115>Twinkle Eojjona~

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They reach home late midnight, with Taeyeon head lazily lay on Tiffany's shoulder.

"Tae, you alright?" Tiffany ask while she use her palm to feel Taeyeon's forehead.


Tiffany stop walking, she then turns around to look at Taeyeon, her girlfriend's face is pale with pinkish cheeks, "baby~~" Tiffany sounded worry as she feels Taeyeon's forehead again.

"I'm fine" Taeyeon smiles, trying to assure Tiffany.

"You're not, don't lie" Tiffany use her palm to touch Taeyeon's face now, "you're hot"

Taeyeon smirks, "You're so much hotter"

"yahhh~ im serious" Tiffany grab hold of Taeyeon's hand and let them faster to their dorm.
Tiffany quickly opens the door, one arm wraps around Taeyeon's waist, while the other, pulling her luggage into the house, "Baby get on my back"

"Dae!" Taeyeon then slowly climbs onto Tiffany back, being carried into their room.

Tiffany lower herself down and let Taeyeon sits on the edge of the bed, looking at Tiffany in the dark.

Tiffany wanted to walk over to the lights to switch it on, but Taeyeon pull Tiffany's wrist, not letting her girlfriend leave her any further, "wae?" Tiffany got on her knees, right in front of Taeyeon, gently rubbing Taeyeon hands with her palm.
"don't leave"

"I'm not silly, you clingy dork" Tiffany giggles.

"sit on my lap?"

"You're sick tae tae"


Tiffany quietly gets onto her feet then sits on Taeyeon's lap, immediately feeling Taeyeon's pair of arms wrapping around her waist tightly.

"what is it baby?" Tiffany rest her forehead against Taeyeon's.

"nothing, I just love you" Taeyeon then kiss on Tiffany's arm.

"and you know I love you too, but, I need to get you some medicine, so you'll be fine for tomorrow's meeting"

"can I have some milk too?" Taeyeon look at Tiffany with her round eyes.

Tiffany blush immediately, she's not in the mood, not when her Taeyeon is rather sick, but she also wouldn't want to reject her sick girlfriend request.


Taeyeon smiles.

Tiffany slowly reach out for her buttons and unbutton it.

Taeyeon held on Tiffany's hands, "what are you doing fany ahh?"

Tiffany stares at Taeyeon, "er....giving you what you wanted..."
Taeyeon's mouth turns into an O shape, she then laughs out loud.

"wae?" Tiffany knitted her eyebrows closer.

"you thought I wanted puppies......?" Taeyeon continues laughing.

Tiffany blush even harder, realizing that she has misunderstood her girlfriend's request.

"awwww~ I want that too" Taeyeon continue teases.

"go away" Tiffany blushing even harder.

"I don't want to" Taeyeon hugs Tiffany closer, her tip of the nose poking Tiffany's clothed breast.

"go away" Tiffany continues whining.

"mmmmmm" Taeyeon ignores and continue using her nose to poke places around Tiffany's chest.

Tiffany turns her body away to stop Taeyeon's assaulting.
Taeyeon smooches the back of Tiffany's body, letting out a giggle.

"tae, I said stop it~~~~"

"shhhhhhh~" Taeyeon let her index finger touches Tiffany's most sensitive part.

"tae, andwae" Tiffany hiss back.

"shhh~ listen to yourself" Taeyeon whispers back.

Taeyeon continues her finger assault, letting her finger slipping into the pants, now rubbing harder against the nub she felt.

"mmh" Tiffany bites her bottom lips, she didn't want it, not when her girlfriend is sick, but her thighs automatically, spread open, her hips moving around, adjusting to the aggressive rubbings from Taeyeon's finger on her core.

"don't......" Tiffany whimpers.

Taeyeon smiles, seeing how Tiffany is rotating her hips, going against her rubbing pointing finger.
"you sure.......?"

Tiffany pull herself to control, she gets up and leaves Taeyeon, standing at a distant.
Tiffany adjust her pants, staring at how Taeyeon is actually smirking in victory.
"Take that smirk off your face, kim byun tae"

"you sure on that?" Taeyeon looks at Tiffany, "don't want me to finish you?"

Tiffany stuck out her tongue, crossing her arms.

"well, im off to sleep, night fany" Taeyeon lay her head against the soft pillow, hugging her dukong close to her chest.

"fine" Tiffany rolls her eyes, but suddenly, there's just like a light bulb light up at the side of her head, giving her a whole new idea. She walks over to the side table to switch the table lap on.

Earning Taeyeon, who opens her eyes to look at her lover.

"I need to bath" Tiffany answers Taeyeon's question in the mind, she then pull her rubber band off, letting her hair fall on her shoulders.

Tiffany knew Taeyeon is looking at her, "night tae"

Taeyeon lift her head up a little, to have a clearer view of Tiffany who is at the edge of her bed, taking her jacket off, then unbuttoning her blouse right now.

Taeyeon gulps, her jaw slowly drops open, her dukong falling off onto the bed.

Tiffany turns around suddenly, showing her black bra to Taeyeon, "why aren't you sleeping yet, tae tae"

"I will" Taeyeon mumbles.

"fiya ya ya~ boom! Boom boom!!" Tiffany did a few times of chest pump.
Making Taeyeon sit up immediately.
Tiffany smirks in her heart, knowing that her idea is a success.
"baby, can we-"
Tiffany already shakes her head, even before Taeyeon can finish her words.
Taeyeon frowns angrily.
"not until you get all healthy again" Tiffany then walks into the bathroom.

"TEASER!!!" Taeyeon slams her head back against the pillow.


Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun made their way back into the SME building, walking into one of their manager's room.

"Have a sit, girls"

"wondo oppa, what is it~" Taeyeon ask as she sits comfortably on one of the chair.

"I've talk to Mr. Lee a week ago, regarding about a chances of making a sub unit"

"sub unit?" Tiffany repeats the word.
Wondo nods his head, smiling, "a great chance for the industry"
"you're talking about us three?" Taeyeon ask, pointing to herself and Tiffany with Seohyun along.
Wondo nods his head again.
"cool" Tiffany cheered.

Wondo, Taeyeon and Tiffany look at the person who say so, Seohyun is already shaking her head.
"I feel like it's unfair for other unnies"

"is just a sub unit seo-"

"no" Seohyun stands up.

Taeny are both shocks seeing how Seohyun is reacting right now.

"is not fair...is...is like breaking so nyuh shi dae! I love my unnies!" Seohyun walks to the door, "im not doing it!!!" with that, she left and slams the door close.

"er, oppa, give me a minute" Taeyeon bows a little as she follows where Seohyun left.

Just as Taeyeon walks out from the office,  she sees Seohyun not far away.
"maknae" Taeyeon calls out, chasing behind.
Seohyun turns around, her eyes stinging in tears, she walks into their studio room, ignoring Taeyeon for the first time.
"seo" Taeyeon walks into the studio, she see Seohyun sitting next to the cd player on the floor.
Her head hidden in between her knees, sobbing quietly.
"hey~~" Taeyeon sits next to Seohyun, hugging her with one arms, pulling Seohyun close to her body, letting the younger one hides her face in the crook of her neck, "shhhh~ don't cry, pabo"

"it....it's not *sobs* fair"

"wae....why would you think so?" Taeyeon ask gently.

"what would sowons think about us as sub unit, we did jetiseo last time and it wasn't a big success, sowons would think that we're breaking up"

"we wont" taeyeon smiles, "we wont, even after 30 to 50 years, girls generation are meant to be 9 forever"


"Seo Joo Hyun" Taeyeon whispers, "where's the maknae I once know that knows what is best"

Seohyun's sobbing quiets down.

"we're not breaking apart, we wont be. Is just that, we have our own difference of interest. Jessica, Yul and Yoona, is on acting career, Sooyoung too will be casted in a drama soon enough, Sunny and Hyoyeon is busy for invincible youth, literally, we all have our own schedule...."

Seohyun continue listening to Taeyeon's explaination.

"do you like singing?" Taeyeon ask, she smile after earning a nod from Seohyun.

"good, cos so do I and fany too"

The studio door opens, Tiffany's head peak in between the open gap, she smile because she heard everything from outside.

"unnie" Seohyun looks at Taeyeon, "thank you" she hugs Taeyeon by the neck, "sorry for acting so immature just now"

"gwenchana, is good to actually see you have that side of you somewhere inside you" Taeyeon smiles, "is pretty scary how you are too mature if being compare with the 8 of us, you know"

Seohyun giggles, breaking the hug, she then realizes Tiffany's presence, "unnie" she spread one side of her arms also, inviting Tiffany in for a hug. Tiffany runs to them, joining the hug.


The three was separated to each room of their own, to get their makeup done, for their first day of their music video, title, Twinkle.

Tiffany looks at her own red hair, through the mirror, admiring herself in the pink gown, with her black leather boots.

A smile plays on her face, feeling satisfy and that is worth to actually sit and stay in this room for the last 5 hours.

"looking good, Tiffany" wondo walks to Tiffany, squeezing her shoulders a little.

Tiffany smiles but something came up on her mind, "oppa!! Can i-"

"yes yes" wondo nods his head, crossing his arms, smiling, "Taeyeon sshi is next door, go"

"kyaaaa~ thank you" Tiffany did a fake smooch in the air and leaves her room.

She walks to the door next to hers and knock it, she then turn the knob and enters.

Her eyes widen, stunned by the beauty she sees in front of her.

Taeyeon stands up, in a gown also, but only its in yellow, not pink, her hair has extension on it.

Making it longer, her makeup was more of a natural type though.

They smile to each other.

"you look so pretty!" Taeyeon exclaimed.

"you too!" Tiffany walks to Taeyeon, touching her new hairstyle, "oh wow...it's been long since you last had long hair"

"you like it?"

Tiffany nods her head, "ne, you look so pretty" she smile again, her eyes smile showing.

"your red hair is amajjing~~~!!!"

Tiffany giggles, "come! Let's go find Joohyun" she walks to the door in a quick pace.

Allowing Taeyeon to have a full view of her outfit, 'wow' taeyeon mouthed.

"tae" Tiffany turns around, "you coming?"

"sure" Taeyeon smiles, "tiffany!"


"I'm not sick anymore" Taeyeon smiles become brighter.

Tiffany did a thumb up, feeling all happy that her girlfriend is no longer sick anymore, "good"

Tiffany twist the door knob, ready to leave.

Taeyeon smirks to herself behind Tiffany's back.
"let's just see how well the boots look like over my shoulders~" Taeyeon mumbles.

"oh?" Tiffany turns around, as she hears something, "you said something Tae?"

Taeyeon runs to Tiffany, wrapping an arm around Tiffany's waist, "I said, let's go"

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