180>Exposed Feelings

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Taeyeon was busy checking out, allowing the person to take their time to scan and stamp her passport, but while she is at it, her eyes caught something at the front of her. Two girls, whispering and giggling into each other embrace, seemingly happy in their own little world, is crazy, but she's kind of jealous at the sight. Why can't they be like this all the time she wonders? Sighing inwardly, she just gives 20 degrees of head bow at the person who hands the passport back to the rightful owner. Putting her sunglasses back on, she strode pass the two, doesn't seems to care, even when one of the wave to her. Tiffany frowned. Thinking Taeyeon hadn't seen her.
Catching up quickly after the leader, she sees the girl with the light brown hazelnut hair colour standing not far away from the entrance, she keep it steady and quiet, enough for her to surprise the girl by giving her a playful bump with her shoulder. She smile brightly at the girl when she receive the attention she needs, but her smile was fading away quietly when the girl just look at her promptly and then looking away with no interest.
"Waeyo?" she whispers, trying to look normal to the fans who are taking their picture from afar.
Taeyeon shakes her head.
"Is this about him...?"
Taeyeon shakes her head again. Tiffany sighs, but she keep her best to not show her disappointment, she doesn't want sones around them to simply come up with a story on this situation not especially when she knows how sensitive Locksmiths are.
Climbing into their van, Taeyeon was already occupying the seat next to the window and Tiffany knows immediately that it shows that the girl does not want to talk or to be asking with any questions. Tiffany knows if she pressed onto it, they might end up arguing. She has learnt from the past and she doesn't want to live a day without the dork as silly as it sounds.
"Some green tea, Fany-ah?" Yuri ask as she puts a pot on the stove, while Taeyeon just strode pass them as Tiffany stops to respond, seeing Taeyeon just ignores her so much, she sighs again and nod her head.
"Yes please"
Yuri smile quietly, "What happened, you two haven't been talking ever since at the airport or when we leave the hotel if I am not mistaken"
"Beats me. She wouldn't tell and if I push her on it, she'll probably burst" Tiffany rubs the side of her temple.
A door opens loudly, causing Tiffany to peek up, she sees Taeyeon already in her coat and a mask on, covering half her face, "Tae?" again, Taeyeon ignores her and walk straight to the living room, looking for something.
Tiffany pouts at Yuri, "gwenchana" Yuri said softly, pinching Tiffany's face.
Next thing before any of the two knows it, Tiffany was gasping loudly, she was pulled backwards with an arm wrapping around her waist tightly, all she knows is that her back landed against something soft but firm behind her, when she looks up, Taeyeon is looking back at her, no matter how intense the look in Taeyeon's eyes were, Tiffany can't help but to notice how Taeyeon's hand around her waist was gentle giving her small sensual squeezes.
"I'm heading out to the streets to see the lights, come with me" said Taeyeon softly.
A voice that is not asking, not pleading, but demanding in a nice way. A huge happy smile came upon Tiffany's face, nodding her head happily, it causes Taeyeon to smile. Taeyeon nod her head towards the door with a smile. With that, Tiffany leap off from the stool and follows Taeyeon, is not like she has a choice to dash towards the door, since Taeyeon still has an arm around her waist.
"We'll be back later" Taeyeon said to Yuri who nods her head.
"Enjoy" Yuri smiles in reply.
Walking towards the lift, Tiffany looks at Taeyeon every single time when she has a chance.
"Waeyo" Taeyeon ask without looking at Tiffany.
"Are you planning to hug my waist all the way?" Tiffany ask quietly.
"Do you feel uncomfortable?"
"Anni" Tiffany wraps both her arms around Taeyeon's waist in return, tightly, "I miss you, you were so cold after the talk...I'm afraid to even say a word"
The lift beeps and the door open, pressing to the lower ground basement car park button. Tiffany's breath hitch a little bit when she felt Taeyeon's hand naughtily slips underneath her shirt, touching Tiffany's waist, feeling the skin directly with her hand. Tiffany looks at Taeyeon who had a creep grin on her face now, keeping a straight face on at the same time, since the surveillance camera is just right above her head.
"Shhh, we're arriving" after Taeyeon said that, the door of the lift opens, the two steps out and heads to where Taeyeon has park her Benz, her latest toy she bought a week ago since she laid eyes on.
Taeyeon helped Tiffany by opening the passenger door, once Tiffany got in, she reach over to pull the seatbelt for the girl, as she did so, Tiffany is not sure if Taeyeon did it on purpose or not realizing it, Taeyeon's knuckles brushes across her breast.
Tiffany scowls since Taeyeon replied her with an innocent look. Smiled, she made her way to the driver seat, she starts the engine, smiling handsomely when the engine roars to life, echoing the dead basement car park, she step on the oil pedal and off they go.
"Why did you suddenly decide to go out, Tae?"
"Because I know things might just be obvious if we both just celebrates during the Christmas day itself..besides, Seoul has decorated the place well, Hee said it" Taeyeon focus and never once let her eyes leaves the road.
"So. We were both celebrating it earlier?" Tiffany speaks in a high pitch happy tone, "Can I kiss you TaeTae?"
"I'm driving...hold up" Taeyeon smiles.
Tiffany is looking out the window on the streets.
"You've been extremely close with Yul lately...seriously, YulTi has much more moments than us lately...people might start thinking TaeNy is losing the love" Taeyeon said quietly.
Tiffany ceases her brows, "Is that.." she turn her direction back looking at Taeyeon, "Why you were so upset during at the airport?"
"You both were really close"
"And you are really a big jealous dumb dumb" Tiffany crosses her arms across her chest.
"Okay. You're right"
Taeyeon stops her car for the red lights, Tiffany unbuckle her seatbelt and quickly lift her butt off the seat a little bit and kiss Taeyeon quickly at the side of her cheek, causing Taeyeon to look at her in shock, "But is cute" Tiffany returns back to her seat, her cheeks heating up.
"You. Being jealous...is cute"
"So I should stay jealous longer?"
Tiffany smiles, relief that Taeyeon can finally joke, which mean, she is not so tense anymore.
"Don't give too much thoughts about that..wow!! The lights are so beautiful~"
Taeyeon pulls her iphone out and switch the video mode on, recording the street lights decoration for Christmas, even she herself can't content her feelings anymore. Suddenly she record herself, feeling odd, Tiffany tried to look at what she was doing but moved away quickly enough before she was being filmed fully in the video.
"Yup" Taeyeon leaves her iphone sitting on her lap.
"I think I was accidentally recorded a little bit in that video, TaeTae"
"Doesn't matter. It'll do good for Locksmiths" Taeyeon smiles.
"You ought to say, it'll do good for you to let others know I am yours indirectly"
Taeyeon reaches out to grab hold Tiffany's hand, "My car passenger seat, will always be for you to seat"
"Yeah right-" she rolls her eyes, sticking her tongue out, "What about Hee?"
"That's my best sis! It's a different case" Taeyeon assures her.


It was Christmas Eve, the rest of the members went out to have some time alone, probably most of them were trying to gets some gift for each of them to put under the tree, while Tiffany made Taeyeon promised to stay at home while she goes out with Isak unnie and also along the way, get something for her.
The click of the door opens surprised Taeyeon, walking into the living room, Jessica looks at Taeyeon who is decorating the tree alone, "Hey" Taeyeon greeted shortly.
"I thought you went out?" Jessica ask as she approach closer and sat right next to the Christmas tree.
"No" Taeyeon continues to hang those pink Christmas balls on, "I thought I was left alone"
Jessica looks at Taeyeon for awhile, before getting back onto her feet, causing Taeyeon to look at her finally, "My presence is making you having discomfort...I'll be in my room" Jessica bows awkwardly and left quickly. Leaving Taeyeon speechless.
Shrugs her shoulders, she continues to decorate their Christmas tree, putting up gifts she ordered her brother to helped her get last month, she smile, thinking she has done a good idea by getting all kind of red Christmas socks with the members names initiate on it, it looks good too and each of them has a different gift from Taeyeon.
Taeyeon was kneeling, but when her hands gotten to pick up the sock that has Jessica's name on, she stopped, her butt slowly resting on her calves. Thinking to herself, maybe after all, she shouldn't have been so intense on the crush that Jessica used to have. Those were past tense, so why should she still treat the princess this way? It's been so many years and thinking about years, memories of how Jessica was always there for her during their early days it causes Taeyeon to feel guilty and sad at the same time.
They used to be so close with one another.
If Tiffany was to ended up with Yuri and I could only be a member, a friend, a sister, but still being ignored by her, I would've been devastated...damn! What have you been thinking Taeyeon!!
Getting up onto her feet, Taeyeon makes her way to the room, the room that she has never thought she will. She raises her fist up, but her thoughts made her doubt on knocking the bedroom door. She hesitated. Biting her bottom lips, she felt nervous. Is as if she was about to meet a new friend she knew all along on Facebook or maybe, meeting a long lost friend of so many years. Her eyes blinks once, that's when she realize, she hasn't been very fair to Jessica and this Christmas, a new revolution came upon her mind mentally, she writes it down on her list.
'make it up for Jessica Jung'
But the question is, can she?
Knocking the door, she heard Jessica from inside allowing her to go in, taking one last deep breath, she twist the doorknob clockwise, twisting it open.
Jessica is sitting on her bed, reading some English magazine, yes, it's obvious, even Jessica is surprise with the visitor.
Taeyeon gulps. But took what seems to be like a huge step for her anyway. Dragging her heavy feet reluctantly to where Yuri's bed is at, she place a square box on the table lamp. Jessica took a short glance at it then looks back at where Taeyeon is at.
"and this is about..."
"Christmas. Is about giving right...heee" Taeyeon shows her awkward grin though is really cute. With an awkward bow, Taeyeon turn her heels around, wanting to leave.
"Wait" Jessica gets off from her bed, everything seems slow mode when Taeyeon turns around, Jessica beams a small smile, she hands the box back to Taeyeon, the gift from Taeyeon, causing the girl to look back in full of surprise, "Take it back..."
"What do you mean..."
"Christmas, is all about giving meaningful gifts." Jessica shrugs her shoulders, "You're only giving me this because Tiff made you so-"
"Taengoo, I'm cool with whatever and however you are treating me previously because, I need to be mature about it, in all kind of situation, not everything goes in your way" Jessica smiles bitterly, "Right?"
Taeyeon press her lips together as she swallows hard, but not wanting to continue this useless conversation, she unwraps the wrapper, opening the box lid and shows it to Jessica, "Tiffany knows nothing about this, doesn't she?"
Jessica looks at the silver teardrop pendant lying in the box, looking so beautiful, the teardrop was slightly crystal baby blue, her eyes sparkle, with surprise and tears starting to gain in her eyes.
Jessica puffs her cheeks, looking at the watch around her thin wrist. Sitting by the side of the sidewalk, passerby giving her odd looks, wondering why is a girl sitting all lonely and alone, she would usually scowls at the person who gives her those looks, but her reasons were more than enough to be worth getting millions of odd looks.
She squinted her eyes when she see, from a distance, few meters away from her, was what she has been waiting for at the past 40 minutes, quickly standing up, she brushes the dirt off behind her skirt as she makes her way quickly to where she wants to.
"Annyeong, Taengoo!"
She greets bubbly. Earning a happy wide smile from the other girl, was more than enough to make her feel the worth of wait.
"You've been waiting too long?" Taeyeon ask, as they two begin to walk, making their way back to the building where their dream might come true and they might establish as one of the famous kpop group during the Korean wave.
Jessica shakes her head.
Taeyeon pouts.
"Sica...! We talked about lying! Why did you lie...to me"
Taeyeon pulls her handkerchief out and starts wiping the side of Jessica's face, "You're sweating..."
"Gwenchana" Jessica could feel her heart almost leaping out when Taeyeon does that.
"Ayyyy-GE" Jessica said so as her nose wrinkle up, teasing Taeyeon as she imitates the midget.
Taeyeon chuckles.
"Wow! New shop!" Jessica drags Taeyeon to one of the newly open shops, looking from the window outside. An accessories shop. There's earrings, rings, necklace, anklet, bracelet and many more. But a little too pricey for the two to afford one even if both their money combine.
Taeyeon points at one of the shiny baby blue crystal teadrop pendant, "That looks nice"
"Like those sweats on your forehead and sideburn that is" Taeyeon chuckles.
"Ishhhhh" she shoves Taeyeon aside, but not too hard, she was just fooling around anyway.
"You're the best best best best-est friend that anyone could ever ask for!" Taeyeon smiles.
Jessica smile in return as well.
"One day, i'm going to get you that" Taeyeon points at the pendant through the window again, "To remind you, about us, what we have today..."
"But is so pricey Taengoo...."
"I appreciate your existence, i don't hate you, i don't forget about us and what we have done before..." said Taeyeon, "The past few years has been unfair to you, but I'm sorry, love changes me, for good or for bad, but i was happy...Happy that i have Tiffany and is all i ever wanted....you were the first person who encourage me, to go after her, remember...?"
Jessica nods her head, she was just surprised that Taeyeon could get her such gift, to even think Taeyeon still remembers it.
"I'll always support you, Kim Taengoo"
Taeyeon smiles, Jessica chuckles cutely, both feeling shy somehow, like two good old friends finally meet again after so many years, "That's better, MaoMao"
"Dae, RuanRuan"


"IM YOON AH!" Sooyoung shouts, causing the girl who just came back to the dorm, jump up in shock, "HOW COULD YOU!!" Sooyoung sprints her way towards the kitchen where Yoona and Sunny is at, "DO YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL WHEN HE SUDDENLY ASK ME ABOUT MY BLESSING TOWARDS YOUR SUDDEN EXPOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH SEUNGGI!?" her voice echoes almost the whole apartment.
Yoona bites her bottom lips, "Sorry?" then she was turn 40 degrees around to face the other short latter.
"WHEN" even the bunny is surprise.
"The truth is...i accepted him on New Year countdown..." Yoona breathes out in relax, she pulls the stool out from underneath the bar, sitting on it.
"But they said 3 months and your manager said 4 months" Sooyoung crosses her arms, feeling betrayed.
"What do you expect, unnie? Tell the press or fans what really happened??" Yoona groans.
"How and when"
"He's been taking care of me unconditionally even when I rejected him 2 years ago, he still takes good care of me than any other oppas does..." Yoona smiles shyly.
"DETAILS" Sooyoung snatch the cup of coffee off from Sunny's hand and joins her dongsaeng at the bar, looking at her seriously. While Sunny frowns at Sooyoung's sudden snatching, she lifts her fist up, as if she was going to hit her tallest member, mouthing a few cuss towards the girl.
"I was at home and he sent me a message asking if I could just go to the balcony and look at the fireworks, I did, then he sends me this..." Yoona reaches into her pocket, taking her Note3 out and starts scrolling the screen of the phone until she stops, she shows it to Sooyoung.
[Beautiful fireworks, I wish I could've look at it, with a beautiful face like yours. Yoona-sshi, think I would ever have the chance to do so someday?][Seunggi]
Sooyoung hugs herself tightly, Yoona was readying herself with more shouting from her unnie, or maybe some puking scene?
"AWWWWWWWWWWWW" Sooyoung shivers but smile cunningly, "And that was it?? You accepted him because of one message?"
"No" Yoona smiles lovey dovey all over again, "Because, he was the oppa 'around' me all the time, especially after shooting a drama, he would tell me and teach me how to do best, improve my acting wise...he really cares not just by talking, but he shows it"

"Seobang" Jessica joins her seobang in the reading room, "Talk?"
Yuri look up through her glasses, looking rather cute and dashing when she does that, she nods her head, taking the glasses off and place it on the desk, placing the Yoga book she was reading on her lap, "You seems serious" she laughs her uncomfortable laugh.
Jessica sighs a bit.
"This is sudden"
"Then I don't want to hear it" Yuri tries to get up from the seat, avoiding Jessica, but Jessica held her wrist, stopping her to move any further away, "I feel something bad, I feel uneasy...No Sica..."
"Please seobang?" her voice cracks.
Yuri sighs and sat back down on the chair, "What is it.." she asked, although she really didn't want to.
"I think we need some time to think it over again, is not your fault, is mine, is me who I can't understand with...not at this moment. I just want to focus on our career...I don't want people to think I am playing with your feelings, I am not, I love you and I still do, but...I don't want you to feel like a yoyo...throwing you further and then swiftly pulls you back."
"And you decide to just cut the string off?" Yuri ask softly.
"You want to know why and how come we were both still calm even when we are talking about this? Unlike previously, you might be shouting, I might be screaming in your face..." Jessica smile a bit, Yuri agreed, "Is because...we were both tired of this..."
"What happened..."
"Previous days, Yoona protected me in the airport, it causes my heart to leaps and just back not long ago, Taengoo gave me a gift which I did not expected it, but all of these, are not their fault, Seobang, you see, is me, my heart leaps in any single small moves and I shouldn't be acting that way, because I have you...my heart should entirely belongs to you" Jessica reaches out to hold Yuri's hands tightly in hers.
Yuri blinks her round eyes innocently, her red teary eyes looking back at Jessica's.
"You can't" Jessica shakes her head, she situated herself on Yuri's lap, wiping the tears that managed to escape right at the corner of Kwon Yuri's eyes, "Don't cry for me, many will say it's not worth"
"I don't care what others say, this is strictly between you and I" this time, it was Yuri's turn to hold Jessica's hands, "Do we really have to?"
"Neither of us is sorry for what happened, but I am, truly am, sorry for this decision I made..."
"Is this all about her?"
"No" Jessica answers firmly.
"Can I ask something?"
"If one day, Fany were to leave Tae, will you be with Taeyeon?"
"If she asks you to be hers"
"I can't decide now, nobody decides the future, but one thing for sure is, I'll be there for her..just like how you'll be there for Fany, your best friend...Taengoo is my best friend, Seobang" Jessica cups Yuri's chin with her palm.
"You're getting tired of how I act on my confusion, see how calm you are this time? Instead of going around, punching someone in the face or guts" Jessica tries to soothe Yuri with some joke. She hopes it does the trick.
Yuri smiles bitterly, "No" she hugs Jessica around the waist firmly, "That's because I knew, I was going to make you mine again after all your confusion is gone..."

"Jesus Christ! Taeng! You've been moody towards me and is not fair! New Year just begins and this is how I should be treated?" Tiffany whines, walking to the big dressing table, looking at herself through the mirror as she pulls her rubber band and hairclips off from her slightly curvy hair.
"My puppies are EVERYWHERE!" Taeyeon throws both her arms up in the air to show her frustration, causing Ginger and Prince to look at her from  below the bed, their head tilting every single time Taeyeon does all kind of actions with her hands.
Tiffany rolls her eyes and gave no response towards Taeyeon's silly frustration. Feeling even more angry that Tiffany didn't give a damn about her whines, Taeyeon leap off from the bed and stood behind Tiffany. Out of nowhere, Taeyeon's hands grabs Tiffany's boobs. Causing Tiffany to moan involuntarily, but within seconds, the wife nudges the one behind her hard in the abs with her elbow, causing the other one to groan.
Tiffany smacks her own head, she knows whining TaeTae equals to kiddoTaeng, "Don't just randomly grab my boobs....okay" her voice being softer just in case someone might pass by their door and overheard them.
"You like it"
"You sometimes, grab my hands to squeeze it"
"THAT'S BECAUSE WE WERE HAVING SEX!! UGH!!!" Tiffany smacks her forehead hard.
"Let's have sex then" Taeyeon suggest cutely, almost too repulsive to watch.
"Not when we are in the middle of argument" Tiffany rolls her eyes.
"Okay. Let's not argue and go to bed" Taeyeon gives two double thumbs up.
"Do you feel bored that our relationship was all just love and stuffs?"
"That is why you pick on little things to argue about..."
"Your cleavage is revealed too, you don't see me complaining about it when Sehun was drooling over it"
"Wow, I guess it must be painful for him to watch then, since he needs to keep shuffling in his seat, crossing his legs from time to time" Tiffany rolls her eyes, turning away from Taeyeon as she continues to pull more hairclips out.
Taeyeon stayed quiet to think for a moment, she shiver the moment she imagined about it, "eww"
"They are boys, what do you expect?" Tiffany reminds her.
"You're becoming prettier and sexier...." Taeyeon walks to the edge of the bed and slums herself for a seat, she looks at her own hands, "We're getting older too..."
Tiffany release her frizzy hair, she looks at Taeyeon slowly in silence.
"Truth to be admit, you are so friendly and nice, you get along with every single person quickly...what if, one day, you find someone much more attractive than me in so many ways?" Taeyeon sighs.
"Why are you suddenly thinking about all this? I thought we have talked about it" Tiffany finally sits right next to Taeyeon.
"Yoona has a man for herself...is normal, they'll learn to accept, they can said out clear to public that they were an item and people will learn how to accept. What about us? If we were to declare our relationship like them, some may support us, blessing us with loves, but, there are some out there who will curse us, despise us in all kind of ways and I don't want to see people commenting badly about you"
Tiffany scratch the front of her head, "Taeng...when we decide to choose to be together, when you decide to come after me, we couldn't care more about how one will judge or see us, isn't so? Why now, after so many years, you're starting to think about this..."
"You said it yourself in an interview, you see yourself in a happy marriage, probably with kids, 10 years later..."
"With you that is.."
Taeyeon sighs silently.
"You cares too much, you can't care the whole world, Taeng, even if you wants to, not every single person can be satisfied easily...honestly, I don't give a damn how the world will see me as, once they find out about us. They'll probably start talking about my religion and stuffs, but I don't care. You know why?"
Taeyeon nods her head towards Tiffany.
"Because I have you" Tiffany slowly intertwines their hands together, "I know it's you who I have, so nothing else really bothers me...is our life, our choice, people will have to learn to accept, if they can't. So be with it. It's our life here we are talking about" Tiffany squeezes Taeyeon's hand in hers.
"I can't lose you" Taeyeon shakes her head silently, "I imagine...well, tried, but I can't even imagine it, because it hurts the moment I start thinking the what if you're not mine...it hurts..words can't describe fully on how I felt...I was....afraid"
"When people mentioned your name or I see your name somewhere, I don't just see your name, I see that as the girl I only wants for the rest of my life, the girl I still wants more even when I am having her..." Taeyeon explains.
"Tae, I may not be as good as you when it comes to expressing, but let me show you with my life, how much I love you too" Tiffany smiles.
"I love you more than anything else-"
"Including your toy cars?" Tiffany ask, her eyes teasing Taeyeon.
"Well...of course!"
"Sell one of them"
"Yahhhh! A few seconds ago you said you love me more than anything else and now you're calling me crazy for that stupid toy car of yours! KIM TAE YEON! Who knows, you might just choose your car over me someday" Tiffany pouts playfully.
"No I won't" Taeyeon smiles back, "I can't have sex with a car, but I can have sex with you in my cars" she wriggles her eyebrows playfully, causing Tiffany to burst out laughing, hitting her softly at the arms.
"Aww Tiff!!" Taeyeon jumps and traps the girl underneath her as she hugs her tightly, her breathing against the side of her neck, "Be my heart?"
"Around me until when times comes...cos when you leave, it means I'm gone as well"
"Yahhhhhh, stop being so dramatic...talking about death! Kim!!" Tiffany scolds.
"You mean so much to me, Tiffany"
"So much that you have to put your hand in my pants?"
"KIM TAE YEON. I SWEAR YOU'RE A PERVE-nnghhhh" Taeyeon slides two fingers into Tiffany's wet ready core.
Suddenly, Tiffany starts laughing as she tries to push Taeyeon up and away.
"Why are you laughing???" Taeyeon look at her curiously, her fingers stop going in and out from Tiffany, then she realizes, Prince was licking his mummy's toes, the two dogs is sitting below the bed, watching what the two of them was doing.
"No" Tiffany yank Taeyeon's hand out from her pants, she points at Ginger and Prince, "Our babies are still young and innocent"
"Let's make them not then" Taeyeon smiles suggestively.
"I've posted a picture of them on our instagram...a New Year beginning with TaeNy's children" Tiffany smiles, reaching down to pat the two dogs head, "You guys are so cute!"
Taeyeon rolls her eyes knowing Tiffany is avoiding her suggestion.
"Fine" Taeyeon gets onto her feet and carries Tiffany up in her arms, "Daddy's going to bath mummy real clean araso?" she chuckles wickedly and heads into the bathroom.

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