouts, this situation made her felt guiltier.
Yuri shakes her head, wiping her tears, "Shhh..."
"At least tell me what's going on....it's Jessi isn't it??"
Yuri nods her head.
"What happened?"
"I thought I can at least play strong when she's around, like I am alright even when we both decide to break up....but, I can't-" Yuri covers her face again, "When I look at her, I am so afraid to realize, she was just once mine..."
Tiffany frowns, but she hugs her best friend tightly, "You can move on, you know you can..."
There was a knock on the door. It startles the two girls.
"Erm...who is it" ask Tiffany.
The voice clear enough to be recognize belongs to Taeyeon.
"Erm...what is it?" ask Tiffany.
"Open the friggin door that's what it is"

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